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 Post subject: Maethoriel's Characters (Update: Villains)
PostPosted: January 14th, 2008, 12:51 am 
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For those of you that haunt tag, you probably know most of my characters, but I'll post the best up here.

Lord of the Rings Characters

Maethoriel Heledir

Age: Far too old (as she generally says, she's in the 5 digits)

Race: Half-elf

Appearance: Short, dark brown hair and eyes. The left side of her face has one long scar starting above her brow, skipping her eye socket and finishing at her lip.

Weapons: She predominately uses sickles, and knives. She finds swords too cumbersome and is completely useless with a bow.

Maethoriel was born in Mirkwood, and is probably one of the first half-elves of Middle Earth. Her father was a merchant and met her mother when he was trading goods with her father. Her mother died when giving birth to Maethoriel's younger sister, her father was able to hold off on leaving Middle Earth for 100 years before his grief overtook him. He entrusted his daughter's care to her grandfather. She became rather restless in the town and left one night without a word, only to find herself in Mordor, she quickly succumbed to the offer of power and learned the way of the sword. She earned the high rank of general before she deserted. After her experience she was greatly changed, often working on both sides to prevent herself from being injured. She was rather strange in her choice of friends and met a dwarf lady by the name of Nin Irohand, the two were fast friends due to similar interest, after Nin passed on Maethoriel befriended her son, Grair and the two were nearly inseparable until something took her away from the mountain. Her last name, Heledir (Kingfisher), is more or less a title that she adopted. It was given to her for various reasons. She has few close friends and tells them little about her life. Her more notable friends is Gandalf the Grey and Radagast the Brown. She met both of them by complete accident while she was lost. Maethoriel is more or less known for the gossip that tends to follow her, there are quite a few rumors about her origins (none of them complementary) and she tends to promote them instead of dispel them simply because it is a great source of entertainment for her.

Mordelwen Heledir

Age: 506

Race: 3/4 Elf

Weapons: None

Appearance: 5'6'' Mordelwen has black hair, blue eyes and fair skin.

Mordelwen is the daughter of Maethoriel and Anarion. She was born in Rivendell and lived there until she was 125. At that time her mother decided to move into a house in the forests outside Bree. Mordelwen stayed there for a few years before returning to Rivendell and taking up healing, after finishing her apprenticeship there she decided to take up residence in Gondor to apply her knowledge in the Houses of Healing. Mordelwen is generally a happy person and this helps greatly when trying to relate to patients. Although she is not physically strong she is very resilient and is nearly always able to bounce back from tough times; she is always the first to look on the bright side. Her friends are her strength and she would do anything for them. Her dearest friends include her mother's group - Juliette, and Ilmarinen. But she also has several dear friends that work with her and has become quite close to one of the son of Hadhod a stone mason in Ered Luin.

Grair Ironhand

Age: 110

Appearance: He is a relatively normal height for dwarves at 4'3''. Grair has a straight red-beard and he is very meticulous about its upkeep. It is nearly always perfectly braided unless he has been in battle.

Weapons: Grair is quite talented with projectile weapons and uses a bow as well as a pair of twin throwing axes when he fights.

History: Grair was born in Ered Luin and lived their until Erebor was retaken by Thorin and his company. He has one brother named Bavor after his father. His mother, Nin -named for the color of her beard- married his father and Bavor adopted his mother's surname after they were married because Nin's family was higher on the social ladder. He inherited his abilities in battle from both of his parents. He met Maethoriel through his mother and they came to be friends over the years. Grair's favorite activities are going to market and haggling with shop owner's as well as flirting with their daughters. This trait has gotten him kicked out of several stores to the amusement of everyone in his family. Although he is not technically taken, he does have a special fondness for a wind-maid named Ilmarinen.

Bavor Ironhand

Age: 130

Appearance: He is the tallest of his family at 4' 5'' and is considered lanky for a dwarf. Bavor inherited his mother's dark blue and wavy hair. He has black eyes like the rest of his family.

Weapons: Bavor favors a large battle axe that was made for him by his grandfather. Like all warriors he also keeps a few knives with him, but they are rarely needed.

History: Bavor was born in Ered Luin, but moved to Erebor with his family after the Battle of Five armies. He originally had a twin, named Bain, but he passed away several days after birth from a bad cold. Bavor is not as jovial as his brother and tends to keep to himself and like most dwarves he has an inherit dislike of most foreigners. Bavor is considered to be gifted in picking out the best stones and cutting them so that they are brought to their best value.

