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 Post subject: Re: Avengers, Assemble! (Private RP)
PostPosted: June 20th, 2012, 6:17 pm 
Rider of Rohan
Rider of Rohan
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“Calm yourself, brother,” Thor cautioned, placing a hand on the other asgardian’s shoulder. “It is only a kind of potion to ease the pain. I have experienced such things before in this realm. Its effects are most... curious, but it will not harm you.”

Loki exhaled quickly, his jaw tensing as he lifted his head and dropped it back onto the pillow again with a frustrated grimace. Aside from the drugs he was obviously bound and his eyes shone with indignant anger at the knowledge - how dare they bind him.

From the bedside table the kitten watched the goings-on with natural curiosity, grass-shaded eyes glimmering with adorable wonder as its small black tail twitched back and forth.

As Thor stood beside the bed, idly fingering a packet of poptarts (but not eating them, for his hunger seemed to have faded now in the presence of his wayward brother) the small creature once again leapt to the bed and began to purr, rubbing its head contentedly against Loki’s hand.

Sinking into a chair beside the bed Thor watched his brother silently, gently removing the kitten from the bed again to absently stroke its back. “You should not have fled, Loki,” he said after a moment, his tone stern but also showing that hint of concern and care that had not yet been able to master.

“What would you have me do, Odinson?” the darker god demanded, sneering as he all but spat the name at his brother. “Remain locked away in Asgard to await my doom like a whimpering child?”

“I would have you trust me, brother,” Thor replied. “I would have you give up this hatred and stand beside me again -”

“Beneath you, you mean,” the younger god cut in coldly.

Thor’s eyes darkened, though more in sadness than in anger. “Brother, please, allow me to help you,” he went on. “You need not face this coming enemy alone.”

“What difference would it make?” Loki questioned. “None. Even if I were to return to Asgard with you to surrender myself like a quivering dog, I have harmed your precious Midgard and for that I will be made to pay, all at the hand of your father. No.”

“You have done wrong, I cannot change that, but if you help us now then I know that the Allfather will -”

With a hiss the god of mischief glowered at his brother, eyes narrowed in condescension and anger. “You are a fool, Thor Odinson,” he said in bitter resignation. No one knew better than he what the consequences of his actions would be - the Allfather was not so forgiving as Thor seemed to hope and Loki knew it. “Now release me or leave me be.”



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 Post subject: Re: Avengers, Assemble! (Private RP)
PostPosted: June 22nd, 2012, 2:35 am 
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"I can do neither, not after the games you played earlier today." Thor lowered his head, his voice filled with sadness more than anger. There was a heavy silence that fell between the two brothers. As Loki shifted, Thor looked up again.

"Shall I find you something to eat, brother?"

"No." The younger god replied coldly. His hands curled into fists. "Knowing you and your new friends, I highly doubt that there would be anything but poison in that revolting Midgardian food that you are so fond of."

"Do you truly think so lowly of me?" Thor gazed directly into his brother's eyes with pain written across his features. Unlike Loki, he had never mastered the skill of masking his emotions.

"Yes." The reply came as a hiss. "I am in no mood to contribute to this aimless discussion. What will it take for you to leave me be, Odinson?"

"You cannot rid yourself of me, brother." Thor said quietly. "We have been bound since birth, and I will fight and protect you until the end."

Loki gave a bitter laugh.

"The Midgardians have made you soft and sentimental, Thor." He fixed his green gaze upon Thor's and raised an eyebrow. "And you have only grown more foolish since last I saw you in Asgard. Tell me, does it please you to finally have me bound and stripped of my dignity?" Loki ran a tongue along his upper teeth, watching his brother's brother's expression change slowly.

"Don't tell me that you aren't the least bit satisfied that you have surfaced again as the golden child, while I remain the mere dark stain that the House of Odin cannot wipe away." As Thor's brow began to crease with hurt and anger, Loki gave a twisted smile. It pleased him to know he could still toy with Thor's emotions. It was an easy task, and one that he enjoyed doing.

