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 Post subject: Re: Avengers, Assemble! (Private RP)
PostPosted: July 3rd, 2012, 10:58 pm 
Rider of Rohan
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Tony listened in speechless wonder as Steve spoke, barely able to hold the man’s gaze. Only once Howard was mentioned though was the playboy able to look away, and that was only to hide the sarcastic smirk that flickered instinctively on his lips.

For a man who everyone praised as a genius he was ridiculously bad at taking compliments. Especially sincere ones. He only nodded silently when Steve said something about going to find wood for the door - probably just an excuse to get away after everything that had just happened. Tony couldn’t say that he blamed him at all.

After the soldier left Tony sank onto the couch, head in his hands for a moment as he reined his traitorous feelings in.

Steve wasn’t the only one who’d been wrong. Tony half wished now that he’d thought to say so before the soldier had gone. Not that he had ever really meant it, but somehow he felt like he needed to let the other man know... There was definitely more to Rogers than could ever come out of a bottle.

He ran over the entirety of the conversation one last time, cringing as he dubbed it the most awkward that he’d even been a member of. Still, he didn’t necessarily regret it. Or most of it.

"Howard would have been proud to see the man you grew up to be."

At that specific line Tony snorted, reverie finally broken by wry amusement. Howard would never take pride in a son who couldn’t even be proud of himself.

“You weren’t quite that wrong, Rogers,” he muttered into the empty room as he rose to his feet and headed for the elevator, preparing himself to face what he was certain would be a very frustrated Bruce Banner.

After that was over he’d probably take Steve’s advice and have that drink.


“Sir, Doctor Banner is requesting entrance.”

Tony blinked hard, rubbing his eyes as he looked away from the computer for the first time in hours. They had returned to Avengers Tower late last night, everyone opting to, for once, take Fury at his word. Tony had sacked out for about four hours before deciding that was enough sleep. He’d been in the workshop since five AM despite Bruce’s instructions that he get some proper rest. He’d been caught now though, apparently. “Open up, J.”

The doors to the workshop slid opened and Bruce stepped inside, looking around the spacious and cluttered area before he caught sight of Tony, half hidden behind a table piled high with spare everything.

“What’s up?” Tony asked, spinning away from the screens to fiddle with his project.

“Did you sleep at all?” Bruce asked with resigned and amused patience as he crossed the floor to stand near the workbench. When Tony gave a non-committal hum he could only shake his head.

The engineer muttered a low curse under his breath as the contraption in his hand decided that it wanted to zap him. Stupid thing. At least he knew it was working, though.

“Is anyone else here yet?” Tony asked, knowing that he wouldn’t have been paying attention even had JARVIS bothered to inform him of any arrivals.

“Not yet,” Bruce replied with a shake of his head. “Steve only made it back to his apartment little after midnight, and we never got anything back from Clint or Natasha.”

Tony twisted his lips in unconscious concentration, brows knitting unhappily. He’d offered to let Rogers spend the night in the tower but the soldier had insisted on going back to his apartment in spite of the late hour.

He probably still felt awkward about the conversation of yestermorn. God knows Tony did.

“Let me know when they get here,” he requested distractedly, his attention given to the bracelet-type contraption in his hands.

Bruce nodded, hands in his pockets as he watched. “So are you going to tell me what’s going on or do I have to wait?”

“You’ll see,” Tony sang. To be honest he was feeling a tad uncertain about his reason for calling the team back together. But he’d mentioned it to Pepper via vid-chat last night - after being chewed out for being out-of-contact for nearly two days, of course - and the red-head had practically beamed at the idea.

“Need any help?”

“Nope, I got it.”

“Can I at least stay and watch or is this all top-secret too?”

“You bored, Banner?”

“Maybe I just want to make sure that you don't pass out on the floor,” Bruce quipped. “Since for whatever reason you object to actually sleeping these days.”

“My god. You are such a mother-hen.”

Bruce grinned laughingly. “I know.”



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Last edited by Henoluin on July 4th, 2012, 10:17 am, edited 1 time in total.

