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 Post subject: ~ Hanasian's RP Story Characters ~
PostPosted: February 19th, 2017, 12:35 am 
Dunedain Ranger of Arnor
Dunedain Ranger of Arnor
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Joined: 02 January 2007
Posts: 3568
Location: The Lakeshore of Annúminas
Country: Gondor (xg)

Over the years.... decades really, I have created and developed characters in various Collaborative Role Play writing around the internet, and before that, on paper for stories and for our old Dungeons and Dragons adventures. I have also been given into my care a few characters developed by other writers who for one reason or another was unable to continue writing in the stories. I will give them credit when listing them. I have been collecting them all together in an archive, and thought that along with my newest characters from current RPs I am involved with here on AU, I would put all my characters here, and where possible, add a link to the stories they were involved in. This will be a 'work-in-progress' so I'll likely edit this first post some as I add them. I may reserve the second post as well. After that, feel free to comment if you wish.

The first three can be found in the story
Kin Strife of Gondor

Name: Berian
Age: 27
Gender: Male
Race: Gondorian - Hometown: Pelargir
Height/Weight: 6’2” 194 Lb/88 Kg
Marital Status: Single
Occupation: Merchant, Trader, Hunter, Soldier
Appearance: Lean and muscular, if a bit skinny. Has sandy brown hair that he keeps well cropped.
Eyes are light grey/green and his skin is lightly tanned.

Skills: A skilled hunter and a sly trader. Until recently, he had managed to move freely through Gondor, working his trade as a traveling merchant of goods.
He has some skill with a knife and short sword, but excels in archery. His ability to move quick and with stealth has had its advantages.

Personality & Bio: Born to a bar wench in Pelargir in a room at the Quay Inn. His father was a seafaring man and he did not know him. His mother worked as hard as she could and tended to him as best she could. As he got older, he would work with tradesmen that plied their skills in the port city. Skills he learned were tanning, smithing, and baking. He would at times travel with them when he went to Minas Tirith or Osgiliath for the markets. Berian was always watching and learning, and his ability to slip around unnoticed allowed him to learn and know much. He was clever, yet he was always felt a distrust by the people of the northern cities. He would go there less and less. As he grew to adulthood, he took over the tanning business when his mentor became ill, and again started traveling to Minas Tirith and Osgiliath to trade goods. His leathers were considered good quality there at the markets, and Berian did quite well for himself. He didn’t pay much attention to the arguments about the king and his heir, for he had reason not to take sides. He traded his goods to both sides, and demand was increasing with the rumors of rebellion. The day was coming when he would have to choose sides…


Age: 25
Gender: Female
Race: Rhovanion
Height/Weight: 5 foot 5” 125 Lb/57 Kg
Marital Status: Single
Occupation:Shieldmaiden, Soldier serving as a Royal Guard to Eldacar of Gondor.
Appearance: Shapely feminine frame that masked her true strength. Hair is shoulderlength except for a long braid that reaches to her waist.and slightly curly, nearly sandy blonde with a slight brown tint.. Eyes are deep blue/grey that sometimes has a silvery gleam to them. Her skin appears pale, but she tans easy in the summer sun.

Skills: Vilmaith learned some blacksmithing from her father, and knows some herb-lore learned from her aunt and has some abilities with a healing hand. She learned skill with a bow from her father. He made her a fine bow when she became of age, and was a very skilled hunter. She learned knife and swordwork on her own. And hoped one day to compete in the tournaments.

Personality & Bio: Vilmiath was the youngest child of a blacksmith. Her mother died shortly after her birth, so she was raised by her aunt that worked as a chef in the House of the King of Rhovanion. She was always a quiet and withdrawn child who usually kept to herself. She learned to listen, and so would hear and learn much through the years. As she got older, she would work with her father and travel with him when he had need to go to the markets. It was during a trek south to Osgiliath that she became restless. She found herself watching some Gondorian soldiers sparring with their swords on the training ground. She watched carefully their movement, and found herself practicing as she watched. When they returned north, she watched the Rhovanion soldiers practice. At age 16, Vilmiath decided she wanted to be a soldier of Rhovanion.
At age 18 Vilmiath won her first tournament at bow shooting,
At Age 19 Vilmiath competed and placed third in the sword melee, behind Prince Vidagavia, heir to the throne of Rhovanion who placed first, and Prince Vinitharya, heir to the throne of Gondor who placed second. Many mighty captains of both Rhovanion and Gondor had lost to her in this tournament, and from that day she was taken seriously as a soldier of Rhovanion. In training, she taught her skills to anyone who was willing to learn from her. Two who were willing were Vinitharya and Videgavia, and most of the captains who had lost to her in the tournament.
At age 20, Vilmiath again placed third in the melee at tournament, with Vinitharya winning and Videgavia placing second.
At age 21, she defeated Videgavia and faced Vinitharya in the final, and their match went long. Finally Vilmiath managed a blow to Vinitharya’s head and he fell back. She pressed her advantage and Vintharya’ forfeited. Vilmaith had won all three competitions of sword, bow, and knife! She immediately bowed down in honour to Vintharya, and then turned to Videgavia and bowed down to him. She was a simple commoner born to a blacksmith. To be competing and winning against the high captains and princes of both Rhovanion and Gondor was something she had never anticipated.