Pirates of the Carribean

Christine Geddes

Age: 30

Description: 5'6'' lanky, red head, tan but has freckles as her skin was at one time fair.


<A HREF="">Christine 1</A>

Weapons: Cutlass, dagger (kept in boot), and a pistol, she is relatively hopeless with all of them save the cutlass (she knows that she is to swing the sharp part at her attacker). Her pistol is also never loaded, it's just there for scaring purposes, she can't stand the thought of actually shooting someone.

Attitude: Christine tries to be calm and collected (she fails most of the time). She is always there for her friends. Christine is quick to trust and slow to judge, she's been used a few times because of this, but she always bounces back. She is a follower by nature, but can step up to a leading position if pushed, but she is not generally fond of the limelight.

History: She was born in London and is an aquaintance of the Beckett family. Her father is a wealthy merchant that owns quite a few ships. She became a pirate by accident, she was on a ship to her Aunt's when the crew mutinied. She was forced to join or be marooned with the captain, she stayed on until they reached Tortuga where she decided to stay until she could return home. She lived in a brothel in Tortuga under the ownership of Belinda for five years. She knows Jack through what she tends to call, "unfortunate circumstances of fate." Now she is once again back on the piracy track.

Belinda McKlemurry

Age: 39

Occupation: Brothel owner


<A HREF="">Belinda 1</A>

History/Attitude: She is very independent and a shrewd buisness woman. The girls that live with her are like her children and she is well known for a putting bullets in men who try and mistreat them. She was born in Tortuga and inherited ownership of the brothel from her mother.

Rosie Miller

Age: 20


<A HREF="">Rosie 1</A>

Attitude: Rosie is very bubbly and vivacious, she loves attention of any sort and often tries to draw conversations to focus on her. She is more than a little vain, but tries exceedingly hard to be nice to others.

History: Rosie was born and raised in Tortuga by her single mother who worked as a Lady of the Night (hurray for fun words). When she was around sixteen she learned her mother's trade and became quite proficient at reeling in men. Her mother died of consumption when Rosie turned eighteen. Unable to afford rent on the apartment she moved into Belinda's brothel, The Boar's Head, and has been there ever since.

Jonathon (Jonah) Colden Gow

Age: 25

<A HREF="">Jonah 1</A>

Attitude: Cold, calculating, vindictive, easily angered but he puts up a near flawless front of kind, sincere and personable young man.

History: Jonathon was raised in the London slums where he worked under a butcher as a runner and later an apprentice. He liked to indulge on women, and drink and it ended up getting him thrown out of his job - which he found dull and mundane anyway - at seventeen. He was took to the streets where he found a talent for weaseling pretty girls from their coins. This talent was not unnoticed as a buisnessman took him under his wing as a collector of unsavory debts, it was here that he also learned to put his butcher skills to use. Unfortunately he botched a job and made a run for it on the high seas stowing aboard a craft that landed in Tortuga. Once landed he sent word to his former employer and job requests began rolling in - murders, collections, anything under the table he became a master of (including hiding his identity which remained unknown to all save his first employer who also acted as the middleman in his jobs and collected a fee from each - a small thing for secrecy). He remade himself in Tortuga as a well to do man down on his luck forced into piracy, and in that place he found his heaven - drink and women were easy to come by and those that landed there were not particularly bright so money was not too difficult to find if jobs were low.

Bartleby Jones
(Actor: Jared Padalecki)

Age: 29

Picture: <A HREF="">Bartleby 1</A>

Weapons: Cutlass, Dagger, Pistol, Hands

History: Bartleby was born to an upstanding family in one of England's colonies in Jamaica. His father was an officer in the Royal Navy and Bartleby was on the track to be just like him. He started out well intentioned, and then began taking on side jobs when he was captain like Rum Running and smuggling. His crew was loyal and many of them tired of switching ships and ports, plus the bonuses of under the table jobs were nothing to sniff at. It was after three years at sea that Bartleby and his crew became true pirates. They attacked a Spanish corsair bringing food to a town on the coast, looted it and killed the crew finally setting it ablaze. After that he was disowned by the Navy, but he gained new employment as a privateer under the EITC. He and his crew took up in Tortuga where they became known for their ruthless nature. Bartleby especially took to the lifestyle and was known for his penchant of taking advantage of the harlots and stealing their earnings for sport. He and his men often kept tally and a prize was awarded to the one with the most "wenches caught." It was well known when he came to town as it often caused many of the Tortuga girls to go into hiding. None of the other pirates dared to touch them for fear of bringing the EITC down on themselves considering that Bartleby was a very successful privateer and brought in considerable amounts of money.


