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 Post subject: Re: Avengers, Assemble! (Private RP)
PostPosted: May 21st, 2012, 2:22 am 
Rider of Rohan
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An instant later the lights in the room began to flicker, buzzing and humming as they switched on and off. From somewhere in the building there came a loud ‘crack’ and one of the computer screens on the far end of the room actually sparked once or twice before everything returned to normal and the lights ceased to blink.

“Looks like he did it,” Clint said while Bruce crossed to one of the panels on the wall and flipped open the comm channel for the lab.

“Tony? Everything alright?”

There were a few seconds of silence and static before the playboy’s voice came over the intercom in reply. “Yeah. I found the glitch. It’s still a little unstable but I got the worst of it contained. Gimme a minute and I’ll come up.”

Tony cut the link before Bruce had the chance and the other scientist shook his head before returning to the bar to pass out the wine.

“Is it just me or did that not sound very promising?” Clint asked, glancing between the panel and Banner with a questioning frown.

“No, actually that was a good sign. This morning it busted every light and monitor in lab seven and blew him half across the room.”



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 Post subject: Re: Avengers, Assemble! (Private RP)
PostPosted: May 21st, 2012, 2:49 am 
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Steve turned his snort into a cough. As Natasha wandered to the kitchen counter to accept a glass of wine from Bruce, he followed and stopped as soon as he was beside her.

"How did it go?" He lowered his voice as Thor and Clint started to argue about the usage of grenades.

"Fury's not pleased about the idea of Loki back on our planet. But that was expected." She murmured as she took a sip of wine. "He's not very happy about Stark creating a prototype behind his back either. I don't know if he suspects anything, but you can bet that he's going to keep a close watch on our little skit tonight. They all are."

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 Post subject: Re: Avengers, Assemble! (Private RP)
PostPosted: May 21st, 2012, 8:09 pm 
Rider of Rohan
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With a soft hiss the elevator opened and Tony appeared, making his usual unhurried way in the general direction of the bar. His appearance was slightly less perfect than normal, and the faintest hint of stubble - which the playboy usually hated - showed that he had been hard at work. His clothing was also a bit singed in places and there was a fresh bandage wrapped around his left hand, but aside from that he looked to be his usual self.

He didn’t, for once, crack any jokes, though a slight smirk when he first caught sight of Thor and Steve indicated that comments would eventually be made on their impromptu disco party. For now though he seemed surprisingly content to let it go. “I see you two managed to escape Fury’s anger without any physical damage,” he commented, waving vaguely between Clint and Natasha. “Was he in a good mood or did you run before he could see straight enough to catch you?”

Not waiting for an answer to his - mostly - joking inquiry he pulled up one of the screens and instantly set it to monitor the prototype that currently sat humming somewhere below their feet. In the background the information on his suit came up, JARVIS finally having gotten the Mark VIII into the final stages of completion.

“Okay,” Bruce said, nodding at Steve to go ahead now that everyone was present. “What’s the plan, Cap?”



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 Post subject: Re: Avengers, Assemble! (Private RP)
PostPosted: May 22nd, 2012, 3:52 am 
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Steve sat down on the edge of one of the kitchen stools and laced his fingers together. His brow was knitted in deep concentration as he trained his gaze on the marble floor.

"How much does S.H.I.E.L.D. know?" He asked without looking up.

"We told Fury our suspicions about Loki hiding on Earth, specifically, Manhattan." Clint said, exchanging glances with Natasha.

"They sending their own people out to help us." She raised her eyebrow.

"More like to keep an eye on us." Steve breathed. He hesitated, then clapped his hands together and stood up. "Our plan is simple. We're sticking to the truth as much as we can. Thor knows that Loki has gone missing, so he's coming to Earth with the Tesseract in hopes of finding him." Steve nodded at Tony. "... of course, it won't be the true Tesseract. It will be Stark's prototype, which will hopefully simulate the real thing enough to cause Loki to come running if he's here.

"If Loki makes an appearance, we have to be quick, but not careless. Loki's illusions can be deadly. So think twice around him if he tries to pull any of his tricks. One misstep and this entire plan could backfire on us.