It was 4 years later when Prince Vintharya announced that after many years dwelling in Rhovanion, he received a message from his father King Valacar asking him to return to Osgiliath. He immediately called his Rhovanion Guard to him and asked if they would accompany them to Osgiliath. Vilmiath was excited and saddened all at once. They would be leaving, and she would miss everyone she had known. She had never been far from home, and heard the stories of Gondor and the great city of Osgiliath. But she had to accept and go. Most of the othesr of his guard who did not have families did likewise. When they assembled to leave, Vilmaith sadly said goodbye to her father and her aunt. She also said farewell to the other soldiers of Rhovanion whom she had trained with the last few years.

The next day, with honour and fanfare she took her place among the Royal Guard with the Gondorians and other Northmen chosen for this honour, and they marched out south to Osgiliath. She hoped they would meet King Valacar at the gates of the city.


Age: 17
Gender: Female
Race: Gondorian
Height/Weight: 5' 9” 130 Lb
Marital Status: Single
Occupation: Maid at an Inn
Appearance: sturdy but feminine build. Hair is reddish brown with wavy curls that reached down to her waist. She sometimes had it braided. Eyes are light brown with grey flecks. Her skin appears pale and she has some freckles on her face and shoulders.

Skills: As duties at the inn, she can clean, wash tables, wash linens and clothes, make beds, and sweep floors, She knows how to sew, and is trusted by the innkeeper to help keep the inn stocked with supplies. She would like to learn more skills, but the opportunities are slim living at the inn. She can play a lyre and a harp, and she has a sweet and sultry singing voice, but she only sings and plays when she is alone. She also makes up her own songs. She has never fought anyone, but carries a knife in her boot.

Personality & Bio: Nadia is a shy girl. She kept to herself mostly, but as she has gotten older, she worked at getting past her shyness and tries to make some money and save it in the hopes she will be able to travel somewhere else. When she has seen a musician come to the inn and play, she wishes she could be bold enough to do that, but her shyness takes her words away, and she fears not being able to sing or being good enough. She likes to hear stories of far off places, and the people who come to the inn from far off places usually have many to tell. Pelargir sounds like an adventurous, but recently she heard about the Northmen and wondered what their land was like. Of their tales, she makes songs.


This character is one I came up with on the fly at the start of the RP
Over hill, over dale...

Name: Dunhama
Age: 20
Gender: Male
Race: Rohirric/Dunlanding
Height/Weight: 5' 9” 150 Lb
Marital Status: Single
Occupation: Kitchen Servant of Meduseld
Appearance: Muscular body, with dark brown hair and slight scruff of a beard. Eyes are dark brown, and his skin is alight olive that darkens easily in the sun.

Skills: He learned much at the tavern where his mother worked. Inquisitive about skills, he was shown much. He would wander Edoras and sometimes climb into the foothills of the White Mountains. He learned some skill at cooking at the tavern when he got older, but when his mother died, he had to leave there and lived on the street. When he was caught stealing food from the kitchen of Meduseld, the Lady Eowyn as punishment gave him a job in the palace kitchen as a servant.

Personality & Bio: Dunhama was an outgoing lad who liked to talk with people. He didn't do much more than work at the Hall of Meduseld and stayed in a small room by the kitchen. He was happy to have somewhere to live. He loved the songs the bards would play at the tavern, and he kept a dream inside to be able to travel somewhere else i n these lands, for though born in the Westmarch near the River Isen, he knew little of that land, for his mother brought him to Edoras when he was 2. Only vague memories did he have of that time, and his mother refused to talk of it with him as he got older. After she died, he found some things his mother had kept hidden, and he learned that his father was a Dunlanding who had captured her in a raid and had taken her back to Dunland. She managed to escape with her son after killing his father in his sleep. Dunhama knew he looked different than most Rohirrim, and it was then he learned why. He kept the knowledge hidden and tried to blend in as best he could.


