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PostPosted: November 12th, 2010, 11:02 am 
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Joined: 10 January 2008
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Location: Going to Hell in a Handbasket
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[[Quick note to remind you all that I edited my last post so that this makes more sense and ties in more with the updated bios ;)]]

Hector watched as Andrea cradled the young girl in her arms, not quite sure what to make of the scene. The girl he'd handed his coat to, he had yet to learn her name, shared a resemblance with his first mate it was true, but not as much as the girl Andrea held so tightly. This girl was almost her mirror image, save a few small differences; the shape of her eyes, for instance and the curve of her brow. She was either Andrea's sister, or her daughter. Soon after he'd had it, Hector dispelled the latter thought. Andrea couldn't have a daughter, she would have told him something of such importance, besides, she was too young to have a daughter the age of this girl, was she not? It was true, he didn't know Andrea's exact age; she'd never told him and he certainly didn't think it right to ask, but she couldn't be much older than thirty. This young girl looked about sixteen, meaning Andrea would've been pregnant in her mid-teens. It wasn't impossible of course, but Hector deemed it highly unlikely. And so, through process of elimination, Hector came to the conclusion that this girl had to be Andrea's younger sister. He dragged his eyes from the pair and looked around himself, realising that most of the crew now surrounded them, also watching the scene. A sudden wave of protectiveness washed over him and he turned to the crew with a face like thunder.

"What do ye' think ye'r looking at ye worthless dogs?!" He barked harshly. "Ge' back to work, else ye'll face the consequences!" Andrea raised her head and looked at him before turning her head to watch the crew quickly scuffle away. She seemed to have forgotten exactly where she was sat, but the reality quickly dawned on her and she slowly, although begrudgingly, pulled herself away from the girl and stood up. Hector strode closer and looked down at her, the corner of his mouth twitching slightly as his close proximity caused her to swallow slightly. "We'd be'est be continuin' this in me cabin 'Drea." He said, his voice low and gruff but with an underlying softness, almost like a purr. "An' ye can be introducin' me to yer' guests." His tone made it clear that she had no choice in the matter; it was the type of tone she always bulked at, but this time she simply nodded and set her jaw straight, before turning to help the youngest girl up.

As he marched back to his cabin, Andrea and her family in tow, Hector tried to keep his thoughts focused but it was something he was finding quite difficult to do. The earlier conversation between himself and 'Drea played heavy on his mind. She'd told him that she loved him, but was it true? He was in no way accusing her of lying, he knew her well enough to know that she had been completely sincere. What he wanted to know was how? How could someone like Andrea love him? He was an old rogue, greying and scarred, who'd come from a background of poverty. She was a young woman, beautiful and intelligent, raised well and one who knew her own mind. What could she possibly see in him?

He sat himself down at the round table, gesturing for the others to do the same before leaning back and making himself comfortable, whilst maintaining an impression of authority. Jack leapt from the shadows to sit on his shoulder, looking to each of the new arrivals before screeching inquisitively. He waited for Andrea to speak, but once again she seemed enthralled by the younger version of herself.

"'Drea!" He barked, then gave her a stern look as she shook herself from her revive to look at him.

"Oh." She muttered, half in a daze before clearing her throat and starting the introductions. "Hector these are my cousins Liam and Noirin Costello. Noirin's father took me in when my parents died so I guess you could say she's more like a sister to me." He watched as she smiled softly at the older girl, the one with his coat, before continuing. "And this," She turned to the younger girl, the look in her eyes much akin to adoration. "Is Kayla." He waited for more of an explanation as to how the pair were related but none came, Andrea seemed to have decided to keep that information close to the chest for now. "Liam, Noirin, Kayla; This is Captain Hector Barbossa." He didn't miss the small smile she wore as she announced his name. He nodded stiffly to the three, feeling quite out of his comfort zone already. An awkward silence prevailed until he, having had enough, decided to break it.

“So ye came to find Andrea, tha' part be a given, but what be ye expectin' now ye found her?” He asked, not so much sternly as genuinely enquiring. They looked at each other and it was obvious to him that not even they knew what they were going to do now. Andrea, however, seemed to know exactly what to do.

“They can stay with us.” She spoke, determination and defiance in her voice as she turned to look at him. “Then when we next make port I can write to inform the family that they are safe and with me.” She turned to her cousins with a stern look. “No doubt everyone is now worried sick at your disappearance.” Noirin, he noted, lowered her head at this. Liam, however, did not.

“I doubt it.” The young man spoke, voice almost cocky if it wasn't for the underlying bitterness. “Everyone has their heads shoved so far up Bartley's backside at the moment that they would hardly notice if the world started to burn around them, let alone the fact that we left.” Andrea's face turned to fury and Hector was secretly glad that he wasn't on the receiving end of this rage for once.

