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PostPosted: January 5th, 2011, 12:00 am 
Tolkien Scholar
Tolkien Scholar
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Lucette gazed upon the moment Edward and Eve shared with cool indifference. She would just as soon have preferred to be on their way with the compass and the map. A good bit o’ gold would cheer her heart - not this excessive mush. She drummed her finger tips on the side of their small vessel, feeling cramped with all the commotion. However, her fingers suddenly stopped as Edward mentioned returning to the ship.

“Ship?” her brow knitted at his words. “Zere iz no ship.” she frowned. And yet it suddenly dawned on her… where did this blonde poppet come from if there was no ship? Perhaps… he was heading towards the ship. The map then wasn’t the location of silver or gold but a ship. Instantly, her heart sank but her ears pricked back up at the sound of treasure… albeit it would be shared with everyone on the ship.

Meanwhile, Joe sat quietly in the dinghy, staring into the dark water. The stars, like radiant lanterns dangled in the sky by God himself, reflected brightly into the rippling liquid. The reappearance of Blackhaven had brought back many unwanted memories of distant and long passed times. He tried to shove them away, dismiss them from mind but… he couldn’t. The harder he tried, the more he remembered. Joe needed to know what had become of Vari… perhaps Edward would know. He gave the other man a quick, sideways glance, searching in his eyes and expressions for any signs of what had happened to Vari. He saw nothing.

Interrupting their tender words and Joe’s thoughts, Lucette spoke up, “it iz good we came acrross you, Monsieur Black’aven.” she smiled, a genuine smile. Lucette could be your best friend if money or fame were involved. Obviously, “treasure” had brightened her outcome on their chance encounter with him.


“Ah,” Henry faltered, his sudden resolution to be a different man was being tested. His smile faded and his eyes grew darker at the thought of his sister with that… that man. He straightened, not finding it within himself to return Guin’s smile. As she apparently didn’t wish to talk to him anymore he wandered away from the group and gazed off the side of the ship, under dim lantern light he could see his sister and Blackahven in the distance. He chewed on his lower lip, determined to maintain his previous excitement and resolve. However, now that he had a family he felt possessive over them… he didn’t want to give Eve to that man - a pirate no less.

He felt alone again. Like he was in his own small world. And he hated that feeling. With renewed determination he promised himself to be a new man on a new path.


Carmon’s face was beaming from happiness. “Aye,” she replied to Guin after a quick hug, her eyes sparkling. Carmon giggled as Rosalind summed up Cole’s accomplishments properly. “No, indeed she is right, Guin. I’m afraid my brother hardly thinks of anything… or rather anyone else and yet… ‘Drea is a hard catch,” her voice and face fell at the last words. She pitied her brother and yet wished him the best. But as Hunter spoke she felt resentment and pride for her brother well within her. Did no one really have faith in Cole? He was extraordinarily bull-headed when he wanted to be.

“I think he shall have her,” she whispered to herself, fierce loyalty and confidence in her brother burned within her.


On the inside his heart sank, on the outside his face also fell at ‘Drea’s biting retort. Cole hadn’t expected anything like this. He hated to think that she thought that poorly of him and yet a resentful little voice whispered inside of him ‘who was she, a pirate, to mock him?’

With wounded pride he pursed his lips and didn’t reply to her apology. Instead, Cole gazed on as she fidgeted with her gown. It wasn’t that he was particularly good at mind-reading but he knew when a person felt the same way he did and he sympathized with that - it caused him to instantly forgive her of everything she had said before. After all, Cole knew what it looked like to be dissatisfied with life - which she obviously was. Before his mother had re-married he had been working, controlling his own future. Afterward, nothing. He had done nothing but sit because he didn’t have to work. His step-father insisted upon giving his new family a “good life”. But what had it been filled with? Excessive luxury and… idleness. He recalled hating being stifled in that life and feeling as though he wasn’t in control of his own destiny anymore. Seeing her recalled all of these painful memories.

“Cole,” he replied as she brought him out of his reminisce, giving a brief bow and regaining some of his manners. His face brightened as she looped her arm through his. “The façade,” he slowly ventured, gaining courage, “of… pleasing others? Surrendering your will to others and…” he paused, hoping he wasn’t going too far, “not being in control of your own fate?” becoming slightly braver he slyly added, “or perhaps simply not wearing what you wish?”

How he died to gush to her his opinions on the class system, his “new fangled notions” (as Carmon called them) of how much better everyone would be if they could do as they pleased, how tormented he was in the Port Royal society where everything was etiquette and scorn if you did not obey said etiquette. How utterly painful had it been to live in that society, to be controlled like a marionette. He took a deep breath of air, reveling in the purity of the night and in the purity of being away from it all… or at least mostly away from it all. Most of all he reveled in the purity of being with her.

