Elijah Wood looks too young
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Author:  eowynfaramir4eva [ June 5th, 2006, 3:42 pm ]
Post subject: 

People, people, didn't you know Elijah Wood gets good facials and anti-wrinkle cream. :laugh: The curlz and everything made the hobbits look ultra-young.

Author:  FĂ­riel_18190 [ June 6th, 2006, 9:41 am ]
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lol... I didn't know that... :lol: it's good to know

Author:  brego145 [ June 7th, 2006, 9:37 pm ]
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I don't think Elijah looked to young because hobbits age slower then what we think a 50 year guy looks like but we all have different ideas of what Frodo look like.

Author:  ItarildĂ« [ June 9th, 2006, 12:21 am ]
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But if we're talking about movie Frodo, he may have looked too young because when they first started filming the movie because he was very young. He was 17, must've just graduated from Highschool. That's very young and if you compare him to the ages of the actors he was working with, he was very young to begin with.

Author:  Arya Undomiel [ June 15th, 2006, 3:44 pm ]
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Meltithenniel wrote:
I think that he was a little too young... but what the heck. He played the part really really really well, and that's all that matters to me :D

That's my opinion. Elijah did a great job playing Frodo's part (and he looks good :P) and that's all I care about.

Author:  Ivreniel [ June 18th, 2006, 1:26 am ]
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I think they chose to cast him as the youngest actor and the youngest LOOKING actor because they were trying to convey something about his character as they'd written it. Rather than starting Frodo out as wiser than most hobbits and equal in age to when Bilbo went on his adventure, they wanted to show his growth and a dramatic change. When he leaves the Shire he's a happy, carefree youngester on whom suddenly this huge burdan is placed.

Sida, I'd say that since "coming of age" is about 33, and Frodo in the books left when he's 50:
33 must be more like our 18 or 21, depending on which you consider coming of age--coming OUT of the teen years and INTO adulthood. Think of the young guys in college or just out. :P
And then 50 must be more like being in your 30s or so--so better off played by someone uhhh, about 10 years older. Pippin on the other hand was supposed to be underage at 28, so he'd be the beardless youth in his teenage years, or as they called it, their Tweens.

Author:  Frodo Baggins [ June 20th, 2006, 4:26 pm ]
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Yes, he was 50 in the book, but Elijah played and portrayed Frodo so well. I think that is why they chose him.


Author:  estelio_han [ June 29th, 2006, 1:37 pm ]
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I think 50 is supposed to be still rather young for a Hobbit isn't it?? Plus is does say that he didn't look older than 33 because of the Ring...which means he looks perfect because when Hobbits turn 33 it's their coming of age.

Author:  Earendil Light [ July 12th, 2006, 3:49 am ]
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Jackson chose the best actor to play Frodo, and Elijah will be young forever, not only in the fiction

Author:  Aylan [ July 12th, 2006, 7:24 pm ]
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elija played the role of Frodo very well. it was played exactly how i pictured it. but i do believe he should have been a little older. he may have gotten the ring when he turned 33 but that doesn't mean that it will make him not age. he never looked at it, touched it, smelled it, or even thought about it. he never let it get to him and take him over. therefor the power of the ring would not effect him. the ring was not in use. it could not use it's magic becouse it did not have a master, so to speak.

Bildo got the ring when he was 50 and that is when he began being "preserved". becouse the ring took hold of him. he used it in his daily life. (ex. hiding from unwelcome relatives when walking on the road)

It is the same with Frodo. the ring took hold of him, went into it's full effect, when frodo was 50. becouse it know became a burden and he thought about it constently.

so Frodo should have been older becouse his ageing started to slow down when he became 50 not 33 when he recieved the ring.

Author:  Earendil Light [ July 13th, 2006, 3:28 am ]
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yes following the book it should have been older than a teenager hobbit :-D , but I completely agree with Jackson's choice (not only for having chosen the most beautiful actor in the world :blush: ) I think that being so young Frodo's mission is much more meaningful because there is a big contrast between his age and the weight of his burden.

Author:  Faithless [ July 13th, 2006, 11:49 am ]
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I agree with Cuilwen I dont think having an older person play Frodo would be smart.

Author:  Sapphire [ July 28th, 2006, 7:30 pm ]
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He did a look a little young....not how I pictured Frodo when I read the books but at least he acted the part decently.

Author:  Limwen - Villya [ July 29th, 2006, 5:46 pm ]
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I think Elijah played the role very well, even though he was a
little younger then I pictured. But, I wouldn't have chosen
anyone else for the role of Frodo. Elijah just fit. :-D

Author:  drewkid [ August 9th, 2006, 9:49 am ]
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Yes. Elijah was the perfect chioce for Frodo.

Author:  ~RinielAranel~ [ September 10th, 2006, 11:27 am ]
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Well, 33 is coming-of-age for hobbits, so Frodo would look about 18-21. In the movie I believe they sped it up and left out the many years in between Biblbo's party and Frodo's journey - at least, that's how it seemed to me. (And it made much more sense.)

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