Favourite Moment in The Hobbit
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Author:  lembas [ June 6th, 2011, 12:54 pm ]
Post subject:  Favourite Moment in The Hobbit

Couldn't resist the urge to christen this board

Fellow Hobbit readers what was your favourite moment in The Hobbit and Why?

Personally I love the bit in Flies and Spiders where the Dwarves send Bilbo up the tree to see how far into Mirkwood they are. It's my favourite bit because Tolkien describes it so beautifully and I almost feel like I'm up there with the Black moths and Bilbo when I read it.

Apologies to anyone who hasn't read the book yet... this post may contain spoilers :)

Author:  Aragorn-fan [ June 8th, 2011, 1:04 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Favourite Moment in The Hobbit

My favorite part is when The man (i have momentarily forgot his name) shoots Smaug with the black arrow in his only vulnerable part.

Author:  lembas [ June 8th, 2011, 3:34 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Favourite Moment in The Hobbit

Oooh Bard the Bowman, that bits really exciting, I remember listening to Audio Tapes as a kid, and that bit was always so cool!

Good choice!

Author:  Taurquende [ June 9th, 2011, 6:14 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Favourite Moment in The Hobbit

Lembas wrote:
Personally I love the bit in Flies and Spiders where the Dwarves send Bilbo up the tree to see how far into Mirkwood they are. It's my favourite bit because Tolkien describes it so beautifully and I almost feel like I'm up there with the Black moths and Bilbo when I read it.

Totally agree. :yes:

But I think my favorite part is Riddles in the Dark, because it's so classic, and because some of the riddles are really quite beautiful and poetic. I think it also is great story-telling, like the way he describes how scared and just plain freaked out Bilbo was to have Gollum sitting next to him on the beach. :lol:

I also love The Unexpected Party, and the Mirkwood elves, and Smaug, and... well, obviously I'm not so good at picking one favorite. :P

Author:  Aragorn-fan [ June 9th, 2011, 6:34 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Favourite Moment in The Hobbit

I almost said that! But I Like the Death of Smaug better better.

Author:  LadyLónannûniel [ June 12th, 2011, 11:47 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Favourite Moment in The Hobbit

The start of the book, the first chapter you can tell it will be amazing! And the elves, when he seeks out the cave!

Author:  Cara [ June 29th, 2011, 10:18 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Favourite Moment in The Hobbit

I think when Bilbo first encounters Smaug :yes: Its very nice scene and Smaug if still...alive ^^ I like every part with Smaug in fact besides his death, I adore him too much to like him dying.

Also, the very first chapter of the book is also nice. ^^

Author:  Tinker Bell [ June 30th, 2011, 11:10 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Favourite Moment in The Hobbit

Its too hard to pick a favorite part, but I like the part with the trolls, when Smaug attacks the town and Bard kills him, and when Bilbo talks to Smaug on his second trip down into the mountain. Gosh there are so many!

Author:  Harthad [ July 1st, 2011, 1:48 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Favourite Moment in The Hobbit

Hmm. . .I like the ending the most (:p) when Bilbo stands up at the top of the hill and recites that poem. And then everyone of the hobbits are looting his house cos they think he's dead. :p But I think right at that moment, you know what kind of hobbit Bilbo's going to turn out to be.

Author:  Tinker Bell [ July 1st, 2011, 8:16 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Favourite Moment in The Hobbit

I like the part with the looting hobbits too, when Bilbo shows up and he's like 'Hey, not dead here!' and it takes years before its declared that he is alive, and some hobbits still aren't convinced, lol.

Author:  Cara [ July 2nd, 2011, 1:43 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Favourite Moment in The Hobbit

Harthad wrote:
Hmm. . .I like the ending the most (:p) when Bilbo stands up at the top of the hill and recites that poem.

YES! That moment is one of my favorites too :) I think I like the beginning and ending most (what a strange coincidence ^^).

Author:  Aragorn-fan [ July 3rd, 2011, 10:33 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Favourite Moment in The Hobbit

Hey, congrats on the new rank Morgana! But yeah, Bilbo's poem is pretty cool.

Author:  Zirakzigil [ July 7th, 2011, 10:42 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Favourite Moment in The Hobbit

I love the part in The Hobbit where Bilbo has the ring on and is singing to infuriate the spiders. :lol:

Author:  Tinker Bell [ July 7th, 2011, 11:22 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Favourite Moment in The Hobbit

^ I agree, good part. I especially like it because I'm not a fan of spiders! And he really gets his use out of Sting, too, and shows the dwarfs that he's not just a tag along burglar, he is useful like Gandalf always said.

Author:  Cara [ July 8th, 2011, 1:20 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Favourite Moment in The Hobbit

I am always creeped by the spiders part. I hate spiders, I think they are my worst nemesis. But Bilbo acts very brave, I wouldn't be such even by inch. :lol:

Author:  Tinker Bell [ July 9th, 2011, 12:54 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Favourite Moment in The Hobbit

I would have taken my magic ring and ran off, probably, and would have only come back if I had a really big can of spider killer....speaking of spiders I just lost one under my bed, oh joy ....sleeping on the couch tonight.... :(

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