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 Post subject: Mary Sue and Marty Sam. Now with the most evilest villain!
PostPosted: May 12th, 2007, 2:49 pm 
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This is just for fun, really. I'm bored..

Name: Amethyst Jewelshine


Appearance: Tall and shapely. She has long, beautiful flaming red hair that curls just so around her face. She also has stunning purple eyes (hence her name)

History: She was born into a high class family but didn't like the way they lived. She went behind thier back and learned sword play, tracking, equestrian arts, archery, magic, healing, and telekenisis. When her family tried to force her to marry the prince, she ran away.

Personality: She is bright and cheerful, but not afraid to stick up for herself. She is just as good as a guy in every sence with better relationship skills.

Name: Starbright
Sex: Mare
Age: 3
Appearace: ... allion.jpg
Skills. Can run faster thatn any other horse in the world, and for a longer time, can understand what her mistress says (And due to Amethyst's telekenisis, can talk back), and is an acomplished warhorse.

Well, that was fun. Be ready for the next enstalment of Marty Sam!

Last edited by Nauriel Rochnur on April 29th, 2008, 10:32 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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PostPosted: May 26th, 2007, 11:54 am 
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Well, I had to find a name to suit her perfectly radiant figure!

Glad you liked it!

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PostPosted: June 1st, 2007, 12:26 pm 
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with better relationship skills...:lol: I like that...nice job, mellon nin! :D

Just became a college freshman; be on sparingly

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PostPosted: June 2nd, 2007, 8:15 pm 
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That's awesome! Great Mary-Sue!

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PostPosted: July 8th, 2007, 11:06 pm 
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And now, since I am yet again bored.....Marty Sam!

Name: Raulk'naus of the Wolf clan.

Age: 17

Appeance: He's quite tall, with beautiful, rugged brown-black hair and stunning blue eyes. He also has some stubble (which greatly enhances the rugged look) As for body type: He's very built, like a dancer on steroids.

History: He's the long lost prince (and only heir) of some big, ginormous kingdom, called "The Big, Ginormous kingdom" However, at a young age his whole family was killed by assasins, except for him. One of his nannys escaped with him (He was only 3 at the time) into the forest. There they wandered, lost, for many days. But, despite being older, stronger, and much more balanced on her feet, the nanny died, leaving poor Raulk'naus (please, just call him Raulk) alone. He was found a week after the assasinations near a river by elven scouts of the wolf clan. They guessed his lineage, and desided that it was best they rais him into adulthood, then let him take back his kingdom. And so, they taught him all thier arts, until the age of 16, when he had learned and perfected all the elves could teach him. Now he roams the country side, rallying peasants to revolt against thier cruel leader, and lead him to kingship.

Personality: Cool, calculating, but he also knows how to crack a joke. He has the uncanny ability to persuade others to obey him, somthing that he believes is both a gift and a curse.

Other: The wolf clan is named such because all of its members are mentally bonded with an immortal wolf upon thier tenth birthday. Raulk, despite having been mortal, was bonded to an immortal wolf. This gave him immortality, like the elves.

Name: Nightstorm
Appearance: ... s/FullSize
Other: At 19 hands, he is a large horse. However, despite his bulk, he is exceedingly nimble. He has greater andurance than any other horse, and can run faster.

Name: Cloudwalker
sex: female
appearance: ... on0014.jpg
Other: She is fiercly loyal to Raulk, and will attack any who threaten her master. Her eyes are keener than any other birds, and she can fly faster than the wind.

sex: male
appearance: ... _wolf1.jpg
other: He's very big and brave. Hunt can out run any other animal, bring down a bear (and a moose) in under 40 seconds, even if they (the moose and the bear) are not present at the moment.

Last edited by Nauriel Rochnur on July 11th, 2007, 5:58 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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PostPosted: July 11th, 2007, 5:39 pm 
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:laugh: Oh goodness, that's great!

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PostPosted: July 11th, 2007, 5:50 pm 
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It was kinda rushed though. I'm adding more in right now!

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PostPosted: August 14th, 2007, 9:50 am 
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wow, very nicely done :D

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PostPosted: May 27th, 2008, 3:35 pm 
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*growls angrily* I spent 45 flippin' minutes writing the villan's story, and then my computer decided to spaz and I lost it. Gra! I've rewritten it though. I don't like it quite as well the the original, but oh well.

