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What do you think of my character?
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 Post subject: Itarille Ellie, a Pirate Elf -- Updated Jan. 20
PostPosted: November 27th, 2005, 10:23 am 
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Name: Itarille "Ellie" Narie (formerly of Tasartir)

Age: 3,547

Gender: Female.

Appearance: Dark, wavy mahogany tresses that reach about the middle of her back; dark brown eyes with flecks of gold; lightly tan; well-toned; tall, but not overly much; elegantly pointed ears. She has a certain air about herself; secretive, mysterious, but gentle and welcoming. One can simply see it by the way she holds herself, or by her eyes.




Clothing: dark breeches, flowing tunic (crimson, sapphire, white, black, etc), knee-high leather boots, bandanna (any color, usually a dark one, or silver/grey), a leather palm guard on her right hand (battles), belt with two cutlasses and a tarnished pistol, and most-times a hooded cloak. Hidden weapons tend to linger about, with a dagger tucked away somewhere. As to where? Well, you'll have to see for yourself.

Blood relatives: a sister who departed for Valinor with her parents and grandparents, and a brother - Camthalion - who is first mate on her ship. Itarille calls him Cam or “Cammie” as a sign of affection, while he calls her “Ellie” or “Tarrie.”

Love and Family:

She once loved an assassin by the name of Darkness Calls, who fell at the hands of Sauron. Although she kept her hope that he would someday return, slowly, she realized that one should let some things go. And so she did. Now, she deeply loves another, most probably more than she could have ever loved the assassin. Eldarion Narie, brother of Ellie’s best friend Ana, fell for the pirate elf, just as she had fallen for him. Known affectionately by all as Eldar, he is an Elf Ranger and is caring, gentle, mischievous, witty, brave, and a fearless warrior. And now, Ellie is married to Eldar and are both the proud parents of twins Aeariel (known as Aea) and Erynion (known as Eryn) and a young daughter named Hera.

Important Dates, Regarding Family (in Real Time):

-Proposal by Eldar: December 25, 2004.
-Marriage to Eldar: March 12, 2005.

-Birth of Aeariel and Erynion Narie: March 30, 2005.
-Birth of Hera Narie: September 6, 2005.

-Birthday of Anariel and Eldarion Narie: July 13.
-Birthday of Araglas Gildor: July 13.
-Birthday of Itarille Narie: March 8.
-Birthday of Camthalion Tasartir: June 18 (is five years older than his sister).

Adventurous, mysterious, carefree (and otherwise mischievous), loving/caring, stubborn, sometimes rather naiive, and understanding. She takes things sometimes a little too seriously, and can be awfully sarcastic when she needs to be. Defensive if a loved one is threatened and dangerously cold towards any sort of enemy. Normally and overall, she’s very cheery.

Freedom, her ship, her family, her love, her children, traveling, treasure, triumphant battles, catching certain Rangers off their guard, and being caught off guard by certain Rangers.

Losing, surrender, death, destruction, harm coming to her family and loved ones, arrogance, rudeness, disloyalty, pointless violence, and getting drunk.

A fairly skilled blade user (swords, throwing daggers, etc) and archer. If her weapons are beyond her reach, she can use a bit of unarmed combat, but she feels safest when she can feel the hilt of a blade or the feathery fletch of an arrow. She can also manipulate the Air to her will, and heal minor injuries.

A certain Ranger.

Maritial Status:
Married to Eldarion Narie, the brother of her best friend.



Living in Middle-earth as one of the First Born, Itarille is an elven maiden, born and bred. At least, in a past long forgotten. Not many would consider her the perfect image of what she once was, that is to say, elvish nobility. She was never related to any sort of royalty, of course, but she did once hold the title of Lady, her brother, Lord. What of now? She denies such title, claiming that the only title she deserves is Captain. Or even better, none at all.

As a child, Itarille was one of many noble families that graced the golden boughs of Lorien. Not much one for battle, she preferred the more artistic side of life, learning the violin at a young age and drawing soon after. Writing and reading follow close in her hobbies, Itarille having taken the time to sit down and simply write of what sprung to mind. Even now, after much of her lifestyle has changed dramatically by war, she still keeps these passions close. The middle child of three, her eldest brother is named Camthalion, while her youngest sister is named Authiel. Her mother, a proud, yet striking woman who was not much for sitting, idle, about the house; her father, a border guard of Lorien. Unlike many who might think she shared the tragic story of losing her entire family to war, only this much is true: she lost her family, but nay, they are not dead. For the most part, they were simply elves, living in the woods. Not all too exciting, is it? Don’t worry. It gets better.