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 Post subject: Re: Avengers, Assemble! (Private RP)
PostPosted: July 4th, 2012, 12:21 am 
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Steve was in the kitchen with Thor, who was happily eating his second helping of hash browns and pancakes, when JARVIS spoke through the hidden speakers.

"Sirs, Agent Barton and Romanova have arrived at the door. Shall I let them in?"

"Go ahead, JARVIS." Steve replied as he slid another mug of coffee towards Thor. He had gotten somewhat used to Tony's little gadgets, especially JARVIS, whom he had grown fond of over the past few days.

"Rogers, you must train me on how to cook such Midgardian delicacies." Thor said with his mouth full. He swallowed it all down with a gulp of coffee.

"Sure, Thor." But the soldier didn't quite meet his eye. Instead, he turned back to the stove and smiled to himself as he plated another two dishes just as Clint and Natasha entered the kitchen.

"Smells good. I see you've moved on from schwarma." Natasha raised her eyebrow as Steve turned around with the two plates.

"Not many shwarma places around when you're in hiding, I find ma'am." The captain's lip quirked into a little smile as he slid the dishes across the counter.

"Thanks. How's everyone holding up?" Clint caught his plate and searched the drawers for some utensils.

"Second drawer to the right." Steve gestured. "Everyone's fine. Stark and Banner are in the workshop, but I'm sure they will be coming up soon. I'm sure you've heard about our situation with Loki."

"How is he, anyway?" The red-haired agent asked carefully. Thor glanced up from his empty plate, his previously bright smile fading a little.

"He is recovering quickly. Banner has been very attentive to his needs." The god paused, then took a sip of his coffee. "Still, my brother's attitude has not improved much as of late."

"That can only be expected." Clint said with a slight shake of his head.

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 Post subject: Re: Avengers, Assemble! (Private RP)
PostPosted: July 4th, 2012, 10:03 pm 
Rider of Rohan
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“Sir, agents Romanova and Barton have arrived. They, Captain Rogers, and Thor are awaiting you and Doctor Banner in the kitchen,” JARVIS announced. He had informed both men of Steve’s arrival a little over half an hour ago and Tony had been putting off going downstairs for all that time, intending to finish his project before he left the workshop.

Nearly done and completely focused Tony only hummed, not having actually having heard what JARVIS had said. Bruce rolled his eyes in fond exasperation. “Thank you, JARVIS. Tell them we’ll both be down in a few minutes.”

“Strike that,” Tony called, straightening up from the worktable with a triumphant and almost childish grin. No matter how simple his task was he always felt satisfaction when he’d finished. “All finished.”

Now came the really hard part.


“Well if it isn’t our wayward agents come back to the nest,” Tony cooed, smirking as he passed by Nat and Clint. He slapped the archer on the back as he waltzed by, snickering as Clint shook his head in amusement.

“Did you miss us, Stark?” the archer asked, his mouth turning up in a minute smile while his eyes shone in laughter. Sometimes he found the playboy incredibly amusing.

“Not a bit,” Tony quipped as he leapt up to sit on one of the counters.

Bruce entered far more quietly, accepting an offered plate of pancake’s with a grateful nod at Steve. “Thanks.”

“So tell us, Stark, what is this news that you wish to tell us?” Thor inquired around a mouthful of pancakes.

The playboy swallowed, for a moment ridiculously nervous, and shoved off the counter again and find something to do with his hands. This would be so much easier if he didn’t have to act like it was any big deal.

“I was thinking... I, uh...” Bad start. Try again. “I have to go to Malibu tonight for a day or two on business,” he announced. “And Pepper insisted that I invite all of your people to come along, and since I know that you’ll be terribly lonely without me here, and since I have a private beach, I thought I’d offer.”

He didn’t look around at first, focusing on stealing a bit of Bruce’s pancakes before finally getting up the nerve to raise his eyes, deceptively casual. “So...? No? Yes?”

“I don’t think we can leave,” Clint replied slowly, though it was obvious that the idea appealed to him. “With Loki here and everything-”

“I think Tony’s got that covered,” Bruce interrupted knowingly, quickly putting all the pieces together. “Secret project, right?”

