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 Post subject: Will's Characters [Updated: Beör's Bio!]
PostPosted: July 30th, 2006, 7:20 am 
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Joined: 03 June 2006
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So.. I've RPed for a long time now.. but I never came to posting some bio's. Most of them are not that interesting anyway :P

<center>Pirates of the Caribbean RPGs:</center>

<center>Samantha Selby </center>

Nickname: always goes by the name Sam

Gender: Female

Date of Birth: 4th of July

Age: 26

Siblings: None

Photo 1
Photo 2
Photo 3
Photo 4

Hair: Bright red

Eyes: Dark brown

Clothing: White long sleeve shirt, brown short sleeved tunic, black slim pants, black boots.

Personality: Sam has a fiery temper. Her anger might come as quick as it goes. Her actions are often impulsive, sometimes reckless, and she speaks before thinking. Sam is a loyal friend but can be very stubborn at times.

Weapons: Long sword, 2 small daggers, pistol

History: Sam's mother worked as a maid in a household of one of the rich families in Port Royal. Sam never knew her father as he left her mother as soon as he found out she was pregnant. Sam's mom did not make enough money to send Sam to school so instead she assisted her mother in her daily chores. When Sam was 14 years old her mother caught a rare fever and died some months later. Sam was distraught with grief and had a hard time handling her emotions. She was allowed to take her mother's job in the household but soon she was fired as for being an impertinent and untreatable child.
Sam now lived on the streets or took her refuge in the nearby woods which every inhabitant of Port Royal thought to be cursed. After more than 4 years of living here and there, eating everything she could lay her hands on, the sea started to call for Sam. Dressing up like a man she was able to get a job on ship which headed for Tortuga. There she met Varianna Pierce, a woman of her age, who was looking for a crew for her ship. It seemed that their histories were supringly alike and Vari took Sam in. On the Phoenix she also met Edward Blackhaven, another crewmember for whom she seemed to develop a weak spot by falling in love with him.
Sam loved the times on the Phoenix, though it was not piracy which attracted her. It was freedom. One day the Phoenix was encountered by the Endeavour, the flagship of the East India Company, captained by Lord Cutler Beckett. In an attempt to escape Vari, Ed and Sam jumped overboard into the ocean. As they got seperated in the waves Sam lost track of time but eventually was picked up by another pirate ship The Hellhound. They appeared to pirates of another kind who enjoyed killing and creating harm. The captain refused to let Sam go and forced to have her stay at the ship. After almost 3 years of fear and shame Sam managed to escape by breaking out of her locked cabin when the crew of the Hellhound was raiding a town nearby Port Royal.
Sam continued her piratelife, meeting Emma Clarence who became a close friend, but remained never longer in a crew than a year. She often thought of her life on the Phoenix but never tried to find Edward or Vari.

<center>Isabel Pyne - Curzon</center>

Nickname: none

Gender: Female

Date of Birth: 28th of July

Age: 24

Siblings: A brother, Richard

Photo 1
Photo 2
Photo 3

Hair: Long with slight curls, blond

Eyes: Blue


Personality: Isabel is a highly educated woman and does not acts rashly. She does however have an opinion of her own and she is capable of anything to make sure that things go her way. At times she may be headstrong and but usually she is very rational.

Weapons: A small and deadly dagger

History: Isabel was born in a wealthy English family in London. Her father had worked his way up the ranks as official in the East India Company and her five year older brother is on his way to become a succesful businessman. Everything in the Pyne family was sacrificed for fortune and success. Isabel went to the best private schools in town and as she grew up she developed ambitious ideals of her own for her future. Both those were all crossed when at the age of twenty Isabel was forced by her father to marry his associate, the sixty year old Robert Curzon, in the East Indian Company. This union would grant her father a top position in the organzation. The marriage was arranged in spite of Isabel's refusal and struggles and she became Mrs. Curzon. Isabel, disgusted by her old and sadistic husband, was trapped in her own marriage and was detached from her environment when Robert Curzon was to move to Port Royal for his work. However, only moments for the ship laid anchor at Port Royal Isabel attempt to kill her husband with a dagger she hid in her corset. She fails to kill Richard Curzon and flees.
Upon encountering pirates during her flight she tries to join the crew and to hide her true identity.


Nickname: none

Gender: Female

Date of Birth: 12th of December

Age: 24

Siblings: Unknown

Photo 1
Photo 2

Hair: Waist length raven black hair

Eyes: Hazel brown

Clothing: A dress of which the bodice is made of white lace and a black skirt. Black fishnet stocking and black heels.

