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 Post subject: The Barracks [foot soldier's characters]
PostPosted: March 18th, 2011, 9:59 pm 
Rider of Rohan
Rider of Rohan
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Barracks; A building or group of buildings for lodging soldiers, especially in garrison,
or any large, plain building in which people are lodged.

These are the barracks which house the characters of foot soldier.

denotes an active RP character; a denotes an otherwise fan character.
denotes an original character.


Dylan Whitcomb Merritt (HP)
Gagandeep (Original RP)
Nebi (Original RP)


Upon request, which I don't really expect but I thought it would be nice to offer, I'll make and code a 'spine' for your character. I'll do headers with lyrics or what not and format the entries of your character's information and then get a finished code back to you via PM. I like making the spines and I'd be happy to code one up for anybody who would like one (: Just let me know what color to use, what font or style of font, and what song to pull lyrics from if you'd like lyrics. Sadly, I'm not swanky enough to make spines with photos. I'm sorry.

As for the order in which characters will appear in the directory, they will initially be posted in the order their bio posts appear. When duplicate fandoms arise I'll begin to group them that way instead. Pirates amongst pirates, cadets amongst cadets and such. This thread is going to get lots of TLC as it's the official 'home' of the characters I create. So peruse and feel free to comment or chat in the thread because the directory and bio posts are all linked up so there's no worry about a bio getting 'lost.' :D

Critique is always, always, always welcome.


"old soldiers never die, they just fade away."
- general macarthur

graphics by goldstrike
the barracks

Last edited by foot soldier on April 11th, 2011, 6:42 pm, edited 13 times in total.

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 Post subject: Re: The Barracks [foot soldier's characters]
PostPosted: March 18th, 2011, 10:59 pm 
Rider of Rohan
Rider of Rohan
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it'll take a little second to break you

First Name: Dylan
Middle Name: Whitcomb
Last Name: Merritt
      Nicknames: Professor Dylan
Blood Status: Halfblood
Nationality: English
Place of Birth: Stockholm, Sweden
Age/Date of Birth: 16 | June 7


ya'll never forget my face no more

Eyes: Dylan's eyes are a pale and leafy green and have a tendency to puff in the presence of allergens, of which he has many. They are soft in shape and crinkle pleasantly with his smile. His eyebrows are thick and heavy and were a bit all over the place in his younger years, but he keeps them fairly tamed now that he realizes there are girls to impress.

Hair: His hair is cut short so that no brushing is required. He has a cowlick near his right temple. His hair color is dark brown, though it lightens considerably during the summertime when he spends very little of his time indoors.

Height: 5'6”

General Appearance: Naturally short of stature, not much about Dylan really stands out in a crowd. His build while athletic is compact, but for his size he is formidable in terms of muscle mass and strength. His smile is wide and crooked, like an overgrown smirk. It reveals teeth that are imperfect in the fact they are not straight but white and cavity free owing to his generally good hygiene. His nose is straight. He is pigeon toed. His arms and body are dotted with the occasional freckle or two, his favorite of which resides near his navel. It's his favorite because he believes if one tilts their head, it sort of looks like a rabbit (it does not.) His lips are neither thin nor plump, though they do have a tendency to chap badly. Dylan perennially attempts to grow a beard, usually ending up with a scruffy mess on his chin before losing hope and giving it a shave until the fancy to grow another hits him. His posture is a bit slouchy, but he tries to remember to sit up straight, usually to show off his broad shoulders of which he feels a particular pride. Dylan has a slight tendency to wander around the castle with his shoulders squared away not walking, but swaggering.

Dressing Style: Dylan devotes his Muggle dress to a simple word; class. And no, not the academic type. The majority of his shirts have some sort of collar (always pressed so as to lay properly; nothing worse than popped collars!) and an embroidered emblem along the left breast indicating in his head some sort of status. He loves his dark corduroy pants a bit too much. In hot weather he dresses himself in his favorite chino shorts in shades of dark khaki and navy blue with thinner cotton shirts sans collar. He likes to wear fleece pants when he's relaxing and absolutely abhors socks because of the deep harbored hate he has for the feeling of taking off a sweaty pair after a hard day. For this reason he wears boat shoes and loafers that don't require him to wear the dratted things. When the weather turns cold and doesn't permit such freedom, he trades those shoes in for a pair of leather shearling boots. He does not consider himself fully dressed without a belt.