[I love me some Codea... I feel that in another lifetime they could've been perfect kindred spirits. :happy: However, in this lifetime I simply cannot wait to play out how it'll all end.... "the tragedy it seems unending..." :whistle:]

Chase a couple hearts, we could leave 'em in shreds
Meet me in the gutter, make the devil your friend
Just remember what I said, cause it isn't over yet

-sig by Loafers-

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PostPosted: January 22nd, 2011, 3:33 pm 
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Location: Going to Hell in a Handbasket
Country: United Kingdom (uk)

[[Bump? We seem to be dying :erm:]]

Illuminate the way to my heart,
It's twisting on a thread


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PostPosted: January 26th, 2011, 3:17 pm 
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Edward parted from Eve as their reunion was cut short by Lucette’s words - each syllable less harsh than her normal tone. Perhaps the years had made her a bit less bitter, or maybe she was the same as before. “And why is that, Ms. <i>Beauchamp</i>?” He questioned, mimicking her French accent in a way that would more than likely offend her. As he talked, Edward helped Eve into his boat and made sure she was all right before grabbing an oar. He waited for her response before beginning to row in the general direction of the <i>Anne Boleyn</i>.

With the ship in sight, a new hope began to arise within him; with the old crew back together - or most of them, rather - perhaps they would actually have a chance at finding this treasure and the like. Strength in numbers, as they always said, and he caught himself smiling wide like a complete idiot.


[[Godmodded this part a bit… sorry Pan :blush: ]]

Ophelia’s venomous gaze never left the man even as Helena proceeded to slice his throat. With his body at their feet, she spat on him as she paraded past. With the sun quickly fading over the fields, they gained the advantage. In a few moments it would be too dark for the other slave drivers to give chase. “Come,” she breathed, grasping Helena’s hand in her own, and they ran - over hedges and through puddles, beneath low-hanging branches and across sharp pebbles leaving imprints in the bottom of their feet. Finally, they came to the rickety gate where a covered carriage waited in the street to carry them to safety.

“I was able to barter safe passage to the docks,” she quickly explained, helping Helena into the carriage and climbing in after her. The door shut and the horses took off at a fast pace, with urging from the driver. He hadn’t seemed to notice the fresh bloodstains on the girls’ dresses, a reminder that they had just murdered three men.

As the buggy bumped and clattered, Ophelia peered out the cracked window and watched the scenery fly by at an almost alarming rate. Buildings turned into trees as they crossed from town to forest - a detour that would prove faster. Once they reached the edge of the woods, they would be home free. A ship would be waiting in the harbor to take them wherever they needed to go. Freedom would soon be theirs…

Suddenly the carriage came to an unexpected and abrupt halt, sending Ophelia flying out of her seat. Curses flew from her mouth, but she fell silent as the sounds of authoritative voices came from outside the vehicle.

<i>“Sir, there are no exceptions. It is strict procedure that we search all carriages passing through this way - to ensure no slaves have escaped.”</i>

Ophelia’s blood ran cold, her heart stopping entirely as she looked to Helena in fear - they had gotten this far to be captured but neither would submit without a proper fight. Reaching beneath her skirts, she pulled out the concealed pistol at her thigh and loaded the gun. Drawing in a deep breath, she mentally and physically prepared herself, ready to leap out the very moment they would open the door.

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PostPosted: January 28th, 2011, 8:00 pm 

Joined: 18 October 2007
Posts: 4502

“Kayla, stay here with Cairbre and Guin.” Rosalind briefly touched her young niece’s arm with a small, forced smile. Her blue eyes shone determinedly. “I’ll follow your uncle.” She nodded quickly to the group on the deck of the Anne Boleyn, and darted off in the direction of the gangplank, carefully making her way over to the Dionysus, lifting her skirts so that they would not get in her way. She passed by Gabriel and Benjamin, only for a moment considering asking them where Hunter had went – she knew where he’d gone. The foolish man had shut himself up in his cabin, as he was prone to do when he got into one of his moods. Rosalind was used to them by now, the mood swings, the outbursts. Her husband was not always an easy man to live with, but despite this, and even because of this, she loved him.

She did not bother to knock on the door; she wrenched the door open and flung herself in, slamming it behind her to get Hunter’s notice. Her smile had broadened to a point that it looked almost savage. “Well done, my darling,” she proclaimed, loosely folding her arms. “You fooled everyone. You gave the exact imitation of a perfectly calm, reasonable man.” She rolled her eyes and strolled towards the drinks cabinet, pouring herself a glass of brandy. She let a few moments stretch on as she took a sip, waiting the situation out. Rosalind was not a person to tiptoe round matters; she could have crept into his cabin and comforted him tenderly, but she had chosen not to – at least, not yet.

“I have not seen my brother or Guinevere since the day of our wedding,” she continued. “I had thought this might be a happy occasion for us. Especially as they’re to be married, which you know is a great source of joy for me! Yet you choose to throw a tantrum now of all times.” She shook her head; she had still not looked round at him. Rosalind knew perfectly well that she was only provoking him, but she had to try something, anything, to make him see sense. A few more moments passed by before she took another sip of brandy and placed the glass down on his desk, before turning towards him to look him directly in the eye. “It’s Andrea, isn’t it?” her tone was softer now.