Personality: A self-assured flirt, who's able to seduce any man. She is used to take care for herself and therefore she only acts out of personal gain.

Weapons: None

Salma is an orphan who worked as a servant girl in the house of a wealthy family in Port Royal. She had to work hard to make herself a living but never stopped dreaming of a life full of adventure and love. At the age of thirteen Salma met a charming man at the market who told stories of far places and adventure. He offered Salma to accompany him on his journeys which she, being tired of doing nothing but work, eagerly accepted. The man took Salma to Tortuga where she was forced by him to work in a brothel and to earn money for him.
Although with difficulty Salma slowly got used to the life of a prostitute. However at the age of 24 she runs off after being beaten by one of her customers. She hides on the first ship she finds, which turns out to be the Black Pearl.

<center>Kaj Gray</center>

Pronounced as: Kaai

Gender: Male

Date of birth: 13th of January

Age: 39

Siblings: Garrett [deceased], James (or Jim) [deceased]

Photo 1
Photo 2

Eyes: Bright blue

Hair: Dark blond

Clothing: Black shirt, black pants and high leather boots.

Weapons: Two pistols, a longsword and two daggers

Personality: To be revealed..

History: Kaj was born youngest in a family of three boys in the outskirts of London. Although their lives were not without difficulties, since they had little money to spent and their father had an alcohol problem, they had a fairly happy youth. The five-year older, and eldest, brother Garret was very fond of Kaj and at all times were they out on the streets together, causing mischief, stealing and pulling pranks, often joined by the third brother James. Fortune changed for the family when Kaj was fourteen his mother died of pneumonia and only a few months later their father was killed in a barfight as he picked up his drinking habbits after the death of his wife.
Kaj and his brothers decided to stick together and being bornin a sailor's family and with Garrett already working in the harbour the three lads quickly found a job on a merchant ship which sailed the seven seas. For five years the three brothers worked hard and Kaj learnt to love the sea, as the ship was practically his home. But the hard work did not pay off: fortune did not change and it was then that Garrett convinced his brothers to take matters in their own hands and to shape fortune. In the middle of the night they killed those awake followed by the remaining part of the sleeping crew. After taking over the ship and disposing the boddies, the three brothers set sail to Tortuga where they recruited a crew. They became a notorious pirate band, feared in the entire Caribbean as they robbed innocent travellers, raped virgins, killed infants in their craddle and laid complete villages to ashes. Garrett named their ship The Devil's Hoard.
Kaj was a merciless killer, known for his cruelty, cunningness and his thirst for treasure. As brother of the violent Garrett Gray, he was almost feared as much as the Captain himself. For six years they roamed the seas, slaughtering and plundering as they went.
But only weeks after Kaj had turned twenty-five, fate intervened. The Captain and his crew had just returned to Tortuga to spent their newly acquired treasure when Garrett, who'd already had too much rum, put up a fight with his brother James and accused him of taking more than his share from the treasure. The fight ended with a stab in the back; Garrett killed James in front of Kaj's eyes. This event caused something to snap within Kaj and from that moment on his conscious stirred. He slowly started to condemn their actions and he realised that he would never be able to wash the blood off his hands. A few weeks after James' death Garrett and his pirates raided the town of Nassau, where Garrett abducted a young girl [Ashlea] and imprisoned her on the ship. After weeks of increasing repentance, Kaj decided that he had to act and opposed to Garrett's plan. Garrett, who'd over time grown not only ruthless but also paranoid, took this as an act of disobedience and had Kaj thrashed by his men and thrown, half-dead, into the ocean.
How he survived, Kaj could not recall, only that he woke up days later in the house of a kind physician in Port Royal. It took him weeks to recover from his injuries, but it provided him time to think his future over. He took up the profession as carpenter and lived a quiet live, while struggling with his feelings of remorse. He eventually fell in love with a pretty girl, Evelynn, who was maid in one of the lage countryhouses in Port Royal. Over the next ten years, Kaj married Evelynn and they got two sweet daughters, Liz and Nathalie, as they lived in a small cottage in the outskirts of Port Royal. Kaj became a loving and devoted husband and a caring father yet he always concealed his past from them. His family meant everything to him, and he loved them more dearly than his own life. Everything seemed perfect, but Kaj could not avert his fate.
Exactly ten years after Kaj was found by local fishermen, a few miles from Port Royal, he was visited by Garrett, who'd found out that his brother was still alive. He pressed Kaj to take up piracy again. Kaj refused
and told Garrett that he'd changed and tried to become a better man.
A week after Garrett's visit he found, after he came home from work, that his house was plundered and his family brutally murdered. Even before Kaj could burry his family, Garrett's men came to collect him, and Kaj, distraught with grief, hardly struggled. Garrett forced his brother to participate in their raids again and the recruitment of an even larger crew, for the East Indian Company started to hunt them down. Kaj did not know how much time passed by, he hardly seemed to live: he was broken. When it had almost come to an confrontation between the Devil's Hoard and the EIC, Kaj took his chance: at the moment that both ships were to attack eachother, he shot Garret in the head and jumped over board. He hoped to die a lonely death but he was picked up after days by another pirate ship and eventually joined their crew, yet he was never free of grief or guilt.

