Jack Davenport
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Author:  Ericadawn [ July 23rd, 2006, 12:05 am ]
Post subject:  Jack Davenport

Who else likes him?

I've loved since I first saw Pirates of the Caribbean: Curse of the Black Pearl and it greatly increased when I became a Coupling fan. I also hope he doesn't shave the beard.

Author:  Captain Faramir [ July 23rd, 2006, 12:08 am ]
Post subject: 

I like him. He is Norrington :D and wins at the end. Gains his honor. Coupling was nice but he was not a funny man. When he was with his company, it was funny. Yeah as you said, he is better without having beard all over his face

Author:  ViviElessar [ July 23rd, 2006, 10:06 am ]
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Love him on PotC 2!! :-D I think he looks good with the beard.

Author:  Raivynn Phoenix [ July 25th, 2006, 10:14 am ]
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I loved him This Life. Yay for a new one off show of it.

Author:  Ericadawn [ July 25th, 2006, 2:52 pm ]
Post subject: 

Bruce Campbell?

You got to see This Life!!!!

PM if you know of a way to see episodes or clips other than the ones on the production company site. I've tried file-sharing programs, bit-torrents, you name it, no one has it. I can't even order it off Amazon like a good girl!!

I mean, come on, America has JD fans, too.

Author:  Raivynn Phoenix [ July 25th, 2006, 5:58 pm ]
Post subject: 

The Man. The Myth. The Legend that is Bruce Campbell.
:-D The man is Godlike...Godlike.
*ahem* slight diversion there.

Yeah, I'm an old fart, so I remember This Life when it was on. It was just such a brilliant series. Very raw and honest. Jack's character was a real...expletive deleted :P
I don't know anywhere else that you might be able to find episodes. Did they release it on dvd?

Author:  Ericadawn [ July 25th, 2006, 6:01 pm ]
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I met Bruce once...he rocks!!!

Anyway, it's on dvd in UK, but not on region 1 dvd which is what American dvd players play or else I'd order one, that's what I meant by not even being able to order it off Amazon.

Author:  Raivynn Phoenix [ July 25th, 2006, 7:58 pm ]
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Argh. So lucky. It's one of my dreams to meet him. I wuffs him.

Shame you don't have a multi-region dvd player. Do you have a Playstation 2? Cause if you do, you can buy a region changer disc for it, and it helps you play foreign discs. I have one and wouldn't be without it.

Author:  johnny&orlifan6422 [ July 26th, 2006, 8:27 am ]
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:bounce: A thread all about Jack Davenport! Woohoo :-D ! I was wondering when you might decide to make one on here, Erica ;). I suppose I could have done one myself, but oh well :blush:. What matters is that there is one now :). You already know how much I like him and why, but as others on here don't, I'll go ahead and explain.

Learning about the way Norrington's character in DMC was going to be developed, and seeing his new look in it are what caught my interest at first, but seeing him in Coupling (on Ericadawn's recommendation, I must add ;)) is what really made me a fan, and now I'm a huge one :blush:.

My view on the beard? I love it :P! He's boyishly cute (which I like) clean-shaven, but with a beard, he's as drool-worthy as, well, as Viggo was in LOTR, and when, out of character, he's all scruffy :drool:, :swoon:. All of that is saying a lot, because before, I admit, Viggo was kind of my metaphorical measuring stick of "hotness" :blush:, and I can't think of too many other actors, except for Johnny Depp, who are big right now that meet that rather high standard. The only others, besides Jack Dav, Johnny, and to a lesser extent, Orlando, that do, are lesser-known actors like Ralph Fiennes.


Author:  Ericadawn [ July 26th, 2006, 10:58 am ]
Post subject: 

johnny&orlifan6422 wrote:
I was wondering when you might decide to make one on here, Erica ;).

Well, you should have told me, I didn't realize that I was supposed to make it or I would have done it sooner. :-D

but seeing him in Coupling (on Ericadawn's recommendation, I must add ;))

I totally recommend Coupling to anyone...unless you can't take a little adult humor, but I'd recommend Coupling even without Jack because the writing is THAT good!!!

I also agree completely about the beard. Hehe, my tastes generally fall in the obscure so now it's a bit weird that everyone else finds Jack hot as well!!! They've finally caught on to what I've been saying for years.

I was seriously tempted at buying a Playstation. Actually, I'm still seriously tempted. The region changer disc is only 7 pounds plus shipping on UK Amazon. Of course, American Amazon doesn't sell it...a conspiracy if ever I saw one. I found out that I can't hack my dvd player and I should just get a dvd player for the computer, but it's so slooow!

Oh, and my mom wanted me to add how Jack's dad is in Chariots of Fire which also has Ian Holm and is where I got my name from; runner Evangelist Eric Liddell.

Author:  johnny&orlifan6422 [ July 26th, 2006, 10:05 pm ]
Post subject: 

Well, you should have told me, I didn't realize that I was supposed to make it or I would have done it sooner.
:lol: That wasn't a real "scolding". I was just playing around, hence the "wink" smiley :). I am glad you made one though, like I said. There's no joke there 8).