In way of wizarding clothes Dylan has an intense fear of wearing secondhand robes. He doesn't really mind when other people wear them, but the thought alone of wearing something others have worn before is enough to cause him to shudder internally. He supposes Madam Malkins love to see him walk into her store before the start of each term because she knows he's about to purchase a fine set of new robes for the coming year. He isn't much for accessorizing. He doesn't wear scarves unless it is biting cold and wouldn't be caught dead wearing 'man jewelry.' The farthest his desire to adorn his outfits go is a watch, and only because it's practical.

thanks for the insult and complement

General Character Traits: Dylan is lighthearted. He laughs easily and often, though his laugh knows no difference between a good-natured giggle and cruel mockery; he is not mindful of that type of thing. He never means ill (mostly) but is not one to apologize quickly or easily, due to his stubbornness. He is hard willed to the point where a Dylan who has made up his mind on a matter is a near unstoppable force with which to reckon. He is very slow to anger, but at that point, the term anger does not cover his level of emotion. Wrath is more appropriate. When given the opportunity to one-up someone, anyone, he will take it. His determination is almost legendary amongst his family and friends.

He is somewhat restless and a bit paradoxical in that despite the fact Springtime is his mortal enemy what for his allergies, he loves nothing more than to be outside. He also likes to pretend he knows a little something about everything, earning him the nickname Professor Dylan. No, it does not matter that he has absolutely no knowledge on whatever the subject matter will be, he is always more than willing to impart his lack of knowledge to another. Usually it comes wrapped in packaging that makes his logic seem sound and plausible, but in reality its nothing more than codswallop.

Dylan is for the most part trustworthy, sort of. While one can always be sure he will under no circumstance ever blab your secrets to just any old fool in the corridor, the fact remains that somehow, Dylan seems to accumulate a lot of dirt. Probably in thanks to his good memory, ability to listen, and the fact people don't pay him much mind as he is quite unremarkable in appearance, Dylan gets his fair share of eavesdropping done. He doesn't share his ill gotten knowledge, however. He just locks it away figuratively speaking in a box in his brain for later use against the parties involved. Does he call it blackmail? No, Dylan finds his behavior to be a bit more on the innocent side than real blackmail. He doesn't aim to ruin lives; he aims for favors and the occasional chance to bully someone into writing an essay for him. He prefers to call it graymail, blackmail's less threatening little brother.


      The Outdoors: Dylan has always had a love and hate relationship with the Great Outdoors. Between sneezes, you'll never meet a more avid sportsman. Camping, fishing, climbing trees, a good swim... all sound like pleasurable ways of spending time to Dylan.

      Parties: Nothing warms Dylan's heart like a gathering of all his friends in celebration of something. A win on the quidditch pitch, a birthday, anything that requires a large group of near riotous people in jubilation. A party is also easily enhanced with Odgen's Firewhisky. He finds the fact that the words whisky and frisky rhyme no sort of coincidence.
      Muggle Sports: A secret passion that he will probably take to the grave in the interest of saving face, Dylan is in love with Muggle sports. His particular favorites are baseball and golf.

      Green: as a child this was the color of his nursery and he has never ceased to love it.


      Forced Reading: School reading is the most abhorred thing in Dylan's academic life, a bit of a handicap at a school where reading is such a vital part of the curriculum, but being told what to read and when just sucks out any fun that might have been.

      The Unhygienic: There is nothing in this world simpler than covering one's mouth when coughing. Dylan wishes the rest of the world to realize this.

      Herbology: As mentioned, Dylan has allergies. Herbology with Professor Sprout is a close kin to his worst nightmare.

Habits/Mannerisms: When nervous, Dylan will crack the joints in his fingers. Repeatedly. Also note that parchment is hopeless to escape crumpling in his hands.