*Note: Kaj's bio is inspired by the storyline of a History of Violence.


Last name: unknown

Gender: Male

Date of birth: presumably the 29th of February

Age: 25

Siblings: David, deceased

Photo 1

Eyes: Green

Hair: Chestnut colored, kinda long and curly

Clothing: Brown trousers and a single white shirt which is torn. No shoes.

Weapons: None

Personality: to be revealed..

History: Bane grew up as the second son of a wealthy, authorative, businessman in Port Royal. His father was cold-hearted from nature and only seemed to melt when Bane's 5 years older brother, David, was around.
Because his father wished to have no dealings with him as he was not good enough like David, Bane was mostly raised by his mother which made him a sweet and kind boy. When David went into the army, this brought all the happiness to Bane's father as possible could, for the man was sure that his eldest son would live up to his expectations and bring glory to their family name.
When Bane was at the age of 17 the family received the horrifying news that David had been killed during a pirate raid at sea. Bane's father was distraught and developed a drinking habit. He turned more to Bane though, whom he thought to be a 'mothersboy' to teach him more discipline and turn him into a man. But when Bane did not live up to his expectations his father used to beat him up. Bane turned more to himself but bore everything, trying to please his father. But when the latter discovered that his son had feeling for one of the maids in the household, he fired the girl and took out his anger on his son.
At that moment something snapped inside Bane. He started talking and humming to himself and was seemingly unapproachable for anyone eventhough by his looks he seemed happy. Somehow Bane changed from the innocent boy he was in another person. If his father turned him out of the house for thinking Bane to be crazy or whether he run off himself is not certain. But finding his freedom was probably the best that ever happened to him..

<center>Nathaniel Wadford</center>

Nickname: Nathan

Gender: Male

Date of Birth: January 10th

Age: 27

Siblings: Michel Wadford, Daniel Wadford (both younger brothers), Esther Wadford (younger sister) –all deceased-

Photo 1
Photo 2

Hair: Black, short

Eyes: Piercing, dark brown

Clothing: A white long sleeved shirt, black leather jacket, black trousers and high boots.

Personality: Quiet or so it seems. He is used to being lonely and therefor does not speak much. It seems impossible to tell what goes on inside him as Nathan has learnt to keep his emotions from others. He does not trust people easily.

Weapons: Three small daggers and a pistol

History: Nathaniel Wadford grew up in the outskirts of London. He had a considerably happy childhood although his parents had great difficulties with finding jobs and there usually wasn’t much money to go around. Even before his 18th birthday Nathan decided to sign up for the army to support his parents with earning money. Nathan turned out to be a good soldier, but even a more excellent in tracking. Year after year he sent his wage home to his parents, brothers and sister yet he barely had the chance to see them. When Nathan was 18 he was invited by Lord Cutler Beckett of the East India Trading Company join a special unit. Jamaica and it’s most important city, Port Royal was most beneficial, claimed Beckett, for the sugar cane industry flourished and England profited from that. But Beckett had a little problem, there had been several slave uprisings and escapes and Beckett wanted Nathaniel to lead an unit which was so search and bring back missing slaves.
Nathan refused this offer of Beckett, although he was offered a great deal of money but Beckett insisted that it would be wiser for him and his family to accept. Because of this threat Nathan was sent to Jamaica, to the lands behind Port Royal. He did his job which often included killing but only with the prospect that he could provide money for his family at home. Beckett was satisfied with him and thought Nathaniel to be a promising boy, though he thought that his family kept him from developing his skills. When at one day, Nathan was 21 at the time, his wage was sent back with the note that there was no Wadford family in London, that they’d been taken away, Nathan immediately packed his things to leave for England. Beckett, expecting Nathaniel to make this move had asked his superiors to watch him and they caught Nathan while he wanted to escape. When Nathan refused to cooperate, there was a struggle and Nathan killed one of Beckett's men. Eventually Nathan was sent himself to the sugar cane plantations as a slave as penalty for his crime. Bitter and subdued Nathan lived and worked at the plantation, waiting for an oppurtunity to escape. This oppurtunity came six years later, during slave uprising –Tackey’s Revolt-. Nathan managed to escape in the bad state he was. He became a pirate from then on. He wondered in the area of Port Royal eventually getting acquainted with several other pirates but never giving up his search for Beckett and revenge.

