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 Post subject: Darky's Characters ~ Learn the Name, Know the Face
PostPosted: April 15th, 2011, 4:31 pm 
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It's been a while since I've done one of these... hopefully I'll actually update it this time. :P

characters by first name

• Adrianna [Hart]
• Alexander [Marcus]
• Cameron [Hart]
• [!]Johanna
• [!]Leon
• Lucius [Nylander]
• [!]Rhea

[!] = new character
any name in capitals - e.g. LILLY - belongs to another RPer

- - -

Full Name
Adrianna Hart

Anna / Hart / 'Scarlett'


- Ava Hart [mother/DECEASED]
- Jakob Hart [father/DECEASED]

- Cameron Hart [brother/age 25]

2nd rank


Date of Birth
3rd September



one / two / three / four
full, shoulder-length chestnut curls, pale pastel green eyes, short stature with a slight frame, pale skin, heart-shaped face

Hair Colour
chestnut brown, dark

Eye Colour
pastel green

Aide to the Governor Nylander, alongside GARDENIA.

Magical Ability
certainly not

standard, Warden- issue sidearm

A quiet and logical character, Adrianna prefers to think about situations before she acts, making her at best hesitant and at worst panicky in situations that require on-the-spot decisions. From a childhood with her brother it would've been impossible for her to grow up without an imagination, though hers isn't as prominent as her brother's. Despite this, she'll likely overlook metaphors in sentences, making her a very literal person. Nylander picked her because she was obedient to a fault, she could remain calm in the situations that required it and her level-headedness made her a valuable asset. On occasion prone to unreasonable, overwhelming jealousy.

History / Background
When Adrianna was born, her family lived on the very outskirts of the city in a small, single storey house that had only just been big enough for her parents and two-year-old Cameron. Due to limited space, they moved into the centre of the city, where the two children grew up, were educated and made lifelong friends. Adrianna, along with her brother, attended the school at which GARNET's parents were teachers. There they met, found they got on extremely well and continued to see each other, outside of school as well as inside it. The three formed a kind of pact that they'd stay true to one another, if nothing else. This would bind them together even through adolescence and adulthood.

At the age of about fifteen, one night, Adrianna answered the door to a fistraught GARNET, who immediately began gushing about how she'd seen her parents dragged, literally, by a squad of armed Wardens from the house they shared out into the night without explanation or cause. Then, Adrianna's eyes were opened to the ugliness of the world and she saw that, despite all efforts she made, she would never be truly safe.

At the age of nineteen, she was spotted by Governor Nylander while he was on one of his routine journeys through the centre of the city. After taking note of her name, he looked into her records and found her to be of spotless character, he sent an envoy to her house, bound with a message that detailed her future employment and the matter of her wage. Nervously optimistic, she attended her interview and made a satisfactory impression upon the intimidating Governor, who kept his word and hired her for his "fetch me, carry me" jobs and the occasional important assignment. Once she'd proved herself to be entirely loyal, she was promoted and given a little more trust. Not once in the history of her service has she offered an opinion on the work she carries out daily. At present, she handles half of the Governor's business on his behalf, leaving the other half to GARDENIA, Nylander's other aide, leaving the man himself to spend his own time attending to the various dignitaries and politicians whose support he buys with hollow promised and all-too-real threats.

- loyal and dependable once committed to a cause
- clever with logistics and organisation
- fast thinking and good at forward planning

- uncertain when faced with spontaneous decisions
- unable to decide on a course of action when forced to choose between being moral and protecting her close friends/family
- unwilling to risk her life/the life of her friends so that she can stand up for what is right
- her connections to Cameron / GARNET / LILLY

Miscellaneous Notes
- Jealousy hits her whenever she sees Cameron and GARNET together, for the simple reason that she thinks that when Cameron confesses his love for their lifelong friend, Cameron will leave her behind to start a new life with GARNET. It's a feeling she strived to suppress, but so far all attempts have failed, making her feel progressively more guilty.

Features In [Past/Present RPGs]
Freedom [reoccurring role]

Full Name
Alexander Marcus

Xander / Marcus




not applicable

the resistance [rebel faction]

Date of Birth

roughly 27


one / two / three / four
a little rough around the edges, usually unshaven. light brown hair, blue eyes, sturdy, athletic build. dark(ish) skin tone which, on his hands is marred by the callouses and burns from his life as an electrician.