Strengths: Dylan's greatest strength is his memory. He has an extreme talent for recalling the minute, particularly lists, numbers, places, and gossip. This is to his advantage as Dylan is in no way shape or form opposed to using what he knows to exploit others for his own gain. As far has his magic goes, this precise memory has always helped him achieve high marks in Potions where he consistently does well in examinations that require the recollection of exact amounts of this or that for brewing.

His unyielding will is also a strong point. Nothing stops Dylan from achieving what he desires – nothing. He is also an extremely prideful creature. His pride in appearance, mannerism, and general sense of self ensures that he conducts himself in a respectable way – at least in public. He is an excellent actor when you don't know him very well; a casual acquaintance of Dylan Merritt might find him unflappable, but anyone who has known him any length of time on an intimate level can tell when something has upset him.

Weaknesses: Dylan fears blood, but only his own. Something about witnessing himself bleeding unnerves him to no end. He is also something of a unwitting klepto, which forces him into situations of intense embarrassment when returning useless things he has stolen on accident, such as a quill or some such other trivial item he didn't mean to swipe. His intense desire to give such items back also conflicts somewhat with his worrying level of greed. However despite his greediness he does not uphold thievery as a good way of achieving means. He just wishes his fingers were a bit less sticky.

Formerly Dylan had a tendency to love and trust all too easily, a characteristic life and age beat out of him. Through the standard trials and tribulations of pubescent boyhood Dylan hardened his heart. He finds 'deep' relationships nearly unattainable, despite having no trouble with maintaining 'close' friends. He finds no problem in sharing what is in his mind, but struggles with the concept of sharing what's really in his heart.

Dylan also considers his main weakness to be blondes, but that doesn't really count.

take it for your word take it for a ride
take it for the evening dead or alive

Mother: Sigrid Merritt (nee Whitcomb), age 44, former Ravenclaw
      Blood Status: Pureblood

Father: David Merritt, age 45, former Hufflepuff
      Blood Status: Halfblood

Siblings: Clayton Antonius Merritt, age 6.

Background Story:
Many years ago a boy rushed across Platform 9 ¾, recklessly beelining towards the scarlet steam engine without a care as to who he hit or whose toes were ran over by his trolley. His sole focus was getting a nice compartment before they were all filled. This boy was David Merritt, Fourth Year Hufflepuff, and the owner of the crushed and smarting big toe was none other than Sigrid Whitcomb. In his haste young David never saw the look of absolute and pure loathing his future wife paid him, or else he might would have noticed years earlier how endearing her pout made her features. As he missed this display of livid emotion that day at King's Cross, it wasn't until his Seventh Year her Sixth that he once again crossed paths with her by accidentally hitting her in the back of the head with a ball of frozen slush in mid February. Sigrid never did quite believe it was an accident, or if she did she never let on to the fact because surprisingly David Merritt was more than tolerable when he believed himself in the debt of a beautiful girl. They were married nine years later in their mid twenties.

For the first years of the marriage neither Mr. or Mrs. Merritt thought much of having children. David was very busy trying to figure out his career (he hadn't the NEWTS for high level Ministry work, and who wanted that sort of stress anyway?) and was working at Quality Quidditch supplies, if not for the gold then for the chance to play with all the latest brooms and other sporting equipment. Sigrid supported the family as a columnist for the Daily Prophet and a freelance writer who appeared somewhat regularly in Witch Weekly. Despite their lack of ambition to begin a family the surprise of Sigrid's first pregnancy was nothing if not wanted. Unfortunately the child was miscarried in the first trimester, devastating both David and Sigrid. However, as is often the case with these things, Sigrid found herself expectant again not long after. The fetus Dylan was a well-kept secret during those early days because his parents didn't want many to know of his existence if tragedy should befall them again. This caution was however thrown to the wind near the end of Sigrid's pregnancy when David procured tickets to a Vratsa Vultures game to be held in Stockholm, Sweden, from his work, and Sigrid did love to see them play. It was in this way that the Merritts found themselves on foreign soil when Dylan Whitcomb Merritt made his world debut, two weeks earlier than expected.

