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Author:  Altariel [ August 19th, 2006, 1:27 pm ]
Post subject:  TTT-Game-Ps2

i'm at fangorn forest the part with the troll and i can't get past it. it keeps killing me any suggestions i'm not really good at video games :blush:

Author:  Aramel Elyanwe [ August 25th, 2006, 9:09 pm ]
Post subject: friend let me borrow this game a while ago and I beat this level...

I don't really remember how to beat it, but something tells me you have to duck the logs the troll throws and run away from him...I don't know exactly. :confused:

Author:  Captain Faramir [ August 26th, 2006, 2:07 am ]
Post subject: 

Let the troll throw the logs but you should run whenever his hands are empty. You hit him and ran. This is what i did. But it takes a little more time. You may get bored but still works.

Author:  Legolas___101 [ September 28th, 2006, 4:24 pm ]
Post subject: 

is that game fun? I have rotk game but ttt doesnt look as fun? is it? PM me

Author:  mephiston, lord of death [ October 7th, 2006, 9:06 am ]
Post subject: 

Dodge the logs that the troll throws @ you and go inn occasionally go in for a quick combo or fierce attack and get out of the trolls incoming attack range sharpish using the leap back command (L2?)
Repeat to fade

Author:  bow_and_arrow [ October 20th, 2006, 12:08 pm ]
Post subject: 

I'm thinking of buying this game - is it worth me getting?

Author:  mephiston, lord of death [ October 20th, 2006, 1:45 pm ]
Post subject: 

If is bargain bin @ about a tenner, but not worth more than that really as it lacks lastability.

Author:  Rinoa Amarth [ October 20th, 2006, 7:25 pm ]
Post subject: 

TTT is a good game, I'd recammend buying if it's not on a bargan bin like EonwesBestMate said.

About your question Gone_Riding_68. I normally pary the logs and when I get close enough, I hit the troll once then run back out of it's reach, run up to it again and do it all over again. Like Captian Faramir said, it gets a little boring but it works real well ;) I hardly ever get hit by a troll now, it the beserkers that you need to worry about. :blink:

((Thinking about TTT game, I'm playing right now. :lol: I didn't realize that :lol:))

Author:  bow_and_arrow [ October 21st, 2006, 2:49 am ]
Post subject: 

Thank you! :-D

Author:  mephiston, lord of death [ October 22nd, 2006, 10:56 am ]
Post subject: 

yeah the berserkers are really hard to deal with. Anyone have a difinitave tactic for defeating berserkers quickly?

Author:  manwathiel [ December 28th, 2006, 11:25 pm ]
Post subject: 

i just can't seem to get past the breched wall where you have to defend the door. does anyone have any tips?

Author:  hobbit_fan [ January 5th, 2007, 10:56 pm ]
Post subject: 

Usually I just keep getting health and stuff. Just block alot, and kill everyone. :)

Author:  Aramel Elyanwe [ January 5th, 2007, 11:33 pm ]
Post subject: 

^That's where I keep getting stuck... I always die or the wall is broken through. :(

Author:  hobbit_fan [ January 6th, 2007, 12:01 am ]
Post subject: 

Which part do you die at? Have you gotten up to where you hit the cannon thingy? I think that if you stand at the wall the whole time then the game doesnt move forward into the next part. You have to stand further up. Or maybe it was the other way around. Try both :lol: But if you tell me which part you always die at then maybe I can help some more.

Author:  mephiston, lord of death [ January 6th, 2007, 12:09 pm ]
Post subject: 

Use mithiril arrows if u have them and aim at teh bombs which kill quite a few orcs lol. collect health n arrows until catapult thing comes up. then destro y it. any q's ask me lol.

Author:  manwathiel [ January 6th, 2007, 12:43 pm ]
Post subject: 

my problem is ill get up to where i have like 20 people shoting flaming arrows at me and have to kill the guys in black with the big metel things ( the ones that take so long to kill, they will hit u and in like 2 hits your dead). so i have 3 of them on me and im trying to avoid/kill the people with arrow and at some point i can't move cuz i have them around me hitting me and im getting shot by arrows. i don't have time to go get health or i can get away in time before they hit me again. thats when i die.

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