"Hate me, son of Odin, for it makes no difference now."

Loki's words forced Thor into silence. For awhile, he could not meet his brother's eyes. Finally, he spoke.

"It makes a difference, brother." Loki's malicious smile faded slightly. The god of thunder stood up slowly and scooped up the tiny, slumbering kitten into his arms. He trained his gaze on the ground as he turned away from the dark-haired god. "Sleep well, Loki. I will see you when the sun rises." And with that, he left the ward and closed the door quietly behind him.

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 Post subject: Re: Avengers, Assemble! (Private RP)
PostPosted: June 25th, 2012, 5:08 pm 
Rider of Rohan
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The medical ward fell into silence for several long minutes, the only sounds that of humming machines and the soft movement of air.

Then, without warning, Loki smirked. “You needn’t hide in the shadows, Stark,” he announced with bitter amusement. “I promise I will not bite.”

From an alcove behind which a secondary door was hidden Tony shifted, shoving up off the wall and approaching the bed with his hands tucked in his pockets.

“Spying on my fool brother, were you?” the god snipped, staring at the genius with a look that a human would usually give to a bug about to be squashed beneath their shoe. “Were you afraid that he would succumb to his sentimental ideals and release me?”

Tony huffed a quick breath of mild laughter and chose not to answer. In truth he had been watching out of concern - not that he would admit it, and not because he was afraid that Thor was going to release his brother, either. But he did know how Thor felt about this smug, dark-haired god that lay on the bed before him, and he also knew from experience that a few words could do more damage than magic ice could.

And in spite of the way he often acted towards them all, he would be damned before he just stood back and let one of them get hurt, even if only by a god with a wicked tongue.

Besides, Loki intrigued him, and he still owed the little twit for jacking up his visor back on the Helicarrier.

“You know, for a supposed deity you’re not very bright,” he commented conversationally, ignoring the jibes in order to deliver a few of his own. “I mean, alienating the one guy on this entire planet who doesn’t want to see you locked in a dark hole for all of eternity?” He shrugged. “Not the wisest move there, buddy.”



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 Post subject: Re: Avengers, Assemble! (Private RP)
PostPosted: June 27th, 2012, 1:29 pm 
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Loki gave a raspy, bitter laugh. His hand clenched into a fist.

"You are a foolish man to advise me of how I should act around the man I called my brother for so long." He pulled his gaze away from the ceiling too meet Tony's eyes. "Alienation, you say? Was it not Thor Odinson, God of Thunder, who alienated me? Did he not laugh and join those who did everything in their power to silence me? Did he not bask in the glory of being the golden son and push me away into the shadows whenever I attempted to show the Allfather I was worthy of being his son?" Loki laughed again, but this time, it was filled with anger more than bitterness.

"But I was never the son of Odin. I was never worthy enough. But that has passed. Now that I speak freely and have risen to my true potential, the true Odinson finally recognizes all that he has done... He has created a monster." Loki looked away for a brief moment, letting his words hang in the air. He was a monster. He had been a monster since birth. He could feel the overwhelming wave of resentment wash over him, causing him to tremble with added bitterness and anger.

"He does not act out of love for me, but guilt. And it is too late. He is fighting a losing battle and he knows it. But like the rest of you Midgardians... he is a fool. A fool with a sentimental heart that will destroy him before the end."

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 Post subject: Re: Avengers, Assemble! (Private RP)
PostPosted: June 29th, 2012, 12:43 am 
Rider of Rohan
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Tony breathed another laugh, fiddling with one of the screens near the bedside before turning away from it. He calmly met the god’s gaze, clearly unimpressed by Loki’s words.

"Regardless of what you may think no one does the things that Thor is willing to do for you out of guilt," he commented knowingly. Guilt was, after all, an old companion of his. "at least, not only out of guilt. There's way more to this than you're willing to see."

