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Author:  ErulissëEnethNîn [ September 28th, 2006, 2:11 pm ]
Post subject: 

:roll: yup I met Craig Parker :) He was the sweetest guy ever :D

Author:  Aredhel Ar-Feiniel [ September 28th, 2006, 3:26 pm ]
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Author:  Aranel Fae [ September 28th, 2006, 4:26 pm ]
Post subject: 

Me too! I want to meet him too! Ugh! *headdesk*

Author:  ErulissëEnethNîn [ September 28th, 2006, 7:28 pm ]
Post subject: 

Awwww you guys :hug: You'll meet him one day, I am sure of it!

Author:  Aranel Fae [ September 29th, 2006, 9:49 am ]
Post subject: 

:hug: You really think Eru? If so, then I'll be praying every day! *clasps hands in prayer*

Author:  ErulissëEnethNîn [ September 30th, 2006, 2:08 pm ]
Post subject: 

Most definitely! I have met a lot of my heros/idols within music or films over the years and most of them I had considered impossible to encounter before! But remember, they're not going to come to you - you have to go to them! So long you make an effort at it, the sky is the limit :D

Author:  Aranel Fae [ September 30th, 2006, 3:27 pm ]
Post subject: 

Oh I'll keep that in mind!

Author:  Fencing Maiden [ October 4th, 2006, 11:26 am ]
Post subject: 

*refrains self from falling to pieces*

Give.... me... *GASP*... some time... *CHOKE* re...cover.... *DIES*

Child of Óðinn, you have been born with a million lucky stars!! Long life be yours!

But right now, admittedly, I am greener than Yoda over this... *resurrects and dies again*

You blessed among girls!

Author:  ErulissëEnethNîn [ October 4th, 2006, 7:50 pm ]
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I do know that I am lucky and I am very grateful for have had opportunities to meet some of the actors from LotR! Elijah has been a favorite actor of mine since 1993 so that was really great to finally meet him :)

Author:  Eyalan [ November 10th, 2006, 6:38 am ]
Post subject: 

So, how is he in real life? :)

Author:  Ms.Gamgee [ November 12th, 2006, 1:05 am ]
Post subject: 

Ok so,
I come onto this page, and I could have sworn that I had already read this ( i think i was thinking of one of your other "I met so and so" threads, where I yelled at you)
Lol, remember the good ol' days when I would yell at you about things like this?

So anyways, I go the front page expecting to see one of my old posts there, yelling at you, because i coulda sworn it was one of the older ones, and i didnt see anything there, so I went up and I looked at the pictures, and Craig Parker is absolutely delicious looking, I mean BEAUTIFUL, and then I looked at the pics of Lij, but i didnt start turning green until I actually read what you wrote, I mean, Craig sounds like SUCH a sweetheart, and Elijah, oh, he sounds so great.
You've been getting this this WHOLE time grandma, but I mean, you are so amazingly lucky, I think I'm gonna cry, lol, I'm so jealous, I mean really,i know you know how lucky you are, and obviously you've been reminded over and over again, but make sure you always cherish the fact that you've been able to meet so many of your favorite actors.

I mean, I'm so so so so jealous, you have no idea. :P

No yelling today, see? :)

Author:  ErulissëEnethNîn [ November 15th, 2006, 7:16 am ]
Post subject: 

Eyalan wrote:
So, how is he in real life? :)

Just incredibly humble, polite, down to earth and genuinly nice. There was absolutely no "I'm da big Hollywood Superstar" attitude to him at all. He looked you into the eyes the whole time and seemed really happy to be there. He was just really, really normal, somebody who you could just hang out with for hours and talk with or joke around with. An amazing human being! I am so glad I got to meet him!

Ms.Gamgee wrote:
Ok so,
I come onto this page, and I could have sworn that I had already read this ( i think i was thinking of one of your other "I met so and so" threads, where I yelled at you)
Lol, remember the good ol' days when I would yell at you about things like this?