"That being said, it's not safe for you two to be too involved--" Steve nodded at Natasha, then at Clint. "-- if the council finds out that you were actively part of this, you will receive the worst of it. So your job is to play defense. If Loki attacks, you defend. But if S.H.I.E.L.D. comes too close to capturing him, you have to find a way to distract them without getting caught.

"Banner, we need you outside. Loki will may make a run for it once he figures out that both sides are out to catch him. He'll be smart enough to know by then that the Tesseract is just a prototype. You're our best bet to getting him back if he finds a way out.

"Stark, we need you inside in case the prototype glitches. You and Thor will receive the short end of the stick if this goes successfully, and it won't take long for S.H.I.E.L.D. to realize that we have our own agenda. So you have to move fast. Don't hesitate. Knowing Loki, he will make a beeline for Thor first. Your job is to take him down from above. I'll stay below and keep him at bay for as long as I can, but if he moves outside, you have to help Banner." He met Tony's gaze briefly. They both knew that if Bruce lost control of the other guy, he wouldn't remember who he was. Tony was their best hope for helping Bruce remember his identity again if things got out of hand.

"Once we have Loki, Thor will take him back to Asgard, where he will be safe. We'll deal with the consequences later. My hope is that S.H.I.E.L.D. will be less focused on the fact that we double-crossed them and will be more intent on dealing with the big guy who's coming for Loki and the rest of us."

When Steve finally finished, he massaged the back of his neck and glanced out the window. The city looked so peaceful from this high up. He locked his jaw and forced himself to relax as he turned around.


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 Post subject: Re: Avengers, Assemble! (Private RP)
PostPosted: May 22nd, 2012, 6:02 pm 
Rider of Rohan
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No one spoke up and even Tony seemed to accept the plan. When it came down to it he respected Steve’s ability to command, even if the two tended to clash over everything else. In lieu of a question or the usual protest he simply nodded, showing rare support as he briefly met Steve’s gaze.

“Banner managed to rebuild the case we used to store the Tesseract the last time, when Thor used it to transport he and Loki back to Asgard,” the playboy reported after allowing a moment of silence for questions. “Loki’s going to have to get pretty close to the fake before he figures out it’s not the real thing. Provided of course the real Tesseract doesn’t send off some magical pulse or signature that I can’t copy,” he added, looking questioningly at Thor.

The fair-haired god shook his head in the negative and Tony nodded. “Good.”

“How long until the prototype is ready for transport?” Clint inquired of the two scientists. “Fury wants us all on the ‘carrier as soon as possible. If we’re not fast he’ll probably send someone down for us.”

“Not something we want to happen,” Banner put in. “If Loki’s watching and S.H.I.E.L.D. comes after us he’ll realize something is up. It might set him off sooner than we’re ready for him.”

“And it might warn him off and keep him from showing all together,” Clint agreed.

“The Tesseract - which, by the way, we should all be calling it considering that if Loki hears a single indication of there being a fake he’ll be gone before you can say ‘oops’ - is ready now,” Tony answered, staring at everyone to make sure they understood. “I’ll suit up and go with Thor to transport it. The rest of you suit up and meet us there.”

He was already headed back to the elevator, slapping Thor lightly on the arm and motioning for him to follow.

“The jet’s all fueled up and ready to go,” Tony informed Barton as he and Thor stepped into the waiting car. “She’s all yours. Try not to wreck her, huh?”

“Last time wasn’t my fault,” Clint protested, but Tony just smirked and called out a dismissive "Whatever" as the doors closed. Rolling his eyes Barton turned back to the others. “Let’s suit up,” he said. “We’ve got work to do.”



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 Post subject: Re: Avengers, Assemble! (Private RP)
PostPosted: May 25th, 2012, 9:37 pm 
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It took an hour to clarify the details of the plan with the remainder of the crew and assemble the weapons. As Steve adjusted the shield over his shoulder, he felt a hand on his arm.

"Nervous, Cap?" Natasha appeared silently next to him and pulled the flap over the pistol in her belt. He gave her a half smile, but it didn't quite reach his blue eyes.

"We're going to be fine." He took her hand off his shoulder and patted her arm before stepping into the jet.