David and Sigrid adapted well to parenthood. David even felt the need to establish himself a real job and took on work in the dreaded Ministry, which was not as bad as he thought. Young Dylan lived out his early days as a spoiled little wizard who consistently broke things while zooming through the house on his toy broomstick and had a penchant for using his as of yet uncontrollable magic to turn his vegetables into licorice. These early antics are what put his parents off from having a second child until Dylan was almost ten years old. It was at this point in his life Dylan began answering to the moniker brother with the addition of Clayton to the family. Had there been a smaller age gap between them Dylan felt sure he would have bullied the tyke, but as it was he felt a sort of pride in his baby brother. This pride did not however transcend instances of intense grossness on Clayton's part and after the incident with the projectile vomit shortly before the arrival of his first Hogwarts letter, Dylan was glad he would be spending the majority of his brother's early childhood far, far away.


looking pretty pinks sitting on a swing
that don't mean a thing at all

Pets: Dylan dislikes most animals because they make him sneeze.

Wand: 9 inches of oak with a core of dragon heartstring. Somewhat bendy and a touch swishy. Excellent for Charms.

Hogwarts House: Hufflepuff

Quidditch Position: Keeper

Anything else? Not at this time.

song lyrics: where nobody knows - kings of leon
character created using a Magical Hogwarts style template
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"old soldiers never die, they just fade away."
- general macarthur

graphics by goldstrike
the barracks

Last edited by foot soldier on March 22nd, 2011, 5:51 pm, edited 5 times in total.

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 Post subject: Re: The Barracks [foot soldier's characters]
PostPosted: March 19th, 2011, 11:28 am 
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Woah! Very nice bio Foot Soldier! :) I absolutely love the detail in which you described Dylan! (I first thought that he was an actual professor, as I overread his age.. silly me.. :P )
I haven't got any HP OCs as I usually enjoyed to play Canon Charries. After reading your bio I feel very inspired to create a new HP RPG. :-D


O children, lift up your voice, lift up your voice,
Children, rejoice, rejoice..


It doesn't matter you don't believe in God, He believes in you.

 Post subject: Re: The Barracks [foot soldier's characters]
PostPosted: March 19th, 2011, 1:28 pm 
Rider of Rohan
Rider of Rohan
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Thanks, Will :) Dylan's old school foot soldier. I've used him as my 'go to' Harry Potter OC for years now, this bio is just his most recent and most concrete incarnation. I too prefer canon characters when RPing HP, but there's a reason the year of his birth is left blank. He's just detached enough to be used in any era, except maybe the Founders. But that's a bit of a stretch for RP anyway. The reason I like to use Dylan so much is he's like an anchor character who can fit in anywhere so I always get a foothold in, you know?

Hehehe, it's funny you thought he was a professor. Dylan just likes to think he knows everything. He actually knows a whole lotta nothing.

And if you start a new HP RP, Dylan's totally at your disposal. I'm glad good ol' Dylly could inspire.


"old soldiers never die, they just fade away."
- general macarthur

graphics by goldstrike
the barracks

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 Post subject: Re: The Barracks [foot soldier's characters]
PostPosted: March 19th, 2011, 7:35 pm 
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Well, I think it's very clever to have a no plot-based character. ;) Especiallly HP RPGs tend to be set at all kind of time setting pre PS, during DH or post then you can use your character at all times. I have a few 'standard' Pirate OCs which can be used for all kind of PotC settings, and it's very convenient. :yes:
And I think I know what you mean. By the way you described him, I could exactly picture how he would behave at Hogwarts. I guess having a well developed character really helps exploring all the options of the plot and makes it easier to RP. :)

Hm, perhaps I will! A long time ago, I tried to set up a Marauders RPG with James, Lilly, Sirus and co. in their last year and all the events which led to the rise of Voldemort, but we actually never got started.. Perhaps I can try again, if there's enough interest. I really do feel like playing Sirius once again. (He's my favourite charrie of the older generation. :) )


O children, lift up your voice, lift up your voice,
Children, rejoice, rejoice..


It doesn't matter you don't believe in God, He believes in you.

 Post subject: Re: The Barracks [foot soldier's characters]
PostPosted: March 19th, 2011, 9:06 pm 
Rider of Rohan
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Oh, Marauder's Era is my absolute favorite!! There's enough available canon to build a plot out of yet plenty of wiggle room for personal interpretation. Remus is my favorite, along with Lucius Malfoy. A young Lucius is always delicious to RP because he's such a slick individual. When I RP him, he tends to run around bullying people into giving him what he wants, sort of like he does as an adult in the HP novels :D So he basically makes a lot of noise with no action. I believe the saying is all bark, no bite. It's a joy to RP.

