A-U Revival: Sign Up For Jobs
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Author:  Tar-Vanimelde [ February 28th, 2011, 5:03 pm ]
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I suggest just giving it a little bit more time. RL has been crazy for a lot of people at the moment.

Author:  Anameleth [ March 9th, 2011, 5:58 pm ]
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So... what with people leaving this place one after the other, should we check to see if any of the "leavers" had responsibility that needs to be redirected? Like, SilverRose was going to look up youtube videos, and she's left, so someone needs to do that... Or should we leave things as they are in case they decide to come back and/or help us anyway?

Author:  Johnny's Fan [ March 9th, 2011, 6:32 pm ]
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Well Tar has also gone byses byes, so there's someone else who's abandoned ship. But she had no specific job as such, so we don't have to worry too much about replacing her at the moment. She would have done a good job helping out, but it's her choice. But if say if Nurr went tomorrow, I would be buying a gun and finding out where she lives. :yes:

Silver seems to be still a very agreeable person, so maybe see what happens. She hasn't left for good, so it's possible she will be happy to help out when the time comes for Youtube videos.

Author:  Nurrantiel Mashiara [ March 9th, 2011, 6:39 pm ]
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Could you, perhaps, done it down a little JF? Being on friendly terms with them, I just feel a bit odd when you say things like "unlike some." ;)

But I agree, Silvery would probably not mind contributing here and there, and none of the others who left really had settled themselves in.

Author:  Johnny's Fan [ March 9th, 2011, 6:44 pm ]
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Tbh, it is toned down and also the truth, but I will do as you say. There's a lot more to this Nurr, but I won't involve you if you know people. ;)

Was Raina also down for doing Youtube or was that just fanart? I guess though anyone who has come across a good video will be helpful in finding quality stuff. I don't think I have ever looked for a LOTR video in my life so I won't be any use. :lol:

Author:  Anameleth [ March 9th, 2011, 6:51 pm ]
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According to my notes, youtube was all Silvery. But I'm sure there are other people who can help with that as well. I suppose all of this will be easier to organize if we get a revival subforum...

Author:  Eruraina [ March 9th, 2011, 7:08 pm ]
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Gimli wrote:
Was Raina also down for doing Youtube or was that just fanart? I guess though anyone who has come across a good video will be helpful in finding quality stuff. I don't think I have ever looked for a LOTR video in my life so I won't be any use. :lol:

Just fanart when it comes to the fan section. But I CAN do videos as well. Honestly, I love serfing youtube :-D .

Yeah, it's sad to see people leaving, but I see it as more of the forum and revival slowing down. Maybe they'll come back when the fire is going. We're getting down to the really tedious stuff that only the select bunch that are getting the 'power' I guess you could say, can do.

But I have my list made... I just need to sit down and type it out and put in my tib bits and ideas for the coders.

Author:  Minuialwen [ March 9th, 2011, 7:16 pm ]
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If you need someone to surf Youtube and look for quality LOTR vids (character, ship, group, etc.) then I can handle that. :)

Should I just look around and keep a list of the names, URLs, and vidders? Do we need the vidders permission to link to their videos or not?

Author:  Anameleth [ March 9th, 2011, 7:24 pm ]
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^Awesome :D
And, I suppose asking for permission can't hurt, that way we won't ever have the trouble of people saying we stole their videos or anything.

Author:  Minuialwen [ March 9th, 2011, 11:26 pm ]
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Do the videos have to be on YouTube? We're going to be linking to them, so they could conceivable be from anywhere, right? A couple years ago I went through this LotR fanvideo craze, and I found a couple of good websites devoted to LotR vids. That's not a problem, is it? :confused2:

Author:  Eruraina [ March 9th, 2011, 11:36 pm ]
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I would ask for permission, but if anything... no one should complain is you give them full credit, and even a way to link to their page. I find alot of people don't care as long as they get the credit their do, but asking permission makes people's opinions of you on the web go up. At least that's how it's been through experience with me.

And I shouldn't see that as a problem, Min

Anyway! Here is my list!
I will emphasize that all this was unbiased and going by the information I was given by the coders who PMed me. The names that are not bellow but have been listed before have either not PMed me, or backed out of the revival(and/or AU) or PMed me turning down the job.