“You can rage against her nature all you like, my love, but you can’t make her change,” she carried on, walking towards him. She searched his face for remaining anger, her brow furrowing slightly. Reaching out, she placed a hand gently against his cheek. “She’s still a pirate at heart, Hunter – all the frilly dresses and grand marriages in the world won’t change that. You’ve got to let her make her own decisions, her own mistakes. You can see it for yourself, she doesn’t like it here. She doesn’t like what you want her to be, can’t you admit it?” Her hand slowly dropped. “You’re a stubborn man, that’s what you are. It’s lucky I’m a stubborn woman, hmm?”


Guinevere watched the departing figures of Hunter and Rosalind, before glancing up at Cairbre, who gave her a reassuring smile, before looking back towards all of their guests, deciding to take charge of the situation. “Well,” he said, “perhaps we should all go to the dining room for a drink? There’s obviously a whole lot of catching up to do.” He wanted to distract everyone from the situation with his sister and her husband; she’d obviously gone to confront him, and he knew for himself that Rosalind was not easy-going in an argument. He didn’t like to mention this in front of Hunter’s young niece, though, who had stayed behind with them on deck. Guinevere nodded in agreement to his suggestion.

“An excellent idea.” She reached out and took his hand, her fingers linking through his in reassurance. She shook back a strand of auburn hair as she smiled on all of the guests, grinning at Morgaine and Christine, who were in the middle of an elated reunion. Just as she was about to help Cairbre direct their friends below deck, she checked for a moment. Eve had still not returned; glancing along the deck, she observed the girl’s half-brother Henry, who had seemed less than happy to learn that Eve had gone off in pursuit of Edward.

“What is it?” Cairbre followed her glance; it only took him a moment to follow her train of thought, too. He pointed out towards a dim lantern light highlighting the shape of two small boats approaching the ship with a smile. “Look, there she is. With Edward too, and also Joe and Lucette if I’m not mistaken.” His eyebrows rose in surprise, but also minor wariness. Joe and Edward had never exactly been the best of friends; it was odd to see them in such close quarters.

Whilst Cairbre was still looking at the boats, Guinevere took the chance to slide an arm about his waist, catching him off-guard. She grinned as he looked down at her, surprised but pleased, neither of them the least bit embarrassed about displays of affection in front of the guests. However, both of them were keen not to forget their friends, after all having invited them here.

“Drinks for everyone in a few moments,” Guinevere said, projecting her voice. “We’re well-stocked with wine, ale, some port and of course good-old fashioned rum. Once we’re all refreshed I believe we have a very interesting map to show you…”


Eve climbed up the rope ladder that dangled over the edge of the Anne Boleyn, feeling a very slight resentment towards Lucette and Joe for interrupting her reunion with Ed. However, she could overcome this – she even felt that she could overcome the situation with her brother Henry at a time of such happiness as this. She clambered up onto the deck, glancing at the grand outline of the Dionysus moored up beside Guinevere and Cairbre’s ship with slight wariness. After helping Edward onto the deck beside her, she glanced around, spotting Henry standing by himself a little way away. She was afraid of approaching him; she knew that he disliked Edward quite a bit. Instead, she focused her attention on the dark-haired man, a warm smile on her features. After all, she’d not seen him for so long; she intended to make the most of this occasion.

“It feels like being home, doesn’t it?” she said, her soft voice filled with excitement. “It’s just like the old days, going off in search of some unknown treasure.” Her slender frame quivered slightly as she tried to contain her excitement. She watched Guinevere for a moment as she addressed the guests, before looking back at Edward with a tender smile.


“Chrissie!” Morgaine embraced Christine joyously, her hold tight and unrestrained. Morgaine liked to do things, including reunions, by extremes. “But of course, did you think I would not be here? I could not resist the lure of such an opportunity.” Her eyes gleamed as she pulled back, surveying her old friend. “I have been at home. In Ireland. With… family… friends… and such.” She waved a hand dismissively. “But what about you, are you well? You look happy! It’s good to see you so.” She rushed her words together in her haste. “It’s so good to see you. But you seem to be without Mr. Gibbs.” She pronounced his name with the utmost distaste, something in her eyes changing. “And I tell you one thing, it is good he’s not here. The last I saw of him he was drunken out of his mind in Tortuga, his arms about two painted ladies, speaking some nonsense about sea turtles.”

When Hector Barbossa had left Jack and Gibbs behind, she’d decided to go back for Gibbs, only to witness the scene she described to Chrissie. Gibbs hadn’t seen her, of course; she’d been hiding, waiting and observing with a glare that would have frightened the living daylights out of him had he seen it. “Good riddance to him,” Morgaine insisted. “You may ask me if I miss him, and I can tell you I do not.”

(My original plan was that Morgaine had reached the Anne Boleyn by traveling on the Dionysus – so in that case she and Chrissie would have traveled together. =) But I’m changing it so that she was on the Anne Boleyn ship all along. :-D )


~~Siggy by Lembas~~

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