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 Post subject: Re: HBO Game of Thrones
PostPosted: May 24th, 2011, 8:16 pm 
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Possible SPOILERS ;)

I was thinking more of how she said he's not the dragon, which if you combine it with how she wasn't burnt when picking up the egg, must mean that she is.


by Lembas

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 Post subject: Re: HBO Game of Thrones
PostPosted: May 24th, 2011, 8:57 pm 
Tolkien Scholar
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Well yeah, I suppose so. I thought the whole "Oh I can't be burned" was for true Targaeyans, of which Viserys is sadly not a part of.

I was cured all right.

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 Post subject: Re: HBO Game of Thrones
PostPosted: May 25th, 2011, 11:05 am 
Agent of Chaos
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I just....can't even.....
-rocks back and forth in a corner sobbing-

On a happier note. I just bought A Song of Fire and Ice and the temptation to start reading before the season finale is overwhelming.


 Post subject: Re: HBO Game of Thrones
PostPosted: May 27th, 2011, 11:26 am 
Tolkien Scholar
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Well apparently Viserys abused Daenarys a lot when she was growing up. He told her that she couldn't leave him because he was the sole reason why she was alive and even in the beginning, he was fondling around with her breasts. Then again there is a history of incest in his family so I don't know. It does explain why Daenarys constantly have a blank face. If she was emotionally abused maybe she's a sociopath... I personally found Viserys too much of a jerk to have a crush on...yet oddly enough I find Jaime perfectly fine. Yeah I'm a little twisted like that. :teehee:

Aerlinn, you can slap the girl until she's black and blue and I still don't think any sense will penetrate through her. She has found her twu luv. Which is something that I've always said and will say it now I found completely indistinguishable from brain damage.

I was cured all right.

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 Post subject: Re: HBO Game of Thrones
PostPosted: May 27th, 2011, 5:20 pm 
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*Has totally just skimmed over all of the previous posts to avoid spoilers*

I've just watched the First two episodes of this series (I held back watching it until I'd made a start on the books as I wanted to read them first) so far so good!!! Although I'm struggling to discern Sean Bean as Ned from Boromir- purely based on looks. And the actress playing Daenerys is..... different I guess :). I'm only about half way through the book so I'm eagerly anticipating how things will turn out though :D


 Post subject: Re: HBO Game of Thrones
PostPosted: May 28th, 2011, 4:04 pm 
Agent of Chaos
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I'm still not over last weeks episode //hyperventilates
I dunno why but I felt oddly sorry for him. He'd been told most of his life he was the true King and to see his sister being put on this pedestal; figuratively and literally. I can imagine it wasn't easy for him to take. Of course he was completely batpoop insane but that's what made him entertaining. The whole Dothraki subplot is now no longer interesting to me, despite Jason Momoa being completely UNFworthy.

I need something to take my mind off the pain.


*___* that'll do it


 Post subject: Re: HBO Game of Thrones
PostPosted: May 30th, 2011, 10:56 am 
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On an even more random note, I really like Viserys and Daenarys snow white hair. I wish I could get mine to look like that. :teehee: My mom hates their hairdo, but that's a given, considering she naturally hates/doesn't care for anything I like.

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 Post subject: Re: HBO Game of Thrones
PostPosted: May 30th, 2011, 2:28 pm 
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Hello, my fellow Game Of Thrones fans :hiya:. First time posting here :]. After everything that went down in last night's ep, I need other people to talk about it with 8)! I'll get to that in a minute :].

But first, regarding Viserys. He was just too crazy and evil for my liking :/, and I know this sounds bad, but I'm kind of glad he was killed off :}. *Ducks the angry Viserys fangirls* I like Daenerys much better :]. I actually found the whole Dothraki subplot interesting from the start, except for Daenerys, actually :goofy:. But the more she settled in as Drogo's queen, if you will, the more I liked her. Now, she's one of my favorite characters 8).
Anameleth- I agree with you on the meaning of what happened at the beginning of last week's ep & what Daenerys said after Viserys was killed- that she, not Viserys, is the dragon.
***SPOILERS FOR LAST NIGHT'S EPISODE AND NEXT WEEK'S*** I'm curious where the writers are going to take that subplot, now that Drogo has vowed to take control of the Seven Kingdoms for the son he's supposedly going to have.

