Over hill, over dale....The Journey of the Three
Page 38 of 45

Author:  Melanie [ November 24th, 2017, 8:03 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Over hill, over dale....The Journey of the Three

Athilda took her last bite of eggs, then stood up and walked over to where Dunhama stood and wrapped her arms around his waist, resting her head on his back.
"Perhaps I will find looks like it may rain soon...perhaps we can take a walk after the rain?"
She chewed on her lower lip and blushed, hoping she wasn't being too forward.
"Kano..I...I didn't..." Gaelrin immediately regretted her cold response to Kano's kindness; she hadn't meant to be so harsh, she was just trying to force herself to not be afraid of what was inevitable. After Kano left her, she slowly made her way to the door and listened to the somber news.
War was upon them...and they would be called on, soon. Her eyes flicked up as a woman...the healer from Helm's Deep spoke to them. Gaelrin dipped her head, then widened her eyes, wondering if she knew her plan to go to the battlefield.
"Of course, my Lady; that would be very much appreciated."

Author:  Jax Nova [ November 24th, 2017, 9:12 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Over hill, over dale....The Journey of the Three

When Gaelrin came to stand beside him, Kano gave her a soft smile. His smile, though was the news they both heard.

The healer dipped her head. "I will be sure to find you on the tents after this crowd disperses."

"We are just down the hill," Kano told her. "Past the stables and not south of the path in a small depression. There will be three tents."

Author:  Melanie [ November 24th, 2017, 9:48 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Over hill, over dale....The Journey of the Three

Once the elven woman left, Gaelrin turned to Kano and reached out to touch his hand.
"Kano...I...I am sorry for my cold words earlier. I should not have been so unfeeling, for you were only trying to help."

Author:  Jax Nova [ November 25th, 2017, 12:11 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Over hill, over dale....The Journey of the Three

Kano took Gaelrin's hand in his and looked to her with sadness in his eyes. The sadness was not from Gaelrin's words, however. His sadness was from his own recovery from injury, and now having to watch her go through the same thing.

"Don't apologise," he told her, shaking his head gently. "I know I thought to spare you hardship, but I have been going through the same struggles. I know the pain, and yet I know I would not want to be favored. I don't wish to make you feel patronized."

He smiled weakly and kissed her forehead. His mind, however was already traveling to Gondor. To war.

Author:  Melanie [ November 25th, 2017, 9:22 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Over hill, over dale....The Journey of the Three

Kano was already thinking about the oncoming war, she could see by the look in his eyes that it was true.
"Kano, don't go...not yet. We are still in the safety of Edoras, we are still...together."
She knew that the time would come when they would have to think about the war, but for now-and perhaps it was foolish-she wanted to enjoy the time they had together. Without any words, Gaelrin reached out and touched his cheek with her hand, then tilted her head, closed her eyes and kissed him gently on the mouth.

Author:  Hanasian [ November 25th, 2017, 9:40 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Over hill, over dale....The Journey of the Three

Wulgov felt a rain drop and he watched the skies darken. It did not appear like a normal storm cloud, and so he turned and headed back toward the muster to try and find out what his part in this would be, or if he has been forgotten in all of this

~ ~ ~

Lady Annienna nodded and took Gaelrin’s and Kano’s hands and gave them a nod. She would find them later. Meanwhile, instruction was being spread that they were to muster in Dunharrow, and so the journey of the people would happen once again. Preparation has already started in earnest, and the tent camps were already being broken down. Everyone knew inside that war was not finished. They just wanted to forget about it for a time. The victory celebration and the wedding celebration gave a reprise, but now, the people and horses are mobilising once again even as the rain started to fall.

~ ~ ~

Dunhama smiled as Athilda came over to him. He embraced her and gave her a kiss and said as his arm scooped up her legs and lifted her into his arms.

”Yes, rain... It does look like it is going to rain, and soon…”

There were sounds of a few stray drops on the roof, but soon a torrential downpour roared, and it did not let up for over an hour. By then, Dunhama and Athilda were exhausted and again fast asleep.

~ ~ ~

The white wizard had ridden off suddenly with one of the halflings, and the Grey Company of Dunedain gathered would set out early to Dunharrow. Elladan said farewell to Lady Annienna, who was staying with the Rohirrim. Aragorn had a somber look on his face, and the other Dunedain were stern and silent. Railan stood with Lady Eowyn as they watched them go. War has come. Lady Eowyn checked her sword on her horse, and Railan looked at the large knife she had always kept.