Standard characters are a well kept secret as far as I can tell. Usually, it's only experienced RPers who have the foresight to see the benefits of having a handful of readily available, solid characters on which to fall back if the need arises. When I used to RP a lot on another forum, I had this batty old lady character who I used in almost every RP I participated in as a way of moving plots along. Characters needed a special map? That lady sold maps. The tavern they were in needed a barkeep? She was the barkeep. It was always fun because the people I RPed with regularly all knew her and recognized her because she appeared so often, even though she had no official bio or even a real name. She was always just the batty old lady.


"old soldiers never die, they just fade away."
- general macarthur

graphics by goldstrike
the barracks

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 Post subject: Re: The Barracks [foot soldier's characters]
PostPosted: March 21st, 2011, 5:39 pm 
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Exactly! I think that the rise of Voldemort and all the events that led to the betrayal of the Potters is very intregueing to play out. The tension, the suspense.. :teehee: Yep, I definately feel like giving it another try. I might create a new thread today or tommorow. :P

Batty old ladies are awesome! It's very clever to use her as whatever character is needed in the RP. :yes:


O children, lift up your voice, lift up your voice,
Children, rejoice, rejoice..


It doesn't matter you don't believe in God, He believes in you.

 Post subject: Re: The Barracks [foot soldier's characters]
PostPosted: March 22nd, 2011, 4:59 pm 
Rider of Rohan
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If a thread is made, I'll be there (:

Batty Old Lady is a sight to behold. Perhaps someday soon you'll get the honor of meeting her in one of her many incarnations :D


"old soldiers never die, they just fade away."
- general macarthur

graphics by goldstrike
the barracks

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 Post subject: Re: The Barracks [foot soldier's characters]
PostPosted: April 6th, 2011, 5:33 pm 
Rider of Rohan
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wear my soul and call me a liar
i dare you to tell me, i dare you to

Name: Gagandeep
    Goes By: Gagan
Species: Djinn
Place of Birth: Unknown
Place of Residence: An antique brass oil lamp
Alliances: the Old Kingdom, the Sleepers
Age/Date of Birth: 1354 | September 24 (approximation)

some stay young some grow old
there are thoughts unclear you can never hide

Eyes: Born of fire, Gagan's eyes are small and black like coal. His eyes have no whites, but are rather a solid obsidian from corner to corner. They do not show emotion. His smile does not reach them. They are plain and without compromise, impossible to read. His eyes are the only aspect of his being which do not change from form to form and make him distinguishable in every guise for those who know how to look.

Hair: A shape shifter by nature, Gagan has many different 'looks' from which he chooses. To fit in, he usually sticks with a headful of short black hair. He is bearded and boasts a chin curtain, which is kept neat and trim. His body (chest, arms, legs, etc) are smooth and hairless.

Height: 6' 2" (varied)

General Appearance: Subject to change. See shape shifter.

Dressing Style: Gagandeep's general style isn't very fussy. A pair of dark jeans, brown leather boots, and a t shirt are prevalent. Indigo and scarlet are his favorite colors and he wears them most often, though jade green is also a common color for him to don. If he feels the need to dress up (rare) he will upgrade to a pair of slack and dressy Cole Haans with a button down and perhaps a vest.

even in madness i know you still believe
paint me a canvas so i become what you could never be

General Character Traits: Gagan is selfish and conceited. He is tricky and you never know if he is telling the truth or not. Even the most practiced of individuals, who can read people like a book and spot a liar from a mile away, have difficulty telling Gagandeep's intentions. He is naturally prone to cruelty. In the past, he has been known to use a Master's wishes thoroughly against them in classic djinn fashion. He is mean spirited and negative. For Gagan, the glass is always half empty, and cracked, and it was probably dirty when you poured the drink, and he thinks he might have chipped a tooth on it. All in all, Gagandeep is one incredibly grumpy guy.