Loki scoffed. "I grow tired of your idle prattle," he replied dismissively, but with less chill than had previously been. The anger wasn't dimmed any, nor the loathing, but the conviction behind it was perhaps, and only for a moment, shaken.

Tony dropped casually onto one of the other beds, his eyes closing in weariness as he made to settle in for what remained of the night. Someone still needed to look after the dark haired god, after all, and since Thor had gone it might as well be him. "Just out of curiosity, when did everyone decide you were a monster? Was is when you first found out you were some freaky ice alien? Or was it after you slaughtered hundreds of innocent lives? Because I’m willing to bet that it’s the latter.”

Loki made no answer and Tony let that sink in for a moment, silently wondering why he'd decided to play therapist for a god. He decided it was due to a lack of sleep and a system mildly saturated with alcohol.

It may also have had something to do with the fact that the genius engineer completely understood what it was like to grow up in another man’s shadow. And while that didn’t at all excuse Loki’s actions, and while Tony would have been more than glad to see the Asgardian forever locked away in some prison for eternity plus five, he... understood.

And tomorrow he was going to hate himself for sounding so pathetic, even if it was only in his own head.

Eventually he went on, shifting deeper into the mattress and tucking his hands behind his head. "And another thing. Whatever Thor may have inadvertently done to you is kind of moot at this point isn't it? Because he may have under-appreciated you on occasion, but you've tried to kill both him and people he cares for. I'd say that outshines any childhood grudges, wouldn't you?"

Without giving the god a chance to snap a reply Tony shot Loki a thoughtful look before rolling over and promptly falling - or feigning - asleep.



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 Post subject: Re: Avengers, Assemble! (Private RP)
PostPosted: June 29th, 2012, 1:32 am 
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The next morning came quickly, and as usual, Steve was the first to wake. He hadn't slept well due to the fact that he felt uneasy about Thor being alone in the same room with Loki all night. He had gotten out of bed at one point to check up on them in fear that a brotherly spat might occur while the rest of the group was asleep, but when he found Tony slumbering in the darkness and Thor dozing off with the kitten in his arms outside the door, he left them alone. Despite the fact that he and Tony rarely got along, the captain didn't have a single doubt that he could handle any conflict that could occur between the two gods.

Steve was careful not to wake any of the others as he made breakfast. After all, the sun had just barely crept into the sky, and Tony was notorious for sleeping in late due to his night owl tendencies. As he piled the pancakes and waffles high on separate plates, the soldier glanced up in alarm when he heard movement by the door.

"At ease, Cap. It's only me." Bruce gave a timid smile and ran a hand through his dark curls. "Smells good in here." Steve relaxed and gestured to the pot of coffee that was brewing on the counter.

"Help yourself. Breakfast isn't quite ready yet, but it should be finished before the others wake."

"Take your time. Thor and his new little friend are fast asleep in the hallway, last I checked." The doctor slid past Steve and reached over his head to search the cabinets He glanced back at the captain as he pulled a mug off of the shelf. "Don't suppose coffee does much for you."

"Nah, but I like the taste of it anyway." Steve looked back at the doctor as he took out another mug. "Thanks. I'll take mine black."

"Brave man. You're just like Tony, you know. Though I think he does it to impress people more than for the caffeine kick." Bruce shook his head and opened one of the little ceramic jars. "How did you sleep?"

"I've had better nights." Steve drizzled some oil in one of the pans, his expression unreadable. "Yourself, doc?"

"Pretty well, actually. Though I tend to knock out pretty easily after..." The doctor cleared his throat. "Well, anyway."

The soldier glanced up at Bruce, who was suddenly very focused on dropping sugar cubes into his mug.

"You fought bravely last night, Bruce. You should be proud."

"Proud?" He laughed, but there was no humor behind it. Rather, he seemed bitter and sad. "There are a lot things I feel about the other guy Cap, but 'proud' isn't one of them."

Steve didn't say anything for awhile. He dropped a few strips of bacon into the pan and closed it before turning back around to face the doctor.

