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 Post subject: Collision Course: The Crossover [And The Ball Is Rolling...]
PostPosted: May 17th, 2010, 7:51 am 
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A huuuuge thankyou to all who contributed!</center>

In a place of green hills, broad skies, pure, brilliant sunshine and vast cities, something's askew. People have been turning up, out of the blue, dressed strangely with even stranger stories: of alien contraptions; of beautiful oceans that stretch to the horizon, sailed by pirates; of programmable people; of medieval castles; of time travel. These people have almost been shunned by society, as much for their unconventional appearance as their disturbing tales of places that can't possibly exist.

For now, all they can do it band together as best they can - with more than a little friction, in some places - swap stories and try to figure out the best way to get back home. No-one's sure what brought them there, but there's one thing that all agree on: sometimes, reality is crazier than science fiction.

<center>- - -</center>

The siren was always the tell-tale sign. For anyone who knew what it meant, what it signified, it was a cue for them to drop whatever they were doing and rush towards the nearest window, where they'd watch the familiar blue box appear with wide eyes and soaring spirits.

This time, however, when the TARDIS faded into existence on the grassy hills, there was no-one to watch it, nor was there anyone to see the slightly crazed expression on the face of the man who poked his head out of the door. They didn't watch him as he vanished and turned up once again, strolling out into the sunlight, pulling on his jacket and straightening his bow tie. For a moment his expression seemed weighted down by confusion and he spun three hundred and sixty degrees, looking for something that wasn't quite apparent, and nearly lost his balance. Recovering and standing up tall, he sniffed in a dignity-at-all-times kind of way.

“So,” he told the seemingly empty hillside, “not the fourth-generation Earth space station.”
The TARDIS received a slightly disapproving look before the Doctor dived back inside his beloved blue box and twiddled a few gears. From outside, a spectator would have seen the TARDIS leaving, heard the siren blazing, then turned as the TARDIS re-materialised three metres away from its previous position.

Once again, the funny little man jumped out of his box and looked around, full of optimism, before looked around again, irritated. Digging into one of his many pockets, he pulled out his favourite tool - none other than the new-and-improved sonic screwdriver - and started buzzing with an expression of fierce concentration. This, after a minute or so, turned to one of puzzlement.

“Well isn't that funny,” he told the screwdriver with raised eyebrows. “We seem to be anchored to this part of time and space... how odd.”

The screwdriver, however, was already onto something else. The Doctor, overly curious, as usual, patted the TARDIS and called “Stay put” over his shoulder as he headed off towards the crest of the hill he was stood on.

When he reached the top, he was met with a sight he didn't expect to see: a marvellous, sprawling city that spread as far as the eye could see, off towards the horizon; and above it, swirling in a circular pattern, was what looked like a whirlpool formation of clouds, except for the fact it wasn't moving with the air current. It stretched as far as the city did, apparently more a landmark than a hazard.

But, if it was just a landmark, why would the Doctor be there?

Of course, being the Doctor, armed with nothing but a screwdriver, he managed to sum up the situation perfectly with no more than two syllables.


- - -
- - -

Here we are, at last! Let the crazy Crossover-ness begin! :bones:

Okay, so the main starting point of this, as some of you may have guessed, is to borrow characters from every fandom imaginable and shove them on a planet. It's a nice one. It's got trees and birds and grass and...


This is going to be quite different to usual RPs in the sense that, firstly, it's likely going to be overrun with canon characters, and secondly, there's going to be loads from every different fandom imaginable. This should, hopefully, be great for character interactions. I don't want to limit the creativity of this, so think big. Any character from absolutely anything you can think of, go for it. Go wiiiiild.

I don't think there's going to be much of an issue with bringing characters into this [unless you're one of the pirates, in which case landing on a hillside in the middle of nowhere in a <s>boat</s> *cough* ...ship is going to cause a stir] as, if all else fails, they'd fall asleep in one place and wake up in another.

Just to summarise, in case there's anyone who hasn't seen the - clicky - thread in Osgiliath, the idea is that from various times and places in the universe, fictional characters have been dragged to what will serve as the ‘Here and Now’: the amiable little planet that the Doctor has just been exploring, in all his slightly crazy glory.
You know, box falls out of sky, man falls out of box...