Tony quirked his head with a half shrug that could only be a confirmation, snagging another bite of pancake when Bruce wasn’t looking.

Natasha arched an eyebrow, her face otherwise blank and unreadable as ever. Tony got the feeling that she saw through his lie concerning the whole thing being Pepper’s idea and thus he pointedly
ignored her.

The fact that no one had given him an answer was really starting to make him feel twitchy, though he his the fact with well-practiced ease. “So, you know, just thought I’d offer,” he said again, wondering why he felt the need to scuff his feet on the tile like an awkward child while patting himself on the back for making the offer at all. Christ, this kind of thing was hard.



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 Post subject: Re: Avengers, Assemble! (Private RP)
PostPosted: July 4th, 2012, 10:25 pm 
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"Beach?" Thor set his fork down and stared at them, his gaze wandering from one person to the next. "I have seen such things from afar. They appear to be quite peaceful." The god drained the rest of his coffee. "I accept your proposal, Stark." And with that, he brought the mug down with such force that it promptly shattered into several large pieces.

There was a beat a silence.

"I'll get it." Steve swiped a wet towel across the counter and around the broken shards. To be honest, he had been planning on spending his birthday in his room, perhaps with a small cake. He didn't expect the others to know it was his birthday and he preferred it that way. Besides, he hadn't actually celebrated his birthday since... well, a very long time. He had gotten used to letting the day go by unnoticed.

"You know, Malibu sounds nice. And Loki still needs time to recover... a little bit of sunlight might do him some good." Bruce looked at the others. "I'm in. As long as you're sure your little project works." He gave Tony a look of stern amusement.

"We've been sent here to make sure that you take care of things with Loki. Unofficially, of course." Clint rubbed the back of his neck. "So if you're going, Fury will expect us to follow." He glanced at Natasha, who nodded once. Clint grinned. "Sounds like we all need a day to relax."

There was another pause.

"Steve?" Natasha's voice was gentle, but it prompted an answer. The soldier looked up from the waste bin, his eyes glazed over for a moment. Well, it wouldn't make much of a difference, brooding in a room in the middle of nowhere or brooding under the sun on a private beach. He smiled crookedly and closed the top of the trashcan.


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 Post subject: Re: Avengers, Assemble! (Private RP)
PostPosted: July 4th, 2012, 11:11 pm 
Rider of Rohan
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If Tony noticed Steve’s complete lack of enthusiasm he didn’t show it. He also didn’t show how much it disappointed some part of him, because the whole thing had been - but whatever. It didn’t matter.

“Great,” he said instead, clapping his hands together once and shooting a glance around the to look at everyone once. “We’ll leave around five. Don’t be late.” That last he called over his shoulder as he quickly headed for the elevator, making a hasty retreat under the pretense of having more work to do.

On second thought - “Thor, I need you in the workshop before we head out,” he added, halfway into the elevator. He needed to make sure his little project would be escape proof for a god, and as testing it on Loki was pointless Thor was the next best thing.

Thor nodded, curiosity and perhaps a hint of good-natured wariness in his eyes. “Of course, Stark, I would be glad to assist you.”

Tony nodded before stepping inside and vanishing behind the doors. Once alone he released a long, heavy sigh. Somehow this was going to end up as a disaster. He just knew it.



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 Post subject: Re: Avengers, Assemble! (Private RP)
PostPosted: July 5th, 2012, 1:42 am 
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"You should probably put some lotion on that skin. Even with your condition, sunlight like this could cause damage." Bruce tossed a tube of sunscreen at the soldier, who caught it deftly with one hand.

"Thanks. Where's Tony?"

"He's heading out soon. Probably playing with his gadgets." Bruce lounged back into the chair and tilted his head towards the sun. Steve began to apply the sunscreen to his arms, squinting towards the waves.

"You think they'll be okay?"

"Who? Natasha and Clint? Yeah, they'll be fine. Thor will be a bit of a handful, but they can handle him. He seemed... excited about the waves." The doctor chuckled. Suddenly catching the sound of someone approaching behind them, Steve turned quickly and lowered his sunglasses in disbelief.

"Well, I found Loki."

The physicist followed suit and nearly choked on his drink.