"Look," The soldier pushed his hair out of his eyes as he tried to search for the right words to express his thoughts. "It doesn't matter. That accident that made you who you are? It happened for a reason. And I can see how guilty you feel every time the 'other guy' comes out. But you can't go on like that forever. Those incidents that have occurred all these years... You're doing more than enough to make up for what you couldn't help causing. And you shouldn't feel ashamed about last night because there's nothing to feel guilty over." He placed a hand on the doctor's shoulder and studied him intently. "You're one of the greatest men I know, Doctor Banner. And it's time you see the good in yourself, rather than the bad."

There was a long silence as Bruce stared down at his sugared-down coffee, allowing Steve's words to sink in. Finally, he looked up and smiled a little.

"You sound just like Tony. It's uncanny." Suddenly, the timer gave a shrill ring and smoke began clouding up from the pan on the stove. Steve jumped back and swore under his breath as he lunged for the skillet. Bruce took a sip of his coffee before backing out of the kitchen.

"That's my queue, cap. I'll go wake the others."

Steve nodded and waved a hand, now distracted by the almost-burnt bacon. Bruce smiled and began to walk down the hallway. He would have to thank the Captain later. Preferably when he wasn't preventing the kitchen from going up in flames.

As the doctor passed by the screens mounted on the walls, he glanced at them out of practice and habit. He froze with his mug in midair as he stepped closer to examine the nearest screen. A bright red dot was blinking on the map, slowly making its way towards the safehouse. He set the mug aside and typed in a code. A moment later, a small green information box flickered on the monitor, indicating that it was one of Fury's jets. With a silent curse, the doctor hurried down the rest of the corridor towards the medical ward.

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 Post subject: Re: Avengers, Assemble! (Private RP)
PostPosted: June 29th, 2012, 10:20 pm 
Rider of Rohan
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Tony’s eyes snapped open, bleary and a tad bloodshot and not at all as alert as he would have liked to be. Blinking against the soft light of the ward he reached up to rub his face. “W’zzit, J’RV’S...”

“There is an unidentified craft approaching the area,” the AI informed him quietly, keeping his volume down and keeping his broadcast to the ward’s speakers only. “It appears to be of S.H.I.E.L.D origins. Scanners will have further information as soon as it is within - data collected. It is indeed one of Director Fury’s aircrafts.”

As soon as JARVIS said the words ‘unidentified aircraft’ Tony sprang from the bed, stumbling a little as the room tilted - a side effect of getting up too quickly, or perhaps because of the mild hangover. It didn’t really matter. He listened with quickly clearing attention as the AI went on to confirm the craft belonged to S.H.I.E.L.D.

Tony had been expecting Fury to show up, though he had assumed the spy would give them a few days, first.

“Where’s everyone else, J?”

“Doctor Banner and Captain Rogers are currently in the kitchen area. Thor is sleeping just outside the door.”

“Okay. It won’t be long before they figure out Fury caught up with us. How much fuel does the jet have?”

“I feel that I should point out that if you intended to retreat it may have been unwise to purposely leave a trail leading the agency to this location in the first place.”

“I thought Fury would give us a few more days,” Tony groused, obviously unhappy with his miscalculation. “Is the back tunnel secure?”


“Good. I’m heading topside,” he announced, making for the second doorway so that he wouldn’t have to pass Thor. “If things go bad tell Banner and the others to get Loki out of here before Fury’s puppets have time to storm the place. I don’t know what Eye-Patch thinks he’s going to do, but I’d rather this whole mess not have been for nothing if they take Reindeer Games back into custody.”

“You realize that the others will not be pleased with your decision to go up alone.”

Tony slipped into the hallway and headed for the elevator. “What else is new?”


Bruce jogged into the lab, smacking Thor on the shoulder as he past to wake the god.

“Tony-” he began, but skidded to a halt when he found no one but Loki. Thor entered behind him, alerted by Bruce’s tension and hurry.

“JARVIS, where’s Tony?”

“What is the matter, Banner?” Thor inquired, his face marred in a frown.