The next three characters were developed for an RP on Council of Elrond named
Darkest of Days. It was set in and around the fortress city of Fornost Erain in the year 1974 of the Third Age and covered the battle and downfall of the city to the armies of Angmar.

Name: Malassuil
Age: 99
Race: Northern Dunedain
Marital Status: Single
Occupation: Soldier of Arthedain – 75 year veteran.
Appearance: Long thick dark hair peppered with silver-grey, slightly curled, and roughly hewn about the shoulders. short grey beard blending in with the grey temples. A few small scars could be seen on his bare arms. A large, very prominent scar cut down across the left cheekbone. He is considered tall even by the standards of the northern Dunedain, and quite muscular. His usual attire was his sturdy, yet supple and well-worn dark rust-brown leathers consisting of boots, breeches, and a thick leather sleeveless vest. Over it all he would wear a well-worn dark grey-green hooded cloak that had some few small tatters, unadorned except with a silver rayed brooch on the left shoulder.

Bio: Born and raised in a remote homestead in the rugged North Downs, he didn't remember his mother for she died giving birth to him. His father was away much of the time for he was a soldier. Malassuil was keen to learn, and he would watch and learn from the tradesmen that would come at times. He would listen and absorb from others all he could, especially from his father and the other soldier who would stay at the house at times. He became skilled with knife and bow, and even more so with a sword. He tended to his training and would become in time, as most young men of the Dunedain did, a soldier of the realm. Through the decades, he fought many skirmishes in the wide lands between the North Down, The Weather Hills, and the Ettenmoors. Now ageing, he tends to remain in the forward positions, watching out for the young soldiers. Having seen so many fall over the years, he did not sleep well, and does not cope living within the walls of Fornost.

(This adaptation of my aged ranger character was lifted for Darkest of Days from an RP I joined late in on another board called 'Mists Of Eriador')


Name: Marcadil
Age: 33
Gender: Male
Race: Northern Dunedain
Height/Weight: 6’8” 198Lb/90Kg
Marital Status: Married
Occupation: Soldier of Arthedain – 5 year veteran
Appearance: Dark hair, slightly curled, roughly hewn about the shoulders. Slight facial hair, thickening at the chin that is also roughly hewn. He has a large, prominent scar cutting inward and down across the right side of his forehead, cleaving his eyebrow, and reappearing down on his lower eyelid and out across his right cheekbone. His eyes are sea-grey, with a permanent squint from the right one. He walked with an ever-so-slight limp from his right leg. His usual attire was his sturdy, yet supple and well-worn dark rust-brown leathers consisting of boots, breeches, a sleeveless vest and a full-sleeved coat cut and fitted allowing for free arm movement. Over it all he would wear a well-worn dark grey-green hooded cloak that had some few small tatters, unadorned except with a silver rayed brooch on the left shoulder. It was a rough uniform of the 2nd Company of the Eastern Watch.

Bio: Born and raised south of Fornost, he was primarily raised by his mother as his father, being a soldier of Arthedain, was away much of the time in service. Keen to learn, he would listen and absorb from others all he could. As he grew, he became skilled with knife and bow, and was somewhat less so with a sword. He rarely passed a chance to train and would become, as his father was, a soldier of the Kingdom of Arthedain.

As his first assignment he was to watch the road east and south of Bree, and became more learned in the ways of the wild. He and his outfit were later posted to watch the Weather Hills, and he experienced his first combat and had his first kills there. One day when riding in the north steppes, they came across an orc raiding party coming from the Ettenmoors. It was a time when these raids were becoming evermore numerous. His horse threw him and he was set upon by an orc blade to the head. It was only his quick movement that kept him alive. But his wounds were critical and he was brought back to Fornost where he spent months healing. With the help of Dauwna, a fair maiden who saw to his care, he recovered in time, but was left with a scar on his face. They fell in love, and after being declared fit to return to duty, they married. Short was their time together as husband and wife, for after only seven days, he was assigned to the Eastern Watch in the northern reaches of the Weather Hills.He has been there for nearly half a year, and longed to get back to Fornost to see his wife. That opportunity came when orders were given that most of the 2nd Company would be heading to Fornost.