Author:  Melanie [ November 25th, 2017, 10:59 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Over hill, over dale....The Journey of the Three

The comforting sound of rain falling on the roof kept her in a deep sleep, but she was roused as a bolt of lightening lit up the sky and grumbling deep and loudly. When she opened her eyes, she smiled in relief and curled up closer into Dunhama.
Her mind began to wander as she looked upon her husbands' sleeping face, and soon, she found herself singing softly as she traced circles on his bare chest.

Author:  Jax Nova [ November 26th, 2017, 8:04 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Over hill, over dale....The Journey of the Three

Kano's eyes, once glazed, snapped back to Gaelrin as she spoke. He smiled softly, though perhaps halfheartedly, as she placed a hand on his cheek. Then, as Gaelrin's lips landed on his, the small smile became sincere. He placed a hand gently on the side of her head and let the moment linger.

Once their lips parted he whispered, "Thank you." With a deep breath he gathered his wits. She was right, they still had time, though perhaps very little. Or did they?

As they stood Eomer approached. He noticed the exchange between the two, so stood at a distance for the time. It was made obvious in his eyes, however, that he was waiting to speak to Kano. Kano knew why, also. He had performed well in their scouting mission, injury or not. Eomer had extended an offer for him to join the ranks of the Rohirim riders, and now came his moment of decision.

He looked from Eomer to Gaelrin, whispering softly. "Are you sure you want to do this? We could go away, just the two of us." If she asked it of him, he would leave with her. Duty, however, would seal him to fight for the king upon her word.

Author:  Melanie [ November 26th, 2017, 8:59 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Over hill, over dale....The Journey of the Three

Gaelrin didn't want the moment between them to end, and when she felt the warmth of his hand upon her cheek, she wanted his kiss even more. Unfortunately though, that was something they would have to wait on, for war was here, whether she liked it or not.
Her gaze flicked to the side and she immediately blushed and dipped her head in respect for Eomer. How long had he been there?
Her thoughts were interrupted by Kano's whisper.
"Leave?" Her brows furrowed in astonishment; never before had she thought to just leave, but now that he said it, it seemed like a good option.
As she opened her mouth, however, her thoughts brought back to mind everything that she would leave-defenseless at that-and she shook her head.
"No, no. As much as I wish to leave with you, I cannot. I am a woman of Rohan and fighting is in my blood. I have to defend those who cannot defend themselves." She paused for a moment to wipe a stray tear away from her cheek. "I am certain this is what I want to do."

Author:  Jax Nova [ November 26th, 2017, 9:36 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Over hill, over dale....The Journey of the Three

Kano nodded. He had expected her answer, but a small part of him thought he must at least give the alternative a chance. That chance had been had, however. So it was to war they would go. He feared... yes, for his own life, but more for Gaelrin. The fear was two fold. If he died on the battlefield he would face his death and leave Gaelrin to mourn the loss of a loved one once more, a pain he never wished her to have to bear again. If she died, then his heart would never forgive himself for encouraging her to go to war.

With a settled look on his face, Kano approached Eomer. Hushed words were passed between the two briefly. Upon leaving Eomer bid him farewell. "Three hours before your unit rides out," he told him.

Kano nodded and walked back to Gaelrin. "We have three hours," he told her. "I've been assigned to a unit and must have my things ready to leave by then. It's a large group, but not large enough for you to come unnoticed." He looked around to be sure none could hear as he spoke in a hushed voice. "You will need to ride to the gathering point to bid me farewell. Once there we can sneak you into the ranks."

Author:  Melanie [ November 26th, 2017, 9:52 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Over hill, over dale....The Journey of the Three

The few moments that lapsed between Eomer and Kano seemed to drag on, but when he finally returned to her, her heart sank and her stomach turned at the nearness of the hour to which he was being called.
"So soon?" Her brows furrowed and her voice quaked slightly with fear, but with a slow breath to muster her courage, she nodded.
"I will have to go back and get my things to prepare...." Her eyes widened in stark realization that she hadn't told her brother.
"Kano, I must go find do not need to escort me back to my tent. By the time I get back, you will have time to get your gear and will I."
Her stomach turned again as the nerves of the impending war loomed over her.

