Christmas Time in Middle Earth!
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Author:  Most Precious Gollum [ December 24th, 2012, 11:13 pm ]
Post subject:  Christmas Time in Middle Earth!

I don't post too much but I am like a excited 5 yr old kid right now so please bear with me :blush:

I could have never guessed that when I first watched the LOTR movies back in March 2010 that this story & everything else connected to it would become such a huge part of my life. And that has been great thing as I have read/reading every thing Tolkien I could find & watched the movies over & over, but what showed me more than anything of what a huge fan I had become was when I received my Christmas gifts this year, as it let me know that those around me see my love for this place called Middle earth, even though they may not understand it completely sometimes they respect my love for it & that makes me feel pretty good.
So here is what I was blessed to receive this Christmas...
6 different LOTR/Hobbit Lego sets...yes I am 44 yr old man but I LOVE my legos lol
The Hobbit soundtrack on cd......if you dont have this GET IT! I cant stop listening to it.
A gigantic framed poster of the main cast of the Hobbit...That is gonna be the new centerpiece of my wall in the main living room for everyone who walks in my house to see!
A Christmas card where my nephew drew an awesome Middle Earth map inside( I tried to post photos but it says it cant find dimensions)
And a copy of the Silmarillion is on the way so I don't have to keep going to the Library to get it.
My 1st trip to see The Hobbit with everything paid for that evening as a Christmas gift.

And to top all of this off I had my annual Christmas Lord of the Rings marathon & seriously considering it again for New years!

So yes it was an awesome Christmas that made me almost feel like i was in Middle earth :yes:

I would love to hear if anyone else received some Christmas gifts or anything that were related to Middle earth.

Merry Christmas to everyone here & have a Happy New Years!!!

Author:  Aralas Tulisse [ March 16th, 2013, 3:45 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Christmas Time in Middle Earth!

You are so lucky!
I would LOVE LotR and The Hobbit Lego sets...

Which ones did you get?

Author:  EmmaSwan [ March 26th, 2013, 6:19 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Christmas Time in Middle Earth!

Soooooooooooooooooooooo jealous!!! I want to have a LOTR marathon!!!

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