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 Post subject: ~*New* Goldy's POTC Characters ~ *CONSTRUCTION*
PostPosted: January 17th, 2011, 9:25 pm 

Joined: 18 October 2007
Posts: 4502

<center> [Layout is inspired by Lothy, Calloniel (PD), Pan, Aramel and Raven's ~ All headers by PD]


Last updated :: Janurary 18th 2011
Added/updated :: New bios

Adélaïde Beauchamp
Angel Summers
Bathsheba-Juliet Summers
Cairbre Eagle
Eve Summers
Guinevere Elliot
Marianne Black
Morgaine Ellis
Rosalind Eagle
Tristan Elm

Annabelle Wallis
Avril Lavigne
Bartek Borowiec
Clemence Poesy
Jeremy Irons
Jessica Biel
Lucy Griffiths
Matthew Macfadyen
Miranda Otto
Matthew Macfadyen
Natalie Dormer
Tamzin Merchant

Amanda Seyfried
Cate Blanchett
Claire Danes
Holliday Grainger
Michelle Ryan
Katie Mcgrath


t h e b a s i c s

Name: Adélaïde Beauchamp
Pronunciation: A-day-la-EED BUU-shomm
Nicknames: Addy (A-day)
Gender: Female
Ethnicity: French
Age: Two and twenty
Date of birth: 1st July 1696
Social status:
Played by: Lucy Griffiths

a p p e a r a n c e

Hair colour: Dark brown
Hair style: Her hair tumbles just past her shoulders in thick, gentle waves. For practicality, she sometimes twists her hair up in a chignon, or sweeps it back from her face with a ribbon.
Eye colour: Blue
Height: 5’6”
Build: Average height, with healthy curves and a defined waist
Fashion: Addy is a seamstress, and makes her own clothes. Her attire is not rich, but pretty none the less. She mostly wears gowns, in soft subtle shades such as blue, embroidered in delicate, flowery patterns by her own hand. However, when occasion calls for it, such as on the high seas, she will wear breeches and stockings paired with black pirate boots. However, she always keeps her attire as feminine as possible, often tying a patterned sash about her waist, and wearing pretty pieces of jewelry.
Distinguishing features: Her gentle blue gaze

p e r s o n a l i t y

Overview: Adélaïde is almost the exact opposite of her elder sister Lucette; she is quite reserved and unselfish, caring more for others than she does about herself. She is naturally sweet-tempered and often acts as a peace-maker. However, despite all of this, when severely provoked – for instance if someone slights her family - a fiery temper brims to the surface, although she always tries her best to keep it in check, knowing there is no use in lashing out. Adélaïde feels emotions intensely, especially grief; some could say she is sometimes over-sensitive.

Likes: – Music
- Reading poetry and sonnets
- The sound of the ocean
- Sewing gowns

Dislikes: – Arguments
- Misery
- Loneliness

Habits: – Humming under her breath
- Singing snatches of song
- Acting as a mediator during family arguments

Strengths: – Her unfailing kindness
- Easy to talk to, due to her soothing nature
- Skilled swordswoman
- Expert seamstress

Weaknesses: – Not very handy with a pistol
- Sympathizing too intensely with the emotions of others

Fears: – Losing those she cares about
- Falling in love again


h i s t o r y

Parents: – Gardiner Beauchamp (Father) (Deceased)
- Marguerite Prideaux (Mother) (Unknown)

Childhood: Adélaïde was the fifth child born to Gardiner Beauchamp and Marguerite Prideaux. Like her surviving siblings, Addy was born on a pirate ship in the middle of the Mediterranean sea, and was raised amongst pirates; and so, from an early age she was exposed to the way the world of piracy worked. The Beauchamp children were mostly deprived of parental love and care, but they formed a close family amongst themselves, with Quincy and Lucette acting in the parental roles. Addy was always closest to Grégoire, since they were closest in age, and they were of similar dispositions.

Adolesence: Adélaïde was eleven years old when Quincy and Lucette left the family ship. Although she was still a child, Addy worried for their siblings’ safety as Grégoire did, wondering how the two eldest children would get by alone, away from the family fold. However, their parents did not seem to concern themselves with this, and Addy tried her best to take her mind off worrying, although she found it difficult. As she became a teenager, her interests moved towards sewing and music; Addy had a somewhat philosophical passion for beauty, and as the years went by she found herself yearning to fulfill dreams she told no one of. At the age of sixteen, she fell in love with a poor cooper aboard the ship. To her, he was the most wonderful young man in the world, and after a few months of courtship they both agreed they should be married. They became engaged, and Addy informed Grég of their attachment. He had no objections, and soon they left their parents’ ship, to settle down in Perpigan, France. For a while they lived happily, and Addy made all kinds of plans for her up and coming wedding, but after several years her engagement was suddenly and unexpectedly ended. This broke Addy’s heart, and she became absolutely inconsolable. Furious that his sister had been so cruelly discarded, Grég challenged the young man to a duel. Addy begged him not to, but she was unable to dissuade him. During the fight, Grég’s right arm was wounded, and Addy felt it was her fault. Although Grég retrained himself to write and fire a gun with his left hand/arm, Addy still tortured herself with guilt. They both remained living in Perpigan, and were one day surprised by a visit from their siblings, Quincy and Lucette. Lucette at first seemed incredibly out of sorts, and much confusion followed, especially when Quincy left shortly after dropping Lucette off, not saying anything about what had happened during the seven years they’d been gone.