"You don't always have to have that shield up, you know." She said. He turned around to meet her gaze. For a moment, it looked as though he wanted to say something, but then he turned again and disappeared inside.

"How are we doing?" He asked as he approached Clint, who was already in the pilot's seat. He watched hopelessly as the skilled agent pressed several glowing buttons and pulled a few levers. "These things have gotten a lot more complicated since..." He trailed off, feeling awkward. Without looking up, Clint flicked on another light and sat back, lacing his fingers behind his head.

"I know what you mean, Cap. Why do you think I nearly wrecked Stark's other jet the first time, eh? His toys are more complicated than they need to be."

"Tony just called. They're almost at the carrier. We should get going." Bruce sidled up from behind them. He picked up a little remote laying on the side of the dashboard and pressed a button. The roof suddenly unfolded from above them as the platform beneath the jet rose upwards.

"All signals are clear." Natasha closed the door behind her and sat down in the co-pilot seat. "Doctor Banner, Captain... you better buckle up."

The two men didn't need to be told twice. Exchanging the briefest of looks, they took the seats in the back just as the engine revved to life.

"Here we go, guys." Clint nodded to Natasha, who slowly pushed one of the levers forward as they ascended higher into the night sky. Within moments, they were hidden among the clouds.

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 Post subject: Re: Avengers, Assemble! (Private RP)
PostPosted: May 26th, 2012, 5:24 pm 
Rider of Rohan
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Clint checked everything over as the jet leveled out and shot off towards the Hellicarrier that floated somewhere above the eastern seaboard. He scowled when a light above the pilot’s chair began to ping in some kind of warning. “Now what?”

From his seat in the back Bruce smiled a little. “That’s... ah... that’s to activate the in-flight attendant. Tony, uh...” he let his words fade off and shook his head. No one needed him to explain Tony and his bizarre additions to a jet that was technically for combat only. “Just ignore it.”

Natasha quirked an eyebrow and shared a look with Steve while Clint turned in his seat to stare at Bruce, not quite able to believe that the scientist was serious. Then again this was Tony Stark they were talking about. Of course he’d add a flight attendant. There was probably a micro-bar tucked away somewhere as well.

“So, are you nervous?” Banner asked after a few minutes, glancing at Steve with a look of calm curiosity. He had been watching the soldier since they boarded and had quickly noticed that Steve seemed more... uncertain? than was usual. He didn’t actually watch the other man as he waited for a reply, instead pulling up and screen and giving a few commands before an image of the Tesseract prototype came up. Apparently he felt the need to help keep an eye on it, too.



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 Post subject: Re: Avengers, Assemble! (Private RP)
PostPosted: May 27th, 2012, 2:37 pm 
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Steve rubbed the back of his neck and shrugged a little.

"I'm not sure I like the idea of turning our backs on S.H.I.E.L.D." He looked at his hands for a moment. "Director Fury has defended us since the beginning." He folded his arms and looked out the window, lost in thought. Bruce watched him, then waved the screen away and relaxed in his chair.

"I know." There was a short pause. "But sometimes... you have to make certain sacrifices for the greater good." There was a touch of bitterness to the doctor's voice.

Steve fell silent. Instinctively, he reached into his pocket until he felt his fingers close around an old brass locket. He opened it gently and brushed his thumb over the slightly cracked glass. He knew the engravings well, the certain cracks and the smell of the chain. And more than anything, he had memorized the portrait hidden inside the locket. He knew that face almost better than he knew his own. The only thing he had ever wanted for himself was part of what he had to let go to make his sacrifice. And though he didn't regret that day, he hadn't completely shaken off the burden of it either. Steve Rogers was a man of many strengths, but he could never find the courage to truly let go of the distant memory of a certain someone who had never lost faith in him, no matter how impossible the circumstances were.

He was suddenly jolted from his daydream as he felt the doctor shift in the seat next to him. He suddenly remembered the whispers of a rumor behind Bruce's story and what he had lost after the events that caused his condition. It comforted and saddened the captain to know that he wasn't alone. He withdrew his hand from his pocket to lean back in his seat again.

Suddenly, Natasha swiveled around in her chair.

"We're getting close."

The two men peered out their windows and glanced at each other. Steve nodded, forcing himself to collect his thoughts together and focus.