Name: Dukhalas
Age: 29
Gender: Male
Race: Rhuadurian Hillman with a trace of Dunedain blood
Height/Weight: 6’2” 194 Lb/88 Kg
Marital Status: Single
Occupation: Merchant Trader/ Hunter/Spy/Mercenary. Currently being paid to be a Scout for Angmar.
Appearance: Lean and muscular with a close cropped beard Hair is sandy brown that he keeps well cropped.
Eyes are light grey/green and his skin is lightly tanned.

Skills: A skilled hunter and a sly trader. Until recently, he had managed to move freely through Arthedain, working his trade as a traveling merchant of goods.
He has some skill with a knife and short sword, but excels in archery. His ability to move quick and with stealth has had its advantages.

Personality & Bio: Born to a Rhuadurian bar wench in a room at the Forsaken Inn. His mother left and went back to her home in the Ettenmoors shortly after. As he got older, he would work with a tanner who taught him his trade. He would at times travel with him when he went to Bree for the markets. Dukhalas was always watching and learning, and his ability to slip around unnoticed allowed him to learn and know much. He was clever, yet he was always felt a distrust by the people of Bree. He would go there less and less. As he grew to adulthood, he took over the tanning business, and started traveling to Fornost to trade goods. His leathers were considered good quality there at the markets. One could have wondered how it was he was able to move freely without trouble from the soldiers of Angmar. As it turned out, he traded with both sides.


I created this character for an RP I reluctantly joined a few years back called
From The Fog Of Osgiliath. It was somewhat shortlived and the creator of the story dropped off and didn't post much after the first bit. I will freely admit that I cannibalized parts of this character in my creation of Berian and used parts of the opening post as well. A bit of lazyness on my part, but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Name: Khaloch
Gender: Male
Race: Man
Age: 33
Appearance: Of mixed heritage, he had a somewhat tall, lean frame that hid his strength. Tries to keep his hair cropped close, but of late it had grown into a short, thick black blanket of bristles. His skin was fair, but darker than most in Gondor, and would become brown if he was in the sun for any length of time. He wore a uniform that was anything but. A Haradian head-scarf, A Gondorian Army tunic, and light black cotton breeches he acquired in Khand.

History: Khaloch was born to a poor serving girl that worked at a tavern in Pelargir. Never knowing who his father was, he grew up pretty much on his own after his mother was killed. Made a life in trading mostly in stolen goods until he was arrested at age 18. Life on the street had made him tough, and so when a commander of a Gondorian legion that was heading south asked for recruits, A deal was struck with the City Guard that the able-bodied men and boys who were jailed would serve in the army for ten years. Khaloch at the time saw it as a short-term opportunity to get out of his cell and pending judgement. Little did he know that he would spend the next ten years of his life on the far reaches of the realm in Harad, Khand, and Rhun. When he was given his discharge in a place called Hareere in Harad, he didn't know what to do. It was not long before he had contracted with the commander to serve as a paid mercenary for another 4 years. When he finished his contract, he headed north. A caravan took him to Umbar, and he caught a boat that took him to Pelargir. The city had changed in the fourteen years he had been gone, and so he took a job on a trading boat that was headed upriver to Osgiliath.

(In the role-play story In Search of the Past)

Name: Malvagil

Age: 44

Race: North Dunedain

Appearance: Dark hair, slightly curled, roughly hewn about the shoulders. slight facial hair, thickening at the chin that is also roughly hewn. A few small scars could be seen on his forehead and cheek, with a larger, prominent scar cutting inward and down across the right side of his forehead, cleaving his eyebrow, and re-appearing down on his lower eyelid and out across his right cheekbone. This war wound caused the right of his sea-grey eyes to squint a bit compared to his left. He is tall, but average by the standards of the northern Dunedain. He walked with an ever-so-slight limp from his right leg. His usual attire was his sturdy, yet supple and well-worn dark rust-brown leathers consisting of boots, breeches, a sleeveless vest and a full-sleeved coat cut and fitted allowing for free arm movement. Over it all he would wear a well-worn dark grey-green hooded cloak that had some few small tatters, unadorned except with a silver rayed brooch on the left shoulder.

