The Path Not Taken - Hobbit RPG
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Author:  Nenriel [ April 19th, 2012, 8:38 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The Path Not Taken - Hobbit RPG

(OOC: Yeah she's stuck in the middle of finals, she said she'll be here as soon as she can)

Author:  Cara [ April 19th, 2012, 9:27 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The Path Not Taken - Hobbit RPG

[OOC: Tell her that we have fingers crossed for her xD We will wait then, we don't want her to miss a thing ^^]

Author:  Nenriel [ April 19th, 2012, 10:21 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The Path Not Taken - Hobbit RPG

(ooc: haha that's what I told her. :D )

Author:  Lelia [ April 19th, 2012, 1:33 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Path Not Taken - Hobbit RPG

((OOC: sorry guys! I have a few papers due next week and an entire notebook of lesson plans for one class - I'll be able to be around more once school finished next week. Thanks for the good luck wishes :) !))

Kora had swung up into a branch in barely enough time to miss being seen by the horse and rider. A tremulous breath caught in her throat, and it was all the girl could do to not gasp for air.
This was no ordinary rider. His... or was it her? black cloak was faded and tattered. It had seen better days... and the horse looked like it had as well.

She wondered for a moment if the same thought was going through her companions minds - what was lurking under the cloak, a human or something more sinister?

Author:  Cara [ April 20th, 2012, 2:16 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The Path Not Taken - Hobbit RPG

Bargo was looking at the rider, terryfied. He has never seen someone like him. Or her. She looked at the girls, they were safe and the rider didn't see them, as well as him and Lidden. Suddenly, he felt very strong urge to sneeze...He tried to stop it but it was like a curse: he wanted to be invisible and this hellish sneezing was going through his nose.

He sneezed louldly. The rider looked at his direction.

Author:  Rumpelstiltskin [ April 23rd, 2012, 2:23 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The Path Not Taken - Hobbit RPG

"Holly potatoes..." whispered Lidden. The seezing of Bargo sounded in the forest like a thunder. He saw therider is looking at their direction. "Run, run" he muttered but couldn't make any move.
And he did most stupid thing that he coulddo - he jumped from the bushes and squeeked.
"I surrender, I surrender!"

Author:  Nenriel [ April 24th, 2012, 9:29 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The Path Not Taken - Hobbit RPG

(ooc: sooo... I don't like making big decisions... who is this guy?)

Emmie sighed and put her hand to her forehead. First they sneeze, then they start to caterwallin. What would they think of next...

Author:  Lelia [ April 24th, 2012, 9:12 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Path Not Taken - Hobbit RPG

Kora had to stifle a snort when she saw Emmie silently smack her forehead. When Lidden had popped out of the bushes, she had nearly lost it then as well... "Well, I suppose I should count it a blessing he refrained from dancing a jig when he surrendered. Then I really would have been in trouble." she thought to herself.

Now the only issue was that half of their travelling group was now under the scrutiny of the ominous rider. Koramin began to weigh her options. Climbing higher in the tree where she was hidden was impossible. The next few branches within her reach were also within eye sight of the stranger. "I could mount an attack," Kora mused... but the only thing she be able to mount an attack on would be the horse's derrier. Or the rider's ankle. The bards would have a fantastic time coming up with irreverent songs about her ending. "Koramin, the ankle biter."

Nothing seemed to be a valid option at the moment. If only she knew what lay underneath the cloak!

Author:  Cara [ April 25th, 2012, 4:16 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The Path Not Taken - Hobbit RPG

Bargo was looking at Lidden with amazement. This lad will never stop to make him look like a fool...his sneezing was nothing but this...

The rider was looking at his friend in silence. Suddenly he took of the hood. Behind the cloak they saw a young female elf who was laughing now like mad woman. She had smiling eyes and long white hair and her face was freckled.

"A hobbit" she said. "Very brave one, I see."

[OOC: I will be playing as well with the maiden, her name will be Fleewingen.]

Author:  Nenriel [ April 25th, 2012, 9:16 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The Path Not Taken - Hobbit RPG

Emmie sighed again and climbed down out of the tree. She was very much in awe of the first elf she'd ever seen, but she mustered up the courage to say, "You must escuse us fair lady, we have not been traveling long, and as you can see the Valar have gifted us all with very vivid imaginations," Emmie realized she sighed a lot, but she did it again, "Heaven forbid we should have to spend a NIGHT outside on the road," she mumbled.

Author:  Rumpelstiltskin [ April 28th, 2012, 8:50 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The Path Not Taken - Hobbit RPG

Lidden grabbed his hands made in begging gesture and pulled himself together. She was first elf that he has seen so...her freckles were hypnotizing...

"My lady!" he said with loud voice, bowing deeply. "It's a huge honor to meet you on our road. Please, ecxuse my friend's behaviour, I always tell them..."

Author:  Lelia [ May 2nd, 2012, 12:20 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Path Not Taken - Hobbit RPG

Kora grabbed the branch she was standing on and swung off it to the ground in one motion. She hit the ground with her feet... and then toppled over into a tangle of fabric. Not the slick dismount she had imagined in her mind. Collecting herself, Koramin stood to her feet and brushed the forest debris off her trousers. "Oh well. Better luck next time." She muttered to herself.

Kora beamed up at the elf, "Well, aren't we just one fine group of hobbits."

Author:  Cara [ May 2nd, 2012, 1:30 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Path Not Taken - Hobbit RPG

The elf nodded with a laugh.

"You truly are brave and special bunch and I am happy I could meet you. I am going to Bree and may I ask what is your path? I am Fleewingen."

Bargo was looking on Flee with new curiosity. He once heard about someone with name starting with her first letters. Yes, it was Bilbo who were telling stories. Maybe they, out of the blue, met one of Rivendell elves?

Author:  Cara [ June 18th, 2012, 8:32 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The Path Not Taken - Hobbit RPG

(OOC: Anyone still interested? I am back :D)

Author:  Rumpelstiltskin [ June 19th, 2012, 3:10 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The Path Not Taken - Hobbit RPG

(OOC - I am I am!)

Lidden smiled.
"We also are going to Bree. It would be a honour if you went with us, my elven lady. I...I always dreamt about elves and meeting them."
His face became red.

Author:  Cara [ June 20th, 2012, 2:43 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The Path Not Taken - Hobbit RPG

Bargo frowned. Lidden always behaved like a child. Fleewingen again laughed lightly.

"I am afraid I don't have any horses for you. But there is a hobbit farm near and I knowthe owner. He may lend us ponies. I will becomimg slowly near to you until we meet our destination."

Bargo jumped as he heard about hobbit farm. It must be his friend's!

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