Adulthood: Addy was nineteen when Lucette gave birth to a baby boy, who she named Philippe. Grég and Addy both doted on their new nephew, although their sister did not seem very pleased at his birth. Neither of them were able to persuade Lucette to tell them what had happened, and who the baby’s father was. Grég and Addy often discussed this with each other, both utterly confused about the situation. Several months later, Lucette left again, leaving her child’s care to her siblings. Addy took on the role of the child’s mother; she was glad to look after Philippe, being very affectionate towards him, but she still believed that Lucette should have a role in his upbringing. After Lucette’s departure, Quincy returned, during which time he and Grég discussed secret matters between themselves. Addy guessed that Quincy was divulging what had happened while they had been away. Quincy remained with them for a time, but shortly afterwards he left again. Addy began to sense that Grég was becoming restless with their life on land; she, too, longed to roam the seas again. However, she was much distracted with her nephew’s upbringing. She was a loving aunt, frequently singing French lullabies to him, and sewing him baby clothes. The next visit that Quincy made was much longer; he never explained why this was, but he remained with them for a year, before he acquired his own vessel, requesting that Grég be his first mate. Grég accepted, and Addy decided to go with them on their adventures, decreeing that it would be good for Philippe to become accustomed to life on the seas from a young age.

f a m i l y

Romantic interests:
Father: Gardiner Beauchamp
Mother: Marguerite Prideaux
Siblings: Quincy-Auguste (Living)
Lucette (Living)
Grégoire (Living)
Louis (Deceased)
Nephew: Philippe Beauchamp-Kerringston (Living)


t h e b a s i c s

Name: Angel Summers
Gender: Female
Ethnicity: English
Age: Twenty
Date of birth:
Social status:
Played by: Tamzin Merchant

a p p e a r a n c e

Hair colour: Blonde
Hair style: Angel generally leaves her hair loose, to hang down her back in softly curling waves, but she often enjoys experimenting with it, sometimes plaiting it with beads. She takes enormous pride in keeping her hair in good condition.
Eye colour: Blue
Distinguishing features:

p e r s o n a l i t y

Overview: Angel is a vivacious girl, and her demeanor brims with energy. She is kind-hearted by nature, but she can sometimes come across as a little self-centered, and distracted from the worries of others. However, she is capable of empathy, and tries to cheer people up when they seem cast down. But from time to time she can become absorbed in her own problems. She is always particularly concerned about taking care of her appearance, believing that her looks are all she has; she considers herself stupid, and often compares her intellect to her older sister Eve’s.

Likes: -

Dislikes: -

Habits: -

Strengths: -


Fears: -


h i s t o r y

Parents: – Benjamin Summers (Father) (Deceased)
- Cordelia Williams

f a m i l y

Romantic interests:
Siblings: Eve Summers
Robert Summers
Henry Summers
Cousin on father’s side: Bathsheba-Juliet Summers


t h e b a s i c s

Name: Bathsheba-Juliet Summers
Gender: Female
Ethnicity: English
Age: Six and twenty
Date of birth: 15th August 1692
Social status:
Played by: Annabelle Wallis

a p p e a r a n c e

Hair colour: Blonde
Hair style:
Eye colour: Blue
Height: 5’7”
Distinguishing features:

p e r s o n a l i t y

Overview: Bathsheba-Juliet is an immensely proud young woman, who has always had great expectations of herself. She carries herself with great dignity, and believes herself to be a cut above anyone she meets. Musically gifted and undeniably beautiful, she has always considered herself to be destined for magnificence. Anyone who suggests otherwise will soon regret it, for she has an awful temper which, when unleashed, is terrifying to behold. However, she is not without her good qualities; despite being inclined to bitterness, Bathsheba also has a kind side to her nature, which she tries her best to conceal. She does not want to seem weak, but often despite this she finds herself indulging in acts of kindness. But, as life has gone on, she has continued to believe that life has dealt her unfair trials, and she wishes for vengeance. Beneath all of this, Bathsheba-Juliet is quite a vulnerable person, who hides from her better nature.

Likes: – Playing her violin
- Finery
- Being admired

Dislikes: – Poverty
- Being let down
- Piracy

Habits: – Mood swings and tantrums
- Locking herself away with her violin when angry
- Looking down on those she considers less worthy than her

Strengths: – Her strength of mind
- Sheer determination to get ahead in life
- Strong and capable in a fight, partly due to her fiery temper
- Hiding beneath her various flaws, she has a genuinely good heart

Weaknesses: – Pride and haughtiness
- Her terrible temper

Fears: – Spending the rest of her life alone
- Permanent poverty


h i s t o r y

Parents: – James Summers (Father) (Living)
- Rosemary Collins (Mother) (Living)

Childhood: Bathsheba-Juliet was the first and only child born to James Summers and Rosemary Collins. Her father came from a poor family, but his determination to be a success had made him considerably well-off. He had started by sailing on merchant ships and becoming acquainted with the world of trade, eventually becoming a cloth merchant. He was proud of the fact that he came from poor roots, but his wife Rosemary disliked speaking about his heritage. Bathsheba was treated to every luxury as a child, and grew up somewhat spoiled, having never experienced the poverty her father had suffered in his younger years. She was given a splendid education, and was taught the skills and customs of a gentlewoman, something which her mother insisted on. However, it became clear early on that Bathsheba was musically talented, and her father indulged her wish to learn the violin. From then on she dedicated hours to perfecting her skill as a violinist, and all who heard her playing agreed that she was exceptionally gifted. Her childhood was a happy one, and she was free from the cares of life.

