Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind!
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Author:  Myra [ June 8th, 2005, 5:36 pm ]
Post subject: 

The girl he's that Kate Winslet/clementine?

Author:  Master-of-Buckland [ June 9th, 2005, 8:49 am ]
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I really liked this movie. I have only watched it one time and I MUST watch in one more time to understand it quite! Give it to me!
Elijah was... yeah, as we have agreed, weird :) He was fun to watch - I think. It's been so long since I watched this movie....

Author:  Nienna [ June 12th, 2005, 1:53 am ]
Post subject: 

I watched it the othre day. i really liked it. its a bit different, but i love those kinds of movies. Elijahs character was .... i dont know.. bad.. stealing the identity of but i liked it!

Author:  Alessae [ June 12th, 2005, 11:32 am ]
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Myra wrote:
The girl he's that Kate Winslet/clementine?

He steals her, yes; then pretends to be the guy shes had her memory erased of!

Author:  Myra [ June 12th, 2005, 11:57 am ]
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Lol! Then I can watch it. I love Kate! :) She and Lij! Must be very funny lol! :-D

Author:  Ellethwen [ June 14th, 2005, 10:05 pm ]
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I was so confused...and I didn't like Elijah's role.

I only watched because I thought it was about autism for some strange reason. My dad only decided to rent it because the name was...intriguing.

Author:  Beriadanwen [ June 14th, 2005, 10:34 pm ]
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I'm dieing to see this movie! There's so many movies that I want to see that I haven't. And then I go to the video store and I can't remember what I want to see. Frustrating! :bounce:

Author:  hobbit_fan [ June 16th, 2005, 4:39 pm ]
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lol I have had that happen to me before. Haha. I did like this movie, but I did not like Elijah's part at all! They made him seem so horrible, but he isnt! lol but the movie was really good. It was so confusing at first, but once you got into it you could understand. :)

Author:  Myra [ June 16th, 2005, 6:01 pm ]
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Well...still haven't seen that movie...BUT I watched two video clips today where Lij/Patrick was in.....and I didn't actually find him so horrible...the only thing that might've been irritating is that Lij is playing some sort of fool/outsider....weird guy (I mean...if yer used to Frodo and Lij)
But maybe I just still didn't see the horrible parts??

I saw the scene where Clementine runs into the flat with Patrick and she says that she feels old, hugs Pat, and then she says she wants to go dancing or see the frozen charles. The other scene was: Pat, Kirsten and Mark in a room with the sleeping guy. Mark& Kirsten play drunk....try to wake the other one up.

Of course it's not lij himself.....but that's what acting is about.... ;)

I mean...I already feel quite relieved that he's not flirting around with Kirsten (don't like her at all!) and jumping around in his underpants like Mark ;)

Author:  Tamuril [ July 30th, 2005, 6:57 am ]
Post subject: 

this is the most confusing film i have ever bought in my whole life - it's so hard to follow - it actually gave me a head ache!!! - infact i think i'll go watch it again lol

Author:  Larien [ July 31st, 2005, 12:52 am ]
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I thought that this movie was fantastic! It was REALLY hard to follow, but I couldn't stop watching it! Actually, Kate Winslet's hair color helped me keep track of the events (just a tip to those who haven't seen it)

Author:  Myra [ August 5th, 2005, 5:00 am ]
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I saw it a few weeks ago now...And I LOVE it a LOT!
It's genius...with all the puzzles coming together in the end. Patrick was a weirdo....but less bad than I imagined after all the stuff ye told me ;)
It's such a cute movie.....I love that style.

Author:  Christie [ August 23rd, 2005, 3:07 pm ]
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Tamuril wrote:
this is the most confusing film i have ever bought in my whole life - it's so hard to follow - it actually gave me a head ache!!! - infact i think i'll go watch it again lol

If you want to see confusing, see Mulholland Drive!! I love films like that, that make you think and aren't so simple minded. Plus I love Kate Winslet (and of course Elijah Wood. hehe).

Author:  Guest [ October 27th, 2005, 7:56 pm ]
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bless you Lij

Author:  *Tamuril* [ October 30th, 2005, 4:18 am ]
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no joke hand on heart every time i watch that film i get a really bad head ache - plus it doesn't make sense it's so hard to follow :S:S:S

Author:  I Brake For Hobbits [ November 4th, 2005, 11:35 am ]
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I love this movie! At first it took me a minute to figure out what was going on, but it really made me think... Sometimes when something horrible happens to you, you wish that it had never happened, but you have to be careful what you wish for because you dont want to forget the things that are most important to you. It also showed that it's better to have loved and lost, than never to have loved at all. I think this movie has a good lesson to be leaned in it, and the way it was presented was phenomenal. Good movie ;)

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