THE FALL OF THE REMNANT: Character/Info Topic
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Author:  SI~Dhodrimme [ April 4th, 2006, 11:01 pm ]
Post subject: 

Thank you! :D Now all I have to do is find a place to enter upon.... and one not so crowded... lol

Author:  tulk [ April 5th, 2006, 12:38 am ]
Post subject: 

FAQ – Frequently Asked Questions (or FMM – Frequently Made Mistakes)

Q: What do the forces of Angmar consist of?
A: As for as my knowledge goes, this is generally unknown, but I would place a strong guess that the Witch-king’s army is made up of mostly humans with a few orc legions or so.

Q: What’s the capitol of Arthedain?
A: Fornost.

Q: What’s the capitol of Gondor?
A: Osgiliath.

Q: Where’s the White Tree?
A: Minas Anor (Tirith).

Q: What’s the name of Minas Tirith?
A: Minas Anor.

Q: What’s the name of Minas Morgûl?
A: Minas Ithil.

Q: What’s going on in Mordor?
A: Gondor has it under strict supervision.

Q: Where’s Sauron?
A: In Dol Guldur in Mirkwood under the guise of the Necromancer. No one currently knows it is him.

Q: What of the Istari?
A: Saruman and the Blue Wizards are in the east, but it is unknown where Gandalf and Radagast are… probably wandering around somewhere.

Q: What’s the state of the war between Angmar and the kingdoms of Arnor (Arthedain, Rhudaur, Cardolan)?
A: Angmar has taken over most of Rhudaur (the northeastern kingdom), has severely weakened Cardolan (the southeastern kingdom), and is rumored to be about to march on Fornost, the capitol of Arthedain (the western kingdom) within this next year (1432 TA). This is entirely speculation, as there are little details on when Fornost was attacked, but that’s the way we’re playing.

Q: Does Khazâd-Dum exist yet?
A: Yes. It is at its height, actually.

Q: Where are the hobbits?
A: Out there somewhere, I suppose. Just not in the Shire.

Q: Where are the Rohirrim?
A: Up north, at the very beginning of the Anduin, by Mirkwood. They’re known as the Northmen.

Q: What if I have another question?
A: Ask it.

Q: Are there many orcs in the Misty Mountains?
A: Not many, except for the very top around Mount Gundabad.

Q: What if some of this information is wrong?
A: Tell me. I'll fix it.

Author:  Aemornion [ April 5th, 2006, 4:43 am ]
Post subject: 

Good job on the FAQ tulk!

But one small digresion regarding the first Q/A. Think you can add wolves also beside the wild men and the orcs. Im not 100% sure about this but I did read this somewhere but i cant put my finger on it.

Author:  Nienor [ April 5th, 2006, 7:32 am ]
Post subject: 

May I reserve a human? I'm not sure I'll join, but I may.

Author:  tulk [ April 5th, 2006, 9:51 am ]
Post subject: 

sure thing, nie.

Author:  SI~Dhodrimme [ April 5th, 2006, 10:31 am ]
Post subject: 

Could I possible acquire a banner such as you have, tulk? The top one of course.... lol

Author:  tulk [ April 5th, 2006, 11:10 am ]
Post subject: 

sure thing, i'll have it to you by tomorrow.

Author:  SI~Dhodrimme [ April 5th, 2006, 11:33 am ]
Post subject: 

Thanks tons!

Author:  Curunìr [ April 5th, 2006, 11:40 am ]
Post subject: 

(I noticed that dwarves are available so I`ll be one, but explain me that how do they fit in the picture since they weren`t in the war? Just as an individual?)

Name: Berthol Son of Branth
Race: Dwarf
Gender: Male
Age: 79
Occupation: Merchant
Hair: Long brown and a beard, which he keeps open unlike many other dwarves that tend to tail them, but yet he is very young and eager not to mention has a way of trying to stand out from the crowd, but not rebellious to say the least.
Eyes: Brown
Height: 4`8 (I am not quite sure...)

Picture: ... Detail.jpg

Clothing: Brown clothing(the basic stuff) with some white parts in them, over them he wears a brown flexible studded leather armour. Besides them he wears properly shoulder pads and boots that protect him up to his knees. He also wears a brown cape made out of some animals fur that he has hunted down and then a helmet with small spikes that really have no use in combat going across it.

Belongings: His trusty morning star with two heads and a round shield that he usually carries on his back, he also carries a shortsword with him, but rarely uses it. Other items he carry is his normal travelling equipment, but those he usually lets the horse carry, if he has one.

Expertise: He is somewhat odd for a dwarf since he is more of a merchant than a smith, he usually tries to persuade, if possible than try another option and yet when he needs to take the path of violence he can more than well protect himself not to mention bash his foes with his weapon.

Personality: A very young and talkative dwarf somewhat ready to make connections as long as they would get him some use, but when he befriend someone truly and likes them then he is very loyal. He is very eager to show his talents, but he isn`t too keen to do battle unless his friends or property is at stake, which usually are.