"Descend slowly. Keep the reflectors on and turn off the lights. We need to make sure that if Loki is around, he doesn't notice our arrival. Don't land until you see Thor's signal." Steve unbuckled himself from his seat and crouched forward, bracing his hands on the backs of the co-pilot chairs. "Keep hovering."

"What exactly are we waiting for?" Clint asked as he flicked a few of the switches and turned to glance at the captain. The darkness enveloped the small jet as their lights dimmed.

"Tony's prototype is going to give off a massive burst of energy to signal Thor's arrival." Bruce slipped his glasses off and polished the lenses with a small swatch of silk in his breast pocket. "My guess is that Loki is already here. S.H.I.E.L.D. has to be on his radar. And if he's been watching closely, then he couldn't have missed the sudden commotion on their main carrier since you two informed them of our plans."

Steve was only half-listening to the doctor's explanation. His senses had picked up on the slightest of tremors. His grip tightened briefly over the two chairs as he frowned.

"Do you feel that?" The tremors became stronger. Steve straightened up slowly. "I think that's our signal."

As if on queue, there was a sudden flash of blinding, ice-blue light that exploded across the night sky, forcing the jet to jerk backwards. The impact blew Steve off his feet and towards the back of the jet. As he landed with a loud thud, he squinted into the light and shielded his eyes with his arm.

"LAND THE JET!" He shouted as the plane began to shake uncontrollably from the turbulence. Clint nodded and shouted commands to Natasha through the roaring thunder.

"I've got you, Cap." Bruce leaned forward and gripped the captain's shoulder firmly, lifting him back to his feet and into the chair.

"Thank you." Steve said breathlessly as he pushed his hair away from his eyes. As the jet began to descend, he reached back and released his shield from its strap. "Weapons out, guys."

Suddenly, Bruce clapped his hand over his pocket and pulled out his cell. He pressed the phone to his ear as they landed.


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 Post subject: Re: Avengers, Assemble! (Private RP)
PostPosted: May 27th, 2012, 6:08 pm 
Rider of Rohan
Rider of Rohan
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“That s--nd b----r have been Barton succ----lly landing m----et,” Tony declared over the phone, the words broken up by static.

“Tony, you’re breaking up,” Bruce replied. “I can’t-”

“-ang on,” came the response. The call went dead and Bruce put the phone away with a shake of his head.

“What’s the problem, Doc?”

“I think the energy burst had more of an effect on the tech than we calculated,” Banner replied with a frown.

“Fixed it.” Tony’s voice came over the comms of the jet, followed by an image of his face on the front side view screen. “Thor’s on his way down from the flight deck. Fury sounded general quarters on account of the “danger” from the Tesseract so you’ll have about seven minutes to get through the carrier and to the lab before the alert is dropped. Apparently we don’t want everyone on board knowing that we’re here until absolutely necessary so be fast.”

Walking to the back of the jet Banner pressed the release to opened the hatch, waiting as it lowered with a slow ‘hiss’. From a side panel he grabbed five separate earpieces and tossed them to each member, saving one for himself and Thor. “Use these.”

“What’s the difference?” Clint asked, removing his old piece and replacing it with the new one.

“Secure lines,” Natasha put in before Bruce could reply. “So S.H.I.E.L.D. can’t listen in when the time comes for us to take Loki. Right, Doc?” She looked at Bruce, her tone lacking any actual inquiry at all; she knew that she was right.

“...Right,” Bruce confirmed, glancing at the female agent with a mildly curious frown. He didn’t ask, though. It was probably safer not knowing how Natasha always seemed to know everything.

“Six minutes, lady and gents,” Tony announced through the comm.

“Let’s go.”

Natasha led the way though the corridors, since none of the other accept for Clint had been on it often enough to not got lost half the time in one of the complicated hallways. They reached the lab just as the alarm for the all-clear sounded, dismissing the General Quarters order.

Tony was on the far end of the room, this laboratory much larger than the one they had used to examine Loki’s scepter the first time the team had come together. The playboy was in a secure cell along with the Tesseract, armor-less and oblivious to their entrance as he carefully prodded at the glowing cube with some kind of tool. The lights around them flickered suddenly as the cube reacted, zapping the long sliver of metal from Tony’s hand and sending it flying across the cell as he ducked.