Vanessa Ann Nodier
(Actress: Karen Gillan)

Alias: Ersatz

Age: 22

Appearance: <A HREF="">Vanessa 1</A>

Alliance: Hero

Super power: Shape shifter - animals, close combat

History: Vanessa was adopted by the Nodiers at a young age and became, for all intents and purposes, Alecia's twin. She and Alecia are very close. The went to a small private school where she and Alecia first discovered their powers. One day after soccer she sat staring up at the sky wondering what it would feel like to fly. After several minutes of agony, she found that a pair of lopsided wings had torn through her shirt. Through much practice she began to learn how to imitate animals, but she could never quite get the hang of changing into other people - which she figured was for the best.

Alecia Nicole Nodier
(Actress: Mia Wasikowska)

Alias: The Chameleon

Age: 22

Appearance: Blonde hair, blue eyes, light skin. She tends to lean towards comfortable clothing with jeans and tshirts. Her super outfit is a pair of stretchy yoga pants and any color top she can find.

Picture: <A HREF="">Alecia 1</A>

<A HREF="">Alecia 2</A>

Super power: Blending in, close combat, trailing missions

Alliance: Hero

History: Alecia and her sister grew up in a relatively calm environment. Neither of them really realized that they had a super power until they were older. Alecia discovered that she seemed to slip from people's mind the moment after they met her and that she was exceptionally good at evading people in crowds. Most of her good friends only remember her because she has been around for over seven years, and even then their memories of Alecia are pleasant, but blurry. Her sister told her that her super power was more of evening the odds since she couldn't see anyone they might as well not see her.

*Note: Alecia is blind and got her super name from a childhood nickname.


Name: Garrett Christopher Ross
(Actor: Channing Tatum)

Alias: Armour

Age: 24

Appearance: Dark brown hair with light green eyes. He likes to wear jeans and a t-shirt.

Super Power: Super strength and durability

Alliance: Villains

<A HREF="">Garrett</A>

<A HREF="">With supersuit</A>

History: Garett started out as a normal kid without any problems except with authority. He hated being told what to do and how to do it always opting for his own way. He found out about his power at a young age as both of his parents were gifted with similar abilities - he inherited them both. This gave him a sense of self assurance that made others feel that he looked down on them and perhaps he did. As he grew older his unwillingness to obey other became a habit that began to get him into trouble with law enforcement in his town. He didn't want to go to jail so he went to where crime was abundant and he could get lost in the crowd - Stack city. There he joined the group of villains where he found that his problem with authority could turn up a good pay.

Real World/Various Fandoms

Kelly Maven Oliver

Age: 23

Appearance: Dark hair, dark eyes, short, tan.

History: From New Orleans originally, but moved all around the country due to her Father's job. Her mother and father divorced when she was 21. Her father learned that he had stage 4 lymphatic cancer and died two years after. Her mother is set to remarry a man in his 30s named Kenneth. Maven found a Primatech folder while cleaning her father's apartment and after inquiring after what went on in the company she joined for the thrill and because she wanted to better understand her father. She has developed a semi-friendship with Noah Bennet, Matt Parkman and has found her nemesis/rival in Gabriel who joined up near the same time as her. This rivalry has been put to the test several times now as Sylar left the company to persue his own - what she considers - selfish and insane goals.

Adam LeBeau

Age: 19

Attitude: Cocky, sure of himself, suggestive and often times rude. He does not speak a lot. Very much the bachelor player and loves every minute of it.

Appearance: Short blonde hair, blue eyes,

History: From Alabama he was born and raised in Birmingham and had a scholarship to play football, but he passed saying he would take it next year as he wanted a year off to work. He has a job as an assitant football and soccer coach at a highschool - which he thinks is the best job in the world.

Valeriya Z. Petrova

Age: 25

Appearance: Red hair, green eyes, light skin, medium height

Attitude: Deceptively happy, manipulative, calculating, distant to a point, possible sociopath.

History: Born in Russia to Helene and Peter. Peter, her father, was originally from Cardiff where the family relocated after Valeriya's birth. When she was three Peter became involved with UNIT and achieved a high rank and quite a bit of credibility until he retired. Valeriya grew up in a relatively normal household, went to a nice private school where she made impressive grades and finished college with equally good marks and majored in Bio Engineering with a minor in Chemistry. After two years of working in as a lab tech she was offered a job by UNIT in one of there top secret labs where she excelled in thinking out of the box. She quickly climbed through the ranks and met one Harold Saxon during a visit where she made an obvious impression. After winning the election he immediately promoted her and put her in charge of one of the bases out of the country. Namely, in the Himalayas.