Growing up, Itarille constantly heard hushed conversations behind locked doors of an evil in the East of Middle-Earth. Her parents never spoke of this in front of the family, but Camthalion seemed to know quite a bit. It was annoying to Itarille, how her brother turned very stern and serious when she would ask. He never told her. She had to find out on her own, and what she did discover was very far from the adventurous secret she was hoping it to be: death. Destruction. Corruption. The horror was staggering, and suddenly Itarille wondered what she had been doing all that time wars were being fought under her very nose. Reading, writing, painting, laughing. She didn’t know. Ah, but now she did.

Although female, she refused to remain vulnerable as the threat from the East grew, and so learned the ways of archery and swordsmanship. Her father, in that respect, helped her, as he was a border guard. It was difficult, as the only weapon she had ever handled was a long dagger, which she was already skilled with. The dagger belonged to her grandfather, who taught her how to knife-fight quite efficiently. She had kept that dagger close ever since. Now, swords and arrows: that was a different matter. Archery, she soon found, was much more wearisome than it seemed, and swordsmanship was definitely no walk in the woods. But, determined as she was, she mastered the two skills as quickly as her training would allow. As the Shadow in the East began to envelop the lands, her father decided that it was no longer safe for his three children, being so close to Mordor, and so the Tasartir family fled to the Grey Havens, at the very edge of Middle-Earth, to live with Itarille’s cousin Domovoi and Uncle Caunion. The Tasartirs at once felt that they were safe, but still decided to remain in the Grey Havens, as they had grown accustomed to life by the Sea. This safety was short-lived.

Her family then abruptly decided to leave the shores of Middle-earth for Valinor, as that was the only safe haven left. Exactly what drove them away remained a mystery until it was revealed later: Itarille’s uncle had urged the Tasartirs to depart, as they were unsure whether to leave or stay. Why he did that is not known, as he gained nothing from it, no sort of inheritance. Itarille, however, even if she has heard the Call of the Gull and that so awakened the love of the ocean in her heart, refused to abandon her land in the Dark Age. The pull of the Sea was strong, yet she fought it. Regretfully, she had to bid her parents and young sister farewell, her brother and herself remaining on the shores of Middle-Earth. They would represent their family in the battle for Middle-Earth, if it ever came to that. They promised they would meet their family again, though this promise was not meant to be.

Itarille’s father, having found a love for sailing after moving to the Havens, had a fine grey ship crafted for him by Cirdan the Shipwright. Since he left, Itarille inherited the ship, as her older brother did not want it. She gathered a crew of Men and her brother as First Mate and decided that if not by horseback, this was the best way for her to fight against the East. And thus was named Captain Itarille Tasartir, the pirate elf of the Celeb Gil - the Silver Star.

Over the Ages, she has prowled the coasts of Middle-earth, hoping to restore balance to some regions by stamping out the Corsairs and the occasional Orc troops that stormed past. Sometimes, she would see a traveling group of Elves or mortals or both, and would assist them if need called. It was once such party that led to her greatest adventure to date. And for an immortal, that’s quite a feat. No, this is not the tale of her and the assassin, Darkness Calls. It is the tale of the meeting of four friends, bound eternally by love and friendship. It is the tale of three Rangers: Anariel Narie, her brother Eldarion, their best friend Araglas, and, of course, a pirate. Itarille. But in this case, she was called Ellie. A nickname she had learned to keep the rest of her immortal days.

All their journeys together were recorded in the Captain’s Log of the Celeb-Gil, the log known affectionately as simply Rangers and Pirates; which consist of, not only Ellie’s share of events, but Ana and her brothers as well. Their past histories before meeting each other, and of the adventures and battles they lived through in their futures. Four Rangers and a pirate... well-known by many; these are their stories.

And, as Ellie would say before launching into a tale, "So sit back, lads and lasses, with your own bottle of rum, and drink up, me hearties, yo ho!"


Comments, suggestions, insults? Feel free! I've had this character for three years; I figured it was about time to reveal all about her to the general public.

And thank you very much for reading! It's very greatly appreciated. :blush:

Much love,



Last edited by Itarille Ellie on March 6th, 2006, 6:43 pm, edited 9 times in total.

 Post subject:
PostPosted: November 27th, 2005, 10:33 am 
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Captain's Log Excerpt:


First Entry.

Sunday, March 1, 1693 (by Shire Reckoning) - S.A.