“Yes I thought you would be the mastermind behind this well thought out plan Liam.” She growled dangerously. “What the hell were you thinking, dragging Noirin and Kayla all the way out here? They could have drowned! You all could have!” Hector could tell the real reason Andrea was so angry was because she was upset. He was starting to feel another headache setting in and so decided that it was his time to intervene.

“That be enough!” He roared, pushing himself out of his seat and standing so he towered over them all. “Aye ye can stay, for the time being, but only as long as ye all pull ye weight aboard me ship! I be assuming ye know how to sail?” He looked to each of them and they solemnly nodded their heads. “Good.” He turned to his first mate. “'Drea I'll be leaving ye to sort out where they'll be sleeping.” She also nodded and gave him a small sad smile of gratitude before also standing.

“Come on then.” She said to her guests with a sigh and Hector watched as they each filed out of his cabin, Andrea last, pausing at the door briefly to look back at him, her face unreadable, before closing the door behind her.

Hector sighed and sat himself back down before running a hand across his face. Things would just never go simply for them it seemed.


Zoe felt her heart stop as Shiloh's lips brushed her own, but all too quickly he had pulled away again. She looked up at him, a stray tear still clinging to her dark lashes. He seemed scared, fretful of what he had just done. He also seemed regretful, but not in the way that told her he didn't want this. It was upon that fact that she based her hopes, that gave her the strength to lean forward and, ever so softly, press her lips against his again.

Something erupted inside her, almost as if fire was battling sea within her, producing sparks that danced upon her skin. She couldn't help it, she pressed herself closer to Shiloh, revealing in the taste and feel of him. She had never been touched by a man before, not like this. It felt right, almost instinctual. She wanted more. Something brought her back to reality though. She needed to make sure that this was what Shiloh wanted first. She pulled away and looked at him, questioning him, the same fire that was pitted in her stomach now raging hot and possessive in her eyes.

Illuminate the way to my heart,
It's twisting on a thread


 Post subject:
PostPosted: November 12th, 2010, 6:08 pm 
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Joined: 04 January 2007
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Country: United States (us)

Jonah stood lazily back from the scene in front of him. He supposed he should try and scrape up the will to do something normal, but honestly he was growing tired of all these silly emotional creatures running about him. He watched as Jack immediately swept up behind Kaj - who had interestingly enough not pulled a weapon - and place a gun back against his skull.

He smiled to himself. A man who wasn't bent on protecting someone wouldn't have pulled a weapon as it bred mistrust in a new crew. Clearly his wan to protect the redhead was stronger than his wits at the moment. Christine was grinning proudly in triumph, but a growing puddled of blood about her feet was taking its toll as he saw the tremble in her previously resolute hands. It was a good time to take a preemptive strike. He needed to make sure the crew could easily be broken if need be so that when he finally caught their captain they would try a rescue.

"Mr. Gibbs," Jonah said with a grin as he turned towards the redhead and her brunette captive that was slowly turning red from anger. "Get rid of him. I'm sure Captain Sparrow doesn't want him on board."

Bartleby glared and fought against Gibbs snarling at Kaj. "Traitorous b*stard!" He yelled with murder in his eyes. "You will all pay for this," he promised. "I'll put a bullet between your eyes."

Christine found some of her gumption despite the pain that was beginning to creep up her body as the adrenaline wore down. "I think you are in no position to make such threats, Bartleby. The entirety of Tortuga knows now that you have been taken down by a *beep*. No one will take you seriously. You'll be dead in the week," she said confidently and she watched as his face dropped. He opened his mouth to say something, but Gibbs threw him over the port side before he could get it out.

The man floundered and screamed as salt water washed into his open wound. He made for the shore, but his progress was slow and it looked like he may not even make it.

Jonah nodded to Gibbs who took pleasure in the screams still coming from the cold water.

"All right!" he sounded loudly to the crew around them. "Yah heard the captain. Heave to yah dogs!" He yelled out and the crew quickly went to work - apparently no one had been fond enough of the previous captain to raise any objections.

Christine smiled as she watched the crew scurry and nodded to Jack and the other two men.

"Thank you boys," she said and dropped the pistols she held aloft. Jonah could see her knees buckle and - playing the dog like man - he was at her side holding part of her up. He looked at Kaj, still under Jack's gun and waved him over.

"You! come help me with her. We need to get her bandaged up. I trust you and Mr. Gibbs have the topside covered Captain Sparrow?" Jonah had not asked permission to take the prisoner from Jack as a show of independence. He wouldn't be taking orders from Jack at all the times. He would play by his own rules. He also knew that Christine would read far too much into Jack's lack of offering to help. He grinned to himself. Two birds with one stone.