So it has come down to four people that I think would be best for the Ultimate Coders:
Nurrantiel Mashiara

Those are the four that I believe would be the best choices for the coders that would have access to changing the code. As for the rest? Well, putting aside everyone that has backed down... that would leave Larael and myself. Now I hate turning people down, so the fact that most everyone else backed down made it easier on me. But Larael and I can help get the basic coding ready for some parts when the Ultimate Coders are ready for it, since first I believe we will be updating the coding, no?(but that question will be answered in other topics, not this one. This one is for jobs)

If one of the other coordinators, leaders, staff, or Arweb want the PMs I got and make their own decisions about this, let me know and I will be more than happy to pass them on.

And one thing I may be skirting is that if you guys want your coder... leader I guess you could say... to be the one with the most coding knowledge? I'd hand that job over to Haldir or Elberethsq. If you want him/her to be someone that's more of someone who makes sure the job gets done and is more of an organizer and birdie on the shoulder... then I can stay with it.

But this is the blunt truth of what I think... and I'm hoping this is in the right thread because it's about jobs... and this is the job spot...

Author:  Johnny's Fan [ March 10th, 2011, 12:01 am ]
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^ Asking for permission is another way to possibly increase traffic. They're going to want to see what kind of site they're stuff is going to be displayed on. I don't know if maybe that's one of the reasons the fanart/videos should be added last, so the owners/artists can see WOW, my work looks great on this site. :P

Personally I think the ultimate coders/main dudes should have time (or at least can set aside some time, it's not a 24/7 job) and has experience either in coding or just organizing stuff.

No offence to anyone here, but I know Haldy can run a site and run it well - although I think she will be the first to admit she hasn't always been able to update her site when she wanted to, but I think her skills make up for any interruptions due to Mr. Life. But didn't we say we wanted 2 people? I've been re-reading all the threads today, so my mind is a little jumbled. Because Elberethsq too, I know has good experience with coding and web-design, so perhaps if the "top team" consisted of the person/people most comfortable keeping things together/running a site, that might be best?

If I'm wrong about us saying/mentioning/suggesting 2 people then please ignore the above. It's been a long day. :P

Author:  Anameleth [ March 10th, 2011, 6:50 am ]
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^I'm not sure about whether or not we said 2 "top coders", but I think it'd be good to have one of the best, and maybe someone like Raina who can keep track of what's being done. But then again that is sort of what me and Haldy do as Overseers, so maybe it's not necessary...

Also, I agree with JF that if we're asking for permission, fanvids should be added last, when the page is as close to done as possible, so that they see that their vids are on an awesome site ;)

Author:  Aredhel Ar-Feiniel [ March 10th, 2011, 11:43 am ]
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^ Should we handle stuff like asking for fanart from DeviantArt the same way then? I think it might be best. : )

Gimli wrote:
No offence to anyone here, but I know Haldy can run a site and run it well - although I think she will be the first to admit she hasn't always been able to update her site when she wanted to, but I think her skills make up for any interruptions due to Mr. Life. But didn't we say we wanted 2 people? I've been re-reading all the threads today, so my mind is a little jumbled. Because Elberethsq too, I know has good experience with coding and web-design, so perhaps if the "top team" consisted of the person/people most comfortable keeping things together/running a site, that might be best?

Thanks for the good word Gimli! :hug: I definitely can say that I am not the most punctual when it comes to updates and everyone knows this for a fact. But to be fair, I visit A-U daily, and I only visit my own site probably once a month. Whatever is decided though, I'll go with.

Author:  Eruraina [ March 10th, 2011, 12:13 pm ]
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The decision was 3 to 5... unless it was recently changed that I didnt know of. In which case, I agree with it being Elb and Haldy. But I'm sure if they don't get on regularly enough... they're likely to get poked by an overseer or the like.

Author:  Johnny's Fan [ March 10th, 2011, 12:20 pm ]
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Yeah guys, I was a bit confused last night. I forgot we had two groups, overseers and ultimate coders. :P That's why I thought we wanted 2 coders because that's how many overseers there are going to be. :P

Never read all the revival threads with a pounding headache.

And you're welcome Haldy.

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