The dark-haired god was clothed in his usual full Asgardian wear and boots with a fixed scowl upon his pale face as he sauntered up to them. As he drew closer, Steve noticed that his hands were still bound. With a snarl, the god dropped into the sand and glared at the waves.

"What's the matter? Not one for beaches?" Steve pushed his shades back up his nose and leaned back into his chair.

"Clever man. Whatever gave it away?" The god all but snapped.

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 Post subject: Re: Avengers, Assemble! (Private RP)
PostPosted: July 5th, 2012, 9:58 pm 
Rider of Rohan
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Bruce smiled in amusement, his eyes skimming over Loki with a physicians critical look as he checked to make sure that the god was faring well. Fortunately both of the Asgardians seemed to have recovered well.

“Whats the matter, Loki?” he asked, speaking to the god with the same polite manner that he used on most people. “The swimsuit Tony gave you didn’t fit?”

Loki scowled, gracing the physicist with a glare of cautious loathing - no need to make the man unnecessarily angry, after all. “I will not be seen in such degrading apparel,” he hissed.

“Thor seems to like his,” Bruce commented, nodding to the waves where the god of thunder could be seen, arms flailing as he tumbled off of the surfboard and into the green waters. The blue shorts, spotted all over with yellow Hawaiian styled flowers, were easily spotted.

Loki simply sneered. “He is a fool. Of course he would not object to such degradation.”

Bruce sighed and gave up, leaving Loki to his moping while he skimmed through one of the latest science journals.

“I’ll have you know I chose a very stylish pattern for your trunks,” Tony announced, coming up behind them with a drink in hand. His own shorts were - of course - hot-rod red and yellow, a thin black tee and sunglasses that probably cost more than a new car completing the look. “I even took the time to make sure they were green,” he all but pouted as he dropped carelessly into a reclining beach chair. Not that he really cared a bit that Loki refused to wear the suit - he hadn’t expected the god of mischief to do anything but glare and mope the whole time. It was rather fun to vex the dark-haired deity though, especially since he was all but harmless at the moment.

“Maybe it was the pineapples,” Bruce suggested, glancing up in quiet laughter before going back to his reading.

Tony just shrugged, no longer interested in continuing the game. He tossed his arms behind his head and closed his eyes, simply soaking up the rays.

“You should probably put some sunscreen on,” Bruce suggested, without much hope of actually convincing the playboy to do any such thing. His hunch proved right as Tony only hummed.

“I was thinking about barbecuing tonight,” he announced casually after a while. Surprisingly - and he was certain that no one would believe it - he was actually good with a grill. It was the only thing he could cook a proper meal on, but he could do it. “Any requests before I send out for the fixings?”

This was mostly aimed at Steve, though he made it seem as though he were just airing the question to everyone. No need to point out the fact that he was attempting to at least make the soldier’s first birthday since he’d woken up enjoyable.

Come to think of it, Steve probably wasn’t even aware that Tony knew or cared that today happened to be his birthday. Which was perfect - Tony would much prefer to keep it that way. Especially since he wasn’t entirely sure himself why he was even bothering with the whole thing.



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 Post subject: Re: Avengers, Assemble! (Private RP)
PostPosted: July 5th, 2012, 10:24 pm 
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"This sun is making me ill. All of that unnecessary, antiquated work you did on me will all be for nothing if I burn to my ashes." Loki snarled. Steve turned his head towards the god and raised one golden eyebrow.

"This wouldn't be a problem if you were willing to cooperate. Would a pair of swimming trunks kill you?" The captain himself wasn't as fashionable as the others, so he had slipped on a pair of old navy-blue shorts with an unbuttoned white shirt. The wind had swept his hair out of its usual immaculate state, causing him to appear almost normal if it wasn't for the fact that his shoulders were still as stiff as ever. But that couldn't be helped-- Steve was constantly on the lookout, even if they were on a private beach in Malibu.

He ignored the Agardian's continued grumbles as he turned his head towards Tony, his eyebrow still raised.