So anyways, I go the front page expecting to see one of my old posts there, yelling at you, because i coulda sworn it was one of the older ones, and i didnt see anything there, so I went up and I looked at the pictures, and Craig Parker is absolutely delicious looking, I mean BEAUTIFUL, and then I looked at the pics of Lij, but i didnt start turning green until I actually read what you wrote, I mean, Craig sounds like SUCH a sweetheart, and Elijah, oh, he sounds so great.
You've been getting this this WHOLE time grandma, but I mean, you are so amazingly lucky, I think I'm gonna cry, lol, I'm so jealous, I mean really,i know you know how lucky you are, and obviously you've been reminded over and over again, but make sure you always cherish the fact that you've been able to meet so many of your favorite actors.

I mean, I'm so so so so jealous, you have no idea. :P

No yelling today, see? :)

:roll: boy do I remember the yelling days! :laugh: classic Maria!

They really were sweethearts the both of them. All of the LotR actors I've met were incredible and they were all up for chatting which was great! I do know how lucky I am but I am not sure I realize just how lucky since meeting them felt so normal. They were so normal! I'm also quite used to encountering famous people or idols of mine so that probably has something to do with me not getting starstruck.

Author:  Ms.Gamgee [ November 15th, 2006, 10:15 pm ]
Post subject: 

ErulissëEnethNîn wrote:
Ms.Gamgee wrote:
Ok so,
I come onto this page, and I could have sworn that I had already read this ( i think i was thinking of one of your other "I met so and so" threads, where I yelled at you)
Lol, remember the good ol' days when I would yell at you about things like this?

So anyways, I go the front page expecting to see one of my old posts there, yelling at you, because i coulda sworn it was one of the older ones, and i didnt see anything there, so I went up and I looked at the pictures, and Craig Parker is absolutely delicious looking, I mean BEAUTIFUL, and then I looked at the pics of Lij, but i didnt start turning green until I actually read what you wrote, I mean, Craig sounds like SUCH a sweetheart, and Elijah, oh, he sounds so great.
You've been getting this this WHOLE time grandma, but I mean, you are so amazingly lucky, I think I'm gonna cry, lol, I'm so jealous, I mean really,i know you know how lucky you are, and obviously you've been reminded over and over again, but make sure you always cherish the fact that you've been able to meet so many of your favorite actors.

I mean, I'm so so so so jealous, you have no idea. :P

No yelling today, see? :)

:roll: boy do I remember the yelling days! :laugh: classic Maria!

They really were sweethearts the both of them. All of the LotR actors I've met were incredible and they were all up for chatting which was great! I do know how lucky I am but I am not sure I realize just how lucky since meeting them felt so normal. They were so normal! I'm also quite used to encountering famous people or idols of mine so that probably has something to do with me not getting starstruck.

Yeah...oh, the yelling days.
Well good news grandma, I might go meet Sean Astin in February *dances*

It's cool that you're not starstruck, I would totally b. :p

Author:  ErulissëEnethNîn [ November 17th, 2006, 2:12 pm ]
Post subject: 

Now I'm going to be jealous of you! Had I been back in Sweden instead of stuck here in Austria I would have been able to meet Sean Astin back in October at the Sci-Fi/Fantasy Convention I always go to so I am really peeved about that! I definitely hope you'll get to meet him! Tell him that I think "The Goonies" is the best film ever! Haha

Author:  Fencing Maiden [ November 19th, 2006, 8:53 pm ]
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SEAN ASTIN!!!!!!!?????????

Oh shoot!!!!!!!!

*throws self in a river with unwanted kittens for the second time this week*

Waaaah, wahahahah... *cries like Charlie Brown, with tears shooting every which way*

That's it. *sniff* Not fair. *sob* I'm running away to Isengard *sniff* for good *choke*.

*packs lots of milk and runs away to join the Dark Side*

There. Go meet your Sean Astin and Elijah Wood and Craig Parker and Sean Bean. See if I care! I'll be living with the preciousss Orcses, precious.


Author:  ErulissëEnethNîn [ November 20th, 2006, 6:25 pm ]
Post subject: 

:roll: *pats FM on the head* there, there! your day will come, I am sure of it :hug: :)

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