The War of the Elves and Sauron has begun. The Three Rings that were presented to my kind have been hidden away from his ever-watchful eye. It is my painful, but solemn duty to note that this is the first of many entries to come in this lone journal. I have become, against my will, a Captain of a ship that was never meant to be mine. The rest of my family - my sister, my parents - have sailed to Valinor, after my Uncle had persuaded them to do so. His son, and my cousin, Domovoi - I do not know where he is now. Perhaps in the Undying Lands with my family? I know not. Nor do I care, for I lay the blame upon him and my Uncle for sending the only people I hold dear across the waves, where I cannot reach them.

I will never reach them.

Now, it is only me and my brother, Camthalion, left of the Tasartir line. By having refused to depart on the hour of Middle-Earth's most desperate hour, we have also been refused admission into Valinor.

It is curious, the sensation that resides within my heart as I think back to those fond times of living among the boughs of Lothlorien... with my family. I will never see them again. My brother and I have been abandoned in a world that is slowly being consumed by a darkness that we are powerless to stop.

Perhaps this feeling is what mortals have often spoken of, but also something that I can only dimly, if not remotely, understand. Is it called pain? Nay, but I do not bleed... but still I feel pain within. Heartbreak, it was also called. Mayhap it is that. It's as if... I draw a breath, and shards of glass seem to pierce my chest. Perhaps it is glass - all that remains now of my heart... and these, running down my cheeks and smearing my ink? I was told they are tears. But what are they? I hate them. I wish they would stop. They make it hurt even more than it should! Crying... has an elf ever cried? If they have, I suppose it is a rare event. I have... never felt a pain such as this. It tears, it claws, it burns, it twists and wrenches. I cannot STAND it!

Oh, but gods: I miss them! I miss them so much, it doesn't seem fair that I am left with the pain, the agony, the reality of being almost mortal. Is this what mortals feel like when their world comes crashing down? How... HOW can they survive like this?! I have not felt pain such as this before. Physical hurts... those I can mend. Those can be bound with bandages and heal... but this... this I feel will take more than medicines and herbs... I just... I can't bear this...

I feel so helpless against the world. I don't feel worthy of this fine vessel, every time I rest my hands upon the spokes of a wheel I was never meant to touch. Surveying this cabin, decadent in the splendor of Age naught but a memory, I feel that my presence here is an insult. This was my father's ship. It was never meant to be mine. My brother did not want it. He shares my feelings, but alas, what choice have we?

A promise; we are bound by blood and oath to our family to do what we can in their stead. Defend our home, and all that live within it...

...but I am young, even in the reckoning of the Men. What can I do against such relentless rage and carnage? Even now, with my brother, who has self-appointed himself as First Mate, I have never felt so alone in my entire life. And for an immortal, that is saying a lot. What am I to do? I know NOTHING of being a ship's captain. I know NOTHING of the Sea. A beautiful but terrible mistress is she, for she can give life just as quickly as she can extinguish it. She is freedom and danger at the same time. I do adore her; she is an amazing thing. To live out on the Sea is almost a reckless, but splendid thing.

But... such recklessness. The thing of a child, to be reckless. I ... I have grown up too fast for my liking. I have not experienced the joy of walking under the eaves of my forest with a lover in hand. I have not wandered as much as I would have liked among the streams and fields. I have not made a crown out of flowers and woven it into my hair and I have not spent the time to simply lie upon the crest of a hill and find shapes in the clouds overhead. I did not have the opportunity to sing to the night or dance under the stars. I have too early accepted the duties of the adult I should not have become for years. My brother already bears the burden. Is it fair that I have to as well? My childhood has died without truly living in the world.

I am so scared... I fear I have lost something important to me. And the Sea... oh, Valar, the great waves that threaten to swallow any hapless being that chances upon them. As much as the Ocean represents an undeniable freedom to me, I ...

I fear her.

I also fear the absolute worst. I fear death, aye, but what of death that terrifies me so? I fear dying alone. More than anything, more than torture, I fear dying alone. In some cavern, far away from the arms of those I love...

Would one think less of me, to be so afraid of things I should not think of? Am I a coward, to fear death, to fear lonliness, to fear the future, to fear the one element that could be my only ally in years to come?

Oh, Valar, I know nothing anymore!

What can I do to fight back? Almost nothing, should I choose to remain fair. Almost nothing, should I choose to ridgidly follow the ancient rules of fair engagement in combat. Those foul orcs know nothing of honour. Why should I show them something I know I will never recieve upon the battle field? Alas, I have come to the decision that the only way I will live is to abandon those rules. I will stick to what values I can, for I utterly refuse to turn into the beasts I have set out to kill. But for the most part, I cannot be fair in the face of enemies that will spare me no quarter - no mercy.

I think I will be a pirate.

So it shall be. Let this first page of hundreds prove that on this day and year, Lady Itarille Tasartir has become Captain Itarille Tasartir of the ship, Celeb-Gil. I have abandoned the noble status that I was born into... and adopted the unwilling position of Captain of a ship. A pirate elf.

