~ Voyage into Tragedy ~ [STARTING]
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Author:  Calloniel (PD) [ August 21st, 2010, 7:22 pm ]
Post subject:  ~ Voyage into Tragedy ~ [STARTING]


The R.M.S Titanic, the largest passenger steamship ever created, stands finally completed. After practically four years she is ready to undertake her maiden voyage across the Atlantic Ocean to New York City. The Titanic features every amenity a person could possibly want from a gymnasium to a Turkish bath to a Verandah Café. She is a luxurious, beautifully crafted, massive vessel who has been pronounced unsinkable.

Her route? Southampton to New York
When will she leave port? April 10th
Who will be her captain? Edward J. Smith
Who will be on-board? There will be people from 1st, 2nd and 3rd class aboard.

Lacey Chambers [1st class]
Victoria Chambers [1st class] ----------------- played by Calloniel (PD)
K. James Broden [3rd class/waiter on-board]

Vivian Johnson [2nd class]
April-Grace Roberts [Maid in 1st class] --------------- played by Goldleaf
Frederick Rose [1st class]

Liam Jacobs [2nd class]
Adrian Bakker [3rd class]
Ivy Leigh [1st class] ----------------- played by Pandora
Iris Leigh [2nd class]
Sophia McKenzie [1st class]

Riona O’Brien [2st class] ------------------- played by Misa_Amane
Toryn Barrington [2st class]

Nicholas Gordon [2nd class] ------------------ played by Turwaithion
Walter Harris [2nd class]

Anthony Dilane [1st class]
Julie McGee [Maid in 1st class] ------------------- played by Will
William Jimmink [3rd class]

???????? ------------------- played by Lothy
???????? ------------------- played by Smeagollum

Romola Garai ---------------- reserved for Aramel

- Please only use OCs
- Keep all posts PG/PG-13
- Post with substance, we want to get to know your characters
- Absolutely no godmodding
- Please only join if you can be committed to the RP
- REMEMBER this is the Titanic’s story we’re talking about… characters WILL die. (especially guys/Titanic workers)
- And, last but not least, when writing out bios please at least give your character(s)’s :
*Name (obviously)
*Reason for travel

Now come join us on this historic voyage! :D

Author:  Lothy [ August 21st, 2010, 7:31 pm ]
Post subject: 

Oh wow guys! This looks amazing. I shall most definitely be joining. I'll post my character bios tomorrow <3

Author:  Misa_Amane [ August 21st, 2010, 8:13 pm ]
Post subject: 

Nice I may join with a group of people, maybe two or more. May I have my main female end up with someone else's male. If you would, please pm me, other wise I may have to make her a guy.

Author:  Calloniel (PD) [ August 21st, 2010, 8:16 pm ]
Post subject: 

yayness! It's great to have ya onboard, Lothy! :hug:

Welcome, Misa! :D

speaking of bios... I might as well post mine now. :P here they be:


:: Full Name ::
Lacey Kaelyn Chambers

:: Nationality ::

:: Nickname ::

:: Personality ::
Spunky and flirtatious, she loves being the life of the party and she is very comfortable in the limelight. In fact, most of the time when she’s not the center of attention she feels blighted and sulks. She has a way of knowing how to get what she wants from practically anyone. Though she is well-read and bright, she is very ignorant of the hardships those lower in class than her endure.

:: Hair ::
Dirty blonde

:: Hair style ::
Some of her light colored locks are swooped up into a bun/knot on the top of her head while the remaining wavy hair is let loose to curl and dangle on her shoulders.

:: Eyes ::

:: Date of Birth ::
May 20th, 1893

:: Age ::
Almost nineteen

:: Clothing ::
Her gowns are all haute couture being modeled after Paul Poiret’s new silhouette. They have high waistlines, the bodice fits close to the body, they are narrow and straight all the way down until they end at the ankle. Her elbow length sleeves are generally accompanied by snowy white gloves. If she is outside she generally wears a wide-brimmed, deep crowned hat that is cocked up on one side and decorated with pink and white artificial flowers.

