harry potter -.rp.-
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Author:  Eowuclya [ June 14th, 2005, 10:31 am ]
Post subject:  harry potter -.rp.-

Children and relatives of the original characters come to Hogwarts. :blink:

Name:Gabby Granger
Appearance:Looks almost exactly like her mother,Hermione,but has her fathers,Viktor Krum, eyes.
Personality: Is extremely smart and loves to play quidditch. She is chaser on the Ravenclaw Quidditch Team. She can seem somewhat stuck up to people that are annoying, but really isn't.

Author:  Silmeriel [ June 14th, 2005, 11:34 am ]
Post subject: 

Name: Ariana (Ari) Potter
Gender: Female
Year: 7
House: Ravenclaw
Appearance: Long jet black hair and emerald green eyes (both from her father Harry), tanned skin, slender and small (from her mother, Ginny). Normally seen in a cropped peasant blouse and comfortable jeans. Likes muggle clothes/music (sometimes)
History/Info: Refuses to disclose her crush to anyone, not even Gabby Granger, one of her closest friends. She is the Seeker on the Ravenclaw Quidditch team, even though no one expected her to be in Ravenclaw. She is somewhat quiet, but is the best student in her year. Outside of school, she takes karate (she likes muggle things) and plays in a summer soccer league, and does very well in both (third degree black belt in karate, captain and top scorer on the soccer team). Is an animagus- turns into a pure white peregrine falcon. Her patronus is a gryffin.

Author:  Pearl Evenstar [ June 14th, 2005, 1:36 pm ]
Post subject: 

(Eowuclya can we please be sisters?)

Name: Rosaline Granger
Gender: Female
Year: 7
House: Gryfindorr
Appearance: Long curly black hair and purple/ violet eyes (She looks a bit like Arwen)
History/Info: She's the head girl for Gryfindorr and seeker & captain for their team. She was surpised that she didnt end up in her sisters house but is the most intelejent(Cant spell today) and prettiest girl in her year she also takes karate out of school

Author:  Eowuclya [ June 14th, 2005, 5:46 pm ]
Post subject: 


Author:  Lady Isteleth [ June 15th, 2005, 1:00 pm ]
Post subject: 

Name: Isobel Tonks
Nickname: Izzy
Wand: Dragon Heartstring, Cedar, 13 inches!
Age: 14yrs
year: 4th
House: Gryffindor
Animal: Snowy White Owl name Adromeda
Powers: Apart from being a witch she learns how to become a animagus when she's older and she is also part metamorphosis.
Other: She is half-blood and is a chaser on the Gryffindor quidditch team, she also has a crush on Fred Weasley but she doesn't know he likes her.
Her patronus takes form as a swan and when she becomes animagus she is a white tiger
Appearance: She has long brown hair and bright blue eyes
Family: Mother - Nyphadora Tonks aka Tonks
Father - Leonard Miler aka Leo (muggle born)
1 sister her twin named Stacy

Author:  Eowuclya [ June 15th, 2005, 3:11 pm ]
Post subject: 

Here be the info I didn't include in my original post:

Wand:Unicorn Hair, Yew, 8 inches
Animal:A beige owl with some chocolatey colored feathers named Canty.
Powers:Is an animagus, as a wolf and her patronus is a black bear.


Author:  Silmeriel [ June 15th, 2005, 6:12 pm ]
Post subject: 

Should we start?

Author:  Eowuclya [ June 15th, 2005, 7:17 pm ]
Post subject: 

(i think we should :-D :bounce: )

Walked along the corridor toward the Ravenclaw common room with Ari to her right. "Ah, come on. Pllllllllllllllllease tell me."Gabby ranted."You know how I get with this stuff. I HAVE to know."

Author:  Silmeriel [ June 15th, 2005, 7:25 pm ]
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Ari blushed furiously. "I told you before, no! I'm not telling anybody! I got teased to death last time I told someone!"

Author:  Eowuclya [ June 16th, 2005, 11:44 am ]
Post subject: 

"Yeah, but you know IIIIII will not tell anyone."

Author:  Lady Isteleth [ June 16th, 2005, 11:50 am ]
Post subject: 

Izzy rushed down the corridor
"Why am i always the last person" she muttered furiously to herself as the bell sounded for the first lesson, Izzy swore as she pushed herself forward into a fast run when she ran into someone sending them flying to the floor, Izzy groaned and sat up coming face to face witth Oliver wood and Fred Weasley.
"Tonks watch were your going" oliver said helping her up, Izzy blushed
"Sorry oliver, late-" she was cut off
"Well there's no difference there" Fred said grinning and hugging her, Izzy hugged him back
"Your so mean" she said pulling away from him
"Izzy i dunno what you see in him, i mean come on you could have me" Oliver said grinning, Izzy smiled
"So oliver when do we start practise?"
"Tonight as a matter of fact" he said
"Cool, listen i have to go or Flitwick will kill me" Izzy replied, she kissed Fred quickly and headed back down the corridor to Charms.

Author:  Pearl Evenstar [ June 16th, 2005, 2:32 pm ]
Post subject: 

(Eowuclya r we aloud 2 carries coz if we are i recon we need more boys so ill be one)

Rasaline quickly ran up the stairs and creeped up behind her sister and shouted "BOO!"

