Help! How can can I learn elvish?
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Author:  Alatáriël Telemnar [ March 10th, 2013, 4:49 pm ]
Post subject:  Help! How can can I learn elvish?

Hello everyone. I woke up today with a crazy vow to myself to learn elvish before I turn 30 -I am 25- . I need help on where to being and where can I get all the help to learn elvish?

Thanks... :)

Author:  EmmaSwan [ March 19th, 2013, 8:02 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Help! How can can I learn elvish?

ummm the appendix F of the Return of the King book has the elvish writing, here at A-U they have some Elvish words if you are not on the forum, however i am completely inexperienced and i am not to be trusted on this sort of thing. ask someone who is way less clueless than me :) this is just a starter. :-D :-D :-D :-D just had to post my little knowledge :p

Author:  Aralas Tulisse [ March 19th, 2013, 9:10 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Help! How can can I learn elvish?

On A-U there's an Elvish section where you can learn useful elvish phrases like hello, and goodbye.

Author:  EmmaSwan [ March 19th, 2013, 9:12 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Help! How can can I learn elvish?

Yeah and hilarious insults for annoying brothers :)

Author:  Alatáriël Telemnar [ March 20th, 2013, 4:14 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Help! How can can I learn elvish?

aralas_29 wrote:
On A-U there's an Elvish section where you can learn useful elvish phrases like hello, and goodbye.

Lovely but how can I deeper in the language ??? :)

Author:  Elthir [ March 20th, 2013, 11:07 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Help! How can can I learn elvish?

I suggest that you go to the Elvish Linguistic Fellowship and check out the recommended resources. Just be sure to read the FAQ concerning Elvish and Neo-elvish, and thus what it truly means to 'learn Elvish' (as I agree with the descriptions here anyway).



And for more on Neo-elvish you might want to read the article Elvish as She Is Spoke

Author:  Alatáriël Telemnar [ March 20th, 2013, 11:10 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Help! How can can I learn elvish?

Thanks so much :)

I meant to learn it as a 4th Language because it's mystical.

P.S. What's Neo-elvish? :)

Author:  Elthir [ March 20th, 2013, 11:14 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Help! How can can I learn elvish?

The FAQ describes Neo-Elvish briefly (although I'm not sure the specific term is employed there)...

... and Elvish as She Is Spoke goes into more depth.

For myself, I also use 'Neo-elvish' to describe anything not constructed by Tolkien himself. The films, for example, employ plenty of Neo-elvish, mixed in with actual Elvish from Tolkien's mind and pen.

Author:  Alatáriël Telemnar [ March 20th, 2013, 11:26 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Help! How can can I learn elvish?

This sounds and feel like magic. How long to took you to learn Elvish? :)

Author:  Elthir [ March 21st, 2013, 7:52 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Help! How can can I learn elvish?

But I have not learned Elvish... or as the FAQ above notes, it depends upon what you mean by 'learn' Elvish in any case.

How do I learn Quenya and Sindarin?

That depends on what you mean by "learn". If you mean "learn" in the sense in which one can "learn German" or "learn Japanese", then the short answer is that you can't; see the previous question.

If you mean "learn" in the sense of "learn Gothic" or "learn" any other fragmentarily-preserved, non-living language, then one answer is to read well-researched, thoroughly documented, purely descriptive articles and discussions about the languages, based upon Tolkien's writings and free from artificial, utilitarian agendas; and to do so in conjunction with an independent examination of the data cited to verify claims. But the best way to engage with Tolkien's art-languages is to simply study this evidence for yourself, to read and ponder Tolkien's own compositions and commentaries.

It must be remembered that Tolkien is the sole and final authority on his languages; anything not written by Tolkien is strictly speaking not Quenya or Sindarin, but is simply more or less reasonable conjecture based on a selective set of data and supposed facts derived from them.


So my short answer is: that I have studied both Quenya and Sindarin a bit, and think I know only some things about these languages; but they can never be learned in the sense that one can learn German or Spanish, for two examples.

Author:  Alatáriël Telemnar [ March 21st, 2013, 8:13 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Help! How can can I learn elvish?

Elthir wrote:
So my short answer is: that I have studied both Quenya and Sindarin a bit, and think I know only some things about these languages; but they can never be learned in the sense that one can learn German or Spanish, for two examples.

Good but why the one can't learn them as English or Spanish?
I will try my luck with both Quenya and Sindarin.

P.S. Where did you get to learn them? :)

Author:  Elthir [ March 22nd, 2013, 6:10 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Help! How can can I learn elvish?

Good but why the one can't learn them as English or Spanish?

You can't learn any Elvish language in the sense of being able to speak it fluently [unlike English or Spanish]... Tolkien himself could not speak Quenya or Sindarin, nor was it his aim to have Sindarin or Quenya be spoken fluently by anyone.

It's all in the FAQ, and especially in more detail in the linked article Elvish as She Is Spoke.

Author:  Aralas Tulisse [ March 22nd, 2013, 7:15 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Help! How can can I learn elvish?

I don't exactly "know" Elvish either, although I'd like to know how to speak many phrases. I just know 'I hate you' 'Farewell' 'Go kiss an Orc' :p and a few greetings

Author:  Alatáriël Telemnar [ March 23rd, 2013, 5:27 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Help! How can can I learn elvish?

Elthir wrote:

You can't learn any Elvish language in the sense of being able to speak it fluently [unlike English or Spanish]... Tolkien himself could not speak Quenya or Sindarin, nor was it his aim to have Sindarin or Quenya be spoken fluently by anyone.

It's all in the FAQ, and especially in more detail in the linked article Elvish as She Is Spoke.

I got it now. Thanks :) . I wish if he wanted to be a full language. I think his love for English and other languages did not want him to go further :/ .

aralas_29 wrote:
I don't exactly "know" Elvish either, although I'd like to know how to speak many phrases. I just know 'I hate you' 'Farewell' 'Go kiss an Orc' :p and a few greetings

'Go kiss an Orc' what an angry phrase ;) ;) ;)
I would love that too, I would love to say "May I kiss you Hot dwarf" lol ;) .

Author:  Ruscowen [ May 5th, 2013, 7:02 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Help! How can can I learn elvish?

I´m learning Quenya at the moment. I use this course but I don´t think that it will help you - except you speak German well.

Author:  Alatáriël Telemnar [ May 5th, 2013, 7:49 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Help! How can can I learn elvish?

I will use website translation :) .

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