In the corners of the room four separate agents kept an eye on the playboy and the cube. Obviously Fury wasn’t willing to take chances on this one. That or Tony was in some serious trouble. Either option seemed likely. The babysitters all but ignored the other team members, seeming content to do nothing but observe.

Bruce looked around at the agents with a wry smile. “Nice to know they trust us, huh?”



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 Post subject: Re: Avengers, Assemble! (Private RP)
PostPosted: May 28th, 2012, 1:37 am 
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"We've got to get that thing out of here. Thor has to have it with him when Loki arrives otherwise this isn't going to work." Steve ran a hand through his hair.

"Relax, Cap. We've got time." Natasha laid a hand on his shoulder, but Steve only grew tenser.

"How do you know?"

"Because," she said calmly as she glanced at the monitors above them. "We've always known Loki to be partial to grand entrances."

"She's right." Clint folded his arms across his chest and peered around the room, doing his usual sweep. "We can assume that Loki hasn't made a move yet by the lack of theatrics."

"All the same, we won't waste any time." Bruce moved closer to Tony and crouched down to examine the Tesseract. "Looks like you've got a loose wire there. Where's Thor, anyway?"

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 Post subject: Re: Avengers, Assemble! (Private RP)
PostPosted: May 28th, 2012, 5:58 pm 
Rider of Rohan
Rider of Rohan
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“Don’t touch,” Tony responded, all but slapping Bruce’s hand away from the loose wire. “It’s already been spit back out twice - can’t handle the flow. Point Break’s up stairs ‘reporting’ to Fury. He’s already requested that the Tesseract be kept safe in one of the labs and since I just happened to be aboard I’ve been given permission to take some specs. He’ll be down in a bit.”

Rising and stepped back away from the temperamental cube Tony retrieved the metal rod from before and tapped it thoughtfully against his palm. Walking around the large pillar-like container that held the Tesseract he continued on with his not-quite-façade of studying it.

“We should probably go check in with Fury,” Clint said. “We’ll bring Thor back down with us.”

“Keep in touch,” Banner replied, slipping Thor’s earpiece to Natasha while the other agents in the room were busy watching Tony. Giving no sign that anything had happened the red-headed agent spun and left the lab with Barton on her heels.

Bruce went to one of the many work stations and began pulling up all of Tony’s scans on the Tesseract’s energy levels. The playboy, meanwhile, waltzed around the cube’s container, pausing when he was nearest to Steve. “I know that trusting me is difficult for you sometimes,” he began casually, not looking up at the solider as he spoke, “but just a word of advice? We know what to do. You already laid the plan out, remember? So loosen up. You’re looking just a little bit on the stressed side.” The tone was surprisingly friendly and carried not even the barest hint of taunting - granted, that doesn’t mean there was none, it just meant the playboy knew how to hide it well. “It’s going to be fine. We’re all pretty good at handling this kind of situation by now.”



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 Post subject: Re: Avengers, Assemble! (Private RP)
PostPosted: May 29th, 2012, 1:53 am 
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Steve looked surprised, even a little thrown off by Tony's comment, but his shoulders seemed to visibly relax as he recovered. he folded his arms across his chest and stared down at his feet for a moment, glancing only momentarily at the prototype. As Bruce went to speak to one of the agents about the problem, he looked up again.

"That's just the thing. Once you get comfortable with a situation, there's always something that pushes you off the edge again." Steve glanced sideways and watched one of the guards outside of the laboratory shift sideways. He rubbed his jaw distractedly and watched the multimillionaire poke at the prototype, which gleamed in the brightly lit room. He bit back an audible sigh and opened his mouth to say something, perhaps to compliment Tony on his efforts, but the guard by the door caught his eye again. As the dark figure moved to turn, Steve stepped back to block the inventor and the prototype, drawing out his gun as he did so.

"EVERYONE, DUCK!" But even as the shots exploded through the air, Steve knew it would be useless. A few bullets of that size wouldn't even penetrate the glass walls. And even if they did, they would be harmless against an Asgardian god. Loki pressed his palm against the glass and smiled slowly. The light in his eyes glittered in a playful, yet menacingly as he searched the room. His gaze landed upon the prototype.

