How were you introduced to and/or become obsessed with LOTR
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Author:  Freya Baggins [ May 6th, 2007, 5:46 pm ]
Post subject:  How were you introduced to and/or become obsessed with LOTR

I didn't know where else to put this...

Here is mine. Well, My family, being fond of road trips, listens to all 11 hours of the hobbit on tape on the way back from Washington DC (we live in Georgia)when I was 10 (in 2002). I thought it was pretty good and asked my dad if there was more. He hands me the books when we get home and tells me that when I finish those I can see the movies, which I had been begging to see. Needless to say I finished all three books in the trilogy in FIVE days. I then was labeled "officially obsessed" because i would talk of nothing else.

What's your story?

Author:  Ánië Súrion [ May 6th, 2007, 7:24 pm ]
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My lovely, wonderful, amazing friend Catherine insisted I read The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings last year. And then she insisted I come over and watch the EE movies with her. Needless to say, I have not been the same since. :P (I blame her for making me fall in love with it when my parents ask. teehee!)

Author:  Anduril Vanlhach [ May 7th, 2007, 3:40 pm ]
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Well i had the Hobbit on tape when i was five, so once i finished them i read the book. When i was seven i discovered my dad had first editions of LOTR and read them, then i brought the Simerillion a few months later. A few years after that the films came out. I hated them a at first, i was a Tolkeindil through and through. However i watched them for a second time and discovered i was acctually a Ringer. Then whilst looking for a good elvish dictionarty i came acoose the site. I'm now 16 and am compleatlky obbsesed

Author:  Banana_Republic [ May 7th, 2007, 5:58 pm ]
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When I was really young, I'm not sure how old, my mom read The Hobbit and the LOTR trilogy to me as a bedtime story. She would read The Hobbit to my brother and I every winter. Ahh those are some fond memories.

Author:  Eyalan [ May 8th, 2007, 8:48 pm ]
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I was already a fan of the books, I became obsessed after an article about the movies (before they came out). Just one glance of a Legolas picture was enough to make me swoon.

Author:  Fingon of Beleriand [ May 9th, 2007, 8:46 am ]
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I read the book The Hobbit, then saw the FOTR and it went from there, me thinking LOTR almost all day. :-D

Author:  Feanaro Calalean [ May 15th, 2007, 9:44 pm ]
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I first saw "The Hobbit" in the hands of another student, a year ahead of me, on the bus. I asked him about it, and he told me the basics. I read it, and saw the LoTR box set at the store a few days later. I cajoled my parental units into buying it for me, and I have been a fanatic ever since

Author:  Ashwise [ May 16th, 2007, 6:16 pm ]
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My firends got me hooked when I was in the 8th grade. I've been a fan ever since! :-D

Author:  Renji's Howl [ May 16th, 2007, 8:19 pm ]
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My brother loved it, then it wore off on me. When I was little we used to go in the woods and play it a lot, I was always Arwen or Eyown.

Author:  elanor.undomiel [ May 22nd, 2007, 3:12 pm ]
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I was looking after my cousins one day and I was really bored, so I taken a book.. and it was LotR. Some weeks after I seen the films on TV... and it started. Now I'm a proud LotR fan =)

Author:  Eyalan [ May 22nd, 2007, 7:48 pm ]
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Murtagh's Misery wrote:
My brother loved it, then it wore off on me. When I was little we used to go in the woods and play it a lot, I was always Arwen or Eyown.

Awesome! :-D I'd love to play LotR in the woods.

Author:  LadyOfRohan [ September 2nd, 2007, 6:48 pm ]
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Ok, this is really stupid...

When FotR came out I said I didn't want to see it because it was scary...and then my parents dragged my to the theaters to see it. And um.....well I was wrong...I've loved it ever since :duh:

Author:  Ellethwen [ September 2nd, 2007, 7:50 pm ]
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My dad out my brother the regular TTT DVD right after RotK came out in theaters...I kept meaning to watch it for a while but didn't get around to it unil RotK came out...I saw a bit of it after I got home from dance class one night when my brother was watching it, and immediatly fell in love with it-I didn't rest until I saw the rest of TTT. Then I had to go find FoTR and watch it from the beginning XD

When FotR came out I said I didn't want to see it because it was scary

I thought the same thing! Because in the trailer it showed the Ringwriath reall sudden and I thought it was a scary, epic movie. XD But I was wrong too! It makes me wish I'd thought differently adwent with my brother when he went to see it in theaters.

Author:  Aredhel Ar-Feiniel [ September 3rd, 2007, 2:51 am ]
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I only was introduced to LotR err... three years ago. I was introduced to the Hobbit when I was 8 or something... mumsie read it to me.

I also didn't see it any of them in the theatres because I thought it looked stupid and - I quote - "so confusing!" Instead we went and saw Harry Potter because I started whining and crying :blush:

My mother made me read and watch it three years ago because she insisted that I should start liking something with quality and that's worthwhile, and she successfully made me fall in deep love with LotR and Tolkien :teehee:

Author:  Taurquende [ September 3rd, 2007, 3:51 am ]
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My older brother and sister offered to take me to see it in theaters too, but I wouldn't because I got it confused with The Ring which is scary... :annoyed2: The Hobbit also scared me off in around chapter 5 because Gollum freaked me out.

I got into it first because my friend was crazy over it, and one day my mom rented FotR because she wanted to see New Zealand. I didn't really sit down a watch it all the way through since I was too young to have that sort of attention span, but I liked the parts I saw and by the time I went to see RotK in theaters I was hooked. :D

Author:  TheThain [ September 4th, 2007, 5:39 pm ]
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I was first introduced to LOTR in the summer of 2003. My parents showed me the fotr and tt in EE and then we went to see rotk in theaters. I loved it, and was always obsessed, but to a lesser degree. Then I read the books, and spent 8 months filming my own home-video version of LOTR, and that just did it. I'v never been the same since!:-D

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