Most awesome
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Author:  Frodos-Guide [ September 25th, 2006, 7:19 am ]
Post subject:  Most awesome

When Frodo feels drawn to go to the top of the bridge face to face with the Nazgul it's absolutley awesome! The way Elijah acts, as the feeling builds up until eventually he temporarily becomes someone else and noone notices him sneak away is brilliant! When Frodo stands face to face with the Nazgul and is about to put on the ring, it's amazing. When Sam jumps in the way it makes you realise what a hero he is and when Frodo is about to stab Sam but then falls and crys 'what are we holding onto Sam?' I fill up every time. This is definatley one of the most moving scenes in the movie.

Author:  Aredhel Ar-Feiniel [ September 25th, 2006, 7:22 am ]
Post subject: 

i loved that scene ... it added so much depth to the movie and i dunno ... that part makes me think...

Author:  Frodos-Guide [ September 25th, 2006, 7:26 am ]
Post subject:  ...

It does add so much depth. It makes you realise exactly how much of a burden this ring really is and how corrupt it can make you. It really demonstrates the power of the ring and as the movies progress from FOTR through to ROTK you can really see how much heavier the ring is becoming as Frodo moves through Mordor.

Author:  Nienor [ September 26th, 2006, 1:50 pm ]
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Moving to the Movie section.

Author:  Rinoa Amarth [ September 28th, 2006, 8:28 pm ]
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Yeah, that scene is real moving, I agree with you Frodos-Guide. When ever I feel like giving up I think of what Sam tells Frodo.

"There's some good in this world Mr. Frodo, and it's worth fighting for."

I love that line!

Author:  Frodos-Guide [ September 29th, 2006, 7:08 am ]
Post subject:  :O

I love teh way Elijah falls to the ground so helplessly and breathes teh way he does as tears fill his eyes and samwise the brave theme plays in the background as Frodo says 'What are we holding onto Sam'and sam replies with that line. Legend! I love it!

Author:  Lady of Taniquetil [ September 30th, 2006, 9:10 pm ]
Post subject: 

I know! I love that part! the music fits so well and sam's speech! AWE! so cool and breathtaking. and it show helms deep with all the ors n' stuff running away and gandalf smile and eowyn n' aragorn hug! AHH so cool! everyones so happy! :) :)

Author:  Rinoa Amarth [ October 1st, 2006, 2:45 am ]
Post subject:  Re: :O

Frodos-Guide wrote:
I love teh way Elijah falls to the ground so helplessly and breathes teh way he does as tears fill his eyes and samwise the brave theme plays in the background as Frodo says 'What are we holding onto Sam'and sam replies with that line. Legend! I love it!

I know, it so awsome! I love it too.
I agree with you too, Lady of Taniquetil. The music fits so perfectly :)

Author:  Lady of Taniquetil [ October 2nd, 2006, 9:11 pm ]
Post subject: 

that's gotta be one of the most powerful lines and part in the trilogy! :)

Author:  Frodos-Guide [ October 3rd, 2006, 11:52 am ]
Post subject: 

I completley agree with you! It's one of the most powerful lines in the whole trilogy! The way in which we finally discover what it is the Hobbits are holding onto and why it is they feel so inclined to continue in this quest is soooo moving. It reminds me of the last scene when Frodo's like 'You've missed out one of the chief characters, SAMWISE THE BRAVE...i want to hear more about Sam' and Sam replies with 'Now Mr. Frodo, you shouldn't make fun, i was being serious....' and Frodo turns around with his gorgeous eyes and replies 'So was I....Frodo couldn;t have gotten far without Sam'

I have noticed that all of the music in each movie does fit in perfectly. Fpr example, In Shelob's lair, the tense parts of the music come in just when they're supposed to and in FOTR when Frodo says 'Before you came along we Bagginses were very well thought of....never had any adventures or did anything unexpected....' and later continues with 'Whatever you've been officially labelled a disturber of the peace' i believe that Conerning Hobbits the track had just the right piece of music playing as Frodo says this.

Author:  Lady of Taniquetil [ October 4th, 2006, 5:08 pm ]
Post subject: 

YEP! I LOVE the soundtracks and i love the music so much. and the music when in the EE, frodo is turning around to start the journey out of Rivendell and the music is sooooooooooo cute! I LOVE all the hobbit music! and the ringwraith music is awesome, and the music when Gandalf is ridong down the hill from helm's deep with the rohirrin, and ..................i could go on forever! :)

Author:  Frodos-Guide [ October 5th, 2006, 1:37 pm ]
Post subject: 

i know! And the fact that the music fits soooo perfectly to the desired moment! e.g. when we first see aragorn and during the scene 'the tales that mattered'

Author:  Lady of Taniquetil [ October 5th, 2006, 4:44 pm ]
Post subject: 

Yep yep! and i like all the voices in the soundtracks. like the Lament for Gandalf is awesome, and Haldir's Lament is beautiful! and the singing when Gandalf comes down the hill is just PERFECT!
(i dunno if i already said that. . . :confused2: )

Author:  Tinuviel [ October 12th, 2006, 9:30 pm ]
Post subject: 

I LOVE all the hobbit music! and the ringwraith music is awesome, and the music when Gandalf is ridong down the hill from helm's deep with the rohirrin, and ..................i could go on forever!

i completely agree with that. i always start humming and move my head along with the music at these points and my brother hits me for being such an idiot. :annoyed:
but anyway, i love the music also the one where Aragorn , Legolas adn Gimli and running across after the orcs.
Plus Sam's speech is phenomenal. i was crying buckets during that part and everyone was like why are u crying this is the good part. and it made me feel really happy from inside especially when the scene with the Ents came. *sigh* that was good stuff. cant wait to see it again.

Author:  Tinuviel [ October 12th, 2006, 9:32 pm ]
Post subject: 

oh my god. i read what i wrote and the amount of spelling and grammer mistakes i made..... :duh:

Author:  Frodos-Guide [ October 17th, 2006, 1:38 pm ]
Post subject: 

Lol it happens ;)

It's perfectly acceptable when you're getting over-excited about LOTR and you type real fast lol. I used to do it very often too!

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