:: Siblings ::

:: History ::
Lacey was born in bustling New York City to two adoring (albeit extremely busy) parents. Her father was a prominent businessman and her mother was the only daughter of a wealthy family. She spent much of her life in and around the New York area, enjoying the various, exciting activities that she was lucky enough to be a part of. As well-to-do girls, Lace and her sister were very well-educated and spoiled even though their parents (especially their mother) tried to raise them with level, humble heads on their shoulders. Lacey and her sister, Tori, had a strained relationship for most of their childhood; they bickered about almost everything though Lacey never understood why. When Lacey was 14-years-old her mother (who had always had issues with her health) passed away. This caused many things to change in their household - this especially caused her, her sister and her father to bond in ways they never had before. It also triggered her and Tori to try to work on their relationship and try to become closer and work towards having an affectionate, sisterly bond. In a short time, they became friends though, of course, they would still have their moments. A short while after these events took place their father brought home a poor girl, April-Grace Roberts, to be their maid. This surprised both of the sisters since they had plenty of maids and nannies and the like already, however, their father insisted on keeping the girl. Lacey, who was around the April-Grace's same age, immediately took a liking to their new comrade.
When Lacey was eighteen her father surprised his girls with a chance to visit London as well as the surrounding parts of England while he was on a business trip. Excitedly, Lacey embarked on this voyage with her family, leaving her native country, America, for the first time. The three of them spent about a month in England before it was time to return home. As another surprise for his two daughters, their father had secretly purchased tickets to ride the great, celebrated Titanic back home to New York City. This wildly excited the young woman who then couldn’t wait to be off on their voyage home.

:: Reason for travel ::
Heading home after accompanying her father on a business trip

:: Class ::

:: Portrayed by ::
Maggie Grace


:: Full Name ::
Victoria Francine Chambers

:: Nationality ::

:: Nickname ::

:: Personality ::
Ever since her little sister's birth, she has constantly battled with jealousy and envy over the attention given to Lacey. Tori, too, enjoys being admired and she wages regular war with her own pride. Though not quite as social as her sister, she still adores dancing with the fine young men and giving people advice.

:: Hair ::
Honey blonde

:: Hair style ::
Her hair is tediously curled and done up or sometimes it’s pulled back into a Grecian-like style with a (head)band of fine pearls or embellished fabric adorning it.

:: Eyes ::

:: Date of Birth ::
March 1st, 1891

:: Age ::

:: Clothing ::
Again, like her sister, her father has made sure her gowns are at the height of fashion. They, too, have high waistlines, the bodices that fit close to the body, they are narrow and straight all the way down until they end at the ankle. She owns gloves just like her sister and her shoes have the same finesse that her sister’s have. If she is outside she generally wears a wide-brimmed, deep crowned hat which is decorated with feathers and artificial flowers.

:: Siblings ::

:: History ::
Victoria was born in New York City, New York. Her father was a prominent businessman and her mother was the only daughter of a wealthy family. Tori and her sister were well-educated and spoiled even when their parents (especially their mother) attempted to raise them with level, humble heads on their shoulders. Tori was the main cause of the strain put on her and her sister, Lacey's, relationship. Tori felt as though her little sister stole some of her parents' love from her. She also despised that Lacey had a way of winning/manipulating people without even trying. As a child, she and Lacey were in competition, she felt, for their parents' busy and limited love. When Tori turned 16-years-old her mother passed away and this caused her father a lot of grief. She daily watched him mourn the passing of his wife and she tried to ease his pain by getting along with Lacey and trying to make things run smoothly in their home. Eventually, they became a much closer family because of it. He learned to cherish his daughters even more than he had before. Of course, the consequence was that he also spoiled them even more than he had before. While in her early twenties, Tori was surprised by her sister running through the house exclaiming something about a trip to England. When Lacey finally calmed down, Tori learned that their father had a business trip in London and he was going to take them to England with him.
The three of them spent about a month in England. Tori and her sister shopped at the grand stores in London and the surrounding areas. They enjoyed the scenery, the parties and the young gentlemen of that fine country. Before she knew it, it was time to return home. As a surprise for his two daughters, though, their father had secretly purchased tickets to ride the celebrated Titanic back home to New York City. Though sorry to leave England, Tori was excited by the idea of riding on one of the most raved about vessels.