<center>Fantasy RPGs</center>


Last name: unknown

Race: Human

Gender: Male

Date of Birth: 20th of December

Age: 26

Siblings: 3 younger sisters, 1 younger brother, name unknown, deceased

Photo 1
Photo 2

Eyes: Empty grey

Hair: Long brownish

Clothing: Usually wearing travelling's clothes: a long dark coat with collar, white shirt and black waistcoat. Dark trousers and high boots.

Personality: Tristan is a quiet man who barely speaks only when being talked to. Although he's used to the blind man bullying-games, he is still frustrated by his inability and his own past. He is unable to trust others since he doesn't even trust himself.

Weapons: His cane, 2 small daggers

Tristan, grew up in Cercum and since he was a child he was taught never to cross the border of the kingdom Aden for he was taught that those people were evil. He had a pretty good childhood living on his parent's farm, being the eldest of 5 (he'd also 3 sisters and a little brother), without any worries. But times grew darker and the Lords of Cercum tightened their grip on the people of Cercum. There was hunger and the huge taxes were almost unaffordable for the poor.
Then in the year Tristan would turn 18 there was an anouncement that all eldest sons had to join the army. Cercum had declared war to the kingdom of Aden. Tristan left home with the promise to return safely. He fought for 7 years in a bloody war in which they had to capture all the Half-Bloods, an extrodinairy kind of Purebreds who had some special wolfen DNA in them from birth that makes their blood silver. The Purebreds had to be hunted because the blood of the Purebreds is valuable to the Lords for mixed with a vile poison the Lords of the land Cercum can create Uruks, dark demons who already roam through Cercum, tyrannizing it's people.
In the last battle (only a month before the end of the war) Tristan was severely injured in the battle and became blind. He crawled from the battlefield to save himself but he never regained his sight. He deserted and went home. He found his home in ruins and his family was nowhere to be found.
Since then he wondered through the kingdoms only remembering the evil deeds he has done.

<center>Lord of the Rings RPGs</center>


Race: Human, Dúnadan

Gender: Male

Date of birth: 19th of June 2965

Age: 54

Parents: Beárnor of the Dunedain and Fréa of the Rohorrim.

Siblings: N/A


Eyes: Piercing blue

Hair: Blond, shoulder length

Clothing: A white shirt, a pair of dark trousers, leather brown boots.

Weapons: At the moment: none

Personality: Beör has grown in a very distrusting and hardened man over the years. The solitude has strengthened his sarcasm and his bitter hate against his enemies. This facade of unfriendlyness and suspicion, which he keeps up out of self-preservation, is hard to break, yet beneath his mask of harshness there are other emtions like fear and despair, which he would never acknowledge.

Beör's father was a Dunedán Ranger, who on his travels through Rohan had met a pretty girl. Whether it was the Ranger's restless blood or the fact that Fréa had told him that she was pregnant, no one would ever know, but the same night Beárnor disappeared, never to return again. Fréa didn't not survive giving labour to her son, whom she with her last breath named Beör. Beör grew up in a quiet village in Rohan after his aunt and uncle had taken him in when there was no one left to take care of him, but Beör never felt at home. He and his cousins learnt the way of the Rohirric, the taming of horses and weaponry but that was not enough for Beör. His natural curiosity made him wonder over the world beyond the Rohirric planes and, like his uncle and aunt used to say, the 'folk in the north where his father belonged to'.
After Beör had become of age he left Rohan, to find his father and explore the lands beyond. With his name as only lead, Beör found after many years his father, yet the moment of meeting, for which Beör had longed for many years, turned out to be a tragedy: Beárnor denied that he had a son from a woman in Rohan, accusing Beör to be a liar.
Embittered, Beör went into the wild and traveled to many places. On one of his wanderings he met the Ranger Aragorn, whom he befriended and traveled with for some time, and learnt him many things about the Dunedán.
Shortly after Beör turned thirty, Aragorn asked him to accompany him to hunt down the creature Gollum. Aragorn told Beör the fears which he shared with Gandalf the Grey, that the One Ring might be found. Together they searched for Gollum for many years, never ceasing. When the news reached them that Gilraen, the mother of Aragorn had passed away, Beör resumed his search with three other Rangers. They followed Gollum's trail to the borders of Mordor where they were unexpectatedly where ambushed by Orcs. Beör was wounded during the fight and when it became clear that the Dunedán were outnumbered, the Rangers fled, leaving Beör injured behind. He was taken by the Orcs to Barad-Dûr where he remained prisoner for fourteen years.