Hair Colour
tight curls of light brown

Eye Colour
bright blue

ghost / vigilante

Magical Ability

an assortment of knives and daggers that he uses for close-range combat, his fists and his pride and joy: a series of handcrafted throwing knives. He does have in his possession several standard-issue weapons the government hand out to their servants, but he neglects to use them, favouring his blades.

Agressive and impatient, Alexander never really was one to quell his emotions for the sake of another. Once a subject is broached with him, if he feels so inclined he won't let it go - and won't let you hear the end of it. Filled with bitterness and rage after his ‘death’, he strives for justice for the people and revenge for himself. Fury runs as blood in his veins more often than not, alongside lonliness, which is just as big a motivator. Certainly not a social creature, around others he has the tendency to be brash, rude and even downright offensive; if not, he's mocking, insincere and predatory. Prone more to love / hate relations with others, Alexander always thought it better to keep to himself... ironic, considering that's how he spends most of his time at the present.

History / Background
Alexander used to be an electrician, because he had his run-in with the Warden that lead to his incarceration and, eventually, supposed ‘death’. Only a few contacts know that he's still alive, along with GARDENIA, with who he had a small night-time skirmish. Little else is known about his history and where he came from - apparently, his life before him imprisonment was unremarkable.

- skilled with all his miscellaneous bits of weaponry, at least enough that he can hold his own in a fight
- excellent prowess with electronics / electrical equipment, for sabotage or otherwise
- strict morals, follows his decisions through to the end no matter the consequences to himself

- prone to letting his anger get the best of him / often acts rashly because of this
- attraction to human connections
- he can be relied upon to help people in need; it makes him predictable

Miscellaneous Notes
- Since his ‘death’, Alexander has been hiding out somewhere out of the reach of the Government. He talks to few people but spends his days in anything but idleness; he watches the people, sees what they don't: the secret arrests, the coming and going of Wardens... the escape of prisoners. Little passes by without either him or his well places spies finding out.

Features In [Past/Present RPGs]
Freedom [reoccurring role]

Full Name
Cameron Hart

Cameron / Hart


- Ava Hart [mother/DECEASED]
- Jakob Hart [father/DECEASED]

- Adrianna Hart [sister/age 23]

not applicable

the resistance [rebel faction]

Date of Birth
14th April



one / two / three / four
brown hair cut short(ish), pale green eyes flecked with shades of brown; average height and build with pale skin to match his sister's

Hair Colour

Eye Colour
green w/shades of brown

Head architect, coordinating efforts city-wide to, firstly, restore older buildings and, secondly, spearhead the construction project that's going ahead on the city's edge.

Magical Ability
nope, nothing


Quite intelligent, Cameron excelled through his schooling, particularly in anything that required creativity. He harbours a great curiosity that gets the better of him sometimes, not always to his advantage. To the end a practical man, Cameron is good with his hands, which was the reason behind him applying, rather than being chosen, for a job in the design and creation of buildings. His problem-solving skills came in handy more than once as he was forced to think on his feet to change said designs at little more than a moment's notice, so that he wasn't brought before the government supervisor who watched over him and his workforce to make sure they were doing what they were supposed to. Usually, whether he's in his work environment or not, Cameron is calm and willing to listen or talk depending upon the preference of the person he's with. A good sense of humour rests within him, complimenting his childlike, imaginitive nature, however if things go amiss or simply not as he planned them, Cameron has a tendency to become irritable and impatient.

History / Background
FOr the first two years of his life, Cameron lived on the edge of the underground city with his parents. Not long after he'd turned two years old, his younger sister was born, leaving a void in Cameron the attention he received from his parents usually filled. FOr the first few months of Adrianna's life, Cameron was determined to hate her because she'd deprived him of that. It didn't work, because the little girl was such a quiet, contemplative thing with big, round eyes that he couldn't help but laugh at her placidity; her comical silence was endearing.

