Movies You Would Like to See Remade.
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Author:  Hanasian [ November 26th, 2016, 6:21 am ]
Post subject:  Movies You Would Like to See Remade.

There is a lot of old movies that are re-made, and in my opinion they usually don't reach the benchmark of the original. I'll watch the old Planet Of The Apes and Manchurian Candidate over the new remakes. Italian Job was respectablish as was the Oceans Eleven remake, and the 1979 remake of the 1930 classic 'All Quiet On The Western Front' was quite well done. But still... I am an original guy.

But there are some I would like to see given a remake. One I will start with is 'Kings Go Forth'. The original was quite good, but it took liberties with the timeline of events and it took the dark ending away from the Joe David Brown novel. With a screenplay tweak and the right actors, it could be really good. Not sure how the racial aspect would be received these days.

I have some more but need to give it a long think. Anyone have some you would like to see remade?

Author:  Jax Nova [ November 27th, 2016, 1:34 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Movies You Would Like to See Remade.

There are some movies I think it would be cool if they re-made... though it is like you say, they rarely seem to be as good as the original. So, in that aspect I would be very skeptical and not so hopeful if I found out they were re-making them.

There is an old movie called Kidnapped about a scotish guy and an Irish guy who go on some grand adventure. It's like 3 hours and 20 min long and I would love to see it re-done but I would be so upset if they did not do it right. There is actually not a thing wrong with the original. I think it was done in the 90s so even the quality is good. I would just be interested to see what they could/would do with new actors and technology.

Also... I am a huge Star Wars fan... and though it might be sacrilegious amoungst most star wars fans I would actually like to see the original trilogy re-made... on the condition I could murder the director if he didn't do it perfectly... :P lol JK (of course)

Then... although I loved the FIRST Narnia remake in recent years.... they ruined the rest. They need to start over with ALL of them and just re-make the entire slew of them. Maybe make the Nephew and his horse too or something.

Author:  Hanasian [ November 27th, 2016, 7:08 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Movies/TV Shows You Would Like to See Remade/Re-booted.

I guess this thread could also have a parallel in what TV franchise you would like to see re-booted.

I still have mixed feelings about the JJ Abrams reboot of Star Trek. I like it, and the actors are really good, but I think it is a bit over the top. It may just be because I am a fan of the original, and I need to get used to it.

I think that there was an attempt at re-booting Outer Limits, but I don't think the writing was up to snuff to instill intrigue in a more modern world.

I heard that Stargate was in the process of a reboot... could be good. The new McGyver, not good.

And the U.S. adaptations of English and Aussie shows usually fall flat even if they are done well. I'm thinking Life On Mars and Rake.

I would like to see a re-make/re-boot of of the old WW2 TV show 'Combat'

Back to movies, I think that the Raymond Chandler book movies Farewell My Lovely and The Big Sleep could be re-made (again in the latter case). I think Viggo Mortenson could pull off Marlowe, but have a younger actor in mind... Nicholas Hoult.

And though the WW2 propaganda movie 'Wake Island' is quite good for the time, it could be made into a great period movie and with the tech they have that is portrayed in say.. Hacksaw Ridge ... it would be awesome.

Author:  Aredhel Ar-Feiniel [ November 29th, 2016, 8:20 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Movies You Would Like to See Remade.

Eragon. Honestly these were not well-written books at all (cringe-worthy in many parts), but there is a bit of high school nostalgia - and a guilty pleasure - for this series and I was incredibly disappointed at how terribly the movie was butchered. It was so poorly received, I think, that there was never a sequel made for the preceding 3 books. Huge shame. Would have liked to see the rest of them in live action.

Author:  Evil.Shieldmaiden [ November 29th, 2016, 12:57 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Movies You Would Like to See Remade.

I'm going to suggest an old stalwart that I've despised ever since I first saw it: Gone With The Wind. The story itself is wonderful, but I found the acting appalling.

I'm not a huge fan of 1930's/1940's films in general, mainly because I think actors and actresses of today are superior purveyors of their craft. I would love to see what they could do with a modern take on the subject matter, under a director of the calibre of Steven Spielberg, or Peter Weir.

Author:  Jax Nova [ November 30th, 2016, 7:38 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Movies You Would Like to See Remade.

I had no idea they made a new McGyver... O_o hm... too bad it's... bad. lol

@Aredhel Yes.... if ever Eregon was to be a good movie it would certainly have to be re-made. I read the first book and that was it. I feel like the movies could be really cool if re-made and done right. The first book, I thought were alright but obviously written by an armature. (Can hardly be too hard on the guy since I honestly don't feel like my own writing is at a full "professional" level either. :P )

Author:  Hanasian [ December 1st, 2016, 11:01 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Movies You Would Like to See Remade.

