Lord of the Rings The Third Age
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Author:  Ashwise [ December 29th, 2006, 11:40 pm ]
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I would love to play the game, but sadly they don't make it for computer :(

Author:  hobbit_fan [ December 31st, 2006, 3:16 pm ]
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Aramel Elyanwë wrote:
My favorite lineup is Berethor, Idrial and Elegost - I always use them. The only exception would be if Elegost is low on health, I pull him out and use Eaoden.

My favorite attacks with my lineup are War Call (Berethor), Water Stallion (Idrial) and Northern Storm (Elegost)

I've beaten this game lots of times before, but I ALWAYS get stuck at the part with Helm's Deep where you're up against 3 Uruk-Hai and a Troll. I always seem to die at that part. :confused:

How can you beat it! I always die! :lol:

Lady Raine you dont have playstation or anything??

Author:  Aramel Elyanwe [ December 31st, 2006, 4:10 pm ]
Post subject: 

The game? It's easy. I just always use Idrial's Aura of the Valar on my team so that ensures their health. You just have to know which attacks work best against said enemy.

Author:  hobbit_fan [ January 1st, 2007, 6:17 pm ]
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Haha which apparently I dont know how :P Do you have to buy the Aura of the Valar?

Author:  Meldawen [ January 7th, 2007, 4:18 pm ]
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No, you get it if you use Idrial's spirit powers enough. Aura of the Valar is a lifesaver, me and my cousin use it so much it's become a verb - 'auraing'. It's the first thing I always do at the beginning of a battle, Aura Idrial and then Aura everyone else. I'd really like to buy the game for PSP but I dont' think it's out :(

Author:  Gondor Knight of Narnia [ February 6th, 2007, 8:34 pm ]
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eowynfaramir4eva wrote:
Beat the whole game! Anybody know how to get %100?

I got all the clips, stats full, and moves.

After you beat the Eye of Sauron, load the game up again and you should be at the last save point on the Pelennor Fields before you fight the Nazgul n' etc. Just save it. It should be @ 100% then. :-D

I found a snazzy cheat thingymajigger for it!
I kinda forgot the EXACT steps (I'll have to play it again n' see if I can't figure it out...) But if you've beaten the game n' have 100% go to Eregion, Equip your team with their default gear(or gear you won't miss...) and save at the point infront of the Elven outpost-use a dif save file. THEN in the first game file(the one you saved @ Pelennor) beat Sauron again. After you do this start a new game. You should have all the gear your heros WEREN'T equipped with @ Eregion(and possibly when you fought Sauron.) Imagine whooping the Balrog in Berethor's Black Numenorean armor... :drool: I've done it quite a few times, but I'm note sure if those are the exact steps. I'll get back to ya on em.

Author:  Tsukiko [ September 1st, 2007, 5:47 pm ]
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I love this game!!! I think its the best LOTR game. My brothers are, in fact, playing it right now.

Author:  Lioness of God93 [ February 9th, 2008, 1:28 am ]
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Going off of what Gondor Knight of Narnia said, if you already have a file completed 100%, then it makes it easier to complete a new game. My brother and I complete all the evil modes after the elven outpost and save the items to the new file. I end up with four ancient elfstones, and if you give Idrial the ancient elfstone of spirit her Loudwater Fury attack does superb damage. (Although you have to give her two other elfstones to balance its negative effects.) That move saved my life against the Watcher in the Water and cave trolls many, many times.

Author:  Yamin Gibbor [ June 7th, 2008, 2:51 am ]
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I've beaten the game once and I'm now going through it again with my nephew via co-op. It is a spectacular LOTR game especially for an older console. My favorite and best characters are: Berethor, Idrial and Elegost. Favorite boss fight: The Witch King at Pelenor Fields.

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