He was born in a rich family in the dwarvish society, he was given all the right things for a life, but yet his father maintained a certain level discipline since he knew well that the boy was to be his follower. At a young age Berthol was involved in small mining operations and sometimes went with his father to do business with some other races all tough that was very rare. Rest of his youth or first parts of his life since he is still relatively young as he has only lived about 3/10 of his life, he spent at home organizing his fathers business as he was away. He has taken few times part in small hunting groups, that is when he killed a bear from, whiches fur he made his cloak.

One day they ran into orcs as they went too far and two of them died, the first day he killed an orc he became to hate them over everything since they would always be in the way of the dwarves prospering. Usually he has been maintaining some connections into the outside world as he hasn`t really left his home in many years and has been looking after his fathers work or at least making his word easier.


Author:  Nienor [ April 5th, 2006, 8:08 pm ]
Post subject: 

Thank you, Tulk. Character in the works.

Author:  Turin [ April 7th, 2006, 8:30 am ]
Post subject: 

Name: Hrothgar

Race: Human, soldier or Gondor, stationed in Minas Ithil

Gender: Male

Age: 61

Hair: Long, unkempt red hair, shaggy short red beard

Eyes: Dark Brown

Height: 6'9"

Clothing: Wears a long brown fur coat over intimidating plate and mail armour emblazoned with the standard of Gondor. The coat is held at the neck by a chain of Mithril, a gift from the dwarves of Khazad-Dum. Hrothgar wears a helm known once as the Dragon-Helm of Dor-lómin, the helm of Hador. The helm has a visor which protects the user against arrow fire or even dragon flame as it was originally made for during the first age. Upon it's crest is the image of the ancient dragon wyrm Glaurung.

Belongings: As well as the helm of Hador, Hrothgar has to himself a mighty two-handed battle axe forged for him by the dwarves of Khazad-Dum which is named the hand of Hrothgar by King Durin IV. The axe is adorned with a precious gemstone at the end of the handle.
Hrothgar has also to himself 2 single handed fighting axes named simply 'steelclaw' and 'reaver'.

Expertise: A master fighter with axes and fists. Hrothgar is also adept in mining, blacksmithing and jewelcrafting.
Personality: Hrothgar is a warm hearted man, with great sense in pride and justice. He is slow to anger yet fierce and fearsome when enraged. Due to his size and stature, Hrothgar is often sent into the many battles of his time yet he would prefer nothing better than to pass the time with friends, laughing and drinking. Hrothgar's simple ideals and values have enamoured him well to the dwarves and he is often known to the dwarven race as 'dwarf-friend'.
He is shy and clumsy around females and has never taken a wife.

History: Hrothgar is a mighty and highly valued soldier of the southern armies. For years he has went into fierce battle in the name of Gondor and the King. In his younger years, Hrothgar made many visits to Moria and built a strong, unwavering friendship with the Dwarves. Any time Hrothgar ever has away from his duties he often spends in Khazad-dum learning all he can from the dwarves of mining, blacksmithing and jewelcrafting.
In the growing unrest surrounding Gondor, Hrothgar's views and alliegances are unclear. When asked he would simply say that he had no interest in the affairs of the wordly men of Gondor.
One thing clear is that if civil war would break out, either side would desperately want the hand of Hrothgar at thier side.
Hrothgar has a elderly father who has been unwell for the past 2 years from an ailment unbekown to the healers of Gondor, he has no mother or brothers and sisters. His father, like Hrothgar was a proud man, he taught Hrothgar the values to be learned in life. He also taught Hrothgar to read and write in the languages of men and dwarves.
One time, at a time of peace when his services were not needed in Gondor, Hrothgar went hunting with 2 dwarven friends far to the west, to the coast. They entered the small woods of Eryn Vorn when remarkably Hrothgar came across a sealed case washed up upon the shore. Opening the box he found a kingly helm, the helm of Hador. He has carried it into battle ever since, much to the dismay of his enemies.

Author:  Miremiel [ April 7th, 2006, 2:15 pm ]
Post subject: 

Looks great to me! All three accepted.

Curunír - Yeah, the dwarves didn't have anything to do with neither of the wars. Perhaps, though, you can use the fact that you're a merchant. And Hrothgar is a friend of dwarves, maybe you have connections to him?

Elegost - Quick mentioning, Minas Tirith is currently called Minas Anor.

So, unless I'm forgetting anything, y'all set. =)

Author:  Turin [ April 7th, 2006, 7:35 pm ]
Post subject: 

thanks mire... now i just gotta think of a interesting way to stumble into this story.

Author:  Curunìr [ April 8th, 2006, 2:46 am ]
Post subject: 

Miremiel wrote:
Looks great to me! All three accepted.

Curunír - Yeah, the dwarves didn't have anything to do with neither of the wars. Perhaps, though, you can use the fact that you're a merchant. And Hrothgar is a friend of dwarves, maybe you have connections to him?

fine by me :-D

Author:  tulk [ April 9th, 2006, 12:42 am ]
Post subject: 

just because it doesn't mention the dwarves' involvement in the war doesn't mean they weren't involved.

Author:  Alatariel [ April 9th, 2006, 9:35 am ]
Post subject: 

Hey guys I just wanted to post that I'm so sorry I haven't posted yet. Life has been crazy, looking at universities, family members going to jail, trying to find a job, etc. But hopefully next soon this week I'll be able to post again!

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