Adolesence: As Bathsheba became a young lady, it was made absolutely clear that a lot was expected from her in marriage. Her mother desperately wanted her to make a good marriage, so that their family could secure an alliance with a wealthy, respectable family; most of all, she wanted her daughter married into the gentry. Her father, however, wished for Bathsheba to marry for love; he wanted her to be happy, and did not hold with his wife’s ideas. However, Bathsheba was entranced by finery and riches, and would not say no to the chance of marrying a gentleman. She had grown into a slightly conceited young woman, and was largely concerned with her own beauty and talent. The first glance of a lifestyle different from hers was when she and her parents visited her father’s younger brother, her uncle, Benjamin Summers. Her mother had objected to the visit, since Benjamin and his family lived in considerable poverty, but her father had been adamant that he’d not shun his own brother. Bathsheba was appalled upon seeing the small house Benjamin, his wife and children lived in, but became quite taken with the countryside surrounding it. Upon meeting Eve and Angel Summers, she was at first unsure of them and their poor attire, and delighted in discreetly taunting them about their own “inadequacy”. However, she soon acknowledged that they were perfectly nice girls, however poor they were. She had several conversations with Eve which opened her eyes to the life they led; she became a little guilty that she had been cruel enough to snub her own cousins. One evening, she decided to play the violin to her relatives as they sat around the fireplace. This was a great success, although her parents were not there to witness this event, since Rosemary had demanded that they lodge in a local tavern instead of their relatives’ guest room. By the time the visit drew to it’s end, Bathsheba had learnt a lot about herself and life. She had not been completely transformed, but she found herself a little more tolerant and perhaps less self-important. However, when she arrived back home she resumed a lot of her bad habits, although she never forgot her cousins nor the time she’d spent with them.

Adulthood: Upon reaching the age of twenty, Bathsheba began to fear becoming an old maid, and continually pestered her father to find her a husband. However, his business was beginning to experience a little trouble; James Summers found that he had more competition for trade, and he was losing customers. Bathsheba remained unaware of this, and frequently voiced her complaints about her life. She demanded that she be married at once, to a man of good breeding and great wealth. Her father eventually had to explain to her that business was difficult at the moment, and his failings meant that Bathsheba had become less eligible for marriage. Hearing this news, she threw a violent tantrum, and locked herself in her chamber. Above anything else, she feared being poor. The thought of being a nobody, without money or prospects, terrified her. She eventually reconciled herself with her father, apologizing for her extreme reaction, but she still remained very anxious. As the years went by and she remained unmarried, she considered the idea of forging a marriage for herself, without her father’s help. However, when her mother caught her flirting with one of their various guests, she slapped her and gave her a lengthy lecture on propriety. Rosemary was absolutely determined to maintain the family’s reputation; being married to a man who had acquired his wealth through business had always worried her, and she did not want disrepute to come to their name. Bathsheba was incredibly upset, and locked herself away again, refusing to speak to anyone, and playing melancholy tunes on her violin for hours. More years passed, and as her father’s business continually dwindled, and the family’s wealth decreased, Bathsheba became very embittered. Her outlook on life was bleak, and she longed to somehow seek revenge for the turn her life had taken. When her father had to close his business, Bathsheba was disgusted. She decided to leave home, having no idea where she would go. She believed that she’d been failed in every way, and that her grand life had been wrongfully robbed from her.

f a m i l y

Romantic interests:
Father: James Summers
Mother: Rosemary Collins
Siblings: None
Cousins on father’s side: Eve Summers
Robert Summers
Angel Summers
Henry Summers


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t h e b a s i c s

Name: Cairbre Eagle
Pronunciation: KAHR-bra
Nickname: None. However, to Liam he is frequently referred to as “Eagle”.
Gender: Male
Ethnicity: English, with Irish ancestry
Age: Two and thirty
Date of birth: 9th October 1686
Social status: High class pirate
Occupation: Was first mate aboard Guinevere Elliot’s ship The Anne Boleyn.
Played by: Matthew Macfadyen

a p p e a r a n c e

Hair colour: Dark brown
Hair style:
Eye colour:
Height: 6'3"
Distinguishing features:

p e r s o n a l i ty









h i s t o r y

Parents: - Lord Cathair Eagle was born into an aristocratic bloodline which was slowly dying out. Upon his birth he was the sole remaining heir of the enormous but abandoned family estate in Ireland. However, when he came into his own at the age of twenty-one, he did not remove to Ireland; his family had not lived there for generations, only making occasional visits. He remained in England in the family’s luxurious manor house in the countryside, where he met Miss Banks, a woman who he thought of as his ideal victim. Cathair was a vindictive and abusive man, and when his wife died, he transferred his violent behaviour towards his two children. When, as young adults, they eventually ran away, he was furious, and disinherited them.
- Lady Elinor Eagle was born Elinor Banks, the daughter of a wealthy military man. She was an incredibly shy woman who found standing up to others difficult, and so upon marrying Cathair, it was easy for him to crush her spirit quickly. Throughout their marriage he frequently beat her, as well as abusing her mentally. She died when Cairbre was sixteen and Rosalind was thirteen.