The first? I doubt it.

But then again, in this day and Age... doubts will be plentiful. Just like this journal, these first doubts will be the beginnings of hundreds more to come.

And that is saying a lot, in the eyes of an immortal.




Last edited by Itarille Ellie on November 27th, 2005, 10:36 am, edited 1 time in total.

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PostPosted: November 27th, 2005, 10:33 am 
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O_O holy cow... *too asleep to read anything long* Will finish reading later, dear Ellie, looks awesome! ^^

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PostPosted: November 27th, 2005, 10:33 am 
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Aww, go to bed, dear. And thank you!



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PostPosted: November 27th, 2005, 10:36 am 
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Lol! It's morning! I just woke up

I am a pro-cycling fan! Congrats to the Young rider of the Tour de France!
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PostPosted: November 27th, 2005, 10:42 am 
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*raises an eyebrow* Well, oops. *grins* Sorry, it's nearly time for bed for me. Still need to dash off an shower, which I think I'll do right now.

So... yes, hope you enjoy the profile. ;)



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PostPosted: November 27th, 2005, 11:08 am 
Tolkien Scholar
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a good profile I must say, a lot of work putten into it... :bones:

Let him curse my name
On these blood stained pages of misery
Let him call me a tyrant so cruel
Let him curse my name, but remember the truth!

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PostPosted: November 27th, 2005, 11:26 am 
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Thank you, my dear. I do try. ;)



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PostPosted: December 15th, 2005, 9:20 pm 

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VERY good!!!! *applauds* Quite complex, I love it.... *grins*

For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him shall not die, but have everlasting Life. ~John 3:16~



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PostPosted: January 4th, 2006, 3:04 am 
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*resounding applause from the Rangers* Bravo, dear! EXCELLENT job. ^^ I need to write out a more elaborate one for Ana, eh? *grin*

A banner by Itarille Ellie. Much love to you, m'dear!

<center>I am the light in the darkness
I am the shadow flourishing in the sunlight
I am the rain on a chilled winter's day
And I am the flame, dancing in your eyes.</center>

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PostPosted: January 20th, 2006, 6:10 am 
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:blush: Thank you so much, everyone. I'm not all too satisfied with this just yet, but your kind words are greatly appreciated.



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PostPosted: January 20th, 2006, 6:46 am 
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Always a Pirate

An encounter between Itarille and the man she once loved.


What are you talking about?” she asked breathlessly, still eyeing the keen blade that the assassin held at her throat. “I don’t have it!”

“Don’t play coy with me,” he replied smoothly, tone calm and even, his stance tense; ready to jump, like a tightly coiled spring. “Once a pirate, always a pirate; a change of title by law doesn’t change the title you were born with.”

“I… how dare an assassin like you try - !”

“That’s Darkness to you, my Lady.” His entrancing voice was weaving some spell over her. He knew it. The daft pig. He knew what he did to her. Her heart pounded painfully fast, and she was certain he could hear it.

He leant forward, his lips barely brushing her ear; his whispering breath sending chills down her spine as he slowly adds, “You have it…I saw you steal it…”

All of sudden, he was close. Too close. She couldn’t think; couldn’t breathe. His face was a hair’s breadth away from her own, and suddenly, she could study every line in his face in detail; his dark eyes, so fierce, so guarded, so proud, so haunted that they were stunning; his finely sculpted features, streaked with dirt and sweat, yet not marred in their undeniable perfection; and his lips… How she longed to capture those lips!

No! She was the one to capture him! She was the one to kill him!

…and yet, it was he who seemed to have been doing the capturing all along; those weeks of chasing him across the mountains, of cornering him in taverns and on the streets… Curse him! He’d had her from the moment they met!

A sudden yearning gripped her heart, much more powerful than the others before it.

Without warning, she brought up her forgotten cutlass, hanging limply at her side, and dash away the blade at her neck. This assassin, this Darkness, apparently taken aback by her sudden retaliation, looked from his dropped blade to her oddly flushed face. His eyes held something akin to disbelieving surprise. Before her would-be attacker could say anything, do anything, she reached out to his face, turned it to face her own, and kissed him.

And suddenly, those silly orders didn’t matter anymore.

The moment was short-lived: bittersweet. The pirate knew it was her job to capture the man, dead or alive, yet she couldn’t find it in her seemingly black heart to do so. She hadn’t the courage to kill him, nor bring him to dance his last on the gallows.

So there she stood, aboard her own ship, watching as he walked away...

...with his scarf twisted about her fingers.



Comments are loved!