*Ahem,* sidetracked. Again.

For ease and peace of mind, I've adjusted the usual bio template very slightly. For canons we're not going to need much info, but filling out the bits and pieces should help anyone who isn't familiar with the fandom that that character originates from. They are as follows:

For Canon Characters;
Personality: Just a quick summary will do, unless you feel like enlightening us further. :P
Miscellaneous Notes: Anything else you think it'd be useful to know.

For OCs;
Miscellaneous Notes:

Those Pesky Rule-shaped Things:
For the time being, until we've got a good idea of how many people around going to be lurking around this RP, I'm going to say 2 canon characters per person. I'll likely open more spaces up later on, but for now it's safer and it'll ensure we don't have a stampede on our hands. I have a phobia of being crushed to death by squealing fangirls. :P
Bad guys/villains from TV Shows/Movies/Books etc are most welcome. There's nothing I love more than a bit of trouble.
If you're playing canon, try to stay within the limits of the character. This kinda stands to reason.
Pairings are welcome, but please don't go overboard.
A reminder: your characters have just been or are about to be pulled through a rift in time and space. Realistically, everyone - with the only exception of the Doctor - will be at least a little phased by this. We can't have anyone wandering about like they know exactly what they're doing. Leave that to the guy with the screwdriver. :teehee:

I think I'm done rambling, now. Let's kick off the chaos. Image

Name: The Doctor
Fandom: Doctor Who
Appearance: 1 & 2
Personality: Quirky, quick-witted and clever.
Miscellaneous Notes: He's a nine-hundred-and-seven-year-old time-travelling genius. Also the last of the Time Lords.

Canon Characters:
listed by character names, the fandom they came from and the person portraying them

The Doctor -- Doctor Who -- Darkheart
Echo/Caroline -- Dollhouse -- Ennostiel
Syndrome -- The Incredibles -- Freya Baggins
Violet -- The Incredibles -- Freya Baggins
Fiona Glenanne -- Burn Notice -- Lor En Estel
'Mal' Reynolds -- Firefly -- Elegost Eruaphadion
Anton-- The Night Watch -- Elegost Eruaphadion
House -- House, M.D. -- Will
Crowley-- Good Omens/Supernatural -- Maethoriel
Aziraphale -- Good Omens -- Maethoriel
Nikola Tesla -- Sanctuary -- Nauriel Rochnur
Cloud Strife -- Final Fantasy -- Eruraina
Vince Noir -- The Mighty Boosh -- Shadowcat
Ed/Radical Edward -- Cowboy Bebop -- Misa_Amane
Lelouch vi Britannia/Zero -- Code Geass -- Caunion vi Britannia


Henrietta Larson -- House, M.D. -- Freya Baggins
Alexandra Deggins -- Good Omens -- Maethoriel


Last edited by Darkheart on July 15th, 2010, 5:32 am, edited 9 times in total.

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 Post subject:
PostPosted: May 17th, 2010, 11:44 am 

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Wooohooo!! It's up! *does a bit of a happy dance* :goofy: Now the hard part: deciding which character(s) to use from my vast list of fandoms. :dunce: I can't wait wait to see who everyone else pics! This is gonna be epic Darky!


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PostPosted: May 17th, 2010, 11:54 am 
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Yay! :D :kick: It looks awesome :) I'm definitely going to snag Echo, and shall get a bio up soon. :yes: Not sure about other charries yet.. I'm debating snagging Topher as well, although I'm not sure I could pull him off :P

Even In Darkness [Updating]


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PostPosted: May 17th, 2010, 1:43 pm 
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I want Syndrome and Violet from the Incredibles. Also, Henrietta Larson, my House OC.

Bios Up later.

Married Artemis Fowl on July 16, 2007
The Seemingly Nice But Actually Really Nasty Nazgul
School ate my life. *sigh*

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PostPosted: May 17th, 2010, 1:53 pm 

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Okay, I was gonna go with a sci-fi charcter, but finally decided to go with Fiona Glenanne from Burn Notice. Here is her bio.

