Phantom Grey - Original Fantasy RPG
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Author:  Nauriel Rochnur [ February 25th, 2007, 11:07 pm ]
Post subject: 

Threng's horse skittered out of the way as Kjan and company hurled past. The way he was driving Threng could have sworn he saw the thing tilt on two wheels. He spured Storm into a gallope and followed the ruanaway wagon. Threng noted, however, that despite Kjan's obvious wish to flee, they did not seem to be pursued. As storm pulled even with the wagon Threng flashed a short smile. "Having fun, are we?" Though highly amusing, this sort of act was dangerous. But for this one time his sence of fun overruled the sencible part. "Do you think you could go a bit faster?"

Author:  Artemis [ February 25th, 2007, 11:13 pm ]
Post subject: 

(I haven't been able to post the past few days, so I'm kind of lost. Could someone maybe fill me in? I would really appreciate it.)

Author:  Witch_King_of_Angmar [ February 25th, 2007, 11:14 pm ]
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Kaabal had followed the odd person escaping down the alleys. His military boots pounded heavily as he charged toward what seemed to be the dead end.

Author:  Meldawen [ February 25th, 2007, 11:24 pm ]
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((Whatever you want to do is fine with me SG :) And Artemis, basically Kjan and some people are escaping with some released prisoners and the Phantom is leading the soldiers away, and has hit a bit of a dead end))

Author:  Witch_King_of_Angmar [ February 25th, 2007, 11:37 pm ]
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Kaabal stopped after he ran around the corner. He pointed his sword at Phantom Grey and said "You are under arrest by order of the High Vizier."

Author:  Star Gazer [ February 25th, 2007, 11:59 pm ]
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((@Artemis: Basicly, there has been an [attempted] hanging that Kjan and some henchmen have intervened in, and now they are running away with some prisinors, and the phantom is taking care of the guards... Hope that made sense, even though I kinda copied Melda. :blush: ))

Author:  pirateoftherings [ February 26th, 2007, 12:25 am ]
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Kjan tilted his head slightly as he weighed the possibilities in his mind. His more practical side reminded him that the horses still had a considerable distance to go, and that his passengers had no doubt already witnessed for too much of his renowned driving skills for their own comfort. Fortunately for Kjan, however, that part of his mind was often very quiet and easily ignored until it was convenient. Right now was not convenient.

"Quite possibly," he finally replied, grinning mischievously. "But before we test that, I feel compelled to remind you that I am controlling two horses, while you have but one." Well, close enough to controlling, anyway, he added silently. They were going where he wanted, weren't they? "I would hate to give myself any more of an unfair advantage than I naturally possess."

Author:  Meldawen [ February 26th, 2007, 1:01 pm ]
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This was not lost on the Phantom, who was searching his pockets and finding rather anxiously that he seemed to have used up all of that dead useful powder. Curses. However he kept his eyes firmly fixed on this agent of the Vizier, so as not to give this unknown intruder - rescuer? - away. Of course he was not the only one to deal with, a troop of soldiers would need to be disposed of or got past as well, but the Phantom was expert at that.

"Since when have I ever followed the Vizier's orders?" he returned smoothly, drawing his sword with a hiss from its sheath.

Author:  Lady Gweniven McAlester [ February 26th, 2007, 1:40 pm ]
Post subject: 

(( Oh my I have been left in the dust ... severally... can ya'll hold up for a few and let me catch up please? Thanks))

Author:  Aerandir [ February 26th, 2007, 3:17 pm ]
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Well, I would post, but since too often I have had the same plea as Lady Gweniven, I will refrain. :)

Author:  Shadowcat [ February 26th, 2007, 4:08 pm ]
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Lady Gweniven McAlester wrote:
(( Oh my I have been left in the dust ... severally... can ya'll hold up for a few and let me catch up please? Thanks))

heh heh...join the club...

Author:  Elenya [ February 26th, 2007, 5:07 pm ]
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((Basically, the Phantom and some of his helpers freed prisoners from the gallows. Those prisoners are in the forest now, waiting for further directions. Kjan and Threng are taking other prisoners out of the city, and the Phantom's trapped and about to be arrested.))

Author:  Lady Gweniven McAlester [ February 26th, 2007, 5:34 pm ]
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Kalianna stepped off her father's ship. The market was in a complete chaos. She smiled knowing that there would probably be a request for more food soon in comming. She was caught off guard by a fit of coughing. "Kali, are you alright my pet?" Kahil, her father, asked as he walked up beside her. "I'm fine papa." She said as she smiled up at him. "Good!" He said, then nodded toward the market. "I'll wager you're friend did that... get your things ready to go ... I'll get the coach ready." Kalianna nodded and headed back onboard the ship while her father went to the stablehouse to rent a carrage for her, sence she would be spending the next several months with her aunt in the country.

Author:  Witch_King_of_Angmar [ February 26th, 2007, 7:05 pm ]
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Kaabal said "Since this sword convinced you." and quickly ran forward to attempt to use the flat of his sword to disable Phantom.

Author:  Lady Dark Moon [ February 26th, 2007, 7:29 pm ]
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Suddenly Ardan felt a tap on his shoulder. Jais stood behind him, looking almost but not quite apologetic and holding out the blacksmith's shortsword. "May come in handy," he muttered with a conspirative wink. "Thank me later." After gesturing his newfound friend to the right, towards three of the guards, Jais himself began sidling over to the right.

He hadn't a doubt in his mind that his lanky friend would follow his lead. He was simply too charming, too handsome, too warty...

And then Baldie - he wondered how many warts he had - rushed forward, sword angle seemingly positioned to whack but not kill. Jais let fly at that moment, launching a quick succession of three throwing knives designed for distraction. Scimitar out, he leaped in.

Author:  Nauriel Rochnur [ February 26th, 2007, 7:35 pm ]
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Threng glanced at Kjan "I may have only one horse, but Storm here isn't dragging a wagon full of humans. The advantage is mine!" He attempted to bow gracefully in the saddle, and half succeded. "But I will back down like the gentleman that I am so as to not hurt your pride when you discover your "advantage" is not as grand as you assume" [

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