f a m i l y

Romantic interest: Guinevere Elliot
Father: Lord Cathair Eagle
Mother: Lady Elinor Eagle (deceased)
Siblings: Rosalind Eagle


t h e b a s i c s

Name: Eve Summers
Gender: Female
Ethnicity: English
Age: Three and twenty
Date of birth: 1695
Social status:
Played by: Clemence Poesy

a p p e a r a n c e

Hair colour: Blonde
Hair style:
Eye colour: Blue
Height: 5’7”
Distinguishing features:

p e r s o n a l i t y

Overview: Eve is very quiet and reserved, but her shy demeanor hides a painful past which has helped to shape her mouse-like exterior. She is always afraid of saying the wrong thing, and finds it difficult to speak to people she doesn’t know. However, what most people do not notice is that she is an incredibly strong person. She has had to cope with many trials in her life, and is by no means weak. She is very intelligent, and is incredibly fond of literature. She also has a very kind heart; one could also say that her heart is very large, since she is capable of giving so much love. Her emotions, and the strength of them, often frighten her. She tries her best at all times to keep a level head, but her emotional involvement in life is a large part of who she is.

Likes: -

Dislikes: -

Habits: – Sinking her fingernails into the palms of her hands when nervous
- Brushing her hair out of her eyes
- Assuming that she is foolish

Strengths: -


Fears: -


h i s t o r y

Parents: – Benjamin Summers (Father) (Deceased)
- Cordelia Williams (Mother) (Deceased)

Childhood: Eve was the eldest child born to Benjamin Summers and Cordelia Williams, a poor couple who lived in the English countryside. Her parents did not have a calm relationship; they were prone to disagreeing and arguments. Unbeknownst to his family, Benjamin still loved another woman, who he’d known during his time working in a great house, but had abandoned upon learning she was pregnant. Within one year of Eve’s birth, her brother Robert was born, and two years later, Angel followed. The three children grew up to be very close, and enjoyed spending endless hours together, roaming the idyllic countryside. However, the Summers’ life was difficult; they could not afford to educate their children, and so they sent them to a rich elderly couple, Mr. and Mrs. Fair, who gladly provided them with an education, teaching them to read and write, and treating them as if they were their own grandchildren. From a young age, Eve developed a love for literature and poetry, and often borrowed books from the Fairs. But despite her fierce intelligence, Eve’s mother was never fond of her; something about her eldest daughter grated on her. This was maybe because Eve was a lot like her father, and was his favourite; she often lent him books, and the two would spend hours discussing them. Cordelia much preferred Angel, and was forever showering her with small presents, although she could by no means afford them. Despite this, the three children remained close throughout their childhood.

Adolesence: As Eve entered her teenage years, life became increasingly difficult. Money was always a concern in the Summers’ household, and Benjamin was relied upon as the breadwinner of the family. Eve often retreated into her own company to get away from the escalating arguments in the house. She spent a lot of time wandering the countryside, and venturing into the forest. She enjoyed walking in the woods, and the peaceful atmosphere. It gave her time to herself, to think as well as appreciating nature. When she was sixteen years old, it was in the forest that Eve met a boy called Tristan Elm. He was two years older than her, and the most good-looking boy in the village; he was the son of a wealthy family who’d wanted to get away from the noise and stress of London life, and so had moved to a rural area. Eve became infatuated by him; to her, he was exotic and dangerous. She’d often see him walking in the forest, but every time he noticed her she would run away. She mostly watched him from a distance, but one day she plucked up the courage to speak to him. The two young people found that they got on enormously well, and both shared a passion for poetry and sonnets. Their trysting place was a wooden bridge deep in the forest, sitting over the river. Weeks went by, and they grew closer. Tristan eventually declared that he loved Eve, and Eve, unsure of whether this was true or not, tentatively confirmed her own affections. However, eventually both of their families discovered the relationship, and they were banned from seeing each other. They had one last meeting, at which Eve voiced her concerns about Tristan’s feelings. Tristan insisted that he did love her, and as a token of this, he gave her a goodbye gift: a silver pendant in the shape of a crescent moon. Eve still wears the pendant to this day, although she was never sure that Tristan ever did genuinely love her.