Name: Aldamir, often goes by the name Dûrion (Dark One)

Race: Human, Dúnadan

Gender: Male

Date of Birth: 3rd of March

Age: 62

Sibling: N/A

Picture 1

Hair: Long blond, shaggy hair

Eyes: Grey

Clothing: Usually worn dark clothing, grey cloak.

Weapons: Long sword, small dagger and a bow

Personality: Quiet among strangers, sarcastic at times, bold and brave. He may come across as an grumpy ranger but he's used to living in the wild and doesn't feel very comfortable among people and public places.

Dûrion was the youngest member of the Grey Company. Back then, when he was still called Aldamir, he rode with the Dunedain to the aid of Aragorn. They rode to Dunharrow and entered the Paths of the Death. It was at the Battle of the Morannon which was fought at the Black Gate that Aldamir was severly wounded of which his scars are still a permenent reminder.
After the War of the Ring Aragorn offered Aldamir a comfortable house in Minas Tirith but Aldamir refused and disappeared for a long time in the wild. People called him Dûrion for his dark clothing and they feared the strange man with the scars. Dûrion played an important role in reestablishing Arnor and is still an important advisor of King Elessar.

<center>Lalaith </center>

Race: Human, One of the Northmen of Rhovanion

Gender: Female

Date of Birth: 21th of June

Age: 22

Siblings: 2 little brothers and a sister

Appearance: ... age005.jpg ... age003.jpg

Eyes: Hazel

Hair: Blond and kind of curly

Clothing: Simple dark blue dress, black cloak

Personality: Lalaith has always been a kind-hearted girl but with an opinion of her own. She says what she thinks and needs people around her. Solitude makes her lonely and insecure.

Weapons: The sword from her father, yet she has no idea how to use it.

Lalaith lived with her family in one of the setlements of the People of Rhovanion on the East borders of the Mirkwood. It were still quiet and peaceful times where the Northmen of Rhovanion were allies with the Gondorians and feared no evil. Lalaith had a careless youth loving the large planes and riding horses. The village was isolated and did not here about the bad tidings and the growing threat in Mordor. But then the Great Plague, created by Sauron, also reached the borders of the Mirkwood and many Northmen died since they had no skills with herbs and medicine. Lalaith cared for her family as the disease also hit their village but with no avail. Her little brother was first infected and thus it spread through her family. Yet for some reason Lalaith was spared. After her family passed away she ran away from the dying village into the dark and dangerous Mirkwood to find help. Yet in the Mirkwood upon encountering some Elves, they were attacked by Goblins. Lalaith was wounded and brought to the Halls of Thranduil. Here she slowly recovered but lost all hope to find help for her kin.


O children, lift up your voice, lift up your voice,
Children, rejoice, rejoice..


It doesn't matter you don't believe in God, He believes in you.

Last edited by Will on June 21st, 2010, 5:35 pm, edited 8 times in total.

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PostPosted: April 8th, 2009, 11:12 am 
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I will add more characters of other categories soon :yes:


O children, lift up your voice, lift up your voice,
Children, rejoice, rejoice..


It doesn't matter you don't believe in God, He believes in you.

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PostPosted: April 8th, 2009, 3:40 pm 
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Huzzah! Finally there's a solid bio for Sam... I'm loving the fact that you put so much history into their biographies, because it makes all of the characters seem so much more real. :yes: I can't wait to see you play Nathan. He seems like a really sweet guy that's been terribly betrayed.

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PostPosted: April 8th, 2009, 4:12 pm 
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I LOVE Sam! I've never understood what people have against redheads, they have such awesome hair!

