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Author:  Elenthari [ October 11th, 2007, 9:35 am ]
Post subject: 

^I just need to read it to remember.I don't know but I think there was a sentence about the Half-elves and the choice of the mortality and immortality..Hmmm..
There are two possibilities:
a)that I didn't got the sentence right
b)that the translation wasn't precise.

I think I have to get the book in English :yes:

Author:  Elenthari [ October 11th, 2007, 9:45 am ]
Post subject: 

^The lyrics/poems always sound better in their original language (You know what I mean-for example do you remember that BG I sent you?It had EN version but you told me that in our language the song sounds much better)
Anyway I'll try to get the book in EN soon enough-tomorrow maybe :P
I can't wait to read it in it's original version because the translations I read(I read it in BG and now I'm reading it in Russian) there are many differences.

Author:  Aerandir [ October 11th, 2007, 10:03 am ]
Post subject: 

Kolko mi Lipsvaš <--I can do cool symbols too. :P Three cheers for háčky!

I have The Silmarillion on my bookshelf--but I'm reading LotR right now, so it'll have to wait.

Author:  Elenthari [ October 11th, 2007, 10:29 am ]
Post subject: 

I hope I'll have time to read the books once again this year before the summer:We have a lot of stuff for our literature classes.I though they'd be pretty interesting but I was wrong :confused: The most of them are BOOORING!

And btw:Siss you just could use the English translation of the song:"How I miss you" :P

Author:  Anameleth [ October 11th, 2007, 1:54 pm ]
Post subject: 

wow, we are sooo far off topic :P

@aerandir: you don't by any chance have the sil nearby, do you? because it should give us the answer to the whole immortal/mortal thingy...

Author:  Eruraina [ October 11th, 2007, 1:57 pm ]
Post subject: 

I have a Sill nearby... but I wouldn't know where to look to find the answer!

Author:  Aerandir [ October 12th, 2007, 9:13 am ]
Post subject: 

Would it be more like "How much I miss you," Elenthari?

Anyway, The Silmarillion, unfortunately, doesn't give a definite answer either way. That's why this debate has lasted so long--there's no known 'correct' answer--at least, it was never published, so far as I know.

But you're right, Anameleth--we are off-topic. I vote that we all move over to a thread specifically to take about the whole immortal/mortal thing. :D

Author:  Anameleth [ October 15th, 2007, 3:52 am ]
Post subject: 

well, I was actually talking about the whole russian language thing (it was russian, right? :P)

the immortal/mortal thing I don't think is off-topic, at least for as long as we think Elrond and Elros "started" it all...

Author:  Aerandir [ October 16th, 2007, 1:54 am ]
Post subject: 

Oh. Lol. :P I don't think it was actually Russian. I Googled it and it seemed as though it was actually Bulgarian or something. Though it would also normally be in the Cyrillic alphabet.

Author:  Elenthari [ October 16th, 2007, 1:56 am ]
Post subject: 

If you are talking about the song-it's Bulgarian :P

Author:  Anameleth [ October 16th, 2007, 7:07 am ]
Post subject: 

ahh, okay. it sounded russian XD

Author:  Elenthari [ October 16th, 2007, 11:28 am ]
Post subject: 

In fact,Bulgarian and Russian sound very familiar(because they are Slavic languages)-the only difference is that the Russian grammar is much more complicated then ours :P

@Aerandir:Yeah,the title had to be written with Cyrillic letters,but I wrote it so,so you could be able to read it.Here's how it looks like with our letters:
"Колко ми липсваш" {Kolko mi lipswash}

But we've done faaar off-topic :P

BTW:I finally found "The Simarillion" in English.Now I can compare the translation and to see did I got that phrase right or wrong

Author:  Anameleth [ October 18th, 2007, 3:19 am ]
Post subject: 

if you've got the sil, you could see what it says about mortality/immortality as well :D

Author:  Elenthari [ October 19th, 2007, 10:19 am ]
Post subject: 

Ok...Now I can be completely sure that our translation isn't very good.I'm still reading the English version of the Silmarillion,but I was too curious about the mortality/immortality thing and here's what I found on the index.(I don't remember where exactly I read about the Half-elves in the book :blush:)

The Silmarillion;Index;page 402 wrote:
Half-elven-Translation of Sindarin,Peredhel,plural Peredhil,applied to Elrond and Elros,295,306,312,342,345;and to Eärendil,289.

After I read that I agree that the title Half-elves is given only to Eärendil's kin...But I'll search more info in the book on that :)

Author:  tindomiel [ November 3rd, 2007, 3:27 am ]
Post subject: 

Actually my real quetion about Elrond is,what does it mean by he has the gift of foresight?(Arwen in ROTK: You have the gift of foresight,tell me what you see!) elves have special gifts??

Author:  Aerandir [ November 3rd, 2007, 1:59 pm ]
Post subject: 

Elves have abilities and powers beyond what Man has, so it's possible that Elrond had foresight, but I don't recall it ever being mentioned in the book. That was just PJ putting in his own ideas again, methinks.

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