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 Post subject: The Knights Who Say NEIGH! (a story-thing)
PostPosted: September 10th, 2011, 10:30 am 
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Well, this is a story that my friend and I are writing. It's a bit funny, with neighing knights and all. :D Please read, and give me feedback!

Pennel ducked down behind a rock, trying hard to not be seen. He had been running for days on end. Sometimes, being small had it's disadvantages. Suddenly, he heard a noise behind him. Pennel turned, and shrinked as a great shape leaned over him. "Elf! I am Kale the Dragon. I have followed you for many suns and moons." Pennel quavering in fear, took a deep breath and, regaining his composure said, "W-why are you following me, oh, mighty Dragon?" Taking a seat, Kale wrapped his tail around him and said, "Although you are small, I have noticed you quite easily. I became interested in your runnings about and decided your story could be a good one in the making. You would be surprised how easily it is for a Dragon to go by, unnoticed." The Dragon leaned in close to the Elf, almost inches from his face, "Although, you, too, seemed to do a fine job of remaining hidden." The Dragon leaned back on it's rear end. He seemed perfectly content, sitting their, in a cellar, miles away from his home, with a strange Elf as company. "So. . ." Pennel said slowly. "You're not one of them? One of the Empire?" The dragon's ears perked up. "The Empire?" he let out a throaty laugh. "Why, a Dragon like me could never make it in the Empire. I do not 'abide by the laws set by our great and mighty ruler' enough. That's perfectly fine, if you ask me." Kale grumbled. Pennel let out a relieved breath, and some of the tension he had built up in the past few days left him. "If you must know. . .Kale, I'm on my way to the Fighters. But wether or not they will accept me is another matter. I'm just an elf, nothing special like you." A deep rumbling began in the Dragons chest. Pennel was beginning to wonder if something was wrong, when the rumble turned into a booming laugh. "I am sorry, elf, but I cannot imagine any elf as a Fighter. That is, except Ryto, but he is a Magick Walker, so it would not be strange to see that." The laughter died from Kale's eyes, "Are you a Magick Walker?" Pennel shrank under the dragon's hard gaze. "No. I'm only a Healer. I can heal people by touch. Are. . .are you a Magick Walker, Kale?" The Dragon stiffened and a scary glint entered his eye. He seemed to not really be there. "Kale?" Pennel looked a bit worried. Kale shook his head and looked at Pennel. "Although against most of my wishes, yes, I am a Magick Walker. I ask of you, dear elf, to not tell anyone of my secret." The great dragon lowered his head to the ground and lay there, seemingly more tired. "I promise, Kale. We elves never go back on our promises. It was nice meeting you, Dragon. Now I have to go." And with that, Pennel scurried away down the hill and onwards. Kale watched the elf scamper away and shook his head. "Elves. Always with the running. But Pennel was not the only one running that day. A troop of the Empire's soldiers were out and about, trying to root out anyone who opposed them. Luckily, Pennel noticed them before they noticed him and put on a burst of speed just in time. He had to get to the Fighters, but at the same time he didn't want to risk leading those soldiers to their hideout. What would he do? Suddenly, Pennel was swept off of the ground and was soaring through the air. "Excuse me, soldiers," said a deep voice, as the troop all looked startled and ready to fight a beast, "I apologize for flying so close to the ground and giving you a scare. I'm just on my way home." The troop watched in silence as the great dragon left and soared higher and higher. "It appears, elf, that you and I are going the same way." "Uh. . . yeah." Pennel's eyes were wide open as they soared through the sky, Kale seeming to brush the clouds with his wingtips. It was exhilarating, and something that Pennel had never experienced before, and hoped to again. "I love the feel of the wind as it caresses my wings. It makes me feel calm inside." Kale's voice seemed to relax a bit, emphasizing his words. "If only you could understand what I feel. It's breathtaking." Kale closed his eyes and took Pennel for a real ride. He dipped, and swirled and soared through the skies, his wings cutting  pattern within the clouds. "AHHHHH!" Pennel screamed, still having fun as Kale looped through the clouds and dived, seeming to crash into the ground but then zoom straight back up again. After a while, Kale settled down and coasted gracefully, just enjoying the view. Pennel looked down at the ground, trying to spot the entrance to the Fighter's hideout. After searching relentlessly until he was almost blinded by the wind flowing through the sky, he saw it! Hidden underneath the outcropping of a rock, the door was camouflaged by a small bush. "Kale, put us down there!" he called over the roaring of the wind. Kale glanced down and acknowledged Pennel's words with a flick of his ear. Kale dipped down and landed with a gentle bump on the ground. "Here we are. Stay here. I'll just check inside." Kale disappeared into the small door, his tail sliding in like a snake. Pennel crouched by the rock, waiting for Kale to come out and confirm that everything was all clear. He looked up, remembering how he had, just a view minutes ago had traversed that same sky on the back of a dragon. What a day this was going to be. Down here on the ground, he now saw that several grasses popped up here and there, with the flower also peeking up. Not a place for the Empire's most feared enemy to hang out. At least, not that you would expect. Pennel looked into the cave again, where Kale had left the door open. It didn't look like anyone was home, and the air smelled of dry dust and forgotten dreams. How strange. Creeping closer, Pennel peeked into the cave. Dust covered overturned tables and chairs. Glass lay shattered and forgotten and gleaming spots of blood flecked here and there. Pennel, now afraid, searched with his eyes for something to show of the dragons disappearance.  