18+ ~*~THE LAST ALLIANCE~*~ +18
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Author:  Johnny's Fan [ August 22nd, 2012, 8:13 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: 18+ ~*~THE LAST ALLIANCE~*~ +18

Daenerys wrote:
Gosh, I still don't wear make-up. I was never in make-up :P But I blame my boyish-ness not age.


Oh my gosh. Now I don't feel all alone any more. *squeezes*

Not that's it a bad thing to wear make-up, unless you are at a stupid age, and have stupid couldn't-care-less-parents, but it's just never bothered me that I've never worn it and don't wear it. Sometimes I do think "hmmm when people look at me when I'm outside do they know? Do they care?" It's not like I think I have the perfect face or anything, so sometimes I wonder if anyone out there thinks "eww she should wear stuff on her face". But then again, I look in the mirror and I like seeing me, and not a face I have created with the help of this, that and the other.

It is funny though when my mum *decides* I am wearing mascara when we go out, and I give in just to save my hearing, and it's sooo weird having something poking at your eyes. 'Ain't natural I tell ye.

But as to kids and everything in general these days... urgh.. I could rant for years.

Just like badly behnaved dogs, it's not the dogs fault but the owners. This is the same with kids.

There are too many parents having children too young, who don't have common sense anymore. My parents were young when they married and by the time my mum was 23 she had my oldest brother. Now she didn't take any classes, read any books or watch any TV shows to help her... she just had common sense had been raised in a good family enviroment and she knew how she had been brought up.

I guess if a lot of parents (young or older) did not have an upbringing that generated a sense of how children should be raised, and they also lack common sense and also a decent set of morals, it's probably harder to raise kids correctly.

I think childhood means one thing - you can act like a child. I hate seeing 12 year olds dressing like they're 25. I really, really do. Children are being so oversexed these days, it's disgraceful. Nothing makes me happier than seeing kids wearing something that is comfortable and appropriate. There is nothing wrong with a little bit of a fashion design or something sparkly, but when kids are wearing bikinis when let's face it, there ain't nothing there when you're six, and wedge shoes when you're just above knee height... those parents are doing nothing for their kids. They're teaching them that how you look is more important than anything else.

When I was a kid I can't honestly remember anything specific, but it would have been skirts, trousers, blouses and t shirts. And skirts means a proper skirt. No one ever saw my underwear. :lol: But I remember I always had a Christmas dress. And even though I hated wearing dresses and I still do, I'll always remember my velvet and tartan dress. Full length sleeves, everything covered, and knee length. :happy:

I also think having children who are not even in primary school, with ear piercings is also wrong. I had my ears pierced when I was 11 and I made that decision. I wasn't told "ooh, you're going to get your ears pierced" when I didn't have a clue what was going on. I knew exactly what it meant. And it bloody hurt and I developed chicken pox that day. :lol:

And I agree about how boys must like blue and girls must like pink. I think I was lucky with my childhood that I made it clear I wasn't interested in dolls, so only one person ever got me a doll. I loved teddy bears and cuddley toys, and I'd always come back with one whereever we had been. I was never that fussed about colours, but I'm not aware of anyone dressing me overly in pink. When I was 10 and the Star Wars craze hit me, that's the time when I realised that maybe there was a difference between what boys and girls liked. I remember in the school playground wanting to talk to people about my new love - girls said that girls don't like Star Wars and the boys told me that girls shouldn't be interested in Star Wars - and that saddened me. Years later on school trip to see Phantom Menance I KNEW most of the kids there were going for an afternoon free from school. But whatever. I remember wanting a remote control AT-AT and instead I got a remote controlled car.... which was cool. :P I also wanted the bucket of Toy Story soldiers but it was expensive so my parents got me a different set complete with parachuter. :teehee: Maybe it helped growing up with two brothers so my parents were not bothered about some of my un-girly requests, but alternatively they could have overdone the "only daughter" thing and turned me into a pink freak. :blink:

I think if a girl shows and interest in trucks and power tools then let them play with it. If a boy wants to dress up as a ballerina so what? Parents are so terrified of what this means. At a young age, I doubt the kids are already plotting to surprise their parents with their sexuality. They're just going for that looks like fun at that moment. :P

And I'm not sure if sex education has worked that well in recent years. I don't know the facts and figures for the 90's, but we were never taught anything, but inherently when someone in school mentioned something, I just knew it wasn't right. I'm not sure if opening very young children's eyes is the way to go, because to me (depending of course on the age) that's another little part of the innocence of childhood gone.