Adulthood: At the age of nineteen, Eve’s father grew ill with a mysterious, unknown illness, and was forced to give up his job. The family had needed his wage, however small, to survive and without it, matters looked grim. Cordelia immediately looked to Eve, as the eldest of her children, to bring in money. Eve did not know how this could be accomplished, since she believed that she lacked any real skills, but she immediately put her mind to it, not wanting her family to plummet even further into poverty. She began to embroider gowns for wealthy women, and this brought in a little income. Years passed, and all of the Summers children did their best to help their father, and share the load. Robert in particular worked hard, working the fields, a job which he found miserable, since he’d always been a very dreamy, sensitive young man. However, when Eve reached the age of twenty-three, Benjamin finally succumbed to his lengthy illness, and passed away. Eve was seized by inconsolable grief, as were her siblings, but it was their mother who had the most extreme reaction. Cordelia and Benjamin had had a stormy, argumentative relationship, and she’d always leapt upon any chance to speak ill of her husband, but upon his death she seemed to forget all of this. It was during this time that her mental health took a turn for the worst. She decided to blame Eve for Benjamin’s death, saying that if she had worked harder to bring in more money, then they could have afforded medicine, or a doctor. She would not see reason, despite her children’s desperate pleas for her to come to terms with the truth. She soon decided to turn Eve from the house, in a fit of anger, and Eve was forced to live rough for a while. The days Eve spent roaming the fields, cold, alone and hungry, were among the most difficult of her life. However, after a little while she found work in a nearby village as a barmaid for a tavern, and sent her family her wages every week without fail, which her mother sent back in refusal. Eve also attempted to see her brother and sister by visiting the house, but she was ordered by her mother to leave each time. This continued for several months until, frustrated and apprehensive about the future, Eve decided that something had to be done.
The owner of the tavern she worked in had a kind and hospitable wife, and she listened to Eve’s plan to somehow start a new life for herself. She told her that if a new start was what she wanted, she knew of a ship going to the Caribbean the next week or so. Eve was at first doubtful – how could she leave behind England, everything and everyone that she knew? After a long time spent thinking over everything, Eve eventually decided to seize the chance with both hands. She arranged to leave England as soon as possible, but before her departure, she wrote to her brother and sister, telling them where she was going, and that she would come and find them again one day very soon. During the long journey, Eve took an immense liking to the sea, the smell of the sea salt and the feeling of freedom. When she eventually arrived in her destination, she was a little unsure as to whether she’d made the right decision, because things seemed so different and, knowing nobody, Eve wondered whether it would have been better if she had just stayed in England. For a little while she stayed in a small room in a tavern, thinking about her future and how to earn money. Jobs were scarce for women. But soon enough an idea formed in her head; no ordinary job could provide her with the kind of wage she wanted. It suddenly occurred to her that a life of piracy would present her with more money than she could ever dream of; she planned that she would join a crew, at least until she had earned enough money sufficient for her secretly send money to England for Robert and Angel, and to eventually build herself a new home. Within a week her plans came to fruition, and she met Robyn Blackhaven, a young woman of her own age who was already well-adapted to the world of piracy. The two girls instantly bonded, forming a close friendship. Eve felt grateful to have a friend in the Caribbean, especially as she was badly missing her siblings. Robyn agreed that Eve could join whatever crew she might assemble, and that she could sail on her ship, when she found one - and so she entered the glittering, dangerous world of piracy. Eve’s friendship with Robyn eventually led her to meet the girl’s elder cousin, a man called Edward Blackhaven. Eve was instantly drawn to him; he was the most beautiful man she’d ever met, as well as the most interesting. She fell very deeply in love with him, swearing to herself that she would never love another as long as she lived.

f a m i l y

Romantic interests: Edward Blackhaven (EDEVE)
Father: Benjamin Summers
Mother: Cordelia Williams
Siblings: Henry Summers
Robert Summers
Angel Summers
Cousin on father’s side: Bathsheba-Juliet Summers


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t h e b a s i c s

Name: Guinevere Elliot
Pronunciation: GWIN-ə-vir
Nickname: Guin
Gender: Female
Ethnicity: English
Age: One and thirty
Date of birth: 1st December 1687
Social status: High class pirate
Occupation: Formerly captain of The Anne Boleyn ship
Played by: Miranda Otto

a p p e a r a n c e

Hair colour: Red
Hair style: Usually swept back in a loose bun for practicality, or let loose around her shoulders in tumbling waves
Eye colour: Grey-blue
Height: 5’6"
Build: Tall and slender, with delicate bone structuring
Fashion: Guinevere chooses apparel befitting to a lady, to hide her pirate status. She favours well-cut gowns with a square neckline, sweeping cloaks, and fringed shawls, in shades that suit her colouring, such as emerald green and dark blue.
Distinguishing features: Her strikingly pale skin and flaming red locks

p e r s o n a l i t y

Overview: Guinevere is confident, with pleasant, easy manners; she possesses the skill of drawing attention to her words without appearing overbearing, and she seldom raises her voice above a low pitch. When she raises her voice it is a sure sign that she is angry. She carries herself with a natural dignity befitting for a woman of noble status, but she is wary of revealing her past to anyone, even those she trusts, although it is clear to everyone aquainted with her that she was born to higher things than piracy. She has never abandoned her ladylike manners, mostly out of habit, but also because she knows they are her key to safety.

Likes: - Working in positions of authority
- Getting her own way
- Elegant ships
- Enjoying herself with her friends

Dislikes: - Impertinent behaviour
- Being prevented from accomplishing her ends
- Losing arguments

Habits: - Her pride
- Blushing when angry or embarrassed
- Assuming that she knows best

Strengths: - Efficiency in a crisis
- Her good heart combined with shrewd quick thinking
- Ability to read people and their intentions correctly
- Fierce intelligence
- Skilled sword fighting

Weaknesses: - Her past
- Falling in love; at least she believes that this is a weakness. She hates how vulnerable and exposed to getting hurt love makes her feel.

