Least Favourite Elf
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Author:  Lostariel [ March 25th, 2007, 1:05 am ]
Post subject:  Least Favourite Elf

Before I read the Silmarillion I thought all elves were angles, but now there's some I really don't like!
I'm having trouble deciding between

*Sons of Feanor.

I know that the Sons of Feanor were only so mean because of that oath, but still...
What are some other people's opinions?

Author:  [ March 25th, 2007, 4:20 am ]
Post subject: 

Ohh very difficult question. When reading the Silmarillion I was always so annoyed how the elves (and men) were so stubborn and couldn't unite properly to fight Morgoth so I can't decide now... :angel:

(Did you consider putting a poll up? :-))

Author:  Lostariel [ March 25th, 2007, 5:50 am ]
Post subject: 

That's a good idea! Thankyou!

Author:  Fíriel_18190 [ March 26th, 2007, 12:13 pm ]
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For me, my least favourite elf is Maeglin, followed by Eol. I chose Maeglin though, because in my opinion he did more harm to people in his life than Eol did, especially because of what he did to the people of Gondolin.

Author:  Lostariel [ March 27th, 2007, 6:18 am ]
Post subject: 

That's a good point. I suppose Eol never meant to kill Aredhel, whereas you can't say that Maeglin didn'tmean to betray Gondolin, but he was still baaad to the bone!

Author:  Brynhild [ March 27th, 2007, 1:38 pm ]
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I voted for Eol, but Maeglin had caused some serious harm too.
Eol tried to kill Maeglin and failed, he also didn't want his wife and son to go to Gondolin.
Maeglin betrayed Gondolin and caused the deaths of many, but sooner of later, with or without Maeglin's treason, Gondolin would have fallen. Morgoth didn't need Maeglin to find Gondolin, but by finding him Gondolin fell sooner. I think that every other should have done about the same as Maeglin, after all, being tortured is not a pleasant thing.
Therefor I think Eol is more 'evil' than Maeglin though I dislike both of them.

Author:  Eruhin [ March 27th, 2007, 2:17 pm ]
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I voted Eol because he is the only one who seemd really evil or nasty to me from the beginning. The others are just victims of the malice of Morgoth or something else (in my opinion).

Author:  Aerandir [ April 10th, 2007, 9:55 am ]
Post subject: 

He didn't make an evil sword--Anglachel wasn't evil. I think bloodthirsty would be a more appropriate term for it. However, the first signs we hear of that is after Túrin kills Beleg with it.

Maeglin is my least favorite elf though, for giving in so easily to Morgoth. I do not like him because of that, though when I was first reading The Silmarillion I had liked him up to that point.

Author:  Velcayelde Elentiriel [ April 26th, 2007, 2:15 am ]
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Maeglin's obsession with Idril is just creepy - they're cousins!
I've had a vaguely similar experience (though he wasn't my cousin, thank goodness), so I kind of know how she feels. Maeglin wins, or rather loses.

Author:  Fíriel_18190 [ April 26th, 2007, 9:38 am ]
Post subject: 

Aerandir wrote:
He didn't make an evil sword--Anglachel wasn't evil. I think bloodthirsty would be a more appropriate term for it. However, the first signs we hear of that is after Túrin kills Beleg with it.

Maeglin is my least favorite elf though, for giving in so easily to Morgoth. I do not like him because of that, though when I was first reading The Silmarillion I had liked him up to that point.

I liked Maeglin during the first part of his story as well, because he was interested in Gondolin and he fled from Eol with his mother and so on, but later on I really got to hate him.

Author:  Ánië Súrion [ April 26th, 2007, 11:07 pm ]
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Either Eol or Maeglin, I can't decide which. :disgust:

Author:  Elenthari [ May 1st, 2007, 1:37 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Least Favourite Elf

Lostariel wrote:
Before I read the Silmarillion I thought all elves were angles, but now there's some I really don't like!
I'm having trouble deciding between

*Sons of Feanor.

I know that the Sons of Feanor were only so mean because of that oath, but still...
What are some other people's opinions?

I thouth just like you.When I hear Elf my association was :"A sweet pointy ear fellow!".But in "The Silmarillion" it's showed that they can be evil as well.I don't mean "evil" in the most horrible meaning of the word...
I don't like Feanor 'cuz he was so selfish!

Author:  Ashwise [ May 19th, 2007, 11:58 am ]
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I never liked Magelin. He has brat written all over him.

Author:  Erumaro [ May 23rd, 2007, 4:56 pm ]
Post subject: 

Eöl is my least favourite elf.

Didn't like him at any point during his story, while all others mentioned have some good traits I like.

But Celegorm and Curufin is ranking high as the two most evil Fëanor sons in my opinion. They did a lot of bad things to Beren and Luthien and they killed Dior.

Author:  Gersemi [ May 25th, 2007, 12:40 am ]
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Eöl. I never liked him to begin with. He's a nasty elf in my opinion.

Author:  Ashwise [ August 18th, 2007, 5:29 pm ]
Post subject: 

Celegorm and Curufin, their selfish and power-hungry.

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