:: Reason for travel ::
Heading home after accompanying her father on a business trip

:: Class ::

:: Portrayed by ::
Kate Hudson


:: Full Name ::
Kinsley James Broden

:: Nationality ::

:: Nicknames ::
Jimmy, Jim

:: Personality ::
He is short tempered, quick witted and very defensive over Vivian and his past. Whenever he has the chance, he enjoys being out of doors and having a good time - especially with his fiancé. Also, he is an aspiring cook and hopes someday, when in America, he will be able to open his own restaurant.

:: Hair ::
Dark brown

:: Hair style ::
Sleeked back and short

:: Eyes ::
Dark brown

:: Date of Birth ::
November 3rd, 1887

:: Age ::

:: Clothing ::
His clothes are plain and simple being made of sturdy fabric that can last for a while. On his bottom half he wears aged, brown shoes and trousers. Above them he sports a plain white shirt over which he wears a dark colored jacket and on his head there’s a woolen flat cap.
When working, he is more dressed up wearing his waiter uniform.

:: History ::
He was the only child born to Kinsley Sr. and Esther Broden. He was named after his father, however, for that very reason he was never referred to as Kinsley. Instead, he was called James for his middle name. James’ (or Jimmy for short) parents were poor London workers; they never had much though they tried to provide as best they could for their little son. Due to various causes, both of his parents died when he was still quite young, leaving him an orphan. He had no other relatives that he knew of who would or could claim him so he was taken in at a local orphanage and raised strictly. While there he did make a few friends… some of whom he remained close friends with until he embarked on his voyage to America. He was also relatively well-educated at the orphanage though mostly he was self-taught. As he grew older he began to develop a passion for cooking and, when he had the free time, he created as fine of meals as he could afford.
Eventually, Jimmy was able to move out with a friend into a poor section of London where they shared rent. He managed to get a job as a waiter at a local restaurant. He worked for a nice, though melancholy, man, Mr. Johnson. While at his job he dreamed of starting again in the land of opportunity: America. He had high aspirations of becoming a wealthy, great chef in one of America’s large cities. It was also at this time that he met Vivian, the daughter of the restaurant owner. Though she immediately captured his interest, their relationship started out very slow. He didn't want to risk losing his job by falling in love with the owner's daughter. However, as they were alone together much of the time at night, he got to spend more and more time with her. This only further captivated his interest. She was smart, funny, and beautiful in his eyes. Finally, he realized that he had fallen hard for her and he knew he had to take the next step. He summoned up the courage to talk to her father and was overwhelmingly relieved when Mr. Johnson readily gave permission for them to begin formally courting. While doing so, they both continued to work hard at their jobs, scraping together what little money they could to store away for their future. After a little while longer, he proposed to her and she accepted although he had nothing to give her but his love.
A short time later the opportunity came up for him to get a job as a low paid waiter on the ship, Titanic. This was their chance to go to America and fulfill their dreams! After a little bit of talk, they made the choice to go. She had painstakingly saved up enough money with her two jobs and he would have room and board because of his working on the ship. And so, they grabbed the opportunity.

:: Reason for travel ::
Works on the Titanic as a waiter at the À La Carte Restaurant & adjacent Café Parisien
- also he is heading to America to start a new, better life with his fiancé, Vivian.