Wasting no time, Steve tossed the gun at Bruce and grabbed one of the agent's machine guns without question. Aiming, he fired with expertise at the dark figure outside the lab. The bullets shattered the glass, but soared straight through Loki's body. The illusion blinked, then disappeared. Steve locked his jaw and tossed the gun aside.

"He's here. Everyone shoot before you attack and waste your time... because we haven't got much of it. Stark, you better hurry up with that thing. Banner, we need you outside." The captain gripped his shield and narrowed his eyes. "We've got work to do."

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 Post subject: Re: Avengers, Assemble! (Private RP)
PostPosted: May 29th, 2012, 4:56 pm 
Rider of Rohan
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Tony moved even before the gunfire had started and dashed for the large container on the far side of the lab. “Time to suit up, JARVIS,” he declared, though the AI was already three steps ahead by that time. Backing into the suit the playboy watched as Steve obliterated the lab’s windows with the machine gun only to have Loki vanish as the bullets hit.

As the face shield lowered and his visor flickered to life Tony linked in to the team’s private comm. line. “You heard the Captain. Looks like play time’s over, guys,” he announced, taking position beside the Tesseract. In spite of Steve’s order to ‘hurry up with it’ the playboy made no move to work with the cube again - there was nothing left to be done with it. At least not until Loki was taken care of. After that he was taking it into the bottom of the Atlantic somewhere and setting it to implode before it zapped him again.

JARVIS beeped in his ear as the AI began scanning the vicinity for any signs of the god of mischief. Above and around them alarms were already sounding as the rest of the crew was alerted to the intruder.

Tony patted Bruce’s shoulder as the scientist moved past to follow Cap’s orders. “Go get ‘im, Big Guy.”

“Thanks. Try not to fly through any doors in space until I get back,” Bruce bantered through the comm, partially serious as he continued out the door.

“No promises,” Tony quipped. “Romanova, Barton, you guys hear me? Everybody sound off.”

“Barton here. I can hear you.”

“Affirmative. I’m clear.”

“Great. Now where’s my backup?”

“I am on my way, Stark.”

“Oh, good, welcome to the conversation Point Break. Rogers, what about you, you reading me?”



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 Post subject: Re: Avengers, Assemble! (Private RP)
PostPosted: May 30th, 2012, 12:15 am 
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Steve could hear the others buzzing in his ear, but he made no motion to reply as the inventor repeated his name. He would be putting them all in danger if he spoke and betrayed his position. Swallowed in the darkness, he slung his shield over his shoulder and grabbed the rim of the metal vents just above his head. With a muffled grunt, he pulled it off and set it silently aside. He hesitated only to glance back at the lab to make sure Banner was gone and Tony was safe before hopping into the small tunnel and crawling through.

Meanwhile, Natasha was crouched behind a wall in one of the main arenas that S.H.I.E.L.D. used to train their new agents. She caught a glimpse of Clint on the catwalk, his bow in his hand and an arrow held loosely between his fingers as he watched from up above.

Natasha pressed a hand to her earpiece and lowered her head as she spoke.

"Any response from Cap?"

"Not yet. But I'm sure he's fine. There's nothing out here." Bruce said quietly. "Fury's got the men standing by."

Clint listened in silence and slipped his sunglasses over his eyes. As he waited, he pressed a silver button at the joint to enable the night vision. Suddenly, his earpiece fizzled and crackled with static. With a wince, he pried the light metal object from his ear and tossed it aside just in time to see the light outline of a tall figure drop swiftly from a ledge on the other side of the room.

"NAT!" The arrow had already left his fingertips before his cry carried across the arena.

Natasha's head shot up just in time to see the figure dodge the arrow, which promptly exploded into flames. Without wasting another moment, she pulled out her gun and shot twice into the darkness.

Ping! Ping!

It wasn't an illusion. Natasha rammed her hand against the large button on the wall. The lights flickered on for a moment to reveal Loki staring straight at her with the same intensity in his green eyes that she had seen the night she had spoken to him in his glass prison. As his lips curled into a sickeningly charming smile, the lights exploded and gave out again in a shower of sparks.