In addition to these things, Gagandeep is also a coward. He will sell anyone out, including his own mother, if he had one. He has an incredible lack of respect for all others but himself and though he still must obey the rule of a given Master or Mistress, he can be counted on to do so most unwillingly. He is boorish in fragile situations and possesses no skills in diplomacy whatsoever. Gagan is blunt and tells it how he sees it in all things.

Despite his insolence and general malevolence, however, Gagandeep does possess a few redeeming traits. Ever resourceful, Gagan is clever. He's always able to get himself out of a bind. He is very imaginative and can come up with a thousand and one ways to turn someone else's words and desires against them, as well as a vast array of insults to hurl in the process. He is efficient at what he does and puts care into his work. He does not do anything by halves. Gagan is both hard-working and meticulous, with an eye for detail.


      Wishes Gone Awry: Nothing on the planet brings this djinn joy like a good wish gone far, far astray.

      Sweltering Days: A native of the desert, Gagandeep adores hot, dry days and climates.

      Innocent/Naïve People: Naïve individuals have a tendency to crop up around Gagandeep's person and when they do, he takes great delight in 'bursting their bubble' and bringing innocent people face to face with harsh realities.


          Food: Being that Gagandeep does not eat, he doesn't like feeling like he's missing out by watching others eat.

          Do-Gooders: Perhaps in due part to his inherent evilness, Gagandeep despises 'nice guys.' They always finish blatantly last and so he has no idea why the losers keep trying so hard.

Abilities: Gagandeep is a djinni, that is, a genie of legend. He has abilities which include, but may or may not be limited to, shape shifting, general magic, and ultimately, the granting of wishes as the title genie implies.

let me introduce you to the characters in the show
one says yes, one says no

Family: Gagandeep has no 'family' in the traditional terms, but shares familiar ties to other djinn based upon their similar origin.

Background Story: Born from smokeless flame thousands of years ago in an ancient land, Gagandeep was a powerful, supernatural force from the time of his birth. His age denotes him as loyal to the Old Kingdom of the djinn, apart from the newer entities and young djinn. Being of an older mold, he opposes the free spirited ways of the young djinn and their careless merry-making and frivolous use of their magic. When he was a young one, centuries previous, he was already bound and tied for his misbehavior by King Solomon and sealed into a lead-stoppered bottle and cast off into the ocean. He would remain there beneath the waves for centuries more, eventually being washed ashore and found by an unsuspected human. Once released, Gagandeep began once more to wreak havoc upon the world. He returned with a vengeance and an unrelenting energy and passion, having been bottled for hundreds of years.

Fast forward and you'll find Gagandeep once more bound to yet another inanimate object, as most djinn eventually find themselves. This time, and Gagandeep would rather be spared the jokes, he was bound to an oil lamp, the same oil lamp to which he is still bound. This was early in the eighteenth century and began in India, a country from which he was exported from as an antique in the 1980's. He was bought and sold many times, served many masters, and was eventually placed in a small shop in a coastal town in New England, just waiting to be bought and found...

which voice in your head you can keep alive

RP Possibilities: I'd like to use this character in an RP eventually, one which can put a highlight on the groups that were created around his characterization (ie, the Old Kingdom, the Sleepers) and use some of the lore surrounding the djinn. There's a lot here to play with, don'cha know. PM if interested?

song lyrics: i dare you - shinedown
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"old soldiers never die, they just fade away."
- general macarthur

graphics by goldstrike
the barracks

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 Post subject: Re: The Barracks [foot soldier's characters]
PostPosted: April 9th, 2011, 9:55 pm 
Rider of Rohan
Rider of Rohan
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stay with me
let's just breathe

Name: Nebi

Gender: Female

Skill: Medicine and Poison

Affiliation: Upper Family

Age/Date of Birth: 17 | May 12

yes I understand that every life must end
as we sit alone I know someday we must go

Eyes: Nebi has doe eyes with gunmetal irises. They make her appear innocent and bewildered, her arched eyebrows adding to the effect. She has long, thick lashes which are a dark gray in color, to match her grayed shade of white hair.