:: Class ::

:: Portrayed by ::
Joseph Gordon-Levitt

btw, Goldy, if there's something you wanna change about the Jimmy/Viv bit you can... I know you sent me her bio and suchwhat but, as I told you, AU deleted it so... I don't THINK I forgot anything but you never know. :blush:
OH, and I changed it so he will be in 3rd class. They wouldn't share a room anyway... :P and 3rd class is what Titanic workers were given, I think. And, gosh darnit, I wanna play a 3rd classer. hehe. Though separated by class they can still see each other 'cause of where he'll be working and such... and they can always sneak around and slip past all of the class barriers and that type of stuff or whatever... :whistle:

Author:  Pandora [ August 21st, 2010, 9:16 pm ]
Post subject: 

I am so joining this... Great choice of history events to use as an RP....

Will edit this post with my bios:

*Name: Liam Silas Jacobs
*Age: 34
*Birthday: August 8th
*Nationality: Belgian
*Reason for travel:
Works as a violinist at night for the First Class Cafe and Restaurant. Occasionally he plays for the third class passenger's.
*Class: 2nd class
*Portrayed by: Olivier Martinez


*Name: Adrian Vos Bakker
*Age: 25
*Birthday: December 1st
*Nationality: Dutch-American
*Reason for travel:
Wants to get a piece of the American dream he has only heard about.
*Class: 3rd class
*Portrayed by: Ryan Phillippe


*Name: Ivy Nova Leigh
*Age: 23
*Birthday: March 10th
*Nationality: Japanese-French
*Reason for travel:
Heading to America with her family to meet the fiance that her parents have chosen for her.
*Class: 1st class
*Portrayed by: Maggie Q


*Name: Iris Stella Leigh
*Birthday: April 3rd
*Nationality: Japanese-French
*Reason for travel:
Trying to find the family she had been abandoned by in France.
*Class: 2nd class
*Portrayed by: Kristin Kreuk


*Name: Sophia Ann McKenzie
*Age: 25
*Birthday: July 24th
*Nationality: Swedish-American
*Reason for travel:
Returning home in hopes of starting a new better life.
*Class: 1st Class
*Portrayed by: Naomi Watts

Author:  Aramel Elyanwe [ August 21st, 2010, 11:45 pm ]
Post subject: 

[[If I ever jump in this, would you mind reserving me a spot? Like I said in the KAWEOTH chat thread, I don't know much about <i>Titanic</i> but I would like to reserve <b>Romola Garai</b> for a future charrie. ;) ]]

Author:  Misa_Amane [ August 22nd, 2010, 12:21 am ]
Post subject: 

*Name: Riona O’Brien (Age 24)
*Appearance: ... gillan.jpg , ... -this-.jpg
*Outfits: (casual) ... C08960.JPG , (Formal) ... angown.jpg , (Other)
*Nationality: Irish
*History: When she was 20 she was married to a merchant in her small home town. The marriage was an arranged one by her father, her mother died giving birth to her. Shortly after she married her father passed on leaving his land to Riona’s older brother, Toryn. Now at the age of 24, her husband, whom she never loved, has passed on. And she is also 7 months pregnant with his child. Upon his death, Riona inherited her husband’s business and money. She sold the business as well as most of her belonging’s, save a few outfits and such. This had given her and her brother enough money to be in 2nd class; otherwise they would have been 3rd. She did this so she and her brother could start a new life in America.
*Reason for travel: To start a new life.
*Class: 2nd

*Name: Toryn ‘Tor’ Barrington (Age 30)
*Appearance: ... urran&qo=1
*Outfits: ... stumes.jpg ,
*Nationality: Irish
*History: When he was 26 his sister was married to a merchant in their small home town. The marriage was an arranged one by his father, his mother died giving birth to Riona. Shortly after she married their father passed on leaving his land to Toryn. Now at the age of 30, Riona’s husband, whom she never loved, has passed on. Upon his death, Riona inherited her husband’s business and money. She sold the business as well as most of her belongings as did Toryn. This had given them enough money to be in 2nd class; otherwise they would have been 3rd. *Reason for travel: To start a new life.
*Class: 2nd

Author:  ~Goldleaf~ [ August 22nd, 2010, 8:30 am ]
Post subject: 

Hooray, it's starting! :-D PD, Jimmy's bio seems just fine to me *nods* <3 And it'll be so interesting to play out that they're in different classes!