Fears: - Losing those who are dear to her
- Being forced to choose between Cairbre and Liam

Miscellaneous: - Guinevere’s named used to be Amy Richards, but she changed her name when she was forced to flee England to begin a new life in the Caribbean.
- Guinevere called her ship The Anne Boleyn because she greatly admires the Tudor queen; she too was a strong-minded woman falsely accused of witchcraft, and Guin felt that this was reason enough to name her ship after her. She has never hinted to the significance.

h i s t o r y

Parents: - Isadore Richards was born into a wealthy, aristocratic family and was brought up to believe wholeheartedly in the traditions and normal practices of the rich and well-bred. He was a conceited, arrogant man, absorbed in his own posturing and affected intellect. Both he and his wife doted extravagantly upon his two sons, George and Roland, making sure that they were thoroughly educated, as well as ensuring that his belief system was ingrained upon them from a very young age. However, he could find no use for his daughter, apart from to sell her off in marriage to the highest bidder; although she had as intellectual an upbringing as her brothers, she could not find favour in her father’s eye.
- Madeline Heart was a spoilt heiress who had her every wish and whim granted as a child. She had an unhealthy dose of dislike for the lower classes, and an inflated sense of her own importance. She found her perfect match in Isadore Richards, and she worshipped their two sons. When it came to her daughter, she regretted allowing her to be educated well, for Madeline believed that literature had turned her mind to unnatural behaviour.
Childhood: Guinevere had a relatively settled but lonely childhood; her education and upbringing was handed over to a governess, and she was allowed no friends, her parents considering friendship to be a weakness. As a little girl, Guinevere’s only solace was books, literature which frequently contained tales of swashbuckling buccaneers, which set alight her imagination. Guinevere was aware from a very young age of her parents’ preference for her two older brothers, George and Roland, over her, which she found difficult to cope with, although she did not allow this to overcome her.
Adolescence: Upon Guinevere reaching adolescence, her parents immediately started to plan for her future as a bartering tool in the marriage market. They wanted to marry her off to a wealthy gentleman; in the same ceremony the family would receive prestige, and caring for their daughter would no longer be their responsibility. Guinevere had been coached in the manners of a lady since childhood, so they saw her fit to enter society, although they disliked the fact that she had her own opinion and continued to read unsuitable books.
Guinevere soon started to attend grand balls and parties, and she discovered that she actually enjoyed the events. She loved the music and the dancing, and she relished having a chance to meet people who paid her proper attention, and spoke to her as if she was a person well worth knowing, not just someone who had to be put up with under duress. Many young gentlemen admired her beauty, and although Guinevere did not respond to their slightly impertinent behaviour, it would not be long before she caught the eye of a gentleman her parents considered a brilliant match for her.
Adulthood: By the time Guinevere reached the age of twenty, her confidence had increased considerably. She carried herself with a polished elegance that was completely natural to her. She was now enjoying her life, despite her parents’ continual dislike of her. Guinevere was utterly devastated when they announced to her that a young man had asked their permission for her hand in marriage, and that they had agreed. She could not bear the thought of being sold off to a man without her say so in the matter; she despised the idea of being an object, a woman confined to the house, who’s only duty was to bear children and stay silent.
Guinevere’s fiancé was called Raleigh Devonshire, a wealthy young gentleman who’d had his eye on Guinevere for quite some time. Several times he had tried to make advances on her, but she had turned him down each time. She greatly disliked him, considering him arrogant and spoilt. He did not treat her with respect, and she would have rather died than become his wife.
However, when she voiced her unwillingness to her parents, they did not care. They told her that if she did not marry Raleigh, then she would bring dishonour and shame to her family. They threatened to disinherit her and beat her. Guinevere’s brothers, George and Roland, who Guinevere had never got along with, were also vocal about the fate she’d face if she refused the marriage. And so eventually, under immense emotional pressure, Guinevere consented, swearing to herself that she would hang herself once the marriage ceremony was completed and she was alone.
However, this was not to be. On the day before the wedding, Raleigh fell ill with a fever. His family, who knew of Guinevere’s objections, accused her of ill-wishing him, to escape her betrothal. She could scarcely believe such a ludicrous claim, but it carried weight, and soon rumours began to spread, which her family tried to damp down, very much aware of keeping their good name. However, on the day of the wedding, Raleigh died, and more suspicion started to grow around her.
Guinevere’s parents did their best to protect her from all of the false claims, but even they would not be able to save her from a trial for witchcraft, despite her nobility. Eventually they sent her away under the secrecy of night; they knew that she was not necessary to them for their success as a grand family, since they had two other children. Putting about word that she had killed herself, they bought her passage on a ship to the Caribbean.
Immediately, Guinevere set about trying to build herself a new life. She changed her name to protect herself; once she had rid herself of her old moniker, she felt happier, as it meant that she was leaving behind all of the unhappy years of her past life. In the drunkard’s town of Tortuga, she began to work as a barmaid behind taverns; she despised the level of depravity in her workplace, but she knew that she needed to earn money. She also began running errands for a strange old woman who sold herbs and medicines to lessen hangovers to the drunkards of the town.