Madison Constance Walker (Addie)

Age: 21

Appearance: Brown hair, brown eyes, normal stature, with light skin.

Personality: Easy going - almost to the point of being lazy. She tends to be sarcastic and uses this to hide her emotions. Although not the most in tune to others feelings she tends to be the one most come to when they need truly honest advice.

History: Addie was born in the States in a town called Waco. After graduating High School she attended University of Texas where she started her marketing program. After a few semesters of college she found a program where she could attend another college outside the country. She starts after Christmas break, but as she lives so far from the school she paid for a room inside a bed and breakfast in Cardiff where she will be staying the remainder of the Christmas holidays so she can be better acquainted with the city and those about it.

Heavens no. Hell Yeah.



Set 1: Nurr | Set 2: Me

Last edited by Maethoriel on July 20th, 2010, 11:58 pm, edited 36 times in total.

 Post subject:
PostPosted: January 14th, 2008, 12:58 am 
Hobbit at Heart
Hobbit at Heart
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You all still RP in tag?



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PostPosted: January 15th, 2008, 12:14 am 
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There are quite a few of us, actually. If you're an oldie then you proably remember a few of them.

Heavens no. Hell Yeah.



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PostPosted: January 19th, 2008, 12:58 am 
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~sighs dramatically~ Well I quit the tag recently, but I would LOVE to still be Rp-ing there. Fun times, eh Maeth? But i suppose that if you are an oldie... The tag has sentimental value for me :) But no more Rp-ing there.

So much for quitting AU, sheesh! XD


And all will turn to silver glass...

By Goldstrike

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PostPosted: January 20th, 2008, 10:40 pm 
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Lol, very true Saira. Although didn't you quit because of school? I may be joining you soon...*le sigh* the rps are getting somewhat monotonous. Good times indeed.

Heavens no. Hell Yeah.



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PostPosted: January 21st, 2008, 2:31 am 
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Because of school among other things Mae love. Im starting volunteering work and indian classical dancing again so... But mostly school >.<

XD I suppose that after a few hundred Rp's they all start looking the same, eh? Im always looking for fresh ideas however ;) Oh and forgive my epic 'brb'


And all will turn to silver glass...

By Goldstrike

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PostPosted: June 9th, 2008, 4:51 pm 
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Yay! I finally updated, I now have two characters up!

Heavens no. Hell Yeah.



Set 1: Nurr | Set 2: Me

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PostPosted: September 11th, 2008, 3:08 pm 
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Ooh! Look, more updates.

Heavens no. Hell Yeah.



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PostPosted: April 19th, 2009, 8:10 pm 
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Woo! More characters up!

Heavens no. Hell Yeah.



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PostPosted: August 3rd, 2009, 3:20 pm 
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Added: Maven, Valeriya and Madison

Heavens no. Hell Yeah.



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PostPosted: February 8th, 2010, 2:04 am 
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Added: Jonah Gow

Heavens no. Hell Yeah.



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PostPosted: April 26th, 2010, 10:27 pm 
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Added: Supers!

Heavens no. Hell Yeah.



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PostPosted: April 26th, 2010, 10:30 pm 
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Yay! Maeth jumped on the bandwagon!! :D

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PostPosted: April 26th, 2010, 11:56 pm 
Lady of Gondolin
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I have a shape-shifter too! Only he is evil... well sometimes muahaha :lol:


The waves that C R A S H E D upon
The R O C K S that you were trying to step along
And in my head I heard them play a S O N G

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PostPosted: April 27th, 2010, 12:37 am 
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Haha! I know, I couldn't resist. I'll have some villains up later no doubt. Super heroes and villains are just so much fun. Oohhhh....Shapeshifter battle of the century, Panda? I think so.

Heavens no. Hell Yeah.



Set 1: Nurr | Set 2: Me

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PostPosted: April 27th, 2010, 3:10 pm 
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Ha ha, whenever I read "Ersatz" I think of the book by Lemony Snicket "The Ersatz Elevator" in the <i>Series of Unfortunate Events</i>... Yeah, feel free to call me weird or a dork, or a weird dork. xD

But I agree that they are huge fun to RP and soon we should be setting one up. *le nod* Still trying to finish some of my bios though... seems like it'll take forever. :P

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