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Author:  Jennifer [ November 30th, 2005, 7:02 pm ]
Post subject: 

Elwing wrote:
in the movie you don't see her strength, her heritage. her dad was a legend, her bringing that up in the book was awesome. then u also see the extent of her love...

"begone foul dwimerlaik, lord of carion, leave the dead in peace"
"come not between the nazgul and his prey, or he will not slay thee in thy tr=urn, instead, he will bear the away to the houses of lamentation where thy flesh shal be devoured and thy shriveled mind left naked to the lidless eye"
"do what u will, but i will hinder u if i may"
"hinder me! though fool, no living man may hinder me!"
then merry heard of all sounds in that hour, the strangest, it seemed as if dernhelm laughed, "but no living man am i, u look upon a woman, eowyn am i eomunds daughter, u stand between me and my lord and kin, begon for whether u be living or dark undead i will smite u if u touch him"
the winged creature screoamed at her, but the wraith remaind silent as if in sudden doubt......

much more profound than the 'i am no man' and then she kills him.....

I agree completely! That part was so disappointing in the movie. The book sums the occurrance up much better.

Author:  ~RinielAranel~ [ December 2nd, 2005, 8:03 pm ]
Post subject: 

Or maybe we could admit that Tolkien writes so brilliantly that sometimes it cannot be portrayed on screen, even by the best of directors.

agreed! :) there are some things that are missed when transfered to screen, and we have to accept that there's nothing we can do.

(Well, Eowyn doesn't quite fit that description :grr: but some of it does I guess.)

Author:  eowynfaramir4eva [ December 17th, 2005, 2:10 am ]
Post subject: 

Eowyn in the movie=exactly how I'd picture her. Well not EXACTLY by face...but close. :confused:

Author:  Kitoky [ December 17th, 2005, 8:04 pm ]
Post subject: 

I'm quite happy with the result of Miranda Otto's Eowyn, I think she's really strong, and she's really good in the controversy of Arwen vs. Eowyn, and that's good. :)

Author:  Scrii [ January 6th, 2006, 2:36 am ]
Post subject: 

I slightly agree with Nevrogwen, and agree the rest with what Kitoky just said :) She was a little too girly for my liking, but not overly girly... so that was ok :) I mean... she was pretty good in my opinion, but not exactly how I pictured here after reading the books ^^

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