Turning away from the screen, on which a video of Tony exiting the elevator ran, Bruce sighed, obviously trying to rein in some serious frustration. “S.H.I.E.L.D.’s found us,” the physicist informed the god. “Tony’s gone up to distract them.” For which he was seriously going to chew out the playboy later, by the way. If Steve didn’t beat him to it.

“You stay here and keep an eye on Loki. If Fury doesn’t cooperate again we may have to get out quick, so be ready.”

Thor nodding in grim understanding. “Where will you be?”

Bruce headed back out of the ward. “I’ve got to warn Steve. And then one of us is going up with Tony.”


Tony stepped out of the elevator and into the cabin, standing near the doors until they slid closed before promptly crossing to the keypad. With quick fingers he entered the locking code, effectively sealing the doors closed. While the inside was still accessible no one was getting into the elevator from the outside.

Then he crossed to a dusty, half collapsed couch near the caved in portion of the room and casually flopped back to wait for Fury and his goons to arrive.



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 Post subject: Re: Avengers, Assemble! (Private RP)
PostPosted: July 1st, 2012, 1:38 am 
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Steve was plating breakfast when Bruce suddenly rushed back into the kitchen, his curly dark hair awry. The soldier instantly dropped what he was holding and crossed the room. He placed a hand on the doctor's shoulder.

"What's going on?"

"Fury. He's here. Tony's gone--"

Before Bruce could finish his sentence, Steve was already out of the kitchen and jogging down the hallway to the elevator.


"Security's pretty tight, sir." Maria Hill stepped back after examining the entrance into the cottage.

"Figures. Stark wouldn't just leave his front door open for us now, would he?" Fury locked his jaw. "Blast it."

Without hesitation, three men stepped forward immediately and pasted four tiny metallic devices on the door. As the whirring sound increased a crescendo and the beeping grew quicker, they all stepped back.

The door exploded open without ceremony. As soon as the debris settled, Fury held the agents back.

"I'm going in alone. Set up a perimeter."

As Maria relayed the orders, Fury moved through the opening and stepped inside the small space.

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 Post subject: Re: Avengers, Assemble! (Private RP)
PostPosted: July 2nd, 2012, 9:53 pm 
Rider of Rohan
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As soon as the elevator had returned to the ground floor JARVIS held it open, knowing that someone would very quickly be along to go up with Tony. As soon as Steve arrived the AI put full audio and video of the conversation upstairs on screen.

“The doors have been sealed from the outside,” he informed the soldier quietly as the car began to rise. “They will not open without your order.”


When the door blasted open Tony ducked deeper into the couch out of instinct, but his composure had fully returned by the time Fury stepped through the now shattered wall.

Looking up at the one-eyed man the playboy’s demeanor was all cool amusement, though his eyes were hard and had a steely edge in them.

“You know,” he commented airily, waving his hand to clear the dust-filled air around his head. “Most people would have knocked before blowing a hole in the door.”

“I thought about it, but then I decided that I didn’t care,” Fury replied, equally calm-and-seething. His hands rested at his sides, one hovering just near his gun without actually touching or drawing. “You guys caused a lot of trouble on my ‘carrier. Blew up a lot of stuff. Just thought I’d return the favor.”

“Yeah, well, fighting an evil god will cause some damage. I mean, you saw how bad Manhattan fared last time. Personally I think you’re flying ship came out pretty well. Speaking of which, nice bandaid,” Tony quipped, pointing to the large butterfly bandage on the side of Fury’s head as he bounced off of the couch to face the agent. “S’That where Steve hit you with his shiny shield?”

Fury’s eyes darkened, narrowing into dangerous slits. “You know it is. Now where are Loki and the others?” the spy asked, keeping his tone level. Tony could hear the anger coming through but since it matched his he didn’t bother to back off.

“I bet that hurt. Though I have to admit that you deserve it, seeing as how you were strangling the guy and everything.”

