A-U Revival: Sign Up For Jobs
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Author:  Johnny's Fan [ February 6th, 2011, 4:33 pm ]
Post subject:  A-U Revival: Sign Up For Jobs

*collective groans*

I know, we've been through all this before right? WRONG! Because this time we are derfinitely sorting out who will be doing what around here. :stab: This is the last chance saloon. If you don't sign up now, all the awesome jobs will be gone and you'll be added as a Reserve (depending on what job it is you want to do, there may be no reserve).

So seriously, we all need to know what we will be doing in the future (i.e coders) or even right now (i.e biography writers). There is a vast range of stuff that needs people who are a) good at whatever it is and b) actually have the time to do stuff. If you are the greatest broken link finder on the earth, but you have no time to do anything in the next 10 months.... don't sign up. Get the idea? ;)

This thread will be open for volunteers until Sunday 13th February. After that, I hope that everyone will have a clear idea of what they can do to help and that some progress will be made.

I think pretty much everyone knows what jobs are needed for the main site, from coders, to writers from people who can just take the time to find missing links and make a note of it. People prepared to create the layout, people prepared to code a lot of AU. Or even those who are willing to do anything if they are required and don't need a specific job description. Every little bit counts. The jobs we really need some clarification on are currently who is prepared to play a big part in the coding of AU and who will make the layout.

Sign your name if you have the time and skills to do any of the jobs that need to be done and are willing to contribute whatever you can to getting the main site back up and in this century. :-)

Finding Weekends

Ea had the idea that to get people involved in the process of adding new content to the main site, we could have weekends where people post things they find. A mass gathering as it were. :P This would be for anyone to participate in whether they have signed up for a job, or just wandered into the thread and went to look for something they thought others would like. Proposed weekends so far: Humour, Fan Art & Fan Videos. Dates for weekends to be announced.

Author:  Eruraina [ February 6th, 2011, 9:20 pm ]
Post subject: 

What should probably be added that there will only be a small number of people will be given access to changing the codes(3 to 5). "Ultimate coders" or "editors" if you will, an idea that is Arweb approved. Such person will be required to give time.

I've already voluteered to be one of those people. I have the time and and coding knowledge, and what I dont know, I can learn quickly.

I've also volunteered to do a weekly or monthly deviantart feature for the fanart section. And to help cleanup links.

Author:  Larael [ February 6th, 2011, 11:56 pm ]
Post subject: 

I like the idea of weekends, but I think we need at least one more "ultimate coder".

Also, I've signed up to help clean up odds and ends around the main site [links and other "tidying up"]. I know Nurr's in charge of writing, and I'll gladly help with cast bio updates, news, and stuff for the Hobbit section.

Author:  Nurrantiel Mashiara [ February 7th, 2011, 10:13 am ]
Post subject: 

Yeah, as I mentioned which no one opposed, I'm happy to be in charge of the non-graphics part of the main site. I don't want to be involved, really, in the redoing of the forum. Specifically, I am doing the FotR script (as I belive Rin is on TTT and will probably move on before me :lol: ) and can do link fixing and coding.

Oh, and something else I'd like to volunteer for. Once everything is up and going, I like to start up some of the LotR book chapter discussions. :)

Author:  Anameleth [ February 7th, 2011, 1:27 pm ]
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If there's a need for it, I can always do spell-checking etc.
I'm not really up for writing bios or anything, because I don't think I'd have the time or energy for it, but I'd be happy to read through what other people write and make sure it makes sense and is properly spelled out. :)

Author:  [ February 7th, 2011, 3:02 pm ]
Post subject: 

So I feel I ought state my availability... even though it's not much I can contribute.
I can help out with smaller things on the main site... on a more freelance basis! :teehee: I'd be happy to post news on The Hobbit and other content to add to the site whenever I stumble upon it. In fact it would be lovely if we had open threads where people could post their links or pictures or whatever related to LotR and The Hobbit, much like they do on the A-U facebook group. So the coding/site people could just pick up the stuff from there whenever they are ready to put it up.