"I didn't know you could grill." It figured, though. Most men, with the exception of perhaps Asgardian gods (namely, Thor), were decent when given a grill. He didn't know why he expected Tony to be any less. Though perhaps it wasn't that surprising that he had been a little taken aback by this little tidbit, seeing that Tony often flaunted the fact that he had at least fifty staff members in the kitchen department alone, all of which shopped, cooked, and waited on him on a daily basis.

"Pepper told me that you can make a great burger, Tony." Bruce grinned. "Though I have to see it to believe it. What do you say, Steve? Are we willing to take a risk?"

Steve's mouth quirked into a little smile as he relaxed back into his chair.

"Sounds great. Medium well, Stark. And keep Thor away from the grill. The last thing we need is him throwing another poptart--"

"--MY FRIENDS, I HAVE DISCOVERED SOMETHING EXTRAORDINARY." The three men shot up from their chairs as the fair-haired Asgardian god galloped through the sand, cradling something in his palms. Loki groaned.

"I should not be surprised that he has gone dimmer in Midgard."

Thor came to a halt in front of them and thrusted his hands forward, revealing a bright purple sea star in his hands.

"It is called a star, brother! Though in our many years of living, I have never seen a star quite like this one. Isn't it delightful?"

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 Post subject: Re: Avengers, Assemble! (Private RP)
PostPosted: July 5th, 2012, 10:53 pm 
Rider of Rohan
Rider of Rohan
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Tony took one look at the small purple animal before sinking back into his chair with a smirk, pulling out his phone to send an order for a fresh grocery delivery.

Loki looked at the small creature with typical distaste. “Only mortals would refer to so puny a thing as a star,” he grumbled when his brother bent nearer so that Loki cold see it better. “Take it away, Thor.”

Thor frowned but refused to be put-off by his brother’s mood. Instead held the wiggling little sea star in his palm, running a finger along one of its “arms” in amusement and wonder. “It is a most curious creature,” he said thoughtfully. “Does it not remind you of one of the great flying beasts of Alfhiem, brother?”

Loki refused to answer, but as Thor had not truly expected a reply he only shook his head and gently rolled the star into his other hand.

“Be careful with it, Thor,” Bruce advised kindly. The god’s occasionally childish antics amused him to no end and he knew that Thor would be upset if he accidentally hurt the little life in his hands. “It shouldn’t be out of the water for too long.”

“I shall not allow it to come to harm, Banner,” Thor replied seriously, turning to jog back across the sand, where he carefully allowed the small animal to roll out of his hand and vanish into the waves.

That done the god quickly returned. “You all sit when there is sport to be had!” he suddenly scolded. “Come, my friends! You must join us in our games.”

“Ah, no thanks, Thor,” Bruce said with a quick shake of his head and a smile. “I’m not really one for surfing.”

“Rogers, Stark? Surely one of you would enjoy this.”

“I’m good,” Tony quipped quickly. He didn’t much like swimming these days.

Thor seemed disappointed. “Rogers?”



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Last edited by Henoluin on July 5th, 2012, 11:49 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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 Post subject: Re: Avengers, Assemble! (Private RP)
PostPosted: July 5th, 2012, 11:45 pm 
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Steve caught the look of disappointment on Thor's face and sneaked a glance at the other two, who seemed to be shifting uncomfortably in their seats. He suddenly felt rather sorry for the god, especially because he probably didn't have many free days to do whatever he liked in Asgard. Clearing his throat, the soldier stood and tossed his glasses aside.

"Well, I haven't tried surfing before. Wouldn't hurt to take a shot at it."

"Good to hear, Cap." Steve jumped slightly and swiveled around to see Natasha staring back at him. She possessed the unnerving ability to constantly catch people off-guard which made Steve feel slightly uncomfortable at times even though he knew that she was their friend.

"What about the rest of you?" The fiery-haired agent looked from Bruce to Tony. "Doctor Banner, the waves are perfect today. And it's good exercise. You said so yourself this morning when you convinced Thor to try it, remember?" She took the doctor's sheepish look as a yes and then turned to Tony. "And don't tell me you're afraid of a little water, Stark. Barton was just talking earlier about how you're still sore from the last time you two swam laps together." She raised her eyebrow. "Apparently he said you fell behind after the third lap?"