"Agent Romanova," He chuckled. "I must say, you are a sight for sore eyes on this lovely evening." His voice was smooth, but sounded like a death toll in the darkness that was both a friend and an enemy to them.

"Wish I could say the same," she matched his polite, airy manner as she heard him start to circle around her. Without warning, she dropped on all fours and swung her leg around. But he was too quick for her. Before she could rise to her feet again, he had his fingers around. He shoved her against the wall with a sneer that gleamed in the light glow of his hand as it turned ice-blue in the darkness.

"As much as I would enjoy engaging in witty banter with you, Miss Romanova, I am rather pressed for time." His grip tightened. "I would be much obliged if you would tell me where it is."

"I don't know what you're talking about."

"On the contrary, my dear. I think you know exactly what I am speaking of." The quality of his voice was still silky, but now held an undertone of something that sounded almost perverse, like velvet being stroked the wrong way. Natasha could feel his fingers closing into a frozen death grip around her neck. She had to move fast. Drawing a shallow breath, she clenched her teeth as her slender hands curled into fists. With a cry, she pushed him away with a forceful kick just as Clint sent another flaming arrow to the floor behind the Asgardian god.

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 Post subject: Re: Avengers, Assemble! (Private RP)
PostPosted: May 30th, 2012, 2:55 pm 
Rider of Rohan
Rider of Rohan
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Location: Stark Tower, Manhattan, New York
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“Rogers? Steve, do you copy? JARVIS, give me a reading on Cap’s signal,” Tony ordered, moving as quickly as the armor and his work would allow as he transported the Tesseract prototype from it’s pillar to the smaller containment unit they had used to transport it aboard. “Thor, where are-”

An explosion from one of the levels above sent a tremor through the lab and Tony clenched his jaw. “Somebody talk to me,” he called into the comm., sounding far more calm than he currently felt. “What’s going on?”

“Stark.” Thor appeared in the corridor just outside the lab, crunching his way over the shattered glass and debris to reach the scientist’s side.

Tony finished securing the Tesseract - if Loki showed up he wanted to be able to move it fast, play cat and mouse if he had to in order to give the others time to take the god down.

“Let’s hope Rogers was right about Loki coming for you first,” the billionaire stated calmly. “I don’t like waiting around.”


Loki recovered from Natasha blow with grace but not quite ease, and recovered from the small explosion created by Clint’s arrow with only slightly less finesse. With a low laugh that echoed in the darkness he watched Natasha with a sly grin. “Oh, I have missed you, Agent Barton,” he called into the darkness. “Tell me, how many nightmares has our work together brought you?”

Up in his perch Clint’s jaw tightened and his eyes narrowed in fury. With a movement quicker than most could follow he had already taken another shot, barely able to keep himself from attempting to send another arrow through the god’s eye. Take Loki alive, that was the mission.

Clint hated the mission.


“Sir, I have located Captain America.”

“Keep him on my sidebar, JARVIS,” Tony ordered, taking in the map of the ship that showed Steve’s position before banishing it to the side of his visor. “Where’s everyone else?”

“Doctor Banner is currently waiting one sector below the laboratory. Agents Romanvoa and Barton are in section seven, in one of the ship’s training areas. It appears the intruder is with them.”

“What about Fury’s people?”

“Approaching sector seven now, sir.”

Another small explosion erupted and the shattered remains of the room’s windows rattled with the force. Tony shifted impatiently, tense and just about ready to blast through the walls himself in his impatience. He hated waiting.

Based on the way the fair-haired god was acting Thor wasn’t much a fan of it, either.


With a sneer of disgust Loki caught Barton’s arrow mid-flight and flung it aside, not so much as flinching when it blasted a whole in the bulkhead and wall behind him.

Rolling away from the blast Natasha opened fire again, not reacting with any outward expression when the god merely waved his hand as though swatting the bullets aside. She fired again and this time one of the bullets hit home, just skimming across the surface of his left bicep.

Loki staggered and glanced down at the graze with a quick flash of disconcertion before it was mastered. He looked up from the minuscule trickle of blood to grin at her in apparent amusement. “Very good, agent Romanova.”