Bio: Born and raised in a remote homestead north of Bree, he was primarily raised by his mother as his father Malassuil was away much of the time for he was a Ranger. Malvagil was the eldest of two children, having a younger sister born a few years after he. Keen to learn, he would listen and absorb from others all he could. As he grew, he was sent to study lore under the elves in Rivendell. There he became skilled with knife and bow, and somewhat less so with a sword. He tended to his training and would become, as most young men of the Dunedain did, a Ranger.

Being accepted to ride in the year 3010, it was a darkening time in the lands. At first his main assignments were to watch the road east and south of Bree, and he learned more-so the ways of the wild. He learned combat and had his first kills when riding in the north as the orc and warg raids from the Ettenmoors became more numerous. His biggest test came at Sarn Ford where he tried to stand before the Nazgul with his comrades. His horse broke and fled, but he regained control of her to return to the ford where some few of the hardier veterans still opposed them. But darkness began to close and they were too weak to prevent the Nazgul from entering the Shire. They then withdrew and made for Bree where they hoped to hold counsel with their chieftain.

They watched and intimidated and confused when they could the Nazgul in hopes of keeping them away from their chieftain and his quest to Rivendell and beyond. It wasn't until later that year when Halbarad called them in haste to ride with him south to aid their chieftain. Malvagil was one of thirty that answered the call right away and left with little word. To war they went, and Malvagil fought well in taking the ships. In the fields of Pelennor the fighting was hard. He was wounded by a blade across the face, a spear in the thigh, and remembered little after he was struck in the head. Not far away, Halbarad lay mortally wounded. He was found after the battle, and was tended to and was deemed well enough to ride forth to the Black Gate of Mordor. There in the battle he was again wounded in the side, but lived and was healed.

After the war and their chieftain married and was made king of Arnor and Gondor, he applied for and was formally discharged of his duty, and he returned to the north. There he lingered in the inns without aim, taking odd jobs now and then, but mostly lamenting his decision to return home. He had had enough of war and killing, but a warrior was what he was. There was word that there was still work to do subduing lands to the east and south of Gondor, and he debated with himself to return there and offer his services.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
(In the RP Inn by the Side of the Road. I mapped him from Malvagil's bio so will be updating this soon)


Age: 24

Race: Dunedain ~ Rhuadurian Lineage

Appearance: Dark hair that has a slightl curl, roughly hewn about the shoulders. Slight facial hair, thickening at the chin, which is also roughly hewn. Grey eyes with one slightly closed more than the other, giving him a bit of a squint. He is tall, but average by the standards of the northern Dunedain. He walked with an ever-so-slight limp from his right leg. His usual attire was his sturdy, yet supple and well-worn dark rust-brown leathers consisting of boots, breeches, a sleeveless vest and a full-sleeved coat cut and fitted allowing for free arm movement. Over it all he would wear a well-worn dark grey-green hooded cloak that had some few small tatters, unadorned except with a silver rayed brooch on the left shoulder.

Bio: Born and raised in a remote homestead near a village in Rhuadur, he was primarily raised by his mother as his father Dunassuil was away much of the time ase was a Ranger. Durian was the eldest of two children, having a younger sister named Carina born a few years after he. Keen to learn, he would listen and absorb from others all he could. He would study lore, both written and spoken, and it was how he learned to read Sindarin Tengwar. He tought himself to write it as well, though his methods were crude compared to the elven script. He became skilled with knife and bow, and somewhat less so with a sword. He tended to his training and would become, as most young men of the Dunedain did, a Ranger.

Being accepted to ride in the year 3017, it was a darkening time in the lands. At first his main assignments were to watch the road east and south of Bree, and he learned more-so the ways of the wild. He learned combat and had his first kills when riding in the north as the orc and warg raids from the Ettenmoors became more numerous. His biggest test came at Sarn Ford where he tried to stand before the Nazgul with his comrades, including his friend and mentor Malvagil. Their horses broke and fled, but both eventually regained control of them to return to the ford where some few of the hardier veterans still opposed them. But darkness began to close and they were too weak to prevent the Nazgul from entering the Shire. They then withdrew and made for Bree where they hoped to hold counsel with their chieftain.

They watched and intimidated and confused when they could the Nazgul in hopes of keeping them away from their chieftain and his quest to Rivendell and beyond. It wasn't until later that year when Halbarad called them in haste to ride with him south to aid their chieftain. Durian was one of thirty that answered the call and left despite his wife Saranna wishing him not to go. In the end, she wished him well and sent her love with him. It was the last time he saw her alive. To war they went, and Durian fought well in taking the ships. In the fields of Pelennor the fighting was hard. He was wounded by a blade across his back and a club to the head, and remembered little after he was struck in the head. Not far away, Halbarad lay mortally wounded. He was found after the battle, and was tended to and was deemed well enough to ride forth to the Black Gate of Mordor. There in the battle he was again wounded in the side, but lived and was healed.