Tony’s eyes were hard and cold as he stared across the room at the agent, his jaw tight as he remembered the light bruises that still decorated Steve’s throat. For the most part they had faded but it didn’t make much difference to the billionaire - jerk though he acted, no one got away with physically harming one of the few friends he had. Even though no, he and Steve weren’t technically friends.

“That’s what happens when you cross me,” Fury growled. “Something you in particular seem to enjoy making a habit of.”

“What can I say,” Tony shrugged. “It’s just too much fun.”

“Well your fun’s about to run out,” Fury deadpanned. Patient he was, but not this patient. “You going to tell me where the others are, or are we going to turn this into a party?”

“I like parties.”

Fury’s patience ended and his eye narrowed into a deadly slit. “You won’t like this one.”



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 Post subject: Re: Avengers, Assemble! (Private RP)
PostPosted: July 3rd, 2012, 2:10 pm 
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The elevator doors suddenly opened and Steve stepped through, his jaw set and his blue eyes narrowed.

"That's enough." He pushed himself in front of Tony and put a hand out to keep Fury back. "Your problem is with me, Fury. Not with Stark."

"You're damned right about my problem with you." Fury growled. He grabbed the scruff of Steve's shirt and dragged him in closer, but the soldier didn't even flinch. Instead, he met the director's gaze head-on. "What the hell did you think you were doing, soldier? I expected more out of you. But even a man with morals such as yourself can be shaken by the wrong crowd." He glared over Steve's soldier to the playboy standing behind him.

"Hey!" Steve's voice was louder than he had intended it to be, but Fury's words had struck a nerve. He freed himself from the director's grasp easily and stepped back. "Tony has nothing to do with this. He did what I asked him to do." Steve's face was hard. "I asked him to take Loki, and he did." Though on the surface he seemed as calm and controlled as usual, Steve felt a wave of anger as he remembered the incident on the carrier.

"What right did you have to set your men on him? Did you even stop to realize that his intentions were good? You nearly killed him!" The last bit exploded out of him before he could stop himself, and even Fury seemed surprised by Steve's little outburst.

"What I did was out of necessity, Rogers." Fury's voice was cold. "You, out of all people, should know what it's like on the field. I had to make a decision."

"I would never make a decision to take out an ally. Not without good reason." Steve replied quietly.

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 Post subject: Re: Avengers, Assemble! (Private RP)
PostPosted: July 3rd, 2012, 3:35 pm 
Rider of Rohan
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“That is exactly what you decided to do. That’s what you chose by attacking my people,” Fury snapped, jabbing a finger at Steve’s in furious accusation. “This was your call, Rogers, and -”

“Actually, that was our call,” Tony interrupted, stepping between Fury and the solider and forcefully shoving the agent’s hand away. “Not Steve’s, not mine. We made it as a team. So if you have a problem you can deal with both of us. Or you can just keep blaming it on my ‘corruptive influence’ because honestly? I don’t give a damn. But you’re not going to stand here and put all the blame and guilt on Rogers just because he didn’t turn out to be the obedient puppy you were hoping for. And you’re not going to touch him again, or I’ll find a shield of my own to slam into your thick skull. We clear?”

As he finished speaking Tony held his ground between the agent and the soldier. If he was surprised by the intensity of his anger, or by the defensive of a man he claimed not even to like, he didn’t show it. Hangover. He would just blame it all on the hangover.

Fury, however, couldn’t help the blink of bewilderment before his eyes hardened again. “Do not threaten me, Stark,” he ground out, teeth clenched.

“I’m not.” It was a promise, not a threat, and Tony made sure Fury knew it. Stepping back he took his place beside Steve. “We did this to keep you, and S.H.I.E.L.D., and Earth safe. That’s what we’re all here for, Director. That’s why you brought us together. And if you’d taken the time to listen to Steve instead of trying to choke him to death you’d know that.”