Anyway, here's the story of Vralnek, the quintessential villan. Enjoy.

Name: Vralnek Harper
Gender: Male
Age: 32
Appearance: Tall and thin, he has very dark brown hair and black eyes. From a distance he looks very hansome indeed, but up close he oozes a repulsive aura.
Companions: Three ravens named Agony, Pain, and Despair. A black cobra named Venom.

Vralnek was born to a poor rural family who made their meager living as farmers. Ever since he was young enough to speak, Vralnek begged his parents to allow him to go to school. They scoffed at his silly, overly ambitious goal, and instead told him to “go harvest them soybeans, boy!” However, Vralnek never gave up his dream. He kept begging, but every time he asked, his parents became even more frustrated. Finally, they locked him up in the family cellar to punish him. In there, among the preserves and various picked items, Vralnek was left alone with only his malicious thoughts as company. Slowly, anger turned to hate, hate to rage. After ruminating for years in the lonely cellar, Vralnek finally broke. He burst out of the cellar and in a fit of fury murdered his entire family, all 13 of them. Nobody was spared, not even the family pet, a billy-goat named Pookums.

Early the next morning a family neighbor came by to borrow some flour. She found a gruesome scene: Vralnek was covered in blood, muttering angry words. The neighbor fled and alerted the village. Later that day a mob, carrying pitchforks and torches, stormed Vralnek’s farmhouse. However, as hard as they searched, Vralnek could not be found. Then, in the last moments before night, wet foot prints were found gleaming in the waning light. They were footprints of blood. The prints led to a river, where they disappeared. Vralnek was never seen by the villagers again. It is rumored the ten year old died, and his ghost haunts the bloody path he took to the river.

Vralnek, however, did not die. He had fled to the nearest village and survived by stealing. Until, that is, he caught the eye of an ambitious young man, who saw through the dirt and grime to a bright child who held the potential to become a genius. He offered to be Vralnek’s tutor. Vralnek eagerly lunged at his opportunity to become learned. And, In fact, he lunged again 6 years later, right at his tutor’s throat.

“Get off!” The man gasped through a severely depressed windpipe. “What are you doing?”

Vralnek sneered what he knew to be a perfectly malicious sneer.(He had practiced in a mirror) “I’ve far surpassed your academic ability in every subject. You are no longer useful.”

“Then just let me go! Why are you killing me?”

Vralnek’s grin widened, only amplifying his evil expression (he’d practiced the widening bit too.) “Because I can.” He muttered, squeezing the last bit of life out of his tutor.

Vralnek became a widely renowned scholar in the village. So well renowned, in fact, that the other scholars banished him in spite. He had ruined their reputation and always beat then in Suduko races. Once again Vralnek faced life on his own, devoid of any companion, even a teddy bear. Vralnek’s thoughts churned in anger. He had achieved his dream to become the smartest man alive, but it wasn’t the life he had envisioned. Instead of crumpets, tea, and flowing robes, he was reduced to dry bread, water, and sack cloth. No, he hadn’t come this far to wallow in mud and tiny little insects. He would now have to fight his way to the top, squishing all his competition like ants, or maybe beetles. He didn’t know which, only that he would stomp on them and they would squish, and there would be sound effects and guts included.

And so Vralnek planned his rise to power, taking care not to draw that much attention. He silently built of his forces, sneakily stocked supplies, and, under the cover of darkness, went out dressed as a girl, make up and all. He had planned to make a little extra money on the side disguised as a female prostitute, but he had to give that up: he never did look good in eyeliner.

However, despite this drawback, Vralnek had procured himself a fortune. Overnight it seemed the Vralnek grew from lowly peasant to evil overlord. He erected a tall impenetrable fortress. It was black and shiney, and aptly named ‘The Tall Impenetrable Black Shiney Fortress, Of Doomy Night’ The spires had spires, and on these spires were even more spires, armed with jagged spikes. Not even a 10,000 strong army could break in. Protected in his fortress, Vralnek commanded his minions to attack his home village. He would bring vengeance to those who would have killed him. Seeing the destruction of the village (it was posted on you-tube) Vralnek felt a surge of power. Oh, how good it felt to crush the lowly. He commanded his minions to attack village after village, leaving none alive. And yet, despite the feeling of utter dominance, Vralnek felt incomplete and unsatisfied. He tried destroying even more villages, but even that did not appease his hungry soul. He mourned that he was doomed to live such an empty existence.