Last edited by Itarille Ellie on January 20th, 2006, 11:27 pm, edited 4 times in total.

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PostPosted: January 20th, 2006, 6:54 am 
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Unspoken Letter

In which Itarille reflects upon her husband after a lonely battle at Sea.


The cold night air danced lazily across my ship as the moon hovered in the sky, reminding me of the lateness of the hour. It was midnight - or well past it - and for some reason, I could not rest. I was weary (exhausted!) from the day; my crew and I battled with a corsair not far off the coast, and the attack was relentless and fierce. Fortunately, my crew, ship, and I emerged the victors, yet now, in the dead of night, I was the only one still awake.

Wide awake; while my body cried out for rest, my mind refused to stop its wanderings.

I sighed, the emotionless sound lost in the breeze. I rested against the railing and gazed up at the stars, their light shining down on the waves. It was then, in that quiet moment of restless serenity, that I realized why I could not close my eyes:


My thoughts played upon him endlessly, and while I had journeyed far to do my duty, he remained upon the shore, though not by his choice – my own. I wanted him where it was safe, yes, but his absence helped little while I tried to lead an attack upon a black ship. Through the haze of shouting orders, killing, trying to avoid blade, arrow, and spear... all I could ever think of was him.

It was sudden need and a matter of utmost urgency that drove me from our short-lived but blissful reunion, and then I was forced to depart with a quick farewell. It was then that I had to vanish from the calmness of the forest and enter the harsh reality of being a pirate.

But a smile found its way across my lips as I realized how suddenly close my ship was to the shore. So close… was he looking up at the same sky as me? Is he thinking of me as I cannot stop thinking of him? I could feel my breath catch in my throat just at the thought of his voice flitting through my mind; and a passionate longing to be in his embrace gripped my heart.

With relief, with speechlessness, with pure and utter ecstasy, I knew that I had to wait no longer.

A whisper, barely heard even in the silence of the night, escaped my lips. Yet I still knew he could hear me. Words whispered only for him. I smiled.

“Praise fate, my love… I’m coming home.”



Comments are loved!



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PostPosted: January 20th, 2006, 6:58 am 
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Explanation (regarding the relationships):

Yes, Itarille and Eldar are now together. Darkness Calls, as some of you may recall, left the tag and never seemed to come back. My character, therefore, spent a half-year in real time waiting for him. It was very gradual, the relationship between Eldar and Ellie. It took roughly four months (real time) until we (that is, my pirate and I) realized that Darkness wasn't going to come back, and Eldar was far better than my pirate could have dreamed. She was blind to it, but I, on the other hand, was thrilled when my pirate discovered her long-buried affections for the Ranger. They were first very close friends, and both elves were constantly teased of flirting with each other, to which both elves replied that they were with someone else and simply thought of the other as a very good friend. Almost like a brother-sister relationship.

Then in a real roleplay, it came up in a conversation between Anariel the Ranger (more commonly known as Ana) and Ellie. Ana said something along the lines of what her brother (Eldar) thought about Ellie, and the pirate pressed for more, uncertain where it might lead. Just as the captain said, "Well... I do feel for him much more than just a brother-sister sort of thing, if you know what I mean," Eldar breaks into the conversation, and catches the last bit. Long story cut short, this leads to the eventual admittance from both elves that they liked each other far greater than "just friends."

Indeed, months later, Eldar proposed to Ellie on Christmas Day (this was, again, in real time: December 25, 2004) and they were later wed (March 12, 2005). Their twins, Aeariel and Erynion, were born (March 30, 2005; Ellie was already pregnant by the time they were married) and soon came their youngest daughter, Hera (September 6, 2005).

The reason I put these two drabbles up together is to contrast the two relationships my pirate has ever had.



Last edited by Itarille Ellie on January 22nd, 2006, 7:19 am, edited 2 times in total.

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PostPosted: January 22nd, 2006, 7:03 am 
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*sighs* I wish I could remove the poll now. Seems like people decide to click on it, instead of offering comments or even criticism. Not that I mind, of course, but I do like to know what people like or dislike so I can reflect on it and make my character better.

Thank you to those of you who have at least taken the time to read.




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PostPosted: January 23rd, 2006, 10:18 am 
Rider of Rohan
Rider of Rohan
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Wow...long...I must say, you're a very good writer..much better than myself ;)

"Who are you?"
"I am the Sage-Child, bearer of wisdom past and hope for tomorrow.
Join me and see what was and must be.
Youth and age can conspire, if you just believe..."

I flew all the way from Texas to New England to spend two weeks with miss Nienor. 5 of those days were to survive on an uninhabited island. Booyah.

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