Here are my bios... :-D


Vivian Johnson




Vivian is sensible, level-headed and efficient in a crisis. She is extremely hard-working, and will never give up on striving to achieve the things she wants most. Her determination is paired with a kind and good-natured demeanor. She would do anything for the people she loves.

Vivian was brought up in a middle class household, by two parents who, although loving towards their only daughter, had a somewhat stormy relationship. Vivian’s father owned a restaurant which had been in the family for years, and at first, it did quite well, and brought in enough money to keep his family well-fed and well-clothed. However, as the years passed, business dwindled and his relationship with his wife began to fade into bitterness and resentment. At home, arguments became a regular occurrence, especially when Vivian’s mother revealed that she was with child. By this time Vivian was sixteen years old. Her father was furious, saying that he didn’t earn enough to provide for two children. Nine months later, when the baby was due, Vivian’s mother died in childbirth; the young girl was crushed and heartbroken, and her father nearly had a breakdown, entirely blaming himself for what had happened.
But somehow, they struggled on, and life continued; it was perhaps due to Vivian’s resolute, hard-working nature that her father did not slip further and further into melancholy.
At the age of twenty-one, Vivian began working, taking up two jobs: working as a cleaner in the evenings for the family restaurant, and working as a dressmaker in the daytime. By this time her father’s business was going into further decline, and he felt better about paying his own daughter a wage than he would someone of no relation. Vivian worked furiously hard, hardly allowing herself free time to herself. However, this changed when she met James, or “Jimmy”, a waiter who worked for her father.
As Vivian worked nights in the restaurant, her attention was drawn towards Jimmy, and she developed a crush on him, despite her best efforts to put all her attention on work; when they eventually plucked up the courage to speak to each other they found that they had much in common, and their talks became a nightly occurrence. As the weeks and months passed, Vivian grew more and more fond of her new friend, and Jimmy eventually asked her father’s permission to “step out” with her, which he gladly gave, wanting his daughter to have a little more enjoyment in her life.
After a year had passed, Jimmy and Vivian had fallen very much in love, and decided that they would marry after a long engagement, when they had both saved enough money to start a new life together. Two more years passed as they continued working and planning, when one day the perfect opportunity came their way. They were told about the maiden voyage of a new ocean liner, the R.M.S. Titanic, and that it was sailing to America, the land of opportunity.
They decided that they could not pass the chance up, and Jimmy found a job as a waiter on board the ship. Vivian worked hard to save for her second class ticket so that she could join her future husband.

::Reason for travel::
To start a new life in America with her fiancé, Jimmy.

Second class

::Portrayed by::
Laura Berlin



April-Grace Roberts




April-Grace is a feisty, spirited girl who is unafraid to speak her mind, and in the past has gone punished for such an outspoken trait. She is often extremely argumentative; in a perfect world, she would take no heed of the class of the person she might insult with her blunt speech, but as she works for a wealthy family, she has had to learn to hold her tongue, although she does not always succeed. However, despite her somewhat fiery demeanor, she has a good heart and is fiercely loyal.