Because of the birth of Adrianna, though, their residence was revealled to be far too small. That meant moving to the city, close to the centre, to ensure that they were given a house that was well equipped enough to deal with their needs. Cameron doesn't remember much of the house he lived in before they oved, but it doesn't bother him much because all of his good memories he associates with house he grew up in with Adrianna and GARNET, in the city's centre.

Cameron met GARNET at the same time that Adrianna did, during their first days at school; GARNET was the first person Adrianna started speaking to regularly as they were placed in the same classes and so, in due course, Cameron came to meet his younger sister's best friend. He didn't become fond of her until his teenage years, when he realised that she had a sunny smile that seemed to chase away the shadows in his life and leave the world a little brighter. Hours would pass as the three of them ran, laughed at and hid from one another, causing childish trouble. It wasn't until the traumatic night when GARNET arrived, in tears, to tell them that her parents were likely dead. Feeling completely helpless, Cameron realised then that he felt more than just friendly affection towards the girl that he'd grown up with. He wasn't, however, to know that she reciprocated his feelings until much later in their relationship, so he remained quiet in his ignorance so as to minimise awkwardness between the three, thinking that if he said anything and she denied the existence of any such feeling for him, he'd create an irreparable void in their friendship, something he knew, if it happened, he would regret for years.

Cameron, instead of waiting to be assigned a task at the age of twenty one, contacted a workforce of architects and construction workers that managed the sites on the western edge of the city before he was due to be given his "career options". He passed all the assessments they gave him and then enrolled in their training scheme when he came of age, completing it in record time and ascending, after a few years, to a semi-senior position in the area of architecture. He returned to the hub of the city after word reached him of possibly crumbling foundations in some of the buildings. Returning to correct the potential hazard, he faced good memories, bad memories and a longing to escape he'd never even noticed before.

- very practical, enjoys hands-on work
- casual and lightheared, puts people at their ease / able to make them smile
- concise with words, listens as much as he speaks / observant in conversations

- his somewhat short temper
- his affection for his friends and family, GARNET in particular
- liable to become irate and tense when confined (literally or metaphorically) or incarcerated
- often too forceful with his opinions, especially when strongly opposed; often this gives people a false impression of him

Miscellaneous Notes
- As of yet, Cameron is unaware of Adrianna's petty jealousy regarding his affection for GARNET.
- Recently, Cameron had been noticing increasingly signs of stress in his sister, which is concerning him. After pursuing the matter and being harshly cut off, Cameron doesn't dare raise the subject again, but can't fight the feeling that she's slowly shutting him out of her life for a reason he can't pinpoint.

Features In [Past/Present RPGs]
Freedom [reoccurring role]

Full Name

Jo or just 'J'


unknown, both deceased

Kyle [deceased] & Marc [deceased]

Date of Birth
14th September, 2115



one / two / three / four

Hair Colour
dark brown

Eye Colour

Engineer/Tech expert

Magical Ability
Zilch, nada, none

Small handknife, used for crafting more than combat

Excessively introverted, to the point of being antisocial. Undyingly loyal to her cause, that of the Warriors; for her friends, or those close enough to be called friends, she'd sacrifice herself without hesitation. Not very opinionated, she doesn't hold her own in an argument very well - in general conversation she gets by well enough, but doesn't enjoy it too much because she feels as if she's being scrutinised if she's held in someone's attention for any length of time. Intensely afraid of the outside world, the Empire, anyone who shows the least bit of discontentment, she finds herself in situation she doesn't think she can handle often, even if that isn't the case. Prone to second guessing herself in most cases bar those that relate to her work, she remains uncertain and hesitant, reluctant to be thrown into a situation simply because of her own ignorance. Conscientious and moral, she will refuse to do anything that doesn't sit well with her ethical code of conduct

History / Background
Very little is known, other than the fact all family perished along with most everyone else's when the Empire made their grand entrance. Not being the talkative kind, Johanna will shake her head and remain silent if asked about her past or anything that links back to what happened before the Empire took ahold of the Earth.

- Adept at handling/constructing technology
- Practical/rational mind
- Loyal to those who've earned it

- Extreme fears that she lets control her
- Lack of interest and aptitude for sociality
- Inability to hold her own in debates, leaving her vulnerable to intimidating/imposing persons
- Her dependence on Leon as a friend/ her only emotional outlet

Miscellaneous Notes
- Changed her name when the Empire invaded to mask her identity like many others; finds mechanical company more reassuring than human company.