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 Post subject: Re: Avengers, Assemble! (Private RP)
PostPosted: July 3rd, 2012, 4:13 pm 
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Steve looked at Tony as he spoke with a strange expression, though it was not one of the usual disapproval. This time, he seemed genuinely confused, as if he didn't know whether or make Tony out as the arrogant, shallow man that he had first met, or the man who was standing before Fury now, defending him against the director's accusations.

"Enough." Steve moved sideways so he was next to Tony. He placed a hand on the playboy's shoulders in attempt to relax him. "This doesn't need to get out of hand."

"What's the meaning of this, Rogers? What exactly were you planning on achieving by taking Loki in your own hands?" Fury demanded. But this time, he seemed calmer, as if he was reluctantly allowing Steve to explain himself.

"Loki is currently being hunted down by someone whom Thor calls, "The Other." He's... some sort of extra terrestrial life form." Steve folded his arms over his chest. "Apparently this guy's intent is to come to our planet and take over himself because Loki didn't do it right the first time. Thor came to us a few days ago, hoping that we would be able to help in locating his brother. But we were afraid that if Loki was kept in S.H.I.E.L.D's custody, that he would be sought out in a matter of days. And knowing the council's habit of acting rashly before considering the consequences, we decided to take matters in our own hands." Steve sighed heavily and lowered his gaze for a moment before speaking again.

"We would have told you, sir. But the truth is that we were concerned that if you knew of our true mission, you would have been forced to tell the council. They would have shut us down in minutes."

There was a long silence that stretched out between the three men as they all considered what Steve had just said. Finally, Fury spoke.

"And just when did you plan on getting Loki's ass back to his own realm?"

"Soon." The soldier looked up. "Once he regains his strength, Thor will take him back to Asgard and we will prepare for The Other's arrival."

Fury began to pace the length of the small cottage with his hands behind his back. His mouth was set to a frustrated scowl as he continued to stare at the floor with his one good eye. Suddenly, he stopped and turned to them abruptly.

"You have three days to get him out here. If he isn't gone by then, I will unleash the entire agency on you, do you understand?" He took their silence as a yes and turned towards the opening he had created earlier in the wall.

"Don't wear my patience out, you two. You will find that you won't like what you get when you do." And with that, he was gone.

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 Post subject: Re: Avengers, Assemble! (Private RP)
PostPosted: July 3rd, 2012, 4:45 pm 
Rider of Rohan
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If it were possible, the tension in Tony’s shoulders only multiplied as Fury left, though he eased it a little by making an incredibly juvenile face at the back of the agent’s head. Feeling suddenly very awkward - an emotion that he wasn’t much used to and didn’t much like - he left Steve’s side to walk to one of the windows, watching to make sure that Fury was indeed leaving.

Hands in his pockets he allowed the silence to stretch on to the point where - for himself at least - it was almost painful. He ran over the entire conversation in his head again and considered himself lucky that embarrassment was something he well knew how to hide. Still he didn’t regret it. Not terribly, at least.

“That went well,” he commented eventually, his tone a mixture of sarcasm and mildly put-on amusement. He kept waiting for Steve to give him the lecture about jumping into things on his own, etc., but at the same time found himself as confused as Steve had looked (though Tony hadn’t seen the confusion, thanks to all his attention having been focusing on shooting daggers at Fury with his eyes). Tony had defended Steve, sure. The guy may have been a pain and a goody-goody, but he was the last person who deserved to take the flack for this.

Why Steve would have taken then time to defend Tony, however, was completely beyond the playboy’s comprehension. The only explanation would be that putting himself in the line of fire was simply Steve’s way - hence the fact that the soldier literally kept stepping between any member of the team and a threat. But that didn’t feel quite right. Especially since in this case Tony had been as much to blame as Steve had.

Maybe more so, even. What were the odds that he actually was having a negative influence on the soldier? It wouldn’t be the first time - god knows he’d gotten Rhodey into plenty of messes and forced the air-man to compromise his morals on occasion.

Wouldn’t that just take the cake. The man whom Howard Stark had raved about corrupted by the inventor’s own son. Tony smirked and stared at the floor.