Oh and when we get to the forum hopefully I'll have time to get more involved. The A-U forum has been my cosy cyperspace home for such a long time so I'd be happy to help out here. :)

Author:  Sairahiniel [ February 8th, 2011, 2:28 am ]
Post subject: 

Any editing/cleaning up in terms of writing that you want done, I'm a go. Anything else that's writing related as well. As for availability, if someone gives me an advance schedule, I'm more than happy to make it work :)

Author:  Himlond [ February 8th, 2011, 10:24 pm ]
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I'm up for anything. I would really love to get involved with one of my favorite sites.

Author:  Eruraina [ February 8th, 2011, 11:06 pm ]
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So far it seems I'm the only one volunteering for the coding job. Come on, there's got to be more willing to do that work!

Anyway, I would just like to put that I JUST got a job in RL. Like, I go in tomorrow for orientation. So, I have no idea what kind of hours I'll have and whether it's part time or full time. I just thought it would be best to warn you all. But even with the job, I should still have time to get on regularly because really I have nothing else going on.

Author:  Tar-Vanimelde [ February 9th, 2011, 1:49 am ]
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I don't know anything about coding, but I'm willing to help wherever it's needed. I'm around pretty regularly, so...

Author:  Aredhel Ar-Feiniel [ February 9th, 2011, 11:50 pm ]
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I'm good with helping with coding (which I'm actually pretty decent in), graphics, layouts, reorganizing pages (I'm pretty much obsessive compulsive and am a neat freak)... stuff like that.

Author:  Nauriel Rochnur [ February 10th, 2011, 1:02 am ]
Post subject: 

I'm free to help to. I've never coded in my life, much less have any idea how to even do it, but I'm willing to do other work that's needed.

Author:  Rinoa Amarth [ February 10th, 2011, 1:44 am ]
Post subject: 

Nurrantiel Mashiara wrote:
I am doing the FotR script (as I belive Rin is on TTT and will probably move on before me :lol: )

:lol: I am indeed working on the script for TTT and I'll be more than happy to take up the charge for ROTK as well. :) I can also lend a hand in Cast Bios and quizz link repairs. Though most of the quizzes already here might now be active anymore due to quizilla clean-ups or certain sites going under. (If we decide to keep that section obviously).

I'm sure there is more I can help with though nothing comes to mind at the present time. If there is anything else I can do just let me know. :)

@ Nurr: Sometime soon I will probably send a small bit of script to you through PM. Just to check if our script styles are somewhat similar and if they are different, I will go through and change mines to sync up with yours. :)

Author:  Himlond [ February 11th, 2011, 9:03 pm ]
Post subject: 

I think one of the best jobs for me would be support. I'm not huge on coding at all, and my image manip isn't nearly as good as most of yours, but it's still something if needed. I would love to be involved in this site, however, so I could help with general stuff, collection of links and affiliates, or I could help with communication between fan sites, and I would also be willing to be *gulp* the "email address." I can take emails from people and pass them on to the leaders of whatever part of the site it deals with. Basically I could deal with communications. I could also do so between other fansites, like (basically one of the only active, original fansites out there). So, yea, I could deal with communications and "customer support" for lack of better word.

Author:  Johnny's Fan [ February 11th, 2011, 9:49 pm ]
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[I was going to refrain from posting here until I had some idea who how many were involving themselves but...]


I think that is one thing we overlooked here which is communicating and dealing with emails from people "can I affiliate" "can I send you my fan video to add".

It will be a big job, and as you said, certain things will be passed onto the respective heads (i.e fanart person will vet the art that is emailed etc), but still it will be a big job organizing and co-ordinating all the responses you get.

Well done for thinking about that and for wishing to help in that department. :-)

Author:  SilverRose [ February 11th, 2011, 10:34 pm ]
Post subject: 

I am heavily involved in the youtube community (way more so than with AU at the moment, I'm afraid), so I can find lots of good quality LotR vids for this site! I've also made a few myself, so I can send someone the links for that. Yes, so all of that o say that I like this finding weekend idea. :-P

And, as always, I'm available for graphics work. :)

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