Marvel movies
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Author:  Eäryendë [ July 4th, 2011, 5:56 pm ]
Post subject:  Marvel movies

Iron Man 1 & 2, The Incredible Hulk, THOR, Captain America... The Avengers! Discuss the Marvel movies :)

What I get a kick out of is how many references there are to the other characters/storylines in each of the movies.

Can't wait for Captain America later this month and The Avengers next year! :D

Author:  Tinker Bell [ July 6th, 2011, 12:42 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Marvel movies

I know! I'm going crazy having to wait for The Avengers! I cant wait to see all the different characters get together, I especially cant wait to hear the remarks Tony Stark would have to make about his team mates, lol! I love Tony, he cracks me up! I just wish they would have put Wolverine in the Avengers, I would have loved to see Tony and Logan have to work together. I love how they reference other characters in the movies, its like a little wink and nudge to comic fans. So, whats your favorite Marvel movie?

Author:  Eäryendë [ July 6th, 2011, 4:26 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Marvel movies

Ah, Tony, yes XD I follow an RP on tumblr that involves the movieverse Avengers characters and their assorted friends/colleagues/etc. It's pretty hilarious the way they all interact.

My favorite Marvel movie... tbh, Thor was what got me into all of this. I love it. But Iron Man is a very close second. Tony cracks me up and I love the references to the other movies. We'll see where I stand after Cap America comes out :)

Author:  Tinker Bell [ July 7th, 2011, 12:46 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Marvel movies

I missed Thor, which I was upset about, it was another bday movie for me, I just couldn't find anyone to go with me. It seems like Marvel likes to release one of their movies the week of my birthday, I think there's been about 6 or 7 movies released "for me", lol. I love the X Men movies, Wolverine rocks, he's my favorite Marvel character. No, its not just because Hugh plays him, either, (although I am so not complaining about that). And then Tony, love Tony! I love his personality, Robert plays him well. I cant wait for the Cap America movie, it looks really good. I like how Iron Man 2 really set it up for the Avengers movie, there was the Thor reference, Black Widow was in it, Cap America reference was in it, plus the conversations between Tony and Fury about the team. Still wish they would put Wolverine on the team.

Author:  Cara [ July 7th, 2011, 1:15 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Marvel movies

I love X-Men movies, they are fitting in my tastes ^^ I am hige fan of Wolverine as well but for me the fact that Hugh plays him takes important role ;-)

I like also Iron Man (I haven't watched Iron Man 2). I love LOVE Robert Downey Jr!

Author:  Tinker Bell [ July 7th, 2011, 1:34 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Marvel movies

Oh I love Hugh Jackman and Robert Downey Jr! In my opinion they couldn't have found anyone better to play Wolvie and Tony! :drool: Drool worthy, both of them!...Hey, here we are again! lol! wonder if Aragorn-fan will pop in sometime! :lol:

Author:  Cara [ July 7th, 2011, 2:00 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Marvel movies

Aragorn-fan, come out come out, wherever you are :p

Haha, yes! But I am leaning more into Wolverine by Hugh Jackman, maybe because I saw more movies with Wolvie and am more connected with him by that. I loved him especially in X-Men Origins. Its my fave X-men movie, maybe because of Wolvies' brother? I loved Victor ^^

Author:  Tinker Bell [ July 7th, 2011, 1:45 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Marvel movies

Victor was an awesome character! Although I'm leaning towards the most awesome scenes being when Wolvie breaks out of the military facility, naked, and runs across the field, naked, and hides in the old farmers barn...also naked. those were good! thats when i discovered my tv had a slow motion button...but anyway, yes, X Men Origins was an awesome movie, I loved it! It came out two days before my B-day, and what a present it was! :lol: I cant wait for the second Origins movie, they are supposed to start filming it in October. and holy cow, Deadpool, at the beginnin of the movie when all those guys are shootin at him and he's blocking all their bullets with his swords, oh that was just so freakin cool!

hmmm, maybe Aragorn-fan doesn't like Marvel movies?

Author:  Cara [ July 7th, 2011, 2:29 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Marvel movies

Deadpool is awesome! I love this scene as well, well, whole bunch is preseting what is best to them :lol: I love mostly fights between Victor and Wolverine though.

Haha, maybe ^^ We will know soon ^^

Author:  Tinker Bell [ July 7th, 2011, 11:10 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Marvel movies

Victor was an awesome character, Leiv Shriber (spelling?) did an awesome job in that movie. Both him and Hugh did a really good job in their scenes together. I cant wait to see the second Wolverine movie!
I heard a rumor that they were trying to get a Deadpool movie made, and I also heard about a Gambit movie, but I haven't heard anything concrete yet.

Author:  Ashwise [ August 21st, 2011, 7:30 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Marvel movies

I can't wait to see X-men first class. I think its awesome that they go into detail of how the X-men really started.

Author:  Tinker Bell [ August 22nd, 2011, 1:11 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Marvel movies

I know, i missed it when it was in theaters, so I cant wait for it to come out on DVD. I also missed Thor, and Captain America, unfortunately. But I'm not missing the Avengers movie next year, or Iron Man 3 after that, or the new Wolverine movie either!

Author:  ~*ArwenEvenstar*~ [ August 23rd, 2011, 5:08 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Marvel movies

I'm a huge fan of Marvel movies! Thor was pretty good, and I was really impressed with Captain America- I thought they did an excellent job with it. I love when other story lines/characters are referenced too. :) I sadly missed X-Men First Class, but the other X-Men films are great. Actor-wise I especially love Hugh Jackman as Wolverine/Logan and Robert Downey Jr. as Tony, they were both amazing!

Oh, and did anyone else stay after the credits of Captain America to see the sneak peak of The Avengers? I'm SO excited for that movie, and I can't wait to see how all of the characters interact with each other. :)

Author:  Tinker Bell [ August 23rd, 2011, 10:12 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Marvel movies

I wish I could have seen the sneak peek! I'm super excited for Avengers! I cant wait to see how Tony deals with working on a team, lol! I only wish they would have had Wolverine on the team, not only could I drool over both Tony and Wolvie, but the two of them together with their smartaleck personalities could have been funny. Plus did I mention staring at both Tony and Wolvie? :goofy:

Author:  Beren05 [ November 1st, 2015, 12:52 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Marvel movies

Big Marvel Fan here... I love Chris Evans as Captain America. He's the reason I've invested in everything that is related to Marvel. But he's not the only one I like...I've liked every one of the movies minus IM3, TIH and Thor2 which I have some gripes about.

Author:  Jax Nova [ November 2nd, 2015, 9:44 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Marvel movies

I must agree with you, I loves their casting for Captain America. He fits the roll perfectly.

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