April-Grace was born in America, New York to a single mother who had no friends or relatives to speak of – those she had once looked upon as friends had now shunned her, viewing the birth of her daughter as a disgrace. April-Grace never knew her father, and he never even knew of her existence.
April-Grace was given a loving but strict upbringing; her mother wanted to make sure that her daughter never made the same mistakes as she had in her youth. She imparted to her the values of self-belief and hard work, and instructed the young girl that she should never, ever let young gentlemen behave towards her with over-familiarity. April-Grace took all of this in with great dedication; her mother’s words helped her to grow into the young woman she would become. However, there was one other piece of advice that she did always not pay as much attention to as she should have: “show respect to your betters”.
At the age of fifteen, her mother was suddenly struck down by a mysterious illness. Months passed as she noticeably suffered, and eventually stopped going out to work; up until now she had been working as a waitress, and now, without a wage, there was markedly less food in the house. April-Grace stayed at home to look after her mother, and to try and persuade her to see a doctor; however, seeing a doctor would have cost money, a luxury which they could not afford.
Her mother eventually died, and April-Grace was left an orphan at the age of fifteen. Her mother’s funeral cost nearly all of the money that she had been left, and so she took to roaming the streets every day, aiming to take up thievery to get food, and money if she could. However, one day something happened that she did not quite bargain for. April-Grace attempted to rob a rich gentleman as he walked down the street, but failed miserably; he took pity on her, seeing that she was a miserable creature, half-starved, clothed in tattered attire. In return for not taking her to the police to have her arrested, he told her that she was now to work for him.
As she had no other option, and she was desperate for money, April-Grace agreed, and she accompanied the gentleman back to his home, where he appointed her as a maid to his two daughters, Lacey and Victoria Chambers.
Years passed as April-Grace settled into her new life; she found that she enjoyed working for the sisters, despite her initial resentment at descending to go into service, and grew to know them quite well. She accompanied them everywhere, including on their journey to England, which she enjoyed thoroughly.
Now at the age of eighteen, she is shortly to accompany the sisters back home to America on the H.M.S. Titanic.

::Reason for travel::
Accompanying Lacey and Victoria Chambers back to America

First class maid

::Portrayed by::
Imogen Poots



Frederick Rose




Frederick was spoilt and indulged as a child, and his lenient upbringing has given him an unpleasant tendency as a grown man to believe that he always knows best, and that no one else’s opinion counts. He is undeniably arrogant, and likes to sneer at those of a “lower class” than he. However, towards those of equal rank and wealth, he is quite pleasant, and enjoys trying to charm beautiful young ladies. In his own society he is tolerated; his conceit is seen as quite ordinary.

Frederick is born and bred a gentleman, the son of a wealthy heiress and an extravagantly rich landowner; his family is very much “old money”. His parents look down upon anyone they believe to have acquired their fortune through business. He spent most of his childhood at his family’s country estate, enjoying all the privileges of a young gentleman’s life, without giving a second thought to those less fortunate than he. He was given a lavish, outstanding education; his parents always believed that he was markedly intelligent and would do very well in later life.
When he grew up, Frederick decided that he wanted to travel down to London, to see the world beyond the country. Upon arriving he became one of the most popular bachelors in town, and he spent most of his time drinking and smoking in gentlemen’s clubs, swapping gossip and idle chatter. As with all of his choices in life, his parents indulged him.
A year or two passed, and Frederick decided that he would soon set off on another adventure; more and more of his friends were setting off across the ocean to see the new world of America. Frederick took it into his head that this would be a grand exploit to boast about, and so announced to his parents his intentions. Although they had initial worries, they refused to deny him his wish, and so gave him their blessing; and so Frederick is very soon to set sail on the H.M.S. Titanic.

::Reason for travel::
An earnest desire to boast about his adventures abroad


::Portrayed by::
Bradley James </center>

Author:  Will [ August 22nd, 2010, 8:30 am ]
Post subject: 

Eep! This sounds really awesome! I'll throw three new charries aboard! I will post the bios tonight. ;)


Goldy! Your banner is just baffling! Absolutely lovely! :-o

Author:  Turwaithion [ August 22nd, 2010, 10:58 am ]
Post subject: 

Oh, this is brilliant.


Name: Nicholas Gordon
Nationality: Scottish-Canadian
Personality: Nicholas is a slightly cynical man, and does not appreciate prejudice, but he is a strong believer in tradition, as well as gentlemanly behaviour. Though he has an impressive repetoire of profanity, he would never use it improperly, and can blend in with many crowds, given the right suit.
History: Born in 1885 in Ottawa, Nicholas Gordon was the son of a Scottish emigrant mother and a Canadian father. His father was a buisnessman of high standing, though he had only become so through hard work.