Vralnek was soon feared from sea to sea. No one dared act out for fear of punishment. Vralnek even took to coming out of his fortress and personally smiting villages. It was at one village that he saw a tall, beautiful woman. She fought the minions ferociously, felling minion after minion after minion. “Get her!” He commanded his minions. “I want her alive!” It took many good minions to capture her, but soon she was subdued and brought to Vralnek’s fortress. He threw her in the dungeon.
“What is your name, woman” He asked with a sneer. She looked at him levelly and her violet eyes blazed.

“My name is Mary-Sue. Know it and be afraid, for I will bring your doom.”

Vralnek laughed. “You are in no position to threaten me.”

Mary-Sue growled (it was very lady-like, mind you. More of an angry hiccup) and turned away.

Immediately Vralnek felt his heart twist in his gut. He knew now what he was missing, what would make him complete. He would force Mary-Sue to marry him. “I will take you as my bride, Mary Sue, and you will learn to love me.”

Mary-Sue turned around once again and again leveled her violet gaze at him, as though it were a weapon. “I could never love a tyrant like you.”

“Then you will learn.” Vralnek hissed. (he’d gotten quite good at hissing) “Minion 37-f4, take Mary Sue to the torture chamber for her ‘lesson.’” He rung his hands and laughed maliciously (He’d gotten quite good at that too)

Vralnek entered the torture chamber a couple hours later. “Has she still not submitted?” He questioned his minion.

“No, m’lord” The minion replied.

He strode up to her, his eyes cold with fury. “You are a tough one to crack, Mary Sue, but crack you I will, as an eggshell cracks when crushed by a fist.”

“Fool!" A forien voice cried out. "You should know that an egg’s spherical shape gives it great structural integrity that cannot be broken by squeezing!” Vralnek spun in surprise. Before his stood a tall man, adorned in worn armour. He was had shiney (but hansomly rugged) black hair, and bright blue eyes. Vralnek suspected that, had he been born a woman, he would very much like the sight of this man. “My name is Marty-Stu, and I have come to vanquish you and release my betrothed, Mary-Sue.”

“Never! “ Vranlek hissed, and lunged at Marty-Stu. He drew his sword and hacked at the hero. His fell blow was lucky, catching Marty-Stu in the side.

“Ah!” Marty yelled, and fell valiantly, but not before managing to cut the bonds that kept Mary-Sue captive. Mary Sue sprang from the rack and grabbed her fallen beloved’s sword. She turned with anger to Vralnek.

“You will pay.” And stabbed, running Vranek through the heart. With his dying breath, Vranlek murmured dramatically.

“I only wanted to be loved!”

And then he died.

((Oh, and Marty-Stu is fine. He was healed by Mary-Sue’s magical magicalness.))

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PostPosted: May 27th, 2008, 11:21 pm 
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haha! im not entirely sure it was supposed to be funny, but i laughed quite a lot :]
<i>he had gotten quite good at hissing...</i>
brilliant. i love it.
you write very well. it flows nicely.
meh likeh.

<center>“Envy consists in seeing things never in themselves, but only in their relations. If you desire glory, you may envy Napoleon, but Napoleon envied Caesar, Caesar envied Alexander, and Alexander, I daresay, envied Hercules, who never existed.”
at one point, I was alejandrah.

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PostPosted: May 27th, 2008, 11:26 pm 
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Yes. It was a satire of a Mary-Sue villain. I'm glad you like it.

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PostPosted: May 28th, 2008, 6:27 pm 

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Wow! That was wonderfully hilarious! I applaud you! :goofy:


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PostPosted: June 2nd, 2008, 4:30 pm 
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Thank you!

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PostPosted: June 5th, 2008, 11:34 am 
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ROTFL!!! That was hillarious!!!! Great job, and thanks for the timely warning!

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PostPosted: June 7th, 2008, 8:08 pm 
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Omg! I love you so much! You are officially my hero. This was priceless! Thank you soooo much for writing this. Lol!

Heavens no. Hell Yeah.



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PostPosted: June 7th, 2008, 11:18 pm 
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Yay! I'm sombody's hero!

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