Elvish RotK Translations

For a complete breakdown of the translations, visit Gwaith-i-Phethdain's extensive work.

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Elvish Line, click on it to hear the line being spoken by a voice actor.

'English Translation'

Phonetic Transcription /fə.ˈnɛ.tɪk   ˌʧɹæn.ˈskɹɪp.ʃən/

Voice Actor(s)

Elrond: [Sindarin]

Ónen i-Estel Edain.

'I gave Hope to the Dúnedain.'

/ˈɔˑ.nɛn   i   ˈɛs.tɛl̡   ˈɛ.dajn/

Voice Actor: Spencer Reh

Aragorn: [Sindarin]

Ú-chebin Estel anim.

'I have kept no hope for myself'

/ˈuˑ.xɛ.bin   ˈɛs.tɛl̡   ˈa.nim/

Voice Actor: Thomas Elrod

Frodo: [Quenya]

Aiya Eärendil Elenion Ancalima!

'Hail Eärendil brightest of the Stars!'

/ˈaj.ja   ɛ.a.ˈrɛn.dil   ɛ.ˈlɛ.ni.ɔn   aŋ.ˈka.li.ma/

Voice Actor: E. A. Hartmann

Aragorn: [Sindarin]

Hannon le.

'Thank you.'

/ˈhan.nɔn   ˈlɛ/

Voice Actor: Thomas Elrod

Elrond: [Sindarin]

I Aear cân ven na mar.

'The Sea calls us home'

/i   ˈaɛ.ar   ˈka:n   vɛn   na   ˈmar/

Voice Actor: Spencer Reh

Arwen: [Sindarin] (Cut from the film)

Law, hîr nín, ú dollen i Rîw. Anírach, nui lû, gwannad uin gwaith lín?

'No, my lord, the winter hasn't come. Do you wish, before the time, to leave your people?'

/ˈlaw   ˈhi:r   ˈniˑn   ˌuˑ   ˈdɔl.lɛn   i   ˈri:w/   /a.ˈniˑ.rax   nuj   ˈlu:   ˈgwan.nad   ujŋ   ˈgwajθ   ˈliˑn/

Voice Actor: Fiona McNeal