The Walking Dead [Rated M!]
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Author:  Bellatrix [ August 16th, 2013, 5:40 pm ]
Post subject:  The Walking Dead [Rated M!]


This is without a doubt one of the coolest games I've ever played. Hands down. The story is that you're a guy named Lee, who's been convicted for murder, but on the way to the prison the sheriff driving the car hits a zombie, and then you have to fight to survive. The goal is pretty much to guide a young girl named Clementine to safety - if there is any safety. It's split up into five episodes. I've only just started the second episode so I haven't gotten that far yet.

The coolest part is that you shape the storyline through your actions. You get to choose what to say and who to talk to or who to save, etc. And that changes the way the game progresses. It's hard because you have to stay sharp, you only have a certain amount of time to respond to things or make decisions, and making the wrong one could lead down a harder path.

Is there anyone else out there playing this awesome game?

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