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 Post subject: Re: Avengers, Assemble! (Private RP)
PostPosted: July 3rd, 2012, 5:10 pm 
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Steve exhaled the breath he hadn't even realized he had been holding. He hadn't been able to relax since the night at the carrier. Going against Fury hadn't sat well with him, and seeing the bandage around the director's head had made him feel even worse. He sank down in one of the couches and held his head in his hands for awhile.

As the jet left their area, a large gust of wind blew through the large opening in the wall, forcing a cloud of dust and debris into the cottage. As the breeze faded away, Steve glanced at Tony.

"We're gonna have to fix that." He fell silent as the awkwardness settled in. Despite how he had felt about the playboy in the past, he couldn't help but be touched by what he had done, even if it might have been out of a spur of the moment.

"You know... that stuff that Fury said. It's not true." The soldier rubbed the back of his neck, trying to find something to focus on so he didn't have to look at Tony as he spoke. "And... thanks. You didn't have to... say what you said."

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 Post subject: Re: Avengers, Assemble! (Private RP)
PostPosted: July 3rd, 2012, 5:36 pm 
Rider of Rohan
Rider of Rohan
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Tony looked up at the gaping hole in the wall as Steve spoke, glad to have something physical to focus on. He took in the damage without much focus. “I‘ll patch it up in a bit,” he responded blandly, though he doubted the soldier actually cared about the state of the door.

He cocked an eyebrow as Steve went on, forced to look at the other man now out of morbid curiosity. Was he really that easy to read or was the soldier just assuming that he was pathetic enough to be bothered by the words. He decided he didn’t want to know which was the case. “Yeah, well... the same goes for you, and what he said,” he muttered awkwardly. “I know you tend to feel guilty about - I mean, I don’t know, but I assume that you being how you are you feel guilty, and you shouldn’t.” Christ, he was babbling. This was exactly why he hated moments like this. Advanced science, the creation of brand new elements? That he could do - sincerity and encouragement however were almost completely out of his league. “So just, you know... it wasn’t your fault. We did what we had to.”

Leaning against the wall beside the fireplace Tony fiddled with the bioscanner, keying in orders to unlock the elevator again. “I, uh, I guess I should be thanking you, too,” he went on slowly. Damn, he was no good at things like this. “I mean, for back on the carrier and everything. Not that I needed the help,” he added quickly, because he had to keep up some pretense of being a jerk, after all. “But I, uh, well... you know. Thanks. And... sorry. For being such an ass about it.”

There, he’d said it. Now he could go back to being Tony-Stark-Who-Cares-Not-A-Whit and not feel guilty for it.



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 Post subject: Re: Avengers, Assemble! (Private RP)
PostPosted: July 3rd, 2012, 9:43 pm 
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Steve looked at his knees, his mouth quirking into a familiar half smile. He laced his fingers together and looked thoughtful for a moment, as if deciding whether or not he should say what was on his mind. He watched the playboy toy with the keypad and shook his head slightly, but he was still smiling. He stood up slowly and walked towards the gaping hole in the wall so his back was towards Tony. Slipping his hands into his pockets, he cleared his throat.

"I know we don't really click sometimes, but while we're here and... well," Steve seemed uncomfortable, which was only expected, seeing that he, just like Tony, was no good with expressing his emotions. He took a deep breath. "I was wrong. About you. You've proven to the team that you are the kind of man to lay his life on the line and make the sacrifice play." He turned to meet Tony's gaze. He wasn't smiling anymore, due to his nerves, but there was a hint of warmth in his features. "Howard would have been proud to see the man you grew up to be." The soldier looked away again, lost in thought. There was another beat of silence, then he jerked his head towards the opening in the wall.

"I'm going to go find some wood or something to patch this up for the time being." To be honest, he wanted some alone time before going back in to join the others. The habits of a hermit were difficult to shake off. "Why don't you go downstairs and have the a drink with the others? I'll be back soon." Without waiting for an answer, the soldier stepped through the hole and jogged towards the woods.

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