After the war after their chieftain married and was made king of Arnor and Gondor, he applied for and was formally discharged of his duty to the realm. He had word that his wife did not survive a Hillman attack, so he returned to the north. There he lingered in the inns without aim, taking odd jobs now and then, but mostly lamenting his decision to return to the north where painful memory only remained. He had had enough of war and killing, but a warrior was what he was. There , he rode the highlands of Rhuadur and the Ettenmoors alone, seeking and killing any he found who had served the dark lord and may have been responsible of slaying his wife and unborn child

Annalist, Physician, & Historian
of The Black Company of the Dúnedain,
The Free Company of Arnor
~ ~ ~

Durian: Dúnedain Ranger of the North: Rhudaurian Lineage
- - - -
Roleplay Repository

Last edited by Hanasian on January 21st, 2018, 10:39 pm, edited 6 times in total.

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 Post subject: Re: ~ Hanasian's RP Story Characters ~
PostPosted: February 19th, 2017, 12:36 am 
Dunedain Ranger of Arnor
Dunedain Ranger of Arnor
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Characters from Past RP Stories

Annalist, Physician, & Historian
of The Black Company of the Dúnedain,
The Free Company of Arnor
~ ~ ~

Durian: Dúnedain Ranger of the North: Rhudaurian Lineage
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 Post subject: Re: ~ Hanasian's RP Story Characters ~
PostPosted: February 19th, 2017, 12:37 am 
Dunedain Ranger of Arnor
Dunedain Ranger of Arnor
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Characters I had adopted from other writers

Annalist, Physician, & Historian
of The Black Company of the Dúnedain,
The Free Company of Arnor
~ ~ ~

Durian: Dúnedain Ranger of the North: Rhudaurian Lineage
- - - -
Roleplay Repository

Last edited by Hanasian on October 12th, 2023, 1:27 am, edited 3 times in total.

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 Post subject: Re: ~ Hanasian's RP Story Characters ~
PostPosted: February 19th, 2017, 12:39 am 
Dunedain Ranger of Arnor
Dunedain Ranger of Arnor
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I will be adding characters to the first three posts as I have time, and may use this one as well.

Feel free to comment here on any of this. :)

Annalist, Physician, & Historian
of The Black Company of the Dúnedain,
The Free Company of Arnor
~ ~ ~

Durian: Dúnedain Ranger of the North: Rhudaurian Lineage
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 Post subject: Re: ~ Hanasian's RP Story Characters ~
PostPosted: February 19th, 2017, 1:55 pm 
Warden of the Knight
Warden of the Knight
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Very nice set up! You have quite the collection. I love the links to the images. I always have a terrible time finding actual images that match my ideas and thus generally leave that out, but it's so much nicer to have them.



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 Post subject: Re: ~ Hanasian's RP Story Characters ~
PostPosted: February 20th, 2017, 10:03 am 
Dunedain Ranger of Arnor
Dunedain Ranger of Arnor
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I usually add a visual if I see something that is close to how I see my character. Sometimes I change the visual ... Usually it comes sometime after It is something I picked up from LOTR Plaza. They tend to RP with the full package. I find it a bit confusing there though. Anyway, I will likely ad the visuals to the other characters. I'm working on posting Hanasian and his family, but I have about six versions of the story and I'm trying to find the latest incarnation of it.

Annalist, Physician, & Historian
of The Black Company of the Dúnedain,
The Free Company of Arnor
~ ~ ~

Durian: Dúnedain Ranger of the North: Rhudaurian Lineage
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 Post subject: Re: ~ Hanasian's RP Story Characters ~
PostPosted: February 21st, 2017, 8:15 pm 
Warden of the Knight
Warden of the Knight
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Cool cool. :D

Yeah, the star wars forum I am on they RP like that. Pictures, skills, skill points, have a GM decide outcomes of major events or actions by characters. It is confusing. I prefer to just do it more causal like we do here but it's still fun the other way and I have a few good RPs going there.



