Chronicles of Narnia or Stars Wars?
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Author:  Aerandir [ April 11th, 2007, 2:13 am ]
Post subject: 

timtimtimtim wrote:
EDIT: Plus, neither had anywhere near enough violence and gore to entertain me.

:lol: That's really hilarious, tim4x. Personally, I still think they should have gone for at least a PG13 rating with Narnia....since it is supposed to be a kid's series, a higher rating wouldn't make much sense, but the effort they went through to make it PG took a lot of the realisticness out of the movie, and made it waaay less enjoyable for me. I mean, it was a huge battle, and there was like no blood at all. :annoyed2: It's not that I love blood in movies, but there should be at least some evident in a major battle.

And Star Wars.....isn't really known for the gore stuff, when all of the weapons cauterize the wounds they cause. :P

Author:  Aravis Kenobi [ April 11th, 2007, 10:42 am ]
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actually, Star Wars Episode 4 had blood in it...........and it was caused by a lightsaber. :whistle:

Author:  Jax Nova [ April 11th, 2007, 11:18 am ]
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Mrs. Obi-Wan Kenobi wrote:
Jax Nova wrote:
lol i say star wars.

But I have to agre that Narnia and Star wars are so very different that it is kind of hard to compare them.
So i guess it depends on what kind of movie youlike.

I really like Narnia and stuff like LOTR But I have always said and mantianed that Star Wars is my ambsalute favorite movie ever. :) lol *shrugs* just becvause that's the kind of movie I like.

(I love that Jesus quote in your siggy. :D )

(Thanks, I took it from someone elses signiture on another forum because I liked it... lol)

lol Well, like any subject you are always going to find people on all sides.

thats one of the things that makes life so interesting. And I agree that Narnia having some spiritual meaning to it does make me like it more. but still gota go with starwars.

Author:  Guest [ April 11th, 2007, 2:55 pm ]
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I shall never be too old for Narnia! never! never! :D :teehee:

I think even adults can still read and like Narnia--I dont think Narnia is too kiddish...

(and yess..the only reason why I dont like SW is becuz its not medieval...)

Author:  Starlight [ April 15th, 2007, 5:47 pm ]
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I happen to like them both. Yep. I'm a geek. Narnia more so than Star Wars, but that's mainly because of the books. The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe the movie was disappointing, as are most movies that were originally fantastic books, but I still liked it. Although yeah, had the battle been bloody, it would have been better.
I've liked Star Wars since I was a little girl since I have older cousins who like it. They pretty much forced me to like it too. I have all of the movies. The original trilogy is so much better than the newer ones.
I think they're both kind of timeless, but even if they are for little kids, whatever. I like them.

Author:  tim4x [ April 15th, 2007, 8:27 pm ]
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Aerandir wrote:
timtimtimtim wrote:
EDIT: Plus, neither had anywhere near enough violence and gore to entertain me.

:lol: That's really hilarious, tim4x. Personally, I still think they should have gone for at least a PG13 rating with Narnia....since it is supposed to be a kid's series, a higher rating wouldn't make much sense, but the effort they went through to make it PG took a lot of the realisticness out of the movie, and made it waaay less enjoyable for me. I mean, it was a huge battle, and there was like no blood at all. :annoyed2: It's not that I love blood in movies, but there should be at least some evident in a major battle.

I agree completely. One of the worst parts was when you see a centaur get a leg taken off and there's nothing. None. I'm a person who loves gratuitous violence and rivers of blood in movies. Which means most of what I see is PG-13 and R, so something that is not a horror flick AND is rated PG is dull.

Am I repeating the same thing over and over? I think so. :duh:

Author:  JC802 [ April 16th, 2007, 8:34 pm ]
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I am such a geek..... but STAR WARS is sooo...... much better....though I like the moral of The Chronicles of Narnia

Author:  ~RinielAranel~ [ April 16th, 2007, 9:47 pm ]
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^ more blood and gore, timx4? :lol: I'm not one for loads of blood myself...that would be my weak stomach talking. :yes: I prefer action to gore any day. I can handle stuff at about an LotR level. More than that and I wince. Can't help it.

As for SW/Narnia...I certainly think any movie is comparable to any other movie, regardless of genres. But I'd still like to plead that Narnia is my favorite children's fantasy and SW is my favorite Science Fiction series. :)

Honestly...comparing them...I doubt I could decide. I would change my answer every day. For now, it's Narnia.

Author:  Aravis Kenobi [ April 25th, 2007, 2:06 pm ]
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*Bella Swan* wrote:
I am such a geek..... but STAR WARS is sooo...... much better....though I like the moral of The Chronicles of Narnia

I agree...and I'm glad that neither film(s) have opened a door to bloody violence...even if it had (and LOTR was not bloody, btw) I would still see it mainly because I love Narnia.

Author:  ~RinielAranel~ [ April 27th, 2007, 9:24 am ]
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:lol: Exactly, that was my point. LotR isn't bloody.


Author:  Ardanwen [ May 2nd, 2007, 8:28 am ]
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aw I luf Narnia... :drool: I got all of the books... :bounce: but I never seen SW... how pity... but I am sure I will once see that film too

Author:  Aravis Kenobi [ May 3rd, 2007, 10:42 pm ]
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You'll more than likely fall in love with the old trilogy once you see them...most people do.

Author:  Ardanwen [ May 4th, 2007, 10:35 am ]
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okaj :-D we'll see :-D

Author:  Aravis Kenobi [ May 4th, 2007, 10:37 am ]
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if you're a girl, you'll more than likely either have a crush on Anakin or can see what my crush is. :D

Author:  Ardanwen [ May 4th, 2007, 3:12 pm ]
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haha I am a girl :-D

Author:  Fingon of Beleriand [ May 4th, 2007, 3:53 pm ]
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I like both, and to me, they aren't easily comparable, since one has only had one of its series come out, and the other one had all of them come out.

What I like better is Thr3e, by Ted Dekker. If you want something to creep you out, get that. :hide:

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