Jax Nova wrote:
I had no idea they made a new McGyver... O_o hm... too bad it's... bad. lol

@Aredhel Yes.... if ever Eregon was to be a good movie it would certainly have to be re-made. I read the first book and that was it. I feel like the movies could be really cool if re-made and done right. The first book, I thought were alright but obviously written by an armature. (Can hardly be too hard on the guy since I honestly don't feel like my own writing is at a full "professional" level either. :P )

A book written by a part of an electric motor would be pretty bad I think (sorry, couldnt resist).

As for Gone With The Wind.... well, I never thought much of it. I did manage to sit through the whole thing once, though I dozed off a couple times. I'm pretty sure its big appeal back in the day was the tech at the theaters rather than. Somehow I don't see it being remade though.

I was thinking that in this present day, Seven Days in May could be re-made with a modern twist. I seriously doubt that letters from an affair would bring down anyone in this day and age of new lows at the top. Could be done with a bit of tweaking.

Author:  Jax Nova [ December 4th, 2016, 10:53 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Movies You Would Like to See Remade.

lol Alright now... hookd on Phonix Dun me Gude! Don't make fun of my typoes. :P

But yes.... you are correct a book written by an electric motor should be pretty bad indeed. O_o

Author:  Hanasian [ January 17th, 2017, 9:54 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Movies You Would Like to See Remade.

I watched 'The Longest Day' not long ago, and though it's a great WW2 D-Day movie, I think if they could keep most of the original screenplay, use modern war movie tech, and got some young actors to take on the roles, it would make for an amazing re-make!

Author:  Gandolorin [ May 5th, 2017, 12:51 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Movies You Would Like to See Remade.

Lord Of The Rings.

Take PJ’s EEs as a basis, pick up some good pointers from Bakshi, throw out all the garbage where they contradict JRRT (where they ignorantly and arrogantly thought they “knew better”, meaning mostly they didn’t understand JRRT :orly: , or when they added little bits they thought “cool” – usually booting territory! :sick: ), and get rid of the juvenile “comic relief”. :yuck:

P.S. I'll venture a wild guess that for Hanasían, "throw out all the garbage" could mean horrific percentages ... :hide:

Author:  Hanasian [ May 23rd, 2017, 7:07 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Movies You Would Like to See Remade.

Gandolorin wrote:
Lord Of The Rings.
P.S. I'll venture a wild guess that for Hanasían, "throw out all the garbage" could mean horrific percentages ... :hide:

:lol: Actually, I could tweak what PJ did in the screenplay and make a very decent movie. It would likely still piss Gandolorin off. :yes: :lol:

Author:  Gandolorin [ May 23rd, 2017, 11:31 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Movies You Would Like to See Remade.

Hanasian wrote:
Gandolorin wrote:
Lord Of The Rings.
P.S. I'll venture a wild guess that for Hanasían, "throw out all the garbage" could mean horrific percentages ... :hide:

:lol: Actually, I could tweak what PJ did in the screenplay and make a very decent movie. It would likely still piss Gandolorin off. :yes: :lol:

I don't doubt that one second, Hanasían! As you are a veteran, and quite imaginative, RPer, my canonistic reflexes would probably produce any of the following reactions:
:swoon: :surprise: :headwall: :yuck: :smash: :argue: :drunk:

Author:  Hanasian [ August 14th, 2017, 6:36 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Movies You Would Like to See Remade.

Gandolorin wrote:
I don't doubt that one second, Hanasían! As you are a veteran, and quite imaginative, RPer, my canonistic reflexes would probably produce any of the following reactions:
:swoon: :surprise: :headwall: :yuck: :smash: :argue: :drunk:

Maybe I'd take the approach that was used on the Iwo Jima movies (Flags of our Fathers & Letters from Iwo Jima), and make two movies. One would be the tweaked screenplay as mentioned above, and another would be a strict use of the book with possibly some of Unfinished Tales added (Fords of Isen)

A third thought would be to do a 'Game of Thrones' style mini-series based on the books, with each segment covering a span with a slittle artistic license used as possible.

Author:  darkaltruistic [ April 12th, 2023, 2:48 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Movies You Would Like to See Remade.

I'm not sure. Some of the films that were remade were able to exploit new aspects and bring a new perspective of the times. However, I agree that with Planet Of The Apes the old one gives me a better sense of the artistic value and the message it conveys.

happy wheels game

Author:  Gabriela [ October 23rd, 2023, 12:13 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Movies You Would Like to See Remade.

Я люблю старые фильмы.

Author:  ChristopherSims [ March 28th, 2024, 9:15 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Movies You Would Like to See Remade.

I really love old movies and I don't think it's worth changing them in any way

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