Which of the LotR actors have you met...
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Author:  Larael [ June 8th, 2005, 10:46 pm ]
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Okay..........I don't know how I missed this thread. I went to the RotK London premiere. It was awesome evryone was screaming (okay I was too) I got Orlando's autograph and Liv Tyler's autograph. It was hard to get autographs because there were so many people. I wish I had gotten a picture but I forgot my camera back at my house........I was not happy that I had left it. I couldn't believe I was that close to all those wonderful actors and actresess. :-D

Author:  Pippin [ June 9th, 2005, 8:24 pm ]
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I believe I've met most of them. They are all real nice! I can't choose who was the nicest.

Author:  Elu Thingol [ June 10th, 2005, 7:02 am ]
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There were some actors in the Netherlands, like Andy Serkis and John Noble! At the Elf Fantasy Fair! I did not go there, though.. I really want to go next year!

Author:  Olótiriel [ June 16th, 2005, 5:39 am ]
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I have met, and am friends with some of:

Craig Parker - Haldir, Elf of Lothlorien (FotR, TTT)
David Weatherley - Barliman Butterbur (FotR)
Sarah McLeod - Rosie Cotton (FotR, RotK)
Jørn Benzon - Rúmil, Elf of Lothlorien (FotR), various others (TTT, ROTK)
Mark Ferguson - Gil-Galad (FotR)
Joel Tobeck - Gothmog the orc-captain (RotK)
Ben Wootten - Senior Designer WETA Workshops
Warren Mahy - Senior Designer WETA Workshops
Thomas Robins - Deagol (RotK)
Brett Beattie - stunt & scale double for Gimli (FotR, TTT, RotK)
Daniel Falconer - WETA Senior Designer
Michael Grealish - Leather craftsman
Paul Norrell - The King of the Dead, Easterling (RotK, TTT)
Andrew Stehlin - Stuntman, played various orcs
Stephen Ure - Grishnakh in TTT, and Gorbag in RotK

I have autographs from... 7 of these, and a Liv Tyler one. I did home-made Lembas and it got tasted by Haldir, Gil-galad, and Ben Wootten.

This August I will meet Daniel Falconer and Paul Norrell again, as well as...

Jonathan Harding - Erestor
Jed Brophy - Snaga & Sharku
Jarl Benzon - Glorfindel
Sandro Kopp - Gildor
Jørn Benzon - Rumil
Peter Lyon - Master Swordsmith
Matt Appleton - Orc Director & Saelbeth the Elf
Emily Sturrock - Hero Armour & Weapons
Daniel Reeve - Cartographer, Calligrapher

It's weird how not many have met people. I actually feel extremely lucky to have had the experience to spend so much time with the cast/crew members, and to have made good friends of a few. Me and the King of the Dead did a piano duet one evening, which was incredible because it was one of my own compositions that no one had ever heard, and he seemed to be an extremely talented pianist, yet he kept complementing me!
Stephen (Grishnakh) wouldn't stop kissing us, while Deagol had a few dances with me after the banquet and got down on his knees, singing the chorus of 'what about me' to me! Daniel Falconer from WETA ended up making me and friend Darren stand up in his workshop so everyone could applaud our costumes... All these memories make the prospect of missing the next one very hard to bear. *sob* And now, I must stop rambling on about it, or I may get flamed for uh... making people jealous? xoxoxox

Author:  hobbit_fan [ June 16th, 2005, 5:30 pm ]
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You ARE extremely lucky!!

OMG!! Well I went to Boston to the LOTR Exhibition over the summer, and we heard that Sean Astin was going to be there in August. So me and my friend almost peed out pants (lol) and begged out parents to let us go see him. So the day finally came, and we got out posters to have him sign, but when we got there they wouldnt let us in line to see him! Of course me and my friend were beyond upset. Could see where he was going to be sitting, and we tried going up the stairs so we could see him from above, but the lady wouldnt let us go. We searched everywhere all over the museum to find another way, and then we found one, so we ran like crazy over to the realing, and Sean was sigining autographs. We started crying and freaking out that he was actually almost 20 feet away from us. lol! I got alot of pictures, but I had a crappy disposable camera, so only one came out. But for that one I snuck up between some people to take a picture that he was taking with someone else. The guard saw me and yelled at me, but I already got the picture so I was happy. Then at the end Sean got up and talked through a microphone thing telling us all how happy he was and said "he loved us" lol but obviously not in that way. I yelled "hi sean!" and he looked up to me and waved. Haha. It was the greatest day ever! I have the picture, and altough it isnt that great ill still post it! :)