Finally spotting fainter areas of dust in the shape of dragon paw prints, Pennel made his way around all of the destruction to a door. The feet track went inside. Pennel, slower, looked inside the room. It was dark. He slowly made his way into the room ,his eyes adjusting. He made out the outline of more broken things, but he could not see where the feet trail went. Their was a door in the back, wide open and also pitch black, and their was a door to the left closed and the handle broken. Pennel, assuming Kale went through there, chose the open door. He closed the door behind him, not wanting anybody to sneak up on him. Inside he noticed a lantern, unlit, on the wall. Pennel tiptoed over and lit it with a box of matches nearby. The room, now aglow with light, looked less spooky. This particular room was less destroyed than the others, but papers were strew all over the place. The all looked to be the same at a glance. Pennel grabbed one and noticed it said warning written on the very top. Before Pennel had the chance to read anything, footsteps sounded outside the door. Quickly, he stuffed the paper in his pocket and ran over to blow out the lantern. The footsteps stopped. Shaking in fear, Pennel slid under a nearby table. His size helped, but someone who find him if they really looked. The door started to creep open. Pennel, his eyes no longer adjusted, only noticed two eyes. The eyes darted around the room and then a large body made it's way into the room. The stranger walked over to the lantern, and blew out fire, making the room bright once again. Pennel winced from the sudden brightness and covered his eyes. "I told you to wait outside." said an angry voice. Pennel opened his eyes and realized the stranger was just Kale. "Oh, thank goodness!" said Pennel, scurrying out from the table. "This place is creepy." Pennel glanced around the room. "And I couldn't find you." Kale shook his head and began herding Pennel out the door. "If you had waited outside like I told you, you wouldn't have to find me." Kale sounded angry, but not a ferocious angry. He acted stiff and was now pushing Pennel out the door.  "But--but where were they? The Fighters? Where were they, Kale? Do you think they got picked up by the Empire? What happened?" Pennel looked up at the great dragon, his eyes showing a bit of fear. Kale did not answer, just hurried out onto the field. Picking up Pennel with his tail, he flung him on his back. Pennel had only a few seconds to grab hold of the great dragon before he took flight. Only after the the cave and meadow were out of sight did he begin to speak, "The Fighters are gone. Either they are dead, arrested or moved. I am not quite sure." 
"Well then, what do we do?" Pennel had not expected this great disaster to occur so soon. Kale sighed. "I am not sure. For now, I just wish to rest. I tire of flying." Kale dipped below the clouds. "Let us find a resting place." Both Kale and Pennel searched the grounds for something to cover them while they sleep. They didn't find any, however, and soon Pennel was asleep on Kale's back. Kale's eyelids were drooping and they dipped closer and closer to (unknown to them) the new hideout of the Fighters. Archers stood on top of several rocks, aiming at the elf and the dragon. And then. . . 
The archer's arrows flew straight and true, striking Pennel in the stomach. 
Kale woke as wind was slapping against his face. Realizing what was happening, Kale straitening out. He noticed that, round him, things were whizzing through the air. The were gone too fast to worry about. Instead, he spoke to Pennel, "Pennel, are you okay? I accidentally fell asleep..." Kale laughed a little. "That sure was close." Behind him, all was silent. Kale glanced behind and noticed Pennel slumpt over. "Must of fallen asleep, too... That explains why he didn't wake me." Kale couldn't help but smile. That was, until he noticed the dark red liquid running down his side. It felt farm on his scales. A sudden push of the wind moved Pennel, revealing the arrow protruding from his side. "Pennel!" Kale suddenly realized that those random flying objects were, in fact, arrows. "How foolish of me!" Kale dove down and tried to find the source of the arrows. Pennel, not helping the situation, slid off his back. Kale dove again and grabbed Pennel in his claws. Kale then noticed the small figures standing on the tops of hills in dark clothing. Unfortunately for them, Kale sensed their body heat and, like a radar, knew exactly their position. All of them. With a mighty roar, Kale blew fire at them, not enough heat to kill, but enough to burn them. But, Kale was not quick enough to stop an arrow from stabbing him in his wing. Kale winced, but refused to give up. Although his balance was now off, Kale flew down with great speed and trapped the last archer in his free claw, transferring Pennel to his tail. "Who are you?" boomed Kale, his voice full of fury. The archer just glared at him, and finally yelled, "Others will be here. You can not destroy us." Kale lowered his head to stare eye-to-eye with this inferior man, "Do not dare to insult me by saying that I am a killer. You are the one to shoot my friend." Kale delicately laid down the injured elf as if to prove a point. "So I shall ask you again, who. Are. You?" The archer gave lifted his chin and said in a tone that angered Kale more, "I, stupid dragon, am a Fighter." Kale's head reared back, though, instead of being surprised, Kale seemed more furious. "Then as a Fighter, you should know two things in the Sacred Rule Book of All Fighters: The first is that you never insult a dragon. We are both dangerous and old. The second is that you never, never open fire without a reasonable excuse. And us flying by is not considered a reasonable excuse." The Fighter seemed surprised that Kale knew of the Sacred Book, but he ignored it, "I wish to speak to your leader and I expect that my elf friend is taken care of." Kale's voice reached a dangerous low. "I hope, for your sake, he is fit to leave soon. Now go and get whoever leads this seriously lost Fighters group." Kale released the archer, who dusted himself off and glared at Kale before heading in the direction of where their camp is located. Kale returned his attention to Pennel. His heart ached to see Pennel having something through him. They were led through a winding tunnel that echoed with the plop and drip of water. Mist was obscuring their gaze, and Pennel's breathing was becoming more and more labored. Kale only hoped that they would arrive at the stronghold soon, or else his little friend might die. "Hold on, Pennel." Kale surprised himself by actually saying Pennel's name. They were led through a winding tunnel that echoed with the plop and drip of water. Mist was obscuring their gaze, and Pennel's breathing was becoming more and more labored. Kale only hoped that they would arrive at the stronghold soon, or else his little friend might die. “Hold on,” Kale growled. They burst into a brightly lit room full of the sick and injured. This is the healing room, Kale thought. Finally.
There came a commotion at the end of the hallway, and two people in brightly coloured armor broke through. Soldiers!  Kale let Pennel be taken away while he stayed and faced the soldiers.