My favorite characters so far, besides Daenerys, are Arya, Ned, and Jon. Depending on what the writers have Tyrion do in the next few/several episodes, he might become part of that list, as well. But until then, I'm going to take a wait and see approach with him :]. The characters I positively despise (though some more than others)? Cersei, Jaime, and Joffrey. Evil, evil people the lot of them, Cersei being the worst :grr:. And Aerlinn, I agree with you about Sansa. Such an annoying little you-know-what :disgust:! What I most took exception to was the fact that she was gushing over how much she loves Joffrey in front of Arya, in spite of the fact that the evil little twit tried to kill her! Her wolf attacked him because she thought he was going to hurt her! You do not declare your undying love for someone in front of the person he/she almost killed, especially if said person is your younger sister :grr:! Also, about Joffrey possibly being Cersei and Jaime's child: That's my suspicion, too :yes: (or was it actually confirmed in last week's episode =[?). If it's true, I only have two things to say: YUCK :yuck:! and
If he is, then he has even less of a right to replace Robert on the throne than any of the children Robert fathered out of wedlock =|!

Now then, what did everyone think of last night's episode 8)? I liked it, and was admittedly shocked/surprised by a lot. A whole lot of stuff, a good deal of it bad, went down :-o !
Between Jon more or less being made a servant rather than a Ranger (though his hefty friend made a good point about how that could be beneficial), Robert dying from his injury & leaving an empty throne, Cersei proceeding to install Joffrey, possibly the product of incest, on said throne, Ned's supposed ally turning on him & convincing Ned's men to do the same, Drogo vowing to seize the Seven Kingdoms, and Jon's wolf's find further confirming, I assume, that the White Walkers who were referred to in the premiere have returned, my only reactions during those last several minutes were these:
-Oh my god, NO WAY =O!
-UH OH, that's not good :wary:!

The end is where we start from.
– Captain Jack Harkness

 Post subject: Re: HBO Game of Thrones
PostPosted: May 30th, 2011, 3:19 pm 
Tolkien Scholar
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Now trust me when I say between Jaime and his blondie smug charm, Ned Stark and his typical Sean Bean awesomeness, and Tyrion and his witty "no one's going to take me serious so screw this" attitude, I really didn't pay much attention to the Dothraki subplot until Harry Lloyd's hammy acting went to a new level. But watching Drogo's furious promise to take the Iron You can see him literally spit, saliva is coming out! Holy crap, I think Jason Momoa absorbed Harry Llyod's scenery chewing when he killed him. But that aside, I thought it was awesome. Also the attempt to assassinate Daenerys seemed a little...too complicated to me. It relied on her being completely alone except for her bodyguards and handmaidens, her going to the market, her showing interest at the wine dealer...yeah. Wouldn't a poisoned bolt from a crossbow be a little better? Sure the assassin won't survive after the attempt but she'll be dead.

Ned..Ned, Ned, Ned. I know you like honour and everything but really. Is your honour worth destroying the entire kingdom? Or letting that Joffrey take control. Speaking of, watching him as king just took his evil creepiness to a whole new level. In the past, I compared Robert as a seven year old child left home alone by his parents for the weekend. Joffrey is like the not-well-adjusted seven year old child left home alone with his dad's surgical instruments and a menagerie of pets. Once again I love Aiden Gillan even if he backstabbed Sean Bean. Still watching Sean Bean's devastated face is a little heartbreaking.

Tywin Lannister was just awesome. It looks like he was channeling some Bill Nighy in that scene.

Btw I know this might seem like SPOILERS! but...honestly Sean Bean. He has a rather high character death ratio, doesn't he?

I was cured all right.

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 Post subject: Re: HBO Game of Thrones
PostPosted: May 30th, 2011, 5:53 pm 
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Caunion cyn Britannia wrote:
Oops.. :blush:

I Torrent my episodes the day after they air.

Where??? How???

Sorry for prodding you so, but every time I search "Game of Thrones Torrent", I always get crap websites that try to sell me stuff. :annoyed: It would be nice to download them but I don't know where to go. :confuzzled:

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 Post subject: Re: HBO Game of Thrones
PostPosted: May 30th, 2011, 7:07 pm 
Tolkien Scholar
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Just type "games of thrones s01e01".

I was cured all right.