Steve shook his shirt off and tossed it aside. Despite their differences, he was grateful to Tony for inviting them to his beach house. Though he would never admit it, he was enjoying the sunlight and fresh air. It certainly beat staying cooped up in his apartment all day.

"Come on, Stark. I'm not such a great swimmer myself." That was a lie, but white lies never hurt. "We can take Loki with us. Didn't you say there was a wading pool by the shore?"

"I will do no such thing." Loki hissed.

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 Post subject: Re: Avengers, Assemble! (Private RP)
PostPosted: July 6th, 2012, 10:15 pm 
Rider of Rohan
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Snorting when Nat caught Bruce in his own “it’s good exercise” trap, Tony only looked up with a deadpan expression as she addressed him, completely unruffled by her obvious goading. “Barton’s a liar and I have the video feed to prove it,” he replied smoothly. He hadn’t fallen behind until the twelfth lap - not that anyone needed to know that.

Threat or not, teasing or not, he had no desire to make a fool of himself by trying to surf. He hadn’t touched a board in years, though once upon a time he had been decent - and by that he meant that he could stay upright for half a wave or so.

Then again it would be amusing to watch Steve flail around in trying to get the hang of it.

Thus, and after several seconds of seemingly ignoring everyone, he “gave in”, letting out a sigh of mostly-feigned annoyance as he tossed his cell aside and stood up. “Fine. Let’s go play. Come on, Reindeer Games, you can sit by the rocks while the big kids go have fun.”

Loki remained stubbornly upon the sane. “I will not.”

“Suit yourself,” Tony shrugged, dropping his glasses alongside the cell. His shirt remained in place, arc-reactor shimmering through the skin-tight material. “Just stay put. I’d hate for you to actually have to find out what your new jewelry does.”



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 Post subject: Re: Avengers, Assemble! (Private RP)
PostPosted: July 6th, 2012, 10:30 pm 
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"What does it do?" Steve asked Bruce in a low voice as they made their way towards the water. The physicist smiled a little.

"I don't know, but knowing Tony, it's probably something painful."

They watched as Thor all but belly-flopped into the waves like a hyperactive child. Bruce shook his head.

"At least that brother is having fun." He glanced back pointedly at Loki, who was still stubbornly sitting in the sand with his arms crossed and a scowl on his face. "Think he'll lighten up by the end of the day?"

"For our sakes, I hope so." Steve ran a hand through his mussed hair and turned to take the bright red and white board from Natasha. "Thanks." He said uncertainly, running his hand along the edge.

"Don't worry, Cap. You're in good hands. Clint and I will take care of you." She gestured to Barton, who was gliding along the waves with ease. The agent let out an exhilarated yell as he tumbled into the frothiness. A moment later, his head popped back up along with his blue board. "Well... I will, anyway." Natasha rolled her eyes, but she seemed amused. "Doctor." She held out a sleek black board to Bruce.

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 Post subject: Re: Avengers, Assemble! (Private RP)
PostPosted: July 6th, 2012, 11:16 pm 
Rider of Rohan
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Tony stood knee deep in the waves, perfectly willing to - for once - hang back and let everyone else go first. He sniggered openly as Bruce took the board with sheepish hesitance, grinning unapologetically as the doctor shot him a look.

Clint suddenly appeared beside him, hair plastered to his forehead and dripping wet as he shoved a board towards the playboy. “You too, Tony,” he panted, grinning wide and out of breath from his constant tumbles into the surf. Thor jogged over as well, flicking his hair back in a manner that was hilariously similar to a model in a shampoo commercial.

“Yes, Stark, join us in this sport of surf-ing.”

Rolling his eyes (and no, on the inside he was not feeling just a little warm at the fact that they actually wanted him to join them because how childish would that be?) Tony nevertheless snatched up the board and headed out into the surf, followed by Clint. He would just ride one or two and then bow out.

“Think you can handle this, Tin-Man?” the archer called in good-natured challenge as they bobbed up and down on the surface of the water, awaiting the right wave that would propel them back towards the shore.

