Click on a frequently asked question so see the answer.
General Site Questions
Is A-U an "Arwen site"? If not, why is it called "Arwen-Undomiel.com"?
In the words of Arwen the Webmistress (Arweb): "No, this is not an "Arwen site". An "Arwen site" is a site dedicated almost completely to Arwen (all Arwen content), and this site is definitely not like that. It's called Arwen-Undomiel.com because a long time ago when I was young and stupid I thought I would call my personal LotR fan site "Arwen Undomiel". If I had thought the site would grow into anything big, I wouldn't have given it such a name...but I didn't thing along those lines, and by the time I bought my domain name (arwen-undomiel.com), people already knew the site by "Arwen Undomiel". Now it's widely known as "Arwen-Undomiel.com", because most of the big name sites (TheOneRing.net, LordoftheRings.net, WaroftheRing.net etc.) have the .something on the end of their titles."
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A-U used to have such frequent updates - what happened?
Unfortunately, Arweb was a full time college student and could not update as often as she wished. As of Jan 2011, some members of the forum began to take charge of the site and provide updates. This transition requires some work, and so updates will not be frequent again until we are up and running.
Click to hide answerI need to contact you; how can I?
Visit the contact page. Anything relating to A-U's community (forum, tag, chat) should be directed to the moderating team (moderators [at] arwen-undomiel.com [replace the [at] and spaces with the @ symbol]).
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I e-mailed your arwen[at]arwen-undomiel.com e-mail address [insert time period here] ago and you never responded!
That e-mail address is no longer in use. Our apologies. If you still wish to contact us, visit the contact page.
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Something's not working! I can't access a page/a picture's not showing up/something else has gone wrong! What can I do?
If it is something was mentioned on a recent update, please let us know by commenting on the update. Otherwise, please e-mail contact [at] arwen-undomiel.com.
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Who runs A-U? Are there multiple staff members?
Yes there are! Up until Jan 2011, the site was run by Arweb. All new content and upkeep is done by a small group of forum members. Read more about us
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Who designs A-U's layouts?
Layouts up to version 4.6 were made by Arweb. The current layout is a collaborative effort by various forum members.
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Does A-U cost money to run?
We're glad you asked! Yes, A-U does cost quite a bit of money. The monthly fee is mostly paid by forum members, with some help from Google ads and Arweb. To learn more about where the money comes from and what you can do to help keep A-U running, visit
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Is A-U non-profit? If so, what's with the ads?
Yes, A-U is nonprofit. However, it does take money to run. The ads help generate some revenue to keep the site going.
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How do I become a member of A-U?
A-U does not have any form of membership. However, if you want to experience the full community we have here, the forum is the best place to look. It is as close to "official" membership as you can get.
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How often does A-U get a new layout?
Hopefully regularly. It used to be seasonal, but there was a drought for a few years.
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What happened to the A-U newsletter?
Arweb no longer had the time to run it, and we are not continuing it. The best way to be on top of A-U news is to subscribe to the RSS news feed.
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What happened to the Vanyara Awards?
Are there any contests I can enter, since there aren't any up-to-date ones listed on the A-U Contests page?
The contests are now run in conjunction with the forum. There will be monthly or bi-monthly LotR themed contests that will be advertised on the main site. However, if you want to enter more, the
Contests section of the forum is the place to go.
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What server is A-U hosted on?
Arweb: "Steadfast Networks. A-U has gone through several servers (Angelfire, Tripod, and PowWeb) and switched to Steadfast a few years ago. We've barely had any problems with them, and they offer lots of hosting features for a reasonable price. Highly recommended."
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Can I use A-U's content on my site?
You can use bits, but don't copy entire sections. This site has taken a lot of hard work to put together. Do not try to copy images directly to your site, as you will just receive a message saying "Hotlinking has been disabled; please save this image to your own server". Anything you use must be credited back to A-U.
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Can my site be affiliates/sister sites with A-U?
Is He's a Pirate part of A-U?
In a manner of speaking. It is run by the people of A-U and connected to the site. However, it is not LotR related and so not truly a "part" of A-U.
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Tag-board/Chat/Forum Questions
I was banned on the tag-board/chat room. I didn't do anything wrong; how can I get unbanned?
Arweb: "Sometimes you and the moderators will have very different opinions as to whether you did anything wrong or not. If you were on the chat room and swore, it would look like %%%%%, so you might not think you did anything wrong. Nevertheless, that's still swearing and is a ban-able offense. However, if you are sure that you did nothing wrong, e-mail the A-U moderating team at moderators [at] arwen-undomiel.com (replace the [at] and spaces with an @ symbol), and include your usual screen name and your IP address (to find your IP, go to
http://www.whatismyip.com and record the numbers under "Your IP Address"). We usually give people a second chance, but if you've been banned before and need to get unbanned
again, we can't unban you, because getting banned multiple times means you're breaking the rules. When you e-mail,
please do not tell us that everything was the fault of the moderators; this will not help you get unbanned! If you are an AOL user and you get messages saying you're banned, this is probably only an AOL malfunction. To attempt to fix it, clear out your temporary internet files and restart your computer."
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Someone was breaking the rules on the tag-board/chat room. Where/how can I report this?
E-mail moderators [at] arwen-undomiel.com (replace the [at] and spaces with @). Include as many details as possible, such as the name of the person breaking rules, what rules the person was breaking, and (if possible) other people who witnessed this happen. We'll put the person in question on a watch list
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The box where you enter your name for the chat room doesn't load. What should I do?
"Try downloading the newest version of your browser. Older browsers don't load the chat room applet very well. Also, try waiting at least two minutes--the chat room can take a while to load. If that doesn't work, make sure you have Java installed. If you don't, you can download it
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I tried to register for a password-protected username on the chat room and never received the password. What should I do?
"Go to the A-U chat room, click on the link for registering/updating a username, click on the Forgot your password link, enter your username, and your password should be e-mailed to you."
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Can I be a moderator?
Sorry, no. The moderators were chosen by Arweb and the current mods. If you stay around A-U and be a commendable member, you may be asked to mod down the line if we need one. Please don't try to ask or offer yourself up, especially since we'll most likely have to turn you down.
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Graphics & Site Help Questions
How do I get a banner dedicated to me?
Arweb no longer dedicates banners, unfortunately. If you would like a banner, there are many graphic makers on the forum who would be willing to help you out. Please do not e-mail asking for requests - visit the
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How do you make your graphics?
What software do you use?
What site programs do you use?
How do you get music on your site? How do you get this web effect? How about that one?
Where do you find all the pictures you use in your galleries and graphics?
The bottom of the gallery has picture credits. Members of the forum browse and scour the web to find images for you. Arweb screencapped the movies herself.
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How do you make screen captures?
There are various programs available. Arweb uses Cyberlink PowerDVD 5. More people will likely have opinions in the resources section of the forum.
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Will you help me with my own site / be part of my site's managing team?
Will you make me a layout? An affiliate button? Any graphic?
The best place to get yourself a custom graphic is on the requests section of the forum.
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Miscellaneous Questions
Do you have any personal interaction with the cast/crew of LotR?
Where did you get the idea for the Sanity Is Relative avatars?
Arweb: "Who knows? I have no idea where I originally heard the phrase "Sanity is relative", but apparently someone named B.J. Zanzibar said "Sanity is relative. For some of us, it's just a distant cousin." I'd never heard that quote before I googled it just now, but it fits the LotR actors ;)"
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