Hair: Being born of the Upper Family, Nebi's hair is white. Her hair in particular is shaded slightly gray, giving her hair the appearance of silver much like an elderly woman. The discoloration, however, is very slight, though not slight enough to escape the notice of others in the Upper Family. Her slight gray is likened to the black hair of the Lower Family, a fact her uncle thoroughly denounces as it is a direct slander to his sister's chastity. The tips of her hair at its longest point brush the small of her back.

Height: 5'2"

General Appearance: Nebi is small and slight. She is compactly built and her frame is girlish, though her figure has sufficient curves to hint at femininity. Nebi's legs are long in comparison to the rest of her body. Her nose is a cute button nose and her cheeks are adorned with a pale natural blush. Her lips are full but are almost the same tone as her pale flesh, which Nebi feels throws off the balance of her face. She remedies this with a rosy pink dye to stain her lips a soft pink each morning. Behind her stained lips, Nebi's teeth are somewhat small and perfectly straight and white. Nebi typically wears her hair down as it is long and curly and she likes the way the soft waves bounce down her back, but when she trains, she will fold her tresses into a fishtail braid which lays neatly over her shoulder.

Physically, she is not very strong. Her arms and legs, while toned and in shape, lack any power to do real damage in combat. Her grip is weak, denoting that she lacks strength elsewhere as well. Because she lacks physical prowess, she instead chooses to make her presence one of note by an excess of grace and speed. By years of practice, her gait is one of fluidity and her movements blend perfectly one into the next. She is light on her feet and very quick though she makes very little noise when moving about, making her an excellent eavesdropper. This is beneficial to her in her position in the Upper Family as it requires careful politicking around both her uncle and the elders just to survive.

Dressing Style: Nebi dresses in various shades of blue and gray as a general rule. She wears her clothes loose and tries to forgo footwear as often as possible. As it isn't always appropriate to go barefoot, Nebi often wears sandals. Over all, she is quite modest and doesn't make a fuss over her clothes or expose a vast quantity of skin.

When she is training, however, Nebi dons the more traditional combat clothes of her kinsmen. They are a family who doubles as a small army, and the uniform involved consists of black boots and dark pants without variation. Most persons also wear an armor-like vest, though other types of armor are interchangeable and somewhat common. Nebi's differs from most vests in that it has only one shoulder and is colored her typical dark blue. Generally, she does not wear the armor unless she is planning to spar as it is somewhat heavy and deters her movements. Beneath her vest, she wears a loose cotton shirt in gray. She refuses a helmet as it would impair her vision, though most of the other members of the family wear them.

I wonder everyday as I look upon your face
everything you gave and nothing you would take

General Character Traits: Nebi is naive, gullible, and trusting by nature. As a child she was raised under her uncle's household and taught to believe as he did in all things and because of her amicable personality, Nebi was content. Perhaps a bit slow of wit, she wasn't upset by the idea of being told what to think. She grew up leading a very sheltered life which nurtured her into the possession of an innocent spirit. The girl is extremely polite in all circumstances and very obedient. She knows and understands that she personally is not very smart and so lets those she considers above her in intellect make the decision and does her best to follow them. She is easily controlled in this way once a person has proven or convinced her of their superiority.

A significant portion of Nebi's natural trust, however, died along with her mother. With no mother to look after her, Nebi had to begin looking after herself. She quickly learned all her kinsmen were not exactly as they seemed and began to learn the trait of suspicion. She still has to fight herself not to instantly believe everyone she meets is her friend as her first instinct is still to trust. She has had an incredibly difficult time learning to navigate the harsh environment of the Upper Family on her own.

Nebi is also very compassionate and empathetic. All her life Nebi has been one not only to lament another's troubles with them, but to feel their pain or joy right along with them. She doesn't like to see suffering or inflict it and if she can end it, she will. She is terribly efficient in everything she does because she values a job well done, taking the phrase well done is twice done to heart. She works hard and tries hard to be her best.


    Books: Though she is a slow reader, Nebi enjoys reading books and stories. She greatly enjoys reading the family histories and because of this is slowly noticing that there are vast disparities between the past and present.

    Water: Nebi is an absolute fish, perhaps one of the strongest swimmers in the Upper Family. Her muscles and build make her suited to move in the water and she has a natural talent for keeping even strokes and swimming for long distances. She has surprising endurance in the water.