Illuminate the way to my heart,
It's twisting on a thread


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PostPosted: April 8th, 2009, 5:10 pm 
Tolkien Scholar
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Yay! Now Will has a thread for her OCs too! :P And there’s new pics of Sam in there! :D do you mind me asking… who’s the actress (or whoever) you picked for her? :erm:

anyway, bravo, Will! :D

Chase a couple hearts, we could leave 'em in shreds
Meet me in the gutter, make the devil your friend
Just remember what I said, cause it isn't over yet

-sig by Loafers-

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PostPosted: April 8th, 2009, 6:19 pm 
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^The actress is Rose McGowan, for your info. ;-) I love the pictures Sweet and Talented has for her... perfect ones of her with red hair to play Sam.

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PostPosted: April 8th, 2009, 6:48 pm 
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Thanks guys :-D

Ara - Oh yess I love making up histories :yes: Sometimes I just making them up in class or in the train.. I think every charrie needs a good history :)

And yes I can't wait to play Nathan either! I waited so long for Crossing Blades but it never took off :( Perhaps I can introduce him in KAWEOTH? If we aren't going to be totally confused with so many charries already, that is.. :P

Lothy - Redheads rock! I love red hair. It's so beautiful :yes: I wish I had such full and curly hair..

PDie - She is an actress. She played in the serie Charmed (I've been addicted to that like 5 years ago) Her name is Rose MCGowan and in the serie she played Paige Mattews. In the show she used to change her hairstyle alot but I loved the red and curlish :happy:

Okay, I added another favourite character of mine.. and a new graphic I made of Sam. A kind of colourazation thingie :happy:


O children, lift up your voice, lift up your voice,
Children, rejoice, rejoice..


It doesn't matter you don't believe in God, He believes in you.

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PostPosted: April 16th, 2009, 4:43 pm 
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More charries added :-D


O children, lift up your voice, lift up your voice,
Children, rejoice, rejoice..


It doesn't matter you don't believe in God, He believes in you.

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PostPosted: February 14th, 2010, 8:18 pm 
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New PotC character are up: Isabel and Salma :-D


O children, lift up your voice, lift up your voice,
Children, rejoice, rejoice..


It doesn't matter you don't believe in God, He believes in you.

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PostPosted: February 14th, 2010, 8:20 pm 
Lady of Gondolin
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Salma has a set bio, and Isabel.. hope Isabella and Isabel don't get confused for one another.. xD

I love the new characters thought Will <3


The waves that C R A S H E D upon
The R O C K S that you were trying to step along
And in my head I heard them play a S O N G

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PostPosted: February 14th, 2010, 11:29 pm 
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Ooh, can I calls her Izzy? He he.. :teehee: Looks like another great addition - ah we're sooo addicted to making OC's that it isn't even funny. :P

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PostPosted: February 15th, 2010, 6:00 pm 
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Ooh.. Pan, I didn't even check whether there were more Isabel's or Isabella's already existing. :duh: I just thought that the name fitted her very well. Do you mind? :erm:

Ara- Izzy! Me likes that nickname! :-D I agree.. I'm completely dazzled by all new OC's and we even didn't have the time to develop the older ones yet. :P


O children, lift up your voice, lift up your voice,
Children, rejoice, rejoice..


It doesn't matter you don't believe in God, He believes in you.

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PostPosted: February 15th, 2010, 6:01 pm 
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Not to mention all of us just want to make new OC's and not really reply to any of the roleplays ... :whistle: But I'm still having fun anyway

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PostPosted: February 15th, 2010, 6:03 pm 
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It surely is addicting.. ;) I replied to IYHSTS and I'm waiting for PD in KAWEOTH.. so I'm all good. :innocent: You can have a go in BOAP though.. will you introduce Ashlea there? :)


O children, lift up your voice, lift up your voice,
Children, rejoice, rejoice..


It doesn't matter you don't believe in God, He believes in you.

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PostPosted: February 15th, 2010, 6:04 pm 
Lady of Gondolin
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No worries at all Will... I will most likely call Isabella, Bell or Bella anyways so it will be easy to tell them apart if your Isabel goes by Izzy!

Speaking of inventing OCs, I had another in mind, but I think I am going to hold off for now, I have five boys and five girls, five of those are not in any RP yet, well Shiloh is but no one has replied in KAWEOTH since his entrance so technically he is still an unused OC :lol:


The waves that C R A S H E D upon
The R O C K S that you were trying to step along
And in my head I heard them play a S O N G

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PostPosted: February 19th, 2010, 11:21 am 
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Country: Rohan (xr)

Kaj's bio is up! :-D


O children, lift up your voice, lift up your voice,
Children, rejoice, rejoice..


It doesn't matter you don't believe in God, He believes in you.

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