Author:  Alessae [ June 17th, 2005, 12:00 pm ]
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Wow, the pictur is really cool! :D

I have Orlando's autograph (and Johnny Depps)

I got them for my birthday, on a signed picture :D

Author:  brego145 [ June 18th, 2005, 6:09 pm ]
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I have met Dom,Billy,Orlando,and Sean Bean. When I was in New zealand work at the stables. I help Orlando in is horse-back riding lesson. HE's a cool guy but not to good with my thoroughbred horses. He rode my horse that I leave there. The horse name was Shandow or now called blackly. I think. I met Dom and billy on one of the sets I think. Sean Bean I met when he came to the stables with Viggo. did not get to met viggo but I met sean bean.

Author:  Blueeyedgirl4God [ June 18th, 2005, 7:09 pm ]
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That's awesome brego145! Not only do you have a horse but you've met hobbits! lol

Author:  Elberethsq [ June 20th, 2005, 10:59 pm ]
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*wails* How did all of you get to meet so many of them??? I haven't even met ONE single ONE! Oh noo.. . . :bye2:

Author:  brego145 [ June 21st, 2005, 7:27 pm ]
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I was in New Zealand at the main Stables they used. I was there, Just luck.

Author:  Master-of-Buckland [ June 23rd, 2005, 8:40 am ]
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Wow! to all of you who have met the actors! Brego, you're so lucky! And Undomiel, I don't know you but did you work on the film or something? really cool...And Pippin?! Tell!

I haven't met any of the actors but I was close. NO I wasn't, but if I had waited long enough I could have had the chance to meet Andy Serkis, PJ, Viggo and Bernard Hill. And the Danish queen and the princes and princesses. DARN! They were at the Danish premiere in Copenhagen in Tivoli. At the same evening I was at a concert in Copenhagen (Händel's Messiah). As we were walking across the town hall square they had a slide show with some pictures of RoTK that they showed on the town hall wall. Really cool. Tivoli is right opposite and I freaked out! "They're in there, they're in there" I screamed. But we had a train to catch so I didn't get the chance to meet them *cries*
As we walked across the road I was like "what if they've walked here?! Precious footsteps of them!" But well... I'll meet them... [/list]

Author:  mortaldarkness [ June 26th, 2005, 6:39 pm ]
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*sniff sniff sob* I haven't met <b>ANY</b> of the actors. I have (quite recently-a couple of weeks, give or take), sent a picture to Elijah that I drew. And I am contemplating whether or not to send the darwing of Dominic I drew to him...I hope I get a reply from Lijah.

^the drawing I sent to Elijah

^the drawing I am contemplating on sending to Dominic

Author:  Lady_Elvereth [ June 26th, 2005, 10:18 pm ]
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i went to the Wellington NZ Premier of ROTK i saw some of the cast and got to say hi to some. it was great. Orlando is so cute in real life and so is Viggo. :angel:

Author:  Gwenneth [ June 27th, 2005, 2:34 pm ]
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i haven't met any either!! you all are so lucky! but i do know someone who went to Hollywood (he's kind of working in the film business), and i don't know the whole story, but he got to actually sit down and talk one on one with Sean Astin!!! when i heard his mom tell me this, my jaw dropped, i was so surprised!

Author:  feawen [ June 29th, 2005, 4:35 am ]
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I've been super lucky . Through conventions I've met John Rhys Davies, Sean Astin, John Nobel, Richard Talyor and a few weta guys. By complete accident I met Andy Serkis. He was in the same cafe as us . He was really nice about it , he said hello and signed a picture for me and all.
I fell lucky. Just keep checking the papers and you might find that someone is coming your way! :bye2: :bye2: :) [/quote]

Author:  Feveth [ July 3rd, 2005, 6:48 pm ]
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I just finished my first year of college; I'm in school to get into the motion picture industry. I want to be a movie director some day, so maybe I'll have the opportunity to have some of the LotR actors as my talent. :)

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