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 Post subject: Re: HBO Game of Thrones
PostPosted: May 31st, 2011, 4:15 am 
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Hehe, I get that :-D . There's a lot of eye candy in this (not all of it good), that's for darn sure :yes:. As I said, I don't like Jaime all that much (though I hate Cersei even more :disgust:), but he's definitely nice to look at :drool:!
But watching Drogo's furious promise to take the Iron You can see him literally spit, saliva is coming out! Holy crap, I think Jason Momoa absorbed Harry Llyod's scenery chewing when he killed him.
Oh, I know :confused2:! That was one of those moments where I thought, "Uh oh, this is NOT good :confused2:!" You do not make Kal Drogo angry, you absolutely do not :wary:! I hadn't thought of that before, but you're right. It was way too complicated. I'm guessing the function of that was to create suspense, but who knows. *Shrug*

That was more or less my reaction, too. I mean, two different people told him he should make the first move using one scheme or another, but he refused on both counts :duh:! The result? He got thrown in the dungeon, and judging from the teaser for next week's episode, put his entire family in grave danger, to say nothing of the fact that an evil, evil boy & his even more evil mother now have control of the throne, and if said evil child is crowned king, dominion over the Seven Kingdoms. Bad move, Ned, really bad move :/! *Shakes head in dismay* I'm hoping someone like Tyrion, possibly in cahoots with Catelyn, is going to come to the rescue and save his butt. If I can't get that, I'll settle for both Arya & Jon (and I suppose Sansa & Bran as well, even though the former annoys the heck out of me, and we haven't seen enough layers of the latter to make him a well-rounded character) surviving the massacre that's likely to start in next week's episode.

The end is where we start from.
– Captain Jack Harkness

 Post subject: Re: HBO Game of Thrones
PostPosted: May 31st, 2011, 3:53 pm 
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Is there any way I can view these online without using Torrent? I've seen previews online, and my obsession is bordering on mania. 0.o

 Post subject: Re: HBO Game of Thrones
PostPosted: May 31st, 2011, 4:21 pm 
Tolkien Scholar
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I suggest Megavideo but there are other means that I may be unaware of.

Joffrey is just unbelievable... I was with Renly when he suggested taking the boy away from Cersei though. Joffrey is the bully whose dad just so happens owns half of the town. Yeah, he likes to pretend he's tough and strong and all that but he's actually quite...harmless. His one attempt at bullying on screen ends up with a girl and her wolf taking him down. Honestly Arya should just start telling people how she, being younger than him, managed to disarm him and made him cry. That'll knock him down a few notches down. But then you give him his mother and you just have a whole new level of wrong piling up there. I really like Jack Gleeson in these episodes. He does a great job with the transition from just a simple bully to an insane ruler.

Something I realised about Viserys is....he's really messed up. Being a product of a lovely incestuous relationship doesn't exactly give him a good start. And unlike Daenrys, he clearly remembers the life he used to have before they were ousted. That could do a number on a guy even with the fact that people expect him to fight back. Doesn't quite excuse him for being such a jerk though.

This show can be such a good campaign why you shouldn't have children with your own siblings. They usually come out a little loopy.

I was cured all right.

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 Post subject: Re: HBO Game of Thrones
PostPosted: May 31st, 2011, 5:31 pm 
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I use Megavideo, Larael. In my opinion, they have the best quality, even if the waiting 30 minutes every 72 minutes is kinda annoying.


by Lembas

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 Post subject: Re: HBO Game of Thrones
PostPosted: June 2nd, 2011, 4:49 am 
Agent of Chaos
Agent of Chaos
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I'm still trying to process this last episode. I just....the end...ugh gorram you Baelish >< Though I think I should have seen it coming with the way he was talking at the start of the episode with his two hookers. But silly me thought his promise to Catelyn actually meant something.

Love, love loved the scene with Sam and Jon. There friendship is just so endearing. I thought Sam would irritate me but he's very very perceptive and honest. Also GHOST! Yaayy Ive seriously missed seeing any of the Direwolves on screen. They are just so beautiful and majestic. Though uh oh @ the severed hand. Is it Benjen? oh please no...dont kill off more of my pretties ffs ><

Oh foolish honourable man. He knows they're all a bunch of distrustful snakes and yet he walks blindly into a trap -le sigh- Please oh please don't kill him or any of his family ugh

The whole Joffrey/Cersei coup aaaaaaaaghhhhhh I too hope Tyrion somehow arrives to save the day with Bronn and Cat. I'm not sure how three people could manage it but...I'm just an honourable fool like Ned. This will be my downfall too with this show most likely. I the only one who seemed to see a little change in Jaime when he was talking to his father? I can't put my finger on it but he seemed very different, subdued. Maybe that's how he always is around his father idk but Ive been told that the characters in the book constantly surprise you and just when you think there evil they do something to make you question that [and vice versa] so part of me thinks something in Jaime is eating away at him. OR I could be hugely mistaken and he's just a complete jackass till the end.

I am SO tempted to download the HBOGO version of the next episode. Waiting is torture.

@Larael. I used to use this place: clicky clicky and as an alternative this place: clicky clicky before I got torrents.


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