It's true, the humor is rather adult (I don't think there's any episode I've seen that doesn't have at least one joke, comment, or line about "the deed" or people engaing in "the deed" :P), and even though I don't get some of it, particularly the stuff about you-know-what (despite my age, I haven't had much experience, if you get my drift :blush:), the way the actors deliver their lines makes it all absolutely hilarious! There have been, and still are, very few shows I've watched where I laugh through the majority of the program, but "Coupling" is exactly that :yes:!

Hehe, my tastes generally fall in the obscure so now it's a bit weird that everyone else finds Jack hot as well!!! They've finally caught on to what I've been saying for years.
Well, like I said on the "Picture Thread" we both posted on, if it's the right kind of guy (appearance-wise, that is), growing a beard can do wonders for his popularity among girl fans :-D ;). Speaking of which, here's a lovely pic for ya from the Live Journal community for him (it's kind of big, so bear with me :)): Image . Now tell me, doesn't that just make you :drool: and keel over, or what :vampire:? The sunglasses and the longish, slightly unkempt hair are what did it for me :swoon:.

Jack Dav's father was in Chariots of Fire :-o? Cool! I've seen a good part of that, which character was he?


Author:  Ericadawn [ July 27th, 2006, 1:00 am ]
Post subject: 

If you don't understand any joke, just ask me! I myself didn't know what a Dalek was until watching Dr. Who.

But you should probably ask thru Pm, YIM, MSN or Aim because I don't want the Mods getting upset over content.
The worst episode of Coupling is funnier than 90% of what's on television.

I love that picture!

Nigel Davenport played Lord Birkenhead.

Author:  Johnny's Fan [ August 1st, 2006, 7:34 pm ]
Post subject: 

I just love Jack D! *checks sig* He is such a talented actor. I've seen his dad Nigel in a few things he's quite respected here in Britain. I've only seen Jack in Pirates and an episode of Miss Marple. He looks so good in a suit. I much prefer him without the beard though. :-)

Author:  Banana_Republic [ August 2nd, 2006, 2:35 am ]
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I love his voice :drool: . I don't care if he reads a phone book I just want to listen to him talk lol.

Author:  johnny&orlifan6422 [ August 2nd, 2006, 7:27 pm ]
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Ericadawn- :) Thanks, I may just do that one of these days.

The worst episode of Coupling is funnier than 90% of what's on television.
Unfortunately, you're probably right about that, though I have yet to see an episode of Coupling that isn't a complete laugh-fest in some way or another ;). That reminds me- last Friday, I saw the episode with Steve's rant about "sofa parasites" :roflmao:. Even though I have yet to see enough of his work to say for sure, that's definitely going to go way up there in my list of Jack Dav's best comedic performances :yes: :-D! He should be allowed to go all-out like that more often in his film roles; as long as the writing was good, he'd have the audience rolling in their seats, I think :yes:! It's a shame that in POTC 3, Norrington is going to be returned to that stuffy military man again somewhat, because Ted and Terry could really make use of how good Jack Dav is at comedy, when given the right material. Oh well, you can't have everything, I suppose :confused:.

I love that picture!
Hehe, I thought you would ;). He does look quite the hottie in that, doesn't he? Especially with those sunglasses and that expression! Whew :drool:! If you haven't already saved a copy of it of your own (although I'm sure you "ganked" it as soon as you saw it ;)), I can send you one, since it now has a special place in my Photobucket album (That's another first for me :lol:. I don't usually hang on to pictures of actors like that, but that one was too good to pass up :blush:) ;).

Thanks for that info about his dad in Chariots of Fire :-D! It's been quite a while since I saw that, so I don't remember the characters very well. I'll definitely be watching it again sometime to re-familiarize myself with it :yes:.

ViviElessar- Hi there, Vivi :hiya:! So you're a Jack Dav fan too! Cool :-D! I agree with you about the beard, like I said in my first post. Hope to see you around here more often, 'kay :)?

Johnny's Fan- Nice to meet you, JF :-D! I've only seen him in Pirates, Coupling, and The Wedding Date, but all those times just made me like him even more, and now I'm a big fan ;).
I much prefer him without the beard though.
Really? I like him both ways. I'm drawn to guys that look one way or the other (boyishly cute or long-haired and scruffy), as well as those, like Jack Dav, who can have qualities of both, depending on the way they look at the time.

Banana_Republic- Great to meet you, Banana_Republic :)! Oh, yes, gotta love those UK accents (British, Irish, Scottish, etc.) :swoon:! ;)

Author:  Johnny's Fan [ August 2nd, 2006, 9:07 pm ]
Post subject: 

Hey johnny&orlifan6422! :hiya: I think I prefer the non-bearded Jack because I'm so used to seeing him without one! I could manage though if he tidied his hair in POTC. :-) I think it's a bit long though, it goes way too much under his chin. Amazing the things you talk about! :blush:

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