However, Guinevere knew that she needed to make a better living. At the age of twenty-one she left Tortuga for Port Royal. Once she arrived there, she did not stand out at all; her time in Tortuga had not made any difference to her appearance. She felt more at home here, amongst respectable citizens, although more and more she felt incredibly distant from the wealth and pomp of her old life. Slowly, she grew to hate the society that had betrayed her, and despise all of it’s customs.
As she tried to find more ways to earn money, Guinevere came to the conclusion that her only option was taking up piracy. As a child, she had always secretly admired pirates. Keeping this decision to herself, one night, Guinevere bluffed her way into a masked ball being held by the nobility. She was bored and wanted to enjoy herself for one night, instead of continually thinking of the money she needed but didn’t have.
It was that night when she met a young man called Cairbre Eagle, a born gentleman of twenty-two years of age. She felt an immediate, instinctive trust towards him, and as they made conversation, they found that they had much in common. They shared several dances together, and then went out to stand at a balcony together, where they could converse in more privacy and remove their masks.
They instantly formed a bond, and soon they found themselves sharing their histories with each other. They both had run away from their societies; Cairbre and his younger sister, Rosalind, had one year ago run away from England to escape their violent father. Guinevere had never spoken one word to anyone about her history, but she told Cairbre her story without a single fear that he would betray her. She voiced her wish to enter the world of piracy, and Cairbre admitted that both he and his sister had also considered this.
They agreed that they would find a ship which the three of them could join as crewmates. Soon, Guinevere met Rosalind Eagle, and the two young women got along together splendidly. Guinevere did not know this, but Cairbre had told Rosalind of the great affection he felt for her, and that his intentions were strictly honourable; from that moment, Rosalind made it her mission to bring her brother and her new friend together.
One night, the three of them left on a pirate ship called The Duke’s Betrayal. The crew that they had joined was not very efficient, and the captain seemed content to have very meager aspirations concerning the wealth he acquired. The friends decided that once they made port in Tortuga to collect supplies, they would look about for a new crew to join.
Upon their arrival, they found just that, and they joined the crew of the impressive ship, The Black Pearl . They all liked working on the ship, and found no difficulty in taking command from the charismatic Captain Jack Sparrow, and his first mate Hector Barbossa. As time passed, and the plunder from missions was divided, they found that they were now pirates of some wealth. But when the captain voiced his intention to go after a chest of Aztec gold rumoured to be cursed, and whispers of a mutiny started to go round the ship, Guinevere, Cairbre and Rosalind became increasingly uncomfortable, and decided to leave the crew. Guinevere wanted them to have their own ship; more than anything, she wanted to call herself the captain of her own vessel.
And so they left the crew, before they had a chance to take a share in the curse that would soon befall the crew of the Pearl. They bought passages on a merchant vessel back to England, where they made their plan to steal a grand vessel from under the nose of a somewhat negligent aristocrat whilst he would be holding a banquet. The plan succeeded brilliantly, and the ship once called The Pride of the King was renamed The Anne Boleyn by Guinevere, who was now Captain Guinevere Elliot, whilst Cairbre was her first mate.
Ten years passed, and the crew of The Anne Boleyn became notoriously successful at acquiring huge amounts of wealth. Every mission that Guinevere set out was planned in extreme detail, and over the years she became a very rich woman, and her crew wanted for nothing. However, one morning, one of Guinevere’s crew members was suddenly discovered to be missing; Rosalind had taken one of the lifeboats and left the ship. No one had any idea at all as to why this might be; Cairbre was at his wit’s end, and after weeks of searching, he eventually made the heart-wrenching decision to leave the crew to look for his sister. Guinevere was devastated, but she did not let Cairbre know just how much this hurt her.
Not long after Cairbre had gone, there was a mutiny against Guinevere; apparently, the crew felt that they no longer needed a woman to make their decisions for them. Their choice of replacement was little more than a common thug, a new recruit who had apparently been harbouring resentment against Guinevere for months, and slowly turning the crew against her. They’d all known that a mutiny would be impossible with Cairbre around, and so they took his departure as the opportunity to pounce.
Guinevere told them outright that they would be nothing without her, before they forced her to walk the plank. She swam against the ocean for nearly a whole day, trying to find land, before she passed out. She washed up on the shore of a small settlement, where she was taken in by a kind family who had no idea of her piracy. After staying a week in their house, she decided to leave, and stowed away on a merchant vessel transporting spices to Port Royal.
Upon arriving at the port, she instantly started to make plans for taking one of the ships in the harbour, setting her mind on The Interceptor. As luck would have it, she soon encountered a man called Liam, who agreed to help her, but with a price attached. His price turned out to be a kiss, which at first infuriated Guinevere.
Shortly afterwards, Guinevere found Cairbre Eagle by the harbour; he was not with Rosalind, so she guessed that his search for his sister had not been fruitful. Guinevere was gladder to see him than she could put into words, but Cairbre and Liam immediately took a disliking to each other, forming a lasting rivalry. However, Guinevere did her best to disregard this, as nothing would prevent her from trying to take The Interceptor.