Author:  Jax Nova [ November 26th, 2017, 10:00 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Over hill, over dale....The Journey of the Three

Kano walked along with Gaelrin as she went to find Grihias, despite her bidding. "My things are set up not far from yours. I'll start on taking your tent down as well," he told her as they walked. He then took a few steps in the opposite direction, back towards their camp. His eyes showed pain as the distance between the two of them grew and he watched Gaelrin for a long time.

At long last Kano turned, hurrying back to their tents to make preparations.

Author:  Melanie [ November 26th, 2017, 10:35 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Over hill, over dale....The Journey of the Three

Now that her mind was set on finding her brother, the pain in her ankles seemed to just disappear. As the two walked down towards her tent, she kept an eye open for her brother, hoping he had stayed around the tent. But that was never like him, even when their mother told him to do things, he would always put up an excuse or a little bit of a fight.
Gaelrin shook her head then turned to Kano to say something, then turned back in disappointment when she realized that he had departed from her.
The tent flaps were billowing in the wind, and as she opened the flaps, to her discouragement and fear, her brother was not there.
"Grihias?" Her eyes danced around the tent in a panic, searching every small nook and cranny for her brother. "Grihias?"
Maybe he was just outside, getting firewood.
As she hobbled outside and around the tent, fear struck her heart and tears threatened to flow down her cheeks. He was nowhere to be found.
"Grihias?!" She shouted his name loudly as she searched the hills just beyond the plains, but when there was no reply, Gaelrin quickly hobbled over to Kano.
"Kano? Kano!"
By now, her ankles were on fire, and as she reached Kanos' tent, her legs nearly gave way, but she caught herself on him.
"Kano....Grihias is missing. I-I don't know where he would have gone!"

Author:  Hanasian [ November 26th, 2017, 10:51 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Over hill, over dale....The Journey of the Three

Grihias worked hard climbing the hill to the east of the city, and even though the rain started to fall, he made it to the top. He watched the blackness in the east belch out and spread toward them. Looking back to the west, he could see the light of the sky, but the gloom would claim it too. Down in Edoras, there was much activity with people and horses on the move. He thought about hiking back down, but he had all he needed. With a few already riding south toward Dunharrow, Grihias started to hike across country toward the road.

~ ~ ~

Dunhama sighed a breath of contentment as Athilda traced patterns on him. The whole world had been forgotten. But as the rain tapered, a knock on the door echoed through the room. A voice outside said,

”Dunhama! Muster! Now! We are called to arms!”

Dunhama sat up and looked at Athilda as she sat up. The pounding started again and the voice said,

”Dunhama! I gathered your kit and I have your horse ready! I waited to the last moment, and the time has come!”

Dunhama sighed and stood, and he went and opened the door a crack. It was Deorwine, the commander of his unit. Deorwine stuffed Dunhama’s uniforn through the door and said,

”The King has ordered a muster to gather in Dunharrow! We are leaving. Hurry and dress now and we will make it!”

Dunhama nodded and closed the door. Turning to Athilda, he looked solemn and expressionless. He said as he started to get his uniform on,

”Come with me to Dunharrow Athilda!”

Author:  Melanie [ November 26th, 2017, 11:11 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Over hill, over dale....The Journey of the Three

Athilda sat up in their bed and listened in horror to what his commander was ordering him to do. Ever since they had returned to Edoras, she knew that war would call him back, but she couldn't believe that the call to arms would happen so soon. But as he turned to face her, realization set in and tears began to stream down her face.
It was time.
She nodded in reply to his request, and without words, she stood up and quickly got dressed into a green dress and donned a grey cloak, pulling the hood up over her hair. Once her boots were on, she walked over to him and helped him put on his uniform.
"Dunhama...before...before we go I want you to promise me something." She paused for a moment to take out his dagger, then used it to cut off a section of her hair and placed it in his palm.
"You must promise to come back to me..."
Her eyes welled with tears again and as she blinked, they fell down her cheeks.
"Promise me, Dunhama..."

Author:  Jax Nova [ November 27th, 2017, 5:13 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Over hill, over dale....The Journey of the Three

Kano looked up from his hurried packing as he heard Gaelrin call his name. He caught her as she stumbled and looked at her grief stricken face. "We will find him," he spoke confidently and calmly, though not lacking urgency. "I have my things packed and your tent taken down. I brought Sandy along with Sage. We can ride out to look for him."

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