Shivers down your spine?
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Author:  ~RinielAranel~ [ March 27th, 2007, 8:56 pm ]
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Definitely the three credits songs, all of which are amazing. I also love parts where suddenly a piece of music I'm listening to reminds me of a part in the movie, whether I can remember exactly where it was or not. It's really cool. :D

Author:  Slickman_G [ April 2nd, 2007, 6:24 am ]
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I get shivers down my spine for many of the soundtracks, mainly throughout the film, and if listening to them on my own, I get shivers on a few songs, if they are on loud :)

Concerning Hobbits, Happy shivers
The Breaking of the fellowship, Sad shivers :)

Author:  Mablung [ April 12th, 2007, 1:19 pm ]
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Definitely Forth Eorlingas on the TTT original soundtrack, the moment that Ben Del Maestro starts singing as the riders stream down the hill towards Helms Deep. That always sends shivers down my spine!

Author:  The Nightingale [ April 15th, 2007, 6:41 am ]
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The ones that did it most... Into the West, Gollum's Song, and the song that Pippin sings to Denethor.

Author:  Elenya [ April 15th, 2007, 7:54 pm ]
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On "The Black Gate Opens", when James Galway starts playing, oh, that gets me every time! It's so beautiful
"The Last March of the Ents" and "Shelob's Lair" also get me.

Author:  Eve [ April 27th, 2007, 6:13 pm ]
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For me it would have to be "The Passing of the Elves" and " The Prophecy". And "Aragorn and Arwen's theme" :) They are all good

Author:  EarielMaurwen [ May 16th, 2007, 1:23 am ]
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The main one i can think of right now is The Black Gate Opens, which is my favorite track, because that scene on the side of Mount Doom is my favorite scene. I love when the insubstantial-sounding wind instrument starts playing... :'( So sad. Frodo and Sam have been through so much, and now this...

Author:  Erumaro [ May 23rd, 2007, 5:14 pm ]
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Bag End
The Bridge of Khazad-dûm (Last part during the Gandalf mourning seen)
The Breaking of the Fellowship
May it Be

Evenstar (Aragorn dream scene)
Forth Eorlingas
Isengard Unleashed (Ents march)

Minas Tirith (Gandalf defends the fleeing Gondorians against The Nazgul)
The Steward of Gondor (The flute and Billy Boyd)
Twilight and Shadow (Arwen sees Eldarion & Aragorn)
The End of All Things (The vocalists solos)
The Return of the King (Aragorn sees Arwen, Aragorn is crowned etc.)

There's more probably :)

Author:  hobbit_fan [ May 23rd, 2007, 9:11 pm ]
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I remember when I first heard Gollums Song, I was in the dark and I got shivers down my spine, so I had to stop listening to it, and I listened to it the next day when it was light out haha! This was a few years ago :P

Author:  Miriel [ May 30th, 2007, 10:03 pm ]
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When Billy Boyd sings "Home is Behind"...

Tears run down my face and I get chills every single time! And I mean, like, sometimes two or three times a week I listen to it. It's that moving.

Does anybody know how I might get just the song on C.D.? I'd even put up with the sounds of Denethor eating and Faramir riding to war if I could just hear the song.

Author:  evenstarelfe [ June 3rd, 2007, 9:12 pm ]
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i think you have on soundtrack, but do you want song alone or?

Author:  SynysterFreak23 [ June 14th, 2007, 6:40 pm ]
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I LOVE the "in dream' theme. it was amazing!

Author:  Gwenneth [ June 14th, 2007, 8:48 pm ]
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I can't believe I haven't replied to this thread yet.

The Council of Elrond, definitely. Just the beginning with Enya's voice. Also, A Storm is Coming. It strikes me with a sense of mystery and fantasy.

Author:  Miriel [ June 18th, 2007, 10:58 am ]
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quote: Do you want the song alone or? quote:

I don't care, I would just like to put the song on my ipod.

Author:  Ashwise [ July 12th, 2007, 10:26 am ]
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When the Rohan charge down the hill during the Battle of Pelloner Fields and you hear the Norwegian Fiddle playing.

Author:  Ariadne394 [ July 13th, 2012, 11:52 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Shivers down your spine?

There' so many great moments...

I love love love the "Breaking of the Fellowship" track in FotR, as well as "The Bridge of Khazad Dum." The "Lothlorien" music always gives me shivers, and I love the solo voice during "The March of the Ents" and when Gandalf rides out of Minas Tirith to scare away the Nazgul.

There's probably more that I can't think of at the moment.

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