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 Post subject: Re: ~ Hanasian's RP Story Characters ~
PostPosted: February 21st, 2017, 11:35 pm 
Dunedain Ranger of Arnor
Dunedain Ranger of Arnor
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Yes, there is a time and a place for the full on GM's RP, the somewhat less casual Collaborative Role Play Story Writing, kind of like Kin Strife, and the fast and furious few lines a player, like Over Hill. Of course, I have been a part of some quick few line paragraph per post RPs when they start out, and as the writers get more serious, they develop into a deeper story. I think that is what is happening with Over Hill. I like the last two styles best. The last time I was a part of a full on GM RP was our D&D group. It went on for about a year when it suddenly stopped. Everyone quit meeting for game night, and it got forgotten. I apparently ended up with the gamebooks, maps, scrolls, miniatures, and all as I found them in the attic of my folks .. now my brother's house. The parth set camp in an old pine forest, and there they remain.... :lol:

Annalist, Physician, & Historian
of The Black Company of the Dúnedain,
The Free Company of Arnor
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Durian: Dúnedain Ranger of the North: Rhudaurian Lineage
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 Post subject: Re: ~ Hanasian's RP Story Characters ~
PostPosted: February 21st, 2017, 11:44 pm 
Warden of the Knight
Warden of the Knight
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I would have to agree. The more casual ones are usually more fun. I like to write long posts a lot of times but I find myself hesitating to add a lot that doesn't "Drive" the main plot. Still scared from my writing classes back in my youth where they drilled into me "If it doesn't further the plot CUT IT!" lol

Lol, well, that's too bad that it just died out like that. I've never known RPers in person, only internet. I always thought an in person RP would be a lot of fun.



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 Post subject: Re: ~ Hanasian's RP Story Characters ~
PostPosted: February 23rd, 2017, 8:24 am 
Dunedain Ranger of Arnor
Dunedain Ranger of Arnor
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The face-to-face RP is ok, but the dynamic is way different than with online RP. With writing, you have to get into the dialogue at times, wheras when ftf it happens naturally as you talk in-chracter across the table. The gaming scene at the beginning of th eTV show 'Stranger Things' gets it about right :lol:

Annalist, Physician, & Historian
of The Black Company of the Dúnedain,
The Free Company of Arnor
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Durian: Dúnedain Ranger of the North: Rhudaurian Lineage
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 Post subject: Re: ~ Hanasian's RP Story Characters ~
PostPosted: March 13th, 2017, 7:51 pm 
Warden of the Knight
Warden of the Knight
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Yeah, my brother used to do a little bit (when I could force him to. :P ) But it was never much and not the same as having a group. I always enjoyed it, though. I enjoy both aspects of it.



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 Post subject: Re: ~ Hanasian's RP Story Characters ~
PostPosted: September 29th, 2017, 7:45 pm 
Dunedain Ranger of Arnor
Dunedain Ranger of Arnor
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I created Durian here on the fly out of scraps of three different dormant ideas and bits of a few characters that partook in short-lived RP tales. It appears he has a few different timeline segments in RP already.

In my digging through my notes, I found a 4th age RP where my character was an expert forger.... yeah, weird.

Will update this thread shortly with more characters from my co-writing project with my wife which I'll post in the Hall Of Fire


Edit: I went through several stories and RP archives I have and made a list of the names I or others I was writing with came up with of some of the thirty Dunedain Rangers that accompanied Halbarad south to meet Aragorn. I'll list them here in this post and update regularly.If anyone knows of any names used and can link the story to me, I'll add the names. If I get more than thirty, I'll go over the stories and keep the most prominently used ones on the list and move the others to an 'honorable mention' list.

  • Kevedil
  • Hanasian
  • Bereck
  • Kaldir
  • Kaldil
  • Halladan
  • Darhias
  • Hilferin
  • Mecarnil
  • Berendil
  • Durian
  • Galadh
  • Denlad
  • Eledh
  • Gilavir

Maybe this is worthy of its own thread? We'll see.

List of stories where names are used:

Annalist, Physician, & Historian
of The Black Company of the Dúnedain,
The Free Company of Arnor
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Durian: Dúnedain Ranger of the North: Rhudaurian Lineage
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 Post subject: Re: ~ Hanasian's RP Story Characters ~
PostPosted: April 10th, 2024, 3:22 am 
Dunedain Ranger of Arnor
Dunedain Ranger of Arnor
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a bump to be able to find this.

Last bumped by Hanasian on April 10th, 2024, 3:22 am.

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