“You like that?” she asked with false sweetness, sending another barrage of lead in his direction, which he again swatted away. “Stand still and I’ll give you another.”

With another low laugh Loki shook his head. “No, I don’t think so,” he replied. “I grow tired of your games,” the dark-haired god continued, his voice as smooth and unruffled as ever. “Tell me where the Tesseract is.”



just a big man with a suit of armor.

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 Post subject: Re: Avengers, Assemble! (Private RP)
PostPosted: May 31st, 2012, 12:48 am 
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Joined: 05 April 2007
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"I don't think so." Natasha fired again, but Loki merely sidestepped and waved his hand. The bullet vanished in a wisp of emerald smoke that engulfed them both for a brief moment. When it cleared again, the Asgardian god stood before her, completely unscathed and as maniacal as ever.

"I have tried to be fair with you, Agent Romanova, but even my patience can wear thin." He raised his hand, but she anticipated his attack before the words had left his lips. As she lunged towards him, a hand shot out in the darkness and seized her by the neck, bringing her forcefully to the ground with a sickening thud. She wrestled, managing to glance up just in time to see Loki's illusion disappear.

"It would be a shame to dispatch such a useful, talented woman like yourself, Miss Romanova." His poisonous words came in a whisper as he tangled his fingers in her fiery hair and yanked her head back. "So why don't we consider your options for a brief moment while you are resting? You could tell me where the Tesseract is so I can leave you all in peace," He gave a sharp bark of laughter. "... Or you could continue with your uncooperative mannerisms, and I will finish you slowly for your friends to witness." He chuckled lowly. "Do we understand each other?"

As Natasha opened her lips to retort, she heard another voice in her ear that stopped her.

"Agent Romanova. Natasha. Listen to me." Steve's voice was calm, but there was an undercurrent of urgency as he spoke. "You have to let him take you." There was suddenly the sound of heavy breathing and metal scraping together that coincided with the noise in the arena. "You have to trust me on this one. Barton-"

"Already ahead of you, Cap." Clint dropped the earpiece again by the ladder and hurled himself over the flames that were trailing quickly across the floor. As he landed unceremoniously before them, he collapsed his bow and stowed it back into his belt. Loki's laughter echoed around him as he straightened.

"Ah, Agent Barton. I was wondering when you would arrive to rescue your troublesome wench."

The agent fisted his hands and pulled a gun from his belt, feeling all the old anger and resentment surface again. Trying to control the violence that had suddenly overwhelmed him, he locked his jaw.

"Let her go."

"And what if I choose not to?" Loki smirked. His eyes almost seemed red in the firelight as he ran his tongue along his bottom lip, clearly delighted by the situation that he found himself in. He watched Clint's expression as his hand shifted over his victim's neck. The blue glow from his fingers slowly crept onto the fair, smoothness of Natasha's exposed skin. "Tell me, would a frozen bride suit your taste, Agent Barton?" As the icy crystals hardened over her flesh, her eyes seemed to dull and widen in a twisted expression of shock and fear that even Natasha could not feign. Meanwhile, Clint watched his partner slip into unconsciousness and growled. He stepped forward before he could stop himself and threw his weapons aside.

"Wait." When Loki made no move to stop, Clint raised his voice. "I SAID WAIT."

The god's reply came in a sadistic chuckle as he released Natasha from his hold. Unable to stop herself, she brought her hands to her neck and drew in a shuddering gasp of air. But Loki wasn't through with her yet. He snatched her from behind and pulled her upwards. Within a second, he had the tip of a blade to her chin.

"Funny how we would do almost anything for the ones we love, isn't it?" There was a touch of bitterness to the god's voice as he spoke. There was a sudden bang that echoed throughout the arena, followed by the sound of footsteps marching in unison. Fury's men had arrived. Clint watched as half a dozen illusions of the insidious god appeared out of thin air, ready to meet the soldiers as they came through the door.

The true Loki arched an eyebrow at the agent who stood before him. He watched Clint's expression as he dug the side of the blade under Natasha's jaw.

"Lead the way, Agent Barton."


"Thor. Stark." Steve's voice suddenly crackled through the earpieces again. "They're headed your way."

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