Useful Scenes?
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Author:  OneRing [ October 31st, 2005, 2:22 am ]
Post subject: 

I do agree Melphie. I think the moment of Brego and Aragorn was brilliant and some kind of touching if you understand what I mean. And then if would be to see Legolas doing something like that, talking to animals...Yeah, I agree Melphie!!!

And I agree too StardomeGirl, Elves really are quiet.

Only my opinion ;)

Author:  ~RinielAranel~ [ November 3rd, 2005, 11:04 pm ]
Post subject: 

Wow, I knew about the whole Arwen-at-Helm's-Deep thing b4 u guys
mentioned it! Yeah, that would have so been wrong. Excuse me, but
warrior princess is EOWYN's job. If anyone was fighting at Helm's Deep, it
would have realistically been her (although I am glad they stuck to the
books and kept that for RotK). Hey, Arwen already got her moment in
FotR with the whole chase scene (which was NOT in the book!!!)

Ok enough of that. Yes I totally agree with the Legolas thing. Though I am
VERY anti-hot elf (urg the girls at school drive me crazy) I have to admit
Legolas is a cool character and I would like to see a bit more personality
there, anough to prove that someone really is in there. Just one little
scene with Aragorn or something. However, I do believe elves are quiet, and I
HATE it when people make 'elves have no expressions' comments, cause
it is like they are above all of that, and have no need for being over emotional.

But that's just me.

:blink: whoa...I can ramble...

Author:  Aveline [ December 25th, 2005, 4:19 pm ]
Post subject: 

I agree with you: Arwen had not her place in Helm's deep. And perhaps Peter Jackson had given her too much place in the movies, whereas she is not really present in the books, safe in Aragorn's mind. But she can make boys dream... ;-)

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