    Dancing: When Nebi made the conscious decision to focus her physical presence on being graceful in the place of building up an intimidation factor, she did it through dance. Her uncle provided her with an instructor and she learned all sorts of formal dances and learned them well, as she doesn't do anything by halves. She loved the dancing and every chance she gets, she'll get up and begin to move so long as there's music.


    Formal Events: In Nebi's opinion, events that require formality are only redeemed by the fact there will be dancing. She is easy-going and casual in her mannerisms and doesn't enjoy the frilliness of the events and the general pomp and glory in which her uncle revels.

    Being Lead Astray: Nebi is trusting and she hates it when she places her trust in something that doesn't pan out or hurts her in some way. It has happened often, but her gentle and innocent spirit prevents her from becoming jaded. She continually tries to see good in people, which is why she is always so disappointed when people let her down.

Strengths: Nebi's greatest strength is her persistence. She isn't necessarily the very brightest and everyone has at least one good shot to pull one over on her and the first few times she plays a new game, you can count on beating her because she doesn't understand the rules. But she will work tirelessly at anything that she wants to improve on until she has it committed to her mental and muscle memory with absolute perfection. Nebi is one hundred percent committed to the philosophy try, try again, adding to it her own then try harder.

Though she isn't the sharpest, her round about ways of thinking sometimes, not often, lead her to extremely out of the box ideas that make her a hit-and-miss brilliant tactician.

Weaknesses: Nebi isn't always able to think on her feet. She needs a game plan going into anything or else she won't know how to act. She must mentally think out every possible variable in a situation and evaluate each possible response she could have in advance because she simply can't count on her ability to 'wing it' turning out in any way but disastrous.

hold me till I die
meet you on the other side

Immediate Family:

    Father: Nyx Once married to her mother, Nyx displeased Zimran in some manner and was taken from his family to an unknown fate.

    Mother: Tiye A crass woman with a cutthroat personality to match her surviving brother's, Tiye was a force to be reckoned with during her lifetime. She died when her daughter Nebi was a child from childbed fever contracted after the birth of her third child.


    Dant The first born child of Nyx and Tiye, he is Nebi's only surviving sibling. He abandoned the family but was recently forced to return by Zimran.

    Unnamed Boy The child of Tiye and an unknown lover, the boy died shortly after his mother.


    Grandfather: Hadad He was the former Family Head and father of the twins, Zimran and Ntai, and her mother, Tiye.

    Grandmother: Noa Known in her lifetime for her gentleness, this grandmother of Nebi's is perhaps where most of her inherent kindness hails.


      Ntai: Once a rival to Zimran for power, he died on his nineteenth birthday under unusal circumstances.

      Zimran: The current Family Head, it is said he murdered his twin brother for power. He is responsible for creating the syndicate the family now operates.

      Aunt(s): Eleni The wife of Zimran, she is an aloof and cold woman.

      First Cousins: Kameon The young son of Zimran and Eleni, he his spoiled and rude.

Background Story: Coming soon! :D It's in that works, mayne.

practiced on our sins never gonna let me win
under everything just another human being

Note from footie: I'll get her history and an RP response up right quick, I just need to move this post out of my drafts :D

song lyrics: just breathe - pearl jam
character created using a Magical Hogwarts style template
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"old soldiers never die, they just fade away."
- general macarthur

graphics by goldstrike
the barracks

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 Post subject: Re: The Barracks [foot soldier's characters]
PostPosted: April 12th, 2011, 11:23 pm 
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looking good :)
still confused as to gangdeep is though...

"Holmes is a little too scientific for my tastes -- it approaches to cold-bloodedness"

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 Post subject: Re: The Barracks [foot soldier's characters]
PostPosted: April 13th, 2011, 10:43 pm 
Rider of Rohan
Rider of Rohan
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Gagandeep's a genie that I'll use in an RP someday... I hope. I really like him. I just wanted to make a 'creature' character who would fit into the plot of a cheesy romance who wasn't a vampire or werewolf :D


"old soldiers never die, they just fade away."
- general macarthur

graphics by goldstrike
the barracks

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