Features In [Past/Present RPGs]

Full Name

Leon / Leo


unknown, both deceased


Date of Birth
22th August, 2108



one / two / three / four

Hair Colour
blonde / brown

Eye Colour
pale bluish grey

tactical team / base security

Magical Ability
of course not

Anything the Warriors have managed to steal, buy or build.

Controlled and calm, Leon's a simple person who believes in shooting first then asking the questions later - preferably with a weapon in hand. As a child he'd been headstrong and willful, something his parents had hoped he'd grown out of but never did; while he has sense enough to command soldiers / Warriors without succumbing to arrogance, insubordination in even small quantities irritates him because it means there's a tiny wrinkle in his plans. He could be called, if anything, a perfectionist.
Of his friends he's protective, his anger he reserves for his enemies or anyone attempting to harm his chosen ‘side’. He has a soft(er) side that rarely comes out because he hides it so well; in the conditions the human race lives in, hiding like frightened animals, he doesn't want to be seen as emotionally compromised. Locking away his sentimentality keeps him cool, clear headed and ready for anything - in his opinion, at least.

History / Background
Judging by off-hand comments here and there, one might guess that he'd a well-travelled individual; judging by the dark, puzzled look he gives the scientists, he was never very fond of academic education. He might've served in the military for a time, but like everyone else, he refuses to aknowledge the past, only plan for the future - always hoping that there's a future to plan for.

- Fair / compassionate / approachable
- Clear headed, delivers sound judgement when needed, e.g combat situations
- Well versed in tactics / strategy

- Spontaneous tendency to become entirely irrational
- Unforgiving of others, no matter how small the mistake
- Unwilling to go out of his way to trust anyone, up to and including people who've proved themselves [cynicism]

Miscellaneous Notes
- As a fairly uncreative person, Leon didn't take an awfully long time thinking up a codename he could get used to quickly. Instead, he adapted his star sign for an easy, quick-fix solution.

Features In [Past/Present RPGs]

Full Name
Lucius Edric Nylander



- Ebony Nylander [mother/DECEASED]
- Casimir Nylander [father/DECEASED]

- Allegra Nylander [sister/age 30]


Aerlon Government

Date of Birth
21st November



one / two / three / four
tall with a lean build and angular features; a permanent expression of cold indifference

Hair Colour
dark brown, messy

Eye Colour
dark brown

Governor of Aerlon, the [unspoken] ruler for the underground population.

Magical Ability
absolutely none

any and all of his underlings

a dark, bitter, ambitious soul; clever, no doubt, but cold and imposing. certainly not approachable, his temper and merciless attitude towards those beneath him (a.k.a everyone) makes him the last person you'd go to saying "I messed up". enjoys scrutinising people and analysing their reactions. easily irritated, especially by the presence of his sister or, on the odd occasion, another of the Governors - self-obsessed and arrogant as they are.

History / Background
As a child, Lucius was given the very best of everything: education, company, money; he never wanted for anything. as he grew older, he began to see the benefits of this and so, instead of simply accepting this life, he started to demand it, putting himself before all - including ALLEGRA, who had been denied such a life of her own. As a teenager, he began to experiment with which ways were the best to approach a person so that he could make them do as he wished. Eventually, though a long, drawn-out trial-and-error process, he decided that his own emotions were useless to him and that, to make others choose obedience willingly without his interference, there were only two paths: the first, you must prove your worth and earn their trust, reassure them that you're reliable, dependable, well-wishing; the second, you must inspire fear and crush all thought of rebellion.. The second, while being the easiest, was also the most effective, and so Lucius Nylander inherited his father's position at the age of twenty one, already a fearsome thing to behold and a force to be reckoned with. By his twenty eighth birthday, he'd accumulated many "loyalists" - as the general population nicknamed them - whom he held no fondness for, isolated the main sources of power in the city so that they could not stand against him and collected people to his cause faster than anyone in recorded history.

At present, he holds roughly seventy per cent of the city's ruling power outright and, without much difficulty or resistance, could take the rest for his own, consolidating his power and making him a single man in sole charge of thousands of lives... not that he particularly cares.