Author:  Silmeriel [ June 16th, 2005, 6:05 pm ]
Post subject: 

"Yeah, I know you won't..." Ari said, starting to be worn down. She cast a cone of silence around them. "Ok. It's Trey Donley- you know, our Quidditch captain."

Author:  Allorien [ June 18th, 2005, 10:25 pm ]
Post subject: 

(Hope I can still join.)
Name: Fawn Weasley
Mother: Fleur Delacor
Father: Bill Weasley
Is actually adopted
Wand: Witch Hazel, phoenix feather, 11 1/2 inches
Age: Fifteen
Year: 5th
Pet: A tan owl named Oriel
Appearance: As Fawn is a metamorphmagus, her appearance changes. She is normaly a normal height and weight girl with very tan skin and black hair. Her green eyes sparkle and she enjoys changing her hair color and length and occasionally her apparent age. When not in school uniform, she wears low rise jeans, combat boots and a V-neck sleeveless white shirt that is cut across her belly button. She often wears a red bandana rolled up and tied around her head. Her hair most often stays in two braids.
Personality: She is the seeker of the Slytherin quidditch team and has the latest broom. She has been told she could be as good as the legendary Harry Potter. She keeps the snitch of every match she wins, usually returning it to the team, but if the match wins the cup, she keeps the snitch for good. She is very playful and loves to joke. She is madly in love with the son of Angelina and Lee Jordan, James Jordan, but never shows it.
History: She is part Mexican and part Navajo American Indian and was found by Bill and Fleur on a trip to America. As a result of her heritage she can speak five languages fluently.
Other: Besides being born as a metamorphmagus, her father taught her how to produce a patronus at an early age. Her patronus takes the form of a white buffalo, a symbol sacred to the Navajo tribe. He also taught her to be an animagus. Due to her Metamorphmagus trait, she has the unusual ability to change what she becomes. When she is frustrated with regular spells, she often uses Navajo Shaman magic to help her out. She is extremely loyal and very good friends with the Granger girls, even though Gabby is older. She maintains good relationships with people in all houses. She tries and suceeds to never behave like a snooty Slytherin. Her parents are constantly confused why she got put into Slytherin in the first place. Outside of Hogwarts, she takes many forms of martial arts and dance, her father and mother both believing it to be good. In her spare time, she listens to and writes music and rides horses and the occasional Hyppogriff. She is very good with animals.

Author:  Lady Isteleth [ June 19th, 2005, 7:18 am ]
Post subject: 

Allorien wrote:
(Hope I can still join.)
Name: Fawn Weasley
Mother: Fleur Delacor
Father: Bill Weasley
Is actually adopted
Wand: Witch Hazel, phoenix feather, 11 1/2 inches
Age: Fifteen
Year: 5th
Pet: A tan owl named Oriel
Appearance: As Fawn is a metamorphmagus, her appearance changes. She is normaly a normal height and weight girl with very tan skin and black hair. Her green eyes sparkle and she enjoys changing her hair color and length and occasionally her apparent age. When not in school uniform, she wears low rise jeans, combat boots and a V-neck sleeveless white shirt that is cut across her belly button. She often wears a red bandana rolled up and tied around her head. Her hair most often stays in two braids.
Personality: She is the seeker of the Gryffindor quidditch team and has the latest broom. She has been told she could be as good as the legendary Harry Potter. She keeps the snitch of every match she wins, usually returning it to the team, but if the match wins the cup, she keeps the snitch for good. She is very playful and loves to joke. She is madly in love with the son of Angelina and Lee Jordan, James Jordan, but never shows it.
History: She is part Mexican and part Navajo American Indian and was found by Bill and Fleur on a trip to America. As a result of her heritage she can speak five languages fluently.
Other: Besides being born as a metamorphmagus, her father taught her how to produce a patronus at an early age. Her patronus takes the form of a white buffalo, a symbol sacred to the Navajo tribe. He also taught her to be an animagus. Due to her Metamorphmagus trait, she has the unusual ability to change what she becomes. When she is frustrated with regular spells, she often uses Navajo Shaman magic to help her out. She is extremely loyal and very good friends with the Granger girls, even though Gabby is older. She maintains good relationships with people in all houses. She tries and suceeds to never behave like a snooty Slytherin. Her parents are constantly confused why she got put into Slytherin in the first place. Outside of Hogwarts, she takes many forms of martial arts and dance, her father and mother both believing it to be good. In her spare time, she listens to and writes music and rides horses and the occasional Hyppogriff. She is very good with animals.

sorry if i'm critising but how can she be the Gryffindor Seeker if she is slytherin?????????? soory but this has really confused me!!!!!

Also is my character allright becuase i'm Nyphadora Tonks' daughter??????? Messa very confused!!!!!!1

Author:  Allorien [ June 19th, 2005, 1:45 pm ]
Post subject: 

Two things, one: Yes, that is wierd, I had to change my house and I neglected to change that, thanks for pointing it out.
two: this is set in the future, so you can be Tonks' daughter, but none of the original characters are here.

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