"We are the knights who say NEIGH!!"

And I am the dragon who doesn't care!" Kale growled.

One of the soldiers raised his voice. "Everyone in this cavern is arrested for treason to the Empire. Dragon, come with us. . .or else."

Kale scoffed. "Or else what? You prick me with your toothpicks?" Kale blew a puff of smoke. "I think I can manage. And no one is leaving. Do you realize this is a healing center?"  Kale grew angry and lowered his large head to the knight, "Stay away or I'll kill you. And the empire."

"Neigh." one of the knights whispered. "Shut up!" the captain said, and kicked him. "Now, Dragon! Come with us, or we'll kill your friend back there! We're arresting everyone here because everyone here is a Fighter! and we have to arrest them!"

"Neigh!" one of the knights whispered in confirmation.

"Would you stop saying neigh!" Kale roared. "It's so bloody annoying." Then he turned to the Captain. "If it's a fight you want, it's a fight you'll get." Then Kale let out a low, guttural noise. He had summoned the dragons.

"Neigh." the other knight whispered, and swiftly ran away. The captain drew his sword, and, with a yell, followed the knight who had run away.

Far away, in his cold palace of black stone, the king received news that his knights had failed. He snapped his fingers, and suddenly, Pennel was in the throne room, barely conscious. The king laughed, and then raised his voice so that it boomed all across the land, right to where Kale and the other dragons were standing.

"Well, dragon. It seems you have lost again."

Kale roared and took flight, his brethren close behind. And so the war began.

The king, the wizards and the dragons battled at the speed of light, energy arcing across the sky like bolts of lightning. The kind himself tried to worm his way into Kale's mind, and so control him.