Nicholas' father was also a gentleman farmer, and put his son to work to teach him good ethics and the value of sweat as well as an education. For most of his childhood, Nicholas spent his time divided between working on the family farm with his mother, or in Ottawa or Toronto with his father, learning reading, writing, arithmetic and other skills.

But, just as his favourite author, Robert Burns, had written, Nicholas never loved the cities of Canada, and though he appreciated the high-class living with his father, he much preferred the time spent in the country with his mother, where he could mingle with the local townspeople and was treated with respect as one of them. For 18 years, Nicholas lived such a life, though he nervously awaited the day that his father would take him abroad to university, or even to work as a merchant or solicitor in Ottawa.

That time came in 1907, when his father, ailing of tuberculosis, demanded that he study at Cambridge and take the buisness in Ottawa as his own. To this end, his father also told Nicholas to sell the family farm, now over 200 acres, to pay for his education and secure himself financially. To Nicholas, this was the breaking point. The two argued viciously, which only ended when Nicholas stormed out of the house, furious. Returning to his mother, he took the first train to Montreal, where he sailed for Aberdeen to visit his maternal grandparents.

In Scotland, he found a comprimise. His grandfather owned what had once been a prosperous estate near Galashiels, but it had dwindles to near bankruptcy, and the ailing Douglas Gordon was a Laird in name only. Dwelling in Galashiels, Nicholas did what he could for his grandfather's estate, using all the skills that his father had taught him. In 1909, his grandfather died, willing the estate to Nicholas. Now granted an empty title, Nicholas took the deed to the estate and made his way to London, where he sold the land and title. However, in 1910, word reached him that his father had died of tuberculosis, and again, Nicholas found himself the benefactor of a will.

For several years, Gordon travelled between Canada and England, arranging the sale of his father's buisness and the purchase of a new series of farms. In 1912, the whole affair was finalized, and Nicholas made plans to sell the business in New York, and retire to his farm in Canda.

Reason for travel: Gordon plans to, upon reaching New York, sell the business of his father, then make his way back to Canada to start his life over as a farmer.

Class: Second

Author:  Will [ August 22nd, 2010, 8:11 pm ]
Post subject: 


* Name:
Anthony Thomas Dilane
* Age:
* Gender:
* Birthday:
13rd of October
* Nationality:
* Personality:
Anthony is a kind and charming man, who's always very generous to all those around him, also the lower classes. He is usually good-humoured and can sometimes surprise others by his quick witticism. His recent grief though, has quietened him down, sometimes preferring solitude over company.
Anthony was the only son of a wealthy and renowned businessman and landowner, Lord Robert Dilane. He received the best education but inherited the business of his father, who died at a young age of a stroke. Anthony did not only succeed his father in business but also inherited the estate which entailed more than only land; tennants, crops and also many servants. At that time he also married a sweet girl, Ellen, with whom Anthony was deeply in love with and only a year later she gave birth to a healthy baby girl. Anthony watched his daughter grow up in wealth and surrounded with love. All seemed to go well for the family; business flourished and the Dilane's fortune only seemed to increase; their luck did not seem to falter. Until a cold morning in January. Anthony's wife Ellen fell suddenly seriously ill. The physicians were desperate; the cause of this mysterious illness unknown to them. But all care that was given to Lady Dilane did not seem to turn out for the better, since their daughter Sophie also seemed to have contracted the illness. Both of them passed away after a short sickbed. Anthony was distraught and locked himself in his room for weeks to grief. He blamed the deaths of his wife and daughter on misfortune after all his luck. He gave away his fortune, which he thought to be cursed, within months. After selling his business and other properties, he only kept a small portion of money to buy a first class ticket for the Titanic and the rest he kept as his savings. After dismissing all the servants his wife's maid, Julie, begged him to take her with him on his journey to America, to start a new life. Reluctantly he agreed but eventually enjoyed to her company.
* Rason for travel:
To start a new life in America
* Class:
1st class
* Portrayed by:
Simon Baker