Paddling as he did his best to remember all the finer points of surfing, Tony returned the challenge with a sly grin. “Afraid I’ll make you look bad, Legolas?”

Clint snorted. “Not hardly, Stark.”



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 Post subject: Re: Avengers, Assemble! (Private RP)
PostPosted: July 6th, 2012, 11:51 pm 
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Meanwhile, Natasha was instructing the other two on how to properly use their board. Bruce seemed to be a little too uncomfortable to progress any further than simply paddling on top of the board, but Steve on the other hand, was willing to try a wave or two. Natasha floated calmly in the shallow end as she watched the soldier clamber onto the board just as the wave was just about to break. She let out an uncharacteristic cheer as Steve rolled towards the shore and ended with a shaky finish.

"Not bad, Cap. Think you can get Banner to get on his feet?" Natasha gave a little smirk as she gestured to the doctor, who seemed to be stranded further into the sea where the waves were much calmer. Steve rubbed the back of his neck. His arms were a little sore, but the workout felt nice.

"I think Thor can handle it." Sure enough, the god was already swimming towards the physicist with excitement in his strokes. Steve shook his head with a smile. "What about you? Are you heading back out?"

"Maybe in a bit. I think I'm going to keep our guest company." She jerked her head to a very sulky-looking Loki. Steve followed her gaze. If anyone could handle Loki, it was Natasha. He clapped a hand on her shoulder.

"I think I'm going to try a few more waves before joining you." And with that, he lunged back into the deep blue-green water and began to paddle deeper into the sea. As he surfaced, he noticed a familiar figure to the left of where Thor and Bruce were. Hesitating, he began to swim towards Tony, who was sitting on his board and watching the others head to the shore. When he reached the playboy, he followed suit and floated next to him for a minute.

"It seems calmer out here." He said after awhile, just to break the silence.

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 Post subject: Re: Avengers, Assemble! (Private RP)
PostPosted: July 7th, 2012, 9:42 pm 
Rider of Rohan
Rider of Rohan
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Balancing precariously on his board Tony leaned back, propping himself up by his elbows as he stared out and watched the others. He acknowledged Steve with a glance, humming in agreement with the soldier’s statement. He wouldn’t admit it to anyone - certainly not to the man beside him, but Malibu had always been his favorite place to live. It was quieter here at the beach-side mansion, more privacy to lock himself away in his workshop, less traffic on the roads so he could go cruising whenever he felt like it.

As a billionaire-playboy-philanthropist he might enjoy noise and constant crowds, but as a genius who had spent the majority of his childhood playing or working on his own he enjoyed his solitude, away from flashing lights and constant crowds. Hence the reason he spent so much of his time in the labs, with only the bots, JARVIS, and occasionally Pepper or Bruce for company.

It took him a few minutes to realize that he hadn’t actually replied to the soldier aside from the half-nod Tony figured that he should probably say something before the silence became awkward.

“Yeah,” he settled on, somewhat lamely. “Too quiet for my taste,” he added quickly, not sure why he suddenly insisted on being difficult and putting on a show now when there was no reason.

He watched as Thor splashed around in the water near Bruce, stirring up the water and leaving the physicist clinging to the board with his hands as he tried to stay topside.

“I’m guessing you’ve probably never spent much time at the beach,” he commented eventually, not wanting the silence but feeling too lazy to put forth the effort needed to leave. At least, that’s why he told himself that he was staying put instead of leaving the soldier to himself out on the surf. “What with growing up in Brooklyn and everything.”



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 Post subject: Re: Avengers, Assemble! (Private RP)
PostPosted: July 9th, 2012, 5:09 pm 
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Steve smiled a little, but it didn't quite reach his eyes.

"With the conditions I had as a kid, it was hard to go anywhere. But my mom convinced Pop to take me to the beach one day. He taught me how to throw my first Frisbee." Steve looked away, off towards the calmer waters. "I still remember that long bus ride home. It was some trip." The soldier stopped, as if realizing exactly what he was saying and who was talking to. He cleared his throat and rubbed the back of his neck. "Anyway, haven't been to a beach since, so this is nice."

He paused, gripping his board for a moment.

"It's getting cold. Should we head back in?"

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