- no conscience, moral or otherwise
- willing to take any measures necessary and relevant to his situation
- strong willed, determined, rational


- grossly underestimating his sister
- his almost unwavering trust, rather than faith, in Adrianna & GARDENIA
- his unwilllingness to see the people beneath him as possible threats
- his continual refusal to seek potential allies

Miscellaneous Notes
- His dislike for his sister is centred in that she has, firstly, far too many ideas about her station and secondly, she insists upon interfering with his work. Most of this is because he fiercely believes her inferior to him and thinks her incapable of performing the same duties as he.
- The only reason he began to trust his two underlings, Adrianna and GARDENIA, is because the former shows an intense unwillingness to cross him that has been evident from the day she enrolled and the latter loved the attention she gained from the Governor himself that she would sacrifice much to join him as overlord. Whether or not these are true is irrelevant, for they are his opinions and he will refute any data that doesn't agree with his own opinion.

Features In [Past/Present RPGs]
Freedom [reoccurring role]

Full Name
Rhea [no other given name]





Date of Birth

28 [judging by appearance]


one / two / three / four
tall and thin; long, wavy multitoned hair, blue eyes, angular face.

Hair Colour
brown w/ hints of gold

Eye Colour
wicked pale blue

Empire's assassin / weapons expert

Magical Ability
decidedly not

Depends; each job she undertakes means a different circumstance and so she chooses her weapons to fit. If she's not on-task, she'll carry something easily concealable / discrete.

Chaotic, from second to second her mood changes from glee to anger to bitterness to malevolence and back again. Far from calm though she is, she's at least methodical, so what ever task she's sent to do by the Empire's mysterious leader she can sort easily enough, given an appropriate length of time. Being from somewhere else altogether, she has no concept of humanity's morals, so she doesn't concern herself with them - quite the opposite, actually, seeing as watching humanity suffer gives her immense satisfaction. Life and fulfilment mean absolutely nothing to her: in her eyes, her purpose is to serve the Empire until she dies. That's all.

History / Background
Though she makes sure she's seen in public, little is known about her. Her affiliation with the Empire gives her a proud tilt to her chin, but other than her arrival and her actions since the invasion nothing has been unearthed about the woman.

- Commands authority
- Trained in combat / handling most kinds of weaponry
- photographic memory + standard [for her race] slightly heightened senses

- Extreme temper / mood swings
- Her utter recklessness
- Overlooks minor, often important details / excessively careless

Miscellaneous Notes
- none at present

Features In [Past/Present RPGs]

- - -

Every day this army grows in number. Watch out, Dusk is coming soon.


Last edited by Darkheart on August 15th, 2011, 3:23 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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 Post subject: Re: Darky's Characters ~ Learn the Name, Know the Face
PostPosted: April 15th, 2011, 6:28 pm 
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Joined: 03 June 2006
Posts: 5673
Country: Rohan (xr)

Very nice to see that you worked on Adrianna's, Cameron's and Lucius' bios Darky! :) I really like to read what you think to be their strengths and weaknesses.

Are those other characters created for Freedom or random other RPGs?

Ah! You're beautiful lay-out really makes me want to change my bio page, yet sadly I don't have the time and patience to work those very pretty bios out. :P


O children, lift up your voice, lift up your voice,
Children, rejoice, rejoice..


It doesn't matter you don't believe in God, He believes in you.

 Post subject: Re: Darky's Characters ~ Learn the Name, Know the Face
PostPosted: April 16th, 2011, 5:15 am 
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Joined: 19 October 2007
Posts: 1359
Country: United Kingdom (uk)
Gender: Female

Why hello Will, fancy seeing you here. ;)
Glad you enjoyed reading them! Their strengths/weaknesses will probably be updated in future when they find out new things about themselves... until then, though, I think I covered the main points. :P

Nah, they're not for Freedom - there's a sci-fi RP in the works(!) that I'm readying them for. Not sure when it's gonna be up and running, but it shouldn't be long. :D
If you ever get chance and you want to in future, I'll gladly pass on the template. It's taken me a while to sort this one out, but I've just been doing bits and pieces when I have time. It was easier like that. :teehee:


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