f a m i l y

Romantic interests: - Liam (last name unknown)
- Cairbre Eagle
Father: Isadore Richards
Mother: Madeline Heart
Siblings: - George Richards
- Roland Richards


t h e b a s i c s

Name: Marianne Black
Gender: Female
Ethnicity: English
Age: Two and twenty
Date of birth:
Social status:
Occupation: Landlady of a tavern in Tortuga
Played by: Avril Lavigne

a p p e a r a n c e

Hair colour: Blonde
Hair style:
Eye colour: Blue
Height: 5’2”
Fashion: Marianne wears black at all times, partly because it is her favourite colour, and partly because she is a widow. She always cuts a striking figure, wearing black gowns and black boots; sometimes she wears a cropped, black velvet cloak, but on other occasions she wears a long, dark man’s coat. She indulges herself with little luxuries when she can, buying things such as black ribbon to adorn her throat, or lace and ribbons to trim her gowns.
Distinguishing features: Her frosty complexion, almost white-blonde hair and intense blue gaze.

p e r s o n a l i t y


Likes: -

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Habits: -

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h i s t o r y

Parents: -




f a m i l y

Romantic interests:


t h e b a s i c s

Name: Morgaine Ellis
Gender: Female
Ethnicity: Irish
Age: 26
Date of birth:
Social status:
Played by: Jessica Biel

a p p e a r a n c e

Hair colour: Golden-brown
Hair style:
Eye colour:
Distinguishing features:

p e r s o n a l i t y


Likes: -

Dislikes: -

Habits: -

Strengths: -


Fears: -


h i s t o r y

Parents: -




f a m i l y

Romantic interest: Joshamee Gibbs


<center> Image </center>

t h e b a s i c s

Name: Rosalind Eagle
Nicknames: - Rosa
- Lin
Gender: Female
Ethnicity: English
Age: Eight and twenty
Date of birth: 12th February 1690
Social status: High class pirate
Played by: Natalie Dormer

a p p e a r a n c e

Hair colour: Black
Hair style: Rosalind usually wears her long hair loose and untamed about her shoulders. However, when adopting her Tortuga alter-ego, “Lin”, she wears a blonde wig.
Eye colour: Blue
Height: 5'6"
Build: Slender, with a willowy frame
Fashion: Rosalind favours dark, dramatic attire; she likes wearing gowns in shades such as black, emerald and blood red, in gleaming fabrics. However, as “Lin” in Tortuga, she wears feminine dresses in shades such as white, grey and violet, with frills and laces; she often alters them by ripping the sleeves off.
Distinguishing features: Her bright blue eyes and wild black hair

p e r s o n a l i t y

Overview: Rosalind is confident and outspoken, possessing a fiery demeanor, a sharp tongue and a good sense of humour. She loves to laugh and not take situations too seriously. Although she was brought up to be a gentlewoman, she long ago flung aside the restraints and regulations of her old society. She possesses a somewhat flirtatious manner, which she deploys subtly and with style. In the past, Rosalind never gave her behaviour a second thought or ever doubted herself, but now as an older woman, she is often apt to sink into bouts of self-loathing and depression, although she tries her best to hide it.

Likes: - Making light of grave situations
- Drinking and dancing
- Teasing people
- Flirting
- Spending time with her brother and her close friend, Guinevere

Dislikes: - Men’s attempts to possess her
- Her father
- Letting her friends down

Habits: - Flirtation
- Continually playing matchmaker with Cairbre and Guinevere
- Getting into arguments

Strengths: - Perceptive towards others
- Sharp mind
- Handy with twin pistols
- Well-intentioned heart
- Ability to make others laugh

Weaknesses: - Self-loathing
- Periods of longing for death

Fears: - Facing death like a coward


h i s t o r y

Parents: - Lord Cathair Eagle was born into an aristocratic bloodline which was slowly dying out. Upon his birth he was the sole remaining heir of the enormous but abandoned family estate in Ireland. However, when he came into his own at the age of twenty-one, he did not remove to Ireland; his family had not lived there for generations, only making occasional visits. He remained in England in the family’s luxurious manor house in the countryside, where he met Miss Banks, a woman who he thought of as his ideal victim. Cathair was a vindictive and abusive man, and when his wife died, he transferred his violent behaviour towards his two children. When, as young adults, they eventually ran away, he was furious, and disinherited them.
- Lady Elinor Eagle was born Elinor Banks, the daughter of a wealthy military man. She was an incredibly shy woman who found standing up to others difficult, and so upon marrying Cathair, it was easy for him to crush her spirit quickly. Throughout their marriage he frequently beat her, as well as abusing her mentally. She died when Cairbre was sixteen and Rosalind was thirteen.




f a m i l y

Romantic interests: - Hunter Costello Nightingale
Father: Lord Cathair Eagle
Mother: Lady Elinor Eagle (deceased)
Siblings: Cairbre Eagle


t h e b a s i c s

Name: Tristan Elm
Gender: Male
Ethnicity: English
Age: 25
Date of birth:
Social status:
Played by: Bartek Borowiec

a p p e a r a n c e

Hair colour: Dark red
Hair style:
Eye colour:
Distinguishing features:

p e r s o n a l i t y


Likes: -

Dislikes: -

Habits: -

Strengths: -


Fears: -


h i s t o r y

Parents: -




f a m i l y

Romantic interests:


~~Siggy by Lembas~~

Last edited by ~Goldleaf~ on January 19th, 2011, 4:30 pm, edited 9 times in total.

 Post subject:
PostPosted: January 17th, 2011, 9:25 pm 

Joined: 18 October 2007
Posts: 4502

(*Reserved for OCs*
I am reserving these three posts so that I will have room for any future OC bios, in case I run out of space in the first post. =) Please forgive the double posting!)


~~Siggy by Lembas~~

Last edited by ~Goldleaf~ on January 17th, 2011, 9:58 pm, edited 1 time in total.

 Post subject:
PostPosted: January 17th, 2011, 9:25 pm 

Joined: 18 October 2007
Posts: 4502

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~~Siggy by Lembas~~

 Post subject:
PostPosted: January 17th, 2011, 9:26 pm 

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Posts: 4502

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~~Siggy by Lembas~~

 Post subject:
PostPosted: January 17th, 2011, 10:29 pm 
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That's a really good idea you had, saving those three posts. I wish I had the room to do that. :P

 Post subject:
PostPosted: January 19th, 2011, 4:11 pm 
Tolkien Scholar
Tolkien Scholar
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Sqqueee! I am so happy to see Addy come to life. :happy: I love it. The Beauchamps are such a fun little odd French family. :P and I am happy to see the other new/updated bios. Can't wait to read through Bathsheba. :yes:

Chase a couple hearts, we could leave 'em in shreds
Meet me in the gutter, make the devil your friend
Just remember what I said, cause it isn't over yet

-sig by Loafers-

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