"Come to me, dragon." he taunted. "Come regain what you have lost, if you dare."

Kale mentally pushed the King out. Filled with anger, he took a handful of wizards and ate them.

The king winced, and then renewed his attack with greater force. He needed the dragons to attack his castle! And then he would have the trap waiting. . . .

Kale ordered his dragons to attack the kings throne room while he and a few others finished off the rest of the little people.

A few seconds later, the dragons tried to run away, and one of their messages got sent into Kale's mind:

"Help! It's a trap!"

A knight cut him off. "Neigh!"

Angered, Kale slit the Knights throat. "Stop." Another knight. "Saying." Another. "Neigh!" And another. Then Kale soared to the throne room with five other dragons and went to see what had happened to his comrades.

The comrades mentioned above were locked in a giant cage, with a smaller one next to them holding Pennel.

Kale soared into the room. "Come out, you coward!" he bellowed. A couple of other dragons roared in agreement. Kale turned to Stormstrike, a young female dragon with black scales and venomous fangs. He flicked his tail to one door. Then he signaled another dragon, Greentalon, a young male adult dragon with green scales and notably large and vicious claws, to another door. The other two he signaled to follow him down the stairwell. Their claws left cracks and rubble in the polished floors, but Kale paid no mind. The other two dragons was Woodhorn, a young male dragon with black scales and two sharp thorns on the top of his head, and  Deepseeker, a young male dragon with mirror-like gold scales and gaseous breathe to kill his enemies. (By the way, Kale has copper scales and superb magical skills. His given name is Soultail, but he goes by Kale) Woodhorn kept to the rear and Deepseeker took up the front, ready to gas anything that moves. All three entered the second floor of he castle. It was empty. Kale whispered, "This is too strange." He saw Deepseeker nod in agreement. They went down another floor and Kale saw Stormstrike creeping along the rooms. He signaled her to join them. They waited for Greentalon before going into the castles chambers.

The King laughed as he heard the dragons coming down the stairs. "You will never escape here alive!" The doors closed behind them, locking them in with the two cages and the king.

Woodhorn roared and scarped at the door. Deepseeker growled, "Let us out or we'll kill you." Kale looked around the room, memorizing every nook and cranny. He glance at the cage and saw his three dragons in the cage. One was missing. That was good. Kale looked at his dragons. Surely, they would do well in a fight against the king. He may have mind powers, but Kale's dragons were strong. Kale leapt at the king, pinning him between his claws. He bared his teeth at the king. "You are disgusting."

"Kill me, and I'll kill the elf. If you want me to heal him and let him go, you and your dragons will serve me forever. If not, well. . ." the King was curiously calm while having a dragon attack him.

Kale growled, "I am not stupid, king. I will not let emotional connections ruin my judgement. One life, no matter how great, is not worth nine lives, no matter how small. Pennel is wise and he will understand that." Kale growled. He hated having to say it, but he knew his duties.

Me: (um. . .what now?)

Friend: (I don't know. lol You didn't expect that, did ya? =D)

Me: (Lol, no. Oh! Oh! May we could do a flashforward in time, after you kill the king! Maybe the dragons rule everyone then, but they grew fat and lazy (except Kale, who's been banished)!

Friend: (Why am I banished. =( )

Me: (Cos all the dragons got fat and lazy and didn't like you anymore. Turning point! Ooooh. . .:D)

Friend: (Aw, Kale's unloved...)

Me: (Only in the future, after he kills the king. So write, and kill the king!)

Kale roared and raised his claws. It was done in one swipe. Down below, he could hear the sound of the winning dragons. He turned to Pennel's cage and ripped off the bars. "Pennel!" he said. "He turned to Greentalon and said, "Find me a healer!" Greentalon nodded sadly and flew into the mass of dragons. Stormstrike freed the captured dragons and they all huddled around Kale. Kale waited for the healer.

The healer was a short man, with large eyes. His eyes widened even more when he saw the dragons, and then he glanced at Pennel. The healer frowned. "I'm sorry," he said in a high, squeaky voice, "but he's already dead. There's nothing I can do for him."

 Kale growled, but Stormstrike nudged him out of the way. She thanked the healer and he ran out the door. "It's over, Soultail. Everything is better. Pennel made a noble sacrifice. He would be happy and proud of you." Kale looked away. The other dragons took flight and, after a moment, Stormstrike followed. Kale curled up next to Pennel's body and fell asleep.

Me: (Should we skip forward now? Your turn!)

