*The Return of the King* -General BookTopic
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Author:  Ardhoniel [ May 18th, 2006, 3:30 am ]
Post subject: 

You know, i did just that! I found the bita with Frodo and Sam in the book just as interesting last time as all the other bits. they aren't very interesting in the movies though, compared to all the battlesand that.

Author:  Fíriel_18190 [ May 18th, 2006, 8:37 am ]
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That's true... but I think the battles play a too huge part in the movies... in the books they were much shorter and I like the book version of them more

Author:  Larael [ May 18th, 2006, 5:29 pm ]
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^Exactly! But I guess that's what happens. People want to really see the huge battles and the action, so sometime's the real story gets lors amidst all the war and chaos.

Author:  Fíriel_18190 [ May 19th, 2006, 8:17 am ]
Post subject: 

I know, but still I think it wasn't good that PJ made the battles so long, because some LotR fans like us wanted to see more of the rest and people read the books even though the battles didn't play such a huge part in them

Author:  Shammy [ June 21st, 2006, 3:00 pm ]
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does not give away the plot!!

please re-think if you think RotK gives away the plot!

Author:  Larael [ June 26th, 2006, 1:21 pm ]
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Fíriel_18190 wrote:
I know, but still I think it wasn't good that PJ made the battles so long, because some LotR fans like us wanted to see more of the rest and people read the books even though the battles didn't play such a huge part in them

So true, I do think the battles could have been cut down somewhat so that you could see other parts of the story that got left out. *cough*scouringoftheshire*cough*

Author:  Mornie utulie [ June 27th, 2006, 5:57 pm ]
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^ yess!!! i think the battles were alright, but they could have been shortened, and so the scouring of the shire could have been done! you gotta love the scouring of the was only of my favorite parts in all three books

Author:  Larael [ June 29th, 2006, 11:49 am ]
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There were so many other scenes that could have been put in too besides Scouring of the Shire, that were of equal importance.

Author:  Meldawen [ June 29th, 2006, 12:11 pm ]
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I really liked all the battles (okay maybe it was because of Leggy's cool stunts. So sue me), I always feel like those are pivotal parts of any movie. Think - if the battles of Pelennor and Helm's Deep had not been won, the race of men would have failed and Middle-Earth would have fallen. So I think they got a good amount of screen time for a good reason.

And as I have said before...I, er, cordially dislike the Scouring of the Shire, and I don't mind at all that it's not in the movies. Just like I don't mind Tom Bombadil not being in the movies. I find him annoying. But that's not the topic of this discussion. Anyway, it's very hard for me to find fault with any of the movies, I love them so much![/i]

Author:  Will [ June 29th, 2006, 6:24 pm ]
Post subject: 

I think the title Return of the King fits the best with the story.. Better than War of the Ring partly because in the second book there already is a battle (which you can call a war of the Ring)

It's true that the battle scenes are long (a while ago I reread the books again and I was like 'wow! the battle of Helm's Deep is short ) but I don't mind it. As Meldawen already said, they were from great importance to the story.

I do think that's the Scouring of the Shire had been left out. It gave me rather a strange feeling that Frodo, Sam, Merry and Pippin returned to the Shire where everything was as they had left. A bit odd. Because this war had effect on everyone.. even the hobbits.. so it gave mea strange feeling that those Hobbits never even knew there was something going on. But next to that I think Peter Jackson has chosen all the scenes perfectly. (Tribute to PJ! )

Author:  Larael [ June 30th, 2006, 3:41 pm ]
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I feel the same way Will! It just didn't seem right that a whole world had been affected by this Ring except for one race. It's as if they're trying to show that the hobbits are ignorant of the world around them. Actually they are... But anyway, back to topic.
I found that it all seemed to good to be true when they arrived back to a home that seemed so untouched by evil. It just didn't portray the affects of war very well and I was very sad it was cut out.

Author:  Ardhoniel [ July 3rd, 2006, 3:39 am ]
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Ok, don't shoot me.

I loved the battles. I thought PJ did an amazing job. I would have loved to have seen The Scouring of the Shire, and Tom Bombadil, and so many of the other things that had be left out, but I think the battles were extremely important to the plot. I mean, like Meldawen said, everything would have been different if they had lost at Helm's Deep or at Pellanor or at the Black Gate. But Tom Bombadil . . did he really have ANY import on the plot at all, other than giving a plausible reason for Merry to have a blade of Westernesse to use against the Witch King? (Something only us die hard fans would actually CARE about anyways, lol) So yeah, I think the battles were very important and PJ did well to put that much emphasis on them.

Author:  Eyalan [ July 3rd, 2006, 7:58 am ]
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Hahaha :-D No, I'm not gonna shoot you. But I can't help myself but to make a comment: this is the bookdiscussion subforum. That's the only reason I could think of your post is a bit 'different'. But at least we got your opinion as well and if you think PJ did an amazing job, I'm totally with you.

Another thing I read earlyier this topic is:

does not give away the plot!!

please re-think if you think RotK gives away the plot- by Sammy

I'm sorry if I offended you personally, but that is how I felt when I held that book for the first time. I was still in the dark about the ending and I was wondering how all that evil good have a good ending... but when I read the title, well.. yes for me it did gave away the plot.

Author:  Mornie utulie [ July 19th, 2006, 5:33 pm ]
Post subject: 

ehh.. i dont know...the end could have been completly tragic and the return of the king could still be its title ...for example

aragorn becomes king but frodo fails to destroy the ring so everybody dies anyway... :timid:

Author:  Ardhoniel [ July 19th, 2006, 9:39 pm ]
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I agree. I find it hard to imagine RotK any other way. I never really thought of it as giving away the plot, truly.

Author:  Nurrantiel Mashiara [ July 28th, 2006, 11:51 pm ]
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Eyalan wrote:
A whole other issue: The scouring of the shire. I think its a bit overrated. It doesn't add anything to the 'main story' to me. I think Tolkien overdid it a little bit with that last twist.

I thought SoS extremely important. It just shows how nothing is perfect. This culture, so happy, peaceful, never having problems, is in big trouble. The evil can just reach out and get you, even when you don't realize it's happening.

In Gondor, you know the evil is there. You expect it every day. But in the Shire, it comes quietly. Oh, a new rule here, another house there, it's all for your own good. Until you become slaves to that evil.

And then Frodo and Co. come back, and find it so different. They're changed from their adventures, but the don't want the Shire to be. It just breaks their hearts to see their innocent friends opressed, and Tolkien just throws in a bit more of how you don't have to be huge and important and a great swordsman to triumph.

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