As the trio made their way downstairs Gibbs looked to his friend. "Captain? What's our heading?" He asked with a grin, clapping his friend on the shoulder to signify that it was a job well done.

Heavens no. Hell Yeah.



Set 1: Nurr | Set 2: Me

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PostPosted: November 18th, 2010, 6:00 pm 
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Kaj slowly tucked his pipe back in his belt, crossing his arms lazily, and did not even bother to look up as Jack put his gun against his head. He seemed perfectly willing to cooperate, yet if Sparrow would only left one finger to take one of his guns, the pirate would be dead.

But for now, Kaj did not want anyone to get hurt, well not anyone that mattered anyway. He did not care in the least that the Captain would be removed. Kaj had never had trusted, or been loyal to anyone but himself. With a smirk on his lips he watched how Bartleby cursed and struggled. "Such ingratitude, after all those times I saved your sorry ass.." He nodded his head and watched with a grin how the Captain was thrown overboard.

He glanced at the redhead and her accomplishes; they looked like fools and not too intelligent. But it would be an amusing change from Bartleby’s cruel but rather mindless policy on the ship.
"You! Come help me with her.”

Kaj made his way over to Jonah, his face emotionless, and watched Christine closely, as if she was something interesting but then turned towards Jonah. “I would take another tone if I was you..” Kaj said softly, his voice hardly audible. He pause shortly, only to life Christine by her feet, but then glared at Jonah again. “Because I don’t like it..”


Liam had been lying in his berth, not able to sleep. Guin’s shocked face was still on his mind, almost haunting him, reminding him, that he’d let go of the love of his life. He could hardly comprehend what had happened that evening. Only hours ago, Edward and Varianna were getting married and he’d been joking around with Guin like they usually did, but now.. Eagle had opened up his heart and forced him to give up Guin and Guin had only been in doubt and tears.

With a jerk Liam turned to his side, and closed his eyes, forcing himself to ignore the tormenting voice in the back of his head that whispered that he made the greatest mistake in his life. You’ve been weak. You could have fought for her, but you gave her up without even trying. Coward…


Liam opened his eyes. Had he been thinking so much of Guinevere that he was now also hearing her voice as well? But then she suddenly sat beside him, her face pale and tear-stained but still looking lovelier than she ever did.
“Guin..” Liam murmured and he sat up, touching Guinevere’s damp cheeks. He wanted to comfort her, to tell her not to cry. Whatever she did, Liam wanted her to be happy, even if that meant that his heart would be crumbled forever.

He shivered when her hand touched his skin, and when she kissed him, he wrapped his arms around her, pulling her in an embrace. He took a deep breath, inhaling her scent and closed his eyes, relishing this moment of happiness. Those few short seconds he cherished, as if he never was going to hold her again. As if he would lose her forever..

I love you..

Liam broke their embrace by taking one step back and looked at Guinevere with some disbelief in his dark eyes. Although his body was overwhelmed by joy and affection, he couldn't believe his ears. He had so firmly believed that all odds were against him; that he had nothing to give her, that he almost had started believing it.

“What about Cairbre?” Liam asked, his voice soft, but his question left no room for not answering. He hated himself for asking this, but he had to. Pain was written on his face as he felt like tormenting himself, and Guin as well.

“I love you Guin, but I want all of you for myself.. I would not survive loosing you..” His dark eyes searched hers and he took her hands in his. “Are you sure that you’ll love me?”

[ Just skipping Salma's post until after the fast forwarding post.. ;) ]


O children, lift up your voice, lift up your voice,
Children, rejoice, rejoice..


It doesn't matter you don't believe in God, He believes in you.

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PostPosted: November 29th, 2010, 2:19 pm 
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Joined: 10 January 2008
Posts: 2443
Location: Going to Hell in a Handbasket
Country: United Kingdom (uk)

[[^ I don't really think we need the fast-forward anymore. But if you still want it, then I'm happy to oblige. Consider this a bump for everyone.]]

Illuminate the way to my heart,
It's twisting on a thread


 Post subject:
PostPosted: December 23rd, 2010, 8:02 pm 
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Joined: 03 June 2006
Posts: 5673
Country: Rohan (xr)

[ Wait, hold on! Since when did this close? :blink:
That's not fair! :( I didn't join the new RPGs to keep these alive!

Never shall we die, right?

Come on guys.. we can't let this die! I had so much fun! If a new RPg can be started, than this may survive as well! ]


O children, lift up your voice, lift up your voice,
Children, rejoice, rejoice..


It doesn't matter you don't believe in God, He believes in you.

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