It was early morning. a castle with blood stains found everywhere was crumbled and in ruin. The field where so many deaths occurred was nothing more than weeds and wild flowers. Miles away, in a hillside, an empty underground kingdom was filled with unused armor and forgotten rivalries. One large room still had old and rotting beds and healing equipment in it. This is the world now. This is where the dragons live...

...their ancestors are disgusted.

Kota was bored. Her brother, Meru, had gone to dragon training and Kota had to wait for him to come home before she could play. She had waited awhile. Kota stepped out of their cave den and walked into the sunshine. She was so lonely. When she was young, her father had been chased away by the other dragons. Kota's mother had died from a poisonous plant when Kota was only two months old. Now she only lived with Meru, her brother. Meru was forced to go to dragon training so he could protect Kota. It was silly, since when he was at training, Kota had to spend the day alone. What wonderful protection.
Kota wondered over to a patch of flowers and laid down.Her scales were green, so she blended in.  She closed here eyes, hoping to go to sleep.

"Hi!" Finley popped out from behind a rock. "I'm lost. Can--can you help me find the way to Rulda?"

Startled, Kota looked up. I young elf stood nearby her. "I, uh...sure." Was all she said. Rulda? That's quite a distance from here. Kota stood and trotted to the elf. "I don't have a-"She had begun to say something, but her brother was walking over the hill. Kota brightened. "Meru!" She shouted. Her brother looked up and smiled. Then he saw the elf. Meru walked faster and soon stood by Kota. "Who are you?" He asked the elf, narrowing his eyes. Kota frowned at her brother. He was always so overprotective. 

"I'm Finley! I'm an elf. Who are you?" Finley sounded very hyper and happy, a cheerful little elf. "Where do you live? I live in Rulda."

"We live here." Meru said. "What are you doing here?"
Kota cut in, "He needs help getting to his home." Meru frowned. "Come on, Meru. Be nice."

"Well. . .I'm lost! And yeah! So will you help me? Please?" Finley turned his big pleading eyes on Meru, like a puppy dog.

Meru frowned. He opened his mouth to speak, but Kota beat him to it, "Sure! We'll even take you to Rulda." Meru looked at her in surprise, "What? No! We have...stuff to do." Kota rolled her eyes, "Truthfully, I'm bored. This will be awesome." She turned to Meru, "Whether you want to go or not."

"Wait." Finley stopped jumping up and down excitedly as he considered something. "What about your mum and dad? Will they let you help me find my way home?"

Meru an d Kota stopped their bickering and glanced at each other. "Well, no. Technically." Kota started "They're dead." Meru said. "We live alone."

"Oh." the small elf looked down to the grass and shuffled his feet. "I'm sorry. When--when cane we leave?"

Kota jumped up, "Right now if you'd like!" Meru sighed, "All right. If you can't beat it, join it." Kota smiled , "Let me just get my things." Meru looked exasperated, "What could you possibly need?" Kota ignored him and dashed into the cave. She came back out with a bag. "Let's go!"

"Which way do we go?" Finley asked.

Kota looked at Meru. "This way." he said, leading them into the forest. "Don't step on poison ivy."

"Poison ivy?" Finley ran up ahead. "What's that?"

Meru looked at Finley, shook his head, and said, "Something you don't want to step on. Let's go."
Kota whispered to Finley, "It has three leaves and looks shiny. Sometimes it's red."

"Okay! are we almost there?"

They trudged on for an hour.

"Are we there yet?"

AKA Crutchie :)
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 Post subject: Re: The Knights Who Say NEIGH! (a story-thing)
PostPosted: September 10th, 2011, 10:40 am 
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Joined: 03 June 2006
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Hey Hartrad!
I think you didn't intend on making two identical threads? Shall I delete one for you? :)


O children, lift up your voice, lift up your voice,
Children, rejoice, rejoice..


It doesn't matter you don't believe in God, He believes in you.

 Post subject: Re: The Knights Who Say NEIGH! (a story-thing)
PostPosted: September 10th, 2011, 10:50 am 
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Oh, yes please! That would be awesome. When I posted it, it said that there was a server error or something. So sorry about that.

AKA Crutchie :)
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 Post subject: Re: The Knights Who Say NEIGH! (a story-thing)
PostPosted: September 10th, 2011, 10:54 am 
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No problem ;)


O children, lift up your voice, lift up your voice,
Children, rejoice, rejoice..


It doesn't matter you don't believe in God, He believes in you.

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