Name: Fiona Glenanne
Fandom: Burn Notice
Appearance: ... tice97.jpg
Personality: Fiona is definitely a shoot first and asks questions later kind of gal. Her fearless nature is both enticing and dangerous, as she is capable of making things go "boom" very quickly.
Miscellaneous Notes: Fiona was affiliated with the IRA for 14 years, but ran afoul of her old organization because she didn't like being told what to do. She has since gone out on her own, picking up odd jobs and using her skills in explosives, lock picking, tracking, weapons, and hand-to-hand combat to make a living.


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PostPosted: May 17th, 2010, 2:51 pm 
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Is it a problem that I know none of the above mentioned series? :P

I'll claim House.. :-D


O children, lift up your voice, lift up your voice,
Children, rejoice, rejoice..


It doesn't matter you don't believe in God, He believes in you.

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PostPosted: May 17th, 2010, 4:11 pm 
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Ok, here are my bios.

Name: Syndrome (aka Buddy Pine)
Fandom: The Incredibles (A Pixar movie)
As you can see, he has red hair, pale skin, and blue eyes. He is also quite tall and a bit chubby... though that may be muscle.
Personality: Evil and cunning. Wants revenge very badly. Plots very very well, but has a tendancy to monolouge.
Miscellaneous Notes: For the purposes of my obsessive shipping Syndrome is 25 years old, having been barely 21 for the Incredibles movie. He is in love with Violet, but sees it as wrong. Though he is a villain, he's still a bit of a softie at heart.

Name: Violet Parr (aka Invisigirl)
Fandom: The Incredibles (A Pixar movie)
Tall, thin, black hair, brown eyes.
Personality: Sweet, but has a quick temper. Is very shy around certain people.
Miscellaneous Notes: Vi is 19, having been 14 during the Incredibles movie. She pities the boy that became Syndrome, but lothes the villain himself. She does not know that he is Buddy Pine.

Now for my House MD OC!
Name: Henrietta Larson (Commonly known as Henry)
Age: 20
Appearance: Henrietta may be female, but she disquises herself as a boy for reasons in the history. Her red hair is cropped short, but spiked messily on her head. She has green eyes. Her clothing of choice is a black men's suit with a eggplant-colored tie under a white lab coat. Despite this formal clothing, she wears Tie-dye converse with everything.
Personality: Reserved. Calm. Patients describe her as scary, due to the fact that she barely reacts emotionally to any emergancy, working with the efeciency of a robot.
History: Henry was raised by her father, as her mother died in a freak accident soon after she was born. Her father, who had no other children, decided to raise his daughter as a son to carry on the family name. She was sent to numerous boy-only boarding schools and was never found out, quite a feat in this day and age. She is enrolled in medical school near PPTH and spends most of her time at the hospital helping out.
Miscellaneous Notes: She has no female friends. Her guy friends think that she's gay, as they don't know that she (who likes boys) is a she. In fact, only her father knows... and possibly House, due to the fact that he is freaky at finding things out. She may have a minor crush on House...

Married Artemis Fowl on July 16, 2007
The Seemingly Nice But Actually Really Nasty Nazgul
School ate my life. *sigh*

Last edited by Freya Baggins on June 27th, 2010, 12:40 am, edited 1 time in total.

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 Post subject:
PostPosted: May 17th, 2010, 5:31 pm 
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I'll claim Crowley and Aziraphale from Good Omens and my OC Alex Deggins.

@ Will: You should pull in Jo just so she and Alex can pull the "Really? Why do these things happen to us?"

Name: Crowley
Fandom: Good Omens/Supernatural
Appearance: Depends on the meatsuit, but right now he is masquerading as a fairly successful businessman from New York
Personality: A demon with a questionable value system; that is to say, that he still retains some spark of good, or it could be self preservation
Miscellaneous Notes: Has a thing for Freddy Mercury.

Name: Aziraphale
Fandom: Good Omens
Appearance: Blonde curly hairy, slightly pudgy with blue eyes and glasses
Personality: A little slow on the uptake as far as sarcasm goes. He has a way about him that makes it difficult to be angry.
Miscellaneous Notes: Likes to feed the ducks

Name: Alexandra Deggins (Alex or Lexy)
Age: 21
Appearance: Dark brown hair and eyes, tan, short
Personality: Snarky, down to earth maybe even a tad cynical at times
History: Born and raised in New Orleans. Currently enrolled at Costa Verde college in California. She was on summer break when all the madness took place
Miscellaneous Notes: Has a tendency to get thrown in with characters she previously thought as mere stories. Sold her soul to Crowley in exchange for protection for she and her little sister and an A in her economics class. This deal has a strange tendency to be added to and subtracted from.

