Chronicles of Narnia :: All Seven!
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Author:  Taurquende [ August 6th, 2007, 5:04 am ]
Post subject: 

Meldawen wrote:
The actual (and original) order Lewis intended the books to be read in - the order he wrote them in

I'm not sure what order he intended to read them in, but the other order is the order people normally read them in, since it follows the Narnian timeline. I first read them in the order he wrote them in, though, and when my class read and studied them we read them in the Narnian order, which didn't seem to have as smooth transitions. :confused: That could have been just because I wasn't used to it, though.

Author:  Meldawen [ August 6th, 2007, 6:18 pm ]
Post subject: 

I've read from several sources that it wasn't Lewis who arranged them the way they're numbered, it was publishers. And he did intend for LWW to be the first one people read, I know, though I'm not positive about the order of the rest.

Author:  Liberty Hoffman [ December 14th, 2018, 6:18 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Chronicles of Narnia :: All Seven!

yay! I found the Narnia thread! Prince Caspian is an amazing film <3 I am a huge Narnia Nerd on top of my already large LOTR fandoming!

Prince Caspian is one of the first movie to really inspire me. I aspire to one day be a film-maker, and the Narnia films inspired that love of cinema. LOTR is the second set of films to inspire me :)

Author:  Captain Boromir [ December 19th, 2018, 12:56 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Chronicles of Narnia :: All Seven!

Liberty Hoffman wrote:
yay! I found the Narnia thread! Prince Caspian is an amazing film <3 I am a huge Narnia Nerd on top of my already large LOTR fandoming!

Prince Caspian is one of the first movie to really inspire me. I aspire to one day be a film-maker, and the Narnia films inspired that love of cinema. LOTR is the second set of films to inspire me :)

They are good films. My sister really likes them!

Author:  Jax Nova [ December 19th, 2018, 10:46 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Chronicles of Narnia :: All Seven!

I really liked the Narnia films as well! :) They were a lot of fun.

I had thought they were making the Silver Chair, but I have not heard any more about that for quite some time

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