BTW, what do people think about beauty pageants? I don't know if anyone here as heard about the battle going on in America, as a divorced dad is trying to get sole custody of his daughter because of what the mother is doing to her. Making her wear fake breasts etc. :blink: ... 12317.html

EDIT: I have never actually seen that before, I didn't know the kid was even part of a show. That makes it even worse that a TV company would comission such trash and glorfiy it. That girl does not ever KNOW who Dolly Parton is. And she never said "I want to show the judges how beautiful I am" that's her MOTHER telling her that what's she's doing. Ye gods, it's grotesque.

Author:  Aredhel Ar-Feiniel [ August 22nd, 2012, 8:27 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: 18+ ~*~THE LAST ALLIANCE~*~ +18

ErulissëEnethNîn wrote:
We got our first VCR when I was four years old, but the only movie we had for the first few years was the Sound of Music. I wore dresses and played with dolls until I was 10 years old (or so) and I wasn't the old one. I got my first Barbie when I was 8-9 years old, an age when most girls today wouldn't even be caught dead with a Barbie.

Hahaha this goes for me too. I'm about 10 years younger than you so maybe my family was just a bit late on the draw there. Simple pleasures though. I didn't have acccess to the internet until I was in high school, when my mom finally gave in because it was necessary to be able to access it from home. I didn't have cable until I moved out of my mom's place (a year ago) and moved in with my boyfriend, who has cable.

My mom just didn't believe in polluting my mind as a kid, but that kinda backfired in the end. ;) She did do her job right though, and I'm glad I'm not a materialistic prep.

I agree about the gender expectations. I wore "boy clothes" throughout elementary school because they were my cousins' hand-me-downs (my cousins are all guys) and I got so much crap for it at school and the preps never wanted to be friends with me. Oh no! I rolled in the mud and played with bugs despite my mother. I played with toy cars AND barbies. And I read a lot of books. Kids should just be kids.

Seen a little girl with heels the other day when I was out with my boyfriend. We noticed at the same time and we felt really sorry for her little developing feet and for her having such a dumb mother for allowing it.


JF - oh my god, don't even get me started on beauty pageants. I think I can safely say that crap like that enrages everyone here as much as it does me. It is absolutely SICK.

Author:  Johnny's Fan [ August 22nd, 2012, 10:00 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: 18+ ~*~THE LAST ALLIANCE~*~ +18

Hahaha, VCRs. :P

I honestly don't know when we got our first VCR... but we have 4 in our house still. Honestly, we couldn't live without them. We can record on three of them (which is handy when there are multiple things on TV) and it means all my taped old movies that I don't want to buy or can't buy on DVD, can still be viewed.

I will cry the day we can't buy VCR's. The last one we had to buy off ebay. :-( They are still so useful and although everyone has these recorders this, that and the other. It is still good to use old technology sometimes.

We've always had a computer as long as I can remember, because my dad works with them. We had a computer back in our old house which we moved out of when I was 5, and we also had a computer that just played games, an Atari. My brother said you had to put something like a video cassette in it to play them. :blink: Then around 1997, we got the newest computer there was a Del... and as my brother jokes within 3 months it was old and out of date. :P We got the internet in 2000 so I was 13 by then. We also had an Amiga computer thing and it was a tragedy the day that died as it had amazing retro games on that, all on floppy discs. :D

I don't know how any parent can watch their daughter in one of those pageants. If any child grows up a normal girl after those experiences I'd be very surprised. I would imagine as a teenager, that's when the years will backfire on the parents.

Author:  Lhunardaien [ August 23rd, 2012, 2:31 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: 18+ ~*~THE LAST ALLIANCE~*~ +18

I don't know what I would do without my VCR! I use it quite often to record all kinds of interesting things and I have a nice collection of old tapes that I like to rewatch :) I remember buying FotR on VHS, because we didn't have a DVD-player back then, and we still didn't have one when the Two Towers was released on VHS (around summer 2003 I think). Now it's almost impossible to get anything on VHS...

Ah yes, our old computers. We got an internet connection around 2001, but at that time you had to choose between being able to call or being able to use the internet, so us kids were only allowed about 20 minutes a day. We only changed to a faster, not-phone-disabling connection when we had to use the internet for our homework.

I've heard of those beauty pageants for children, and I've always found it a disgusting idea, but this story makes it even worse. There is absolutely no excuse for dressing your young daughter like a mature woman, making her compete with other toddlers in order to win the prize for most beautiful/talented/etc. Every child is beautiful and unique and should be treated as such, instead of being exposed to such practices.

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