Heavens no. Hell Yeah.



Set 1: Nurr | Set 2: Me

Last edited by Maethoriel on May 18th, 2010, 1:24 am, edited 2 times in total.

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PostPosted: May 17th, 2010, 11:08 pm 
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This sounds like fun!

I have a question though. If your character has a power in their reality, does that power transfer over to this reality that we're playing in?

Name: Nikola Tesla (By the way, I love your avvie Darkheart :P)
Fandom: Sanctuary (a syfy television show)
Nikola 2
Nikola Teslais average height, but slim. He usually wears dark colors and nice clothing that can be summed up in the word "dapper".
Personality: Bitingly sarcastic with a penchant for world domination. His brilliant intellect often causes him to look down on others. He's not the most friendly creature, and doesn't trust easily (nor is he the kind of guy that other's trust easily). He has a good deal of pride.
Miscellaneous: Did I mention he's an immortal electricity wielding vampire?

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PostPosted: May 18th, 2010, 5:59 am 
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@ Naur: I love my avvie also. I was beginning to think I was the only Tesla fan around! :teehee:
ETA: I didn't see your question. I'm an idiot.
For the purposes of this I'd say yes. We're going to have a lot of crossover but the circumstances are supposed to be different from anything anyone - from any universe - has seen before. We'll make it work. :P

Thanks everyone, I'll add you all to my little list. :D


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PostPosted: May 18th, 2010, 12:02 pm 

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Yay! :kick: I love how diverse all these characters are! I can't wait for the crazyness to begin. :boing:


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PostPosted: May 19th, 2010, 1:49 am 
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^ I second that, Lor.

Heavens no. Hell Yeah.



Set 1: Nurr | Set 2: Me

 Post subject:
PostPosted: May 19th, 2010, 11:32 am 
Lady of Strife
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Hmm... seems like tv shows is majority rule here so I'll think I'll break that mold and totally do something out there and play a video game character. (Okay, he's also in a movie and a book...) I'm going to play my hubby Cloud if you haven't guessed by now. I'm also tempted to play my ubber old LotR OC namesake, too. But I'm still undecided with her because I'm sure anyone can guess where that would go... *glances down at sig*

Anyway, like the idea, Dark. This looks like it'll be interesting!

Edit: Bio!

Name: Cloud Strife
Fandom: Final Fantasy VII franchise and various other Square Enix video games
Personality: Quiet with an uptight demenour that one could almost mistake for laid back or almost prideful. He tends to be put in a leadership role without almost trying, and he takes failures to heart. Events of the past play on his guilt, making most think he's angsty. And he always needs a reason to fight, though he will always go out of his way(even if it means crossdressing for a night XD) to help/save a friend.
Miscellaneous Notes: Um... he has a cool motorcycle called Fenrir, and a really coold sword with 9 deteachable parts, and can use magic.

(}--{)Imagination Inspires Ideas -Zandain(}--{)
Married Cloud Strife 9/17/08

Last edited by Eruraina on May 19th, 2010, 6:19 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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PostPosted: May 19th, 2010, 4:08 pm 
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Okay, I can't not join this. :P And I'll most certainly play Vince Noir from The Mighty Boosh. :D

- married fingon fingolfinion 6/4/13 -
~art credit~

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PostPosted: May 20th, 2010, 1:34 am 
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Heavens no. Hell Yeah.



Set 1: Nurr | Set 2: Me

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PostPosted: May 21st, 2010, 5:01 pm 
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Name: Vince Noir
Fandom: The Mighty Boosh
Vince 1
Personality: Optimistic, though fairly childlike and naive. Makes friends easily.
Miscellaneous: Sometimes a Mod, sometimes a punk, always fashionable. Also frequently thought to be someone's wife.

- married fingon fingolfinion 6/4/13 -
~art credit~

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