* Name:
Julie McGee
* Age:
* Gender:
* Birthday:
20th of August
* Nationality:
Julie is a kind, modest girl, but grown up with a natural desire to see the world. She's curious and sometimes speaks without thinking.
* History:
Julie's parents died in a fire when Julie was only nine years old. The town in which they lived bordered the estate of the Dilane's. Lord Dilane, who had a very generous heart, took Julie in and she later became Lady Dilane's maid. Julie was with Ellen until the end and she watched in horror how Anthony lost those he loved. Worry overtook her for the man, who done so much for her and whom she held dear. She, practically, begged him to take her with him on his journey, whereever he would go, so she could take care of him, now he was left on his own.
* Reason for travel:
Accompanies Anthony Dilane as his maid.
* Class:
1st class maid
* Portrayed by:
Kelly Reilly

* Name:
William (Willem) Jimmink
* Age:
* Gender:
* Birthday:
5th of May
* Nationality:
* Personality:
William is an adventurous type, unafraid of all the dangers that could belong to a 'new life' which makes him at times reckless. He is a loyal friend, but with an outspoken opinion.
* History:
William was the third son, in a Dutch family of six childeren. They lived near Middelburg and close to the North Sea. From early age on William had to help his parents on the farm. The days of work were long and the family could hardly survive from the living their were making. Their way of life was sober and pious, but William's parents accepted this. William, however, often dreamt of another life; the possibility to decide of his own fate and to choose a profession he actually liked. At those times he went out on the beach, staring across the grey waters, wondering what other life could be out there. William loved the sea, although he knew its destroying power. At his twentieth Will decided to escape his narrow-minded life, and he travelled to Rotterdam, where he found a job on a freighter. When he arrived in England, William soon learnt from the legendary Titanic. By working here and there, he earned just enough money to afford a third-class ticket for his adventurous journey to freedom and wealth.
* Class:
3rd class
* Portrayed by:
Josh Duhamel

Author:  Misa_Amane [ August 23rd, 2010, 5:36 pm ]
Post subject: 

When are we starting?

Author:  smeagollum [ August 23rd, 2010, 6:30 pm ]
Post subject: 

This sounds cool. I can totally see myself throwing in a character or two.

Author:  Calloniel (PD) [ August 23rd, 2010, 6:37 pm ]
Post subject: 

I'm lovin' everyone's characters! <3 I marked you all down.

Misa, I'll start it when Lothy (and smeag?) get their bios in & everyone's all ready to go. :)

smeag, so you're joining then? ;)

Author:  Lothy [ August 23rd, 2010, 6:41 pm ]
Post subject: 

I don't mind if you guys want to start without me as I'm going to be busy the next few days. I'll get my bio up and jump in when things have calmed down if that's okay?

Author:  Turwaithion [ August 24th, 2010, 11:28 am ]
Post subject: 

I think I'll add one more, after due consideration....


Name: Walter Harris
Nationality: American
Personality: Walter is a friendly, cheerful man who attempts to see the best in everything. He has a keen eye for both buisness and women, and has a remarkable grasp of arithmetic and politics. A buiness man first and foremost, Harris is always looking for a partner or an edge over the crowd, in any way possible.
History: Born in 1887, Walter grew up in Chicago to a family of 8 children and middle-class parents. Always a popular and outgoing boy, he was rarely at home in his youth, either out with his friends or getting into mischief with his brothers.

When he was 15, Walter joined his father's importation buisness, working in the warehouses with shipments, and slowly climbing the ladder to high offices. By age 19, he was a highly respected employee in his own right, and was in command of an entire subdivision of the company.

At age 20, on the verge of marriage, Walter left to England to negotiate a new field of work, a process, drawn out by bureaucracy and politics, stretched out for 5 years. Finally able to return home and marry his fiancee, Walter bought passage on the RMS Titanic, writing it off as a buisness expense.

